Very tired of shows and movies where the hero kills and maims underlings en masse but hesitates or just DOES NOT when they get to the boss of bosses who has been the architect of evil and cruelty. If you kill the henchmen, you better do the same to their boss.
My theory is that it exists because shows and movies are financed by super-rich guys who know where they stand morally and don't ever want to be held to account for it.
This has nothing to do with anything, just a random factoid.
Gordon looks at the medical bills on his desk of the 4 mooks who were left paralyzed after Batman beat them with a car door while stopping a mugging: Yeah, about that
Just putting that out there as my 11 series $.02
described in the book as "Put all your bad eggs in one basket - then drop the basket" 😁
The hero glanced over his shoulder at the trail of dead henchmen. "Equity," he said, bringing the blade down.
Asking for a nation.
This bugs me too.
I particularly like the end of "Taken" for not doing it; bad guy says "We can negoti..." BLAM 👍
( kills bad guy)
"Not really."
Women written
And directed movies
Or at least movies
That center Women’s
Because this stuff?
What you describe
Is boring AF
But hey, we gotta keep them for the sequel
I guess they’ll do anything for the bennies - their ideology is capitalism.
The Killer (2023)
Without spoiling, the story has important reasons for doing that which you decry, and it resonates with a powerful message and a critique of our times.
I want a show where the hero spares the villain because he has a much worse punishment ready than a quick death
He doesn't play!!
Yeah pretty dumb