As a bystander of that war. Generally, it is a sense of humour when a stateman thinks he can make independent decisions. (The practice of US hegemony: most countries operate within a system where they must consider the interests of the U.S., often prioritising these over their independent agendas.)
Yes, in the context of US hegemony, it could indeed be seen as almost a "dark sense of humour" or bitter irony to think that a statesman in most countries can truly make independent decisions.The power dynamics of U.S. hegemony are so pervasive that what appears as independence is often an illusion.
EM has always concerned me
I don’t think he’s a great businessman just talks a good game
I think we now know why he bought Twitter, doesn’t matter if it becomes 0 value, he’ll make far more from govt contracts both in US and elsewhere (Russia?)
For Putin he’s a perfect stooge, are Baltic’s next?
Europe needs to move from considering the possibility of 'what if the US is an unreliable ally' to 'what if the US is actively siding with our enemies'.
Wow! That is seriously grim. Europe has to start working for itself, massive arms build up but only non American arms companies, for them where it hurts and fight for freedom.
I’m old enough to remember that manbaby claiming he was helping Ukraine by using Starlink, shortly before cutting their communications when boats were out at sea.
Musk is literally laughing at the leader of a country invaded by its more powerful neighbour, one with a malign leader in Putin, and who doesn't want to he forced to cede territory to the aggressor.
How can anyone give him respect or time after this? He's one of the lowest of the low.
Yup... it really shows the true calibre of the immature clown that Trump has temporarily given near unlimited power to.
Obviously, when Trump begins to object to his own limelight being stolen, Musk will go, but for now Musk is loving the attention like a lovestruck teen.
Is anyone calling him out about this in the United States? Surely a report on the huge missile attack on Ukraine Cities would be followed by this on CBS or NBC
A couple of years, or so, ago I mused on that other platform that Musk might fancy running for pres. I was informed that he couldn’t as he wasn’t born in the US. So he’s using the side entrance?
I was really hoping and actually expecting Europe to stand up against Putin no matter what the traitorous yanks do. But I'm not sure if we will, the vibes are weak and disunited. I hope I'm very wrong.
I believe that we should expect to learn that Elon musk is providing communication and cyber support to Putin and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with corresponding deficit to Ukraine’s capacities. I had predicted January, 2025, but it’s probably happening right now.
Yep. That's Trump's plan: make Ukraine accept whatever deal Russia comes up with. If they don't, we cut off all aid and Russia takes what they want anyway.
Musk, yet another wretched disgraceful creature. The whole bunch of them slapping each other on the backs trying to sound & look important, whilst Ukraine is in dire need of help against another tyrant who's avaricious eyes are set on acquiring more than just Ukraine.
#Ukraine #musk #drump #putin
I seem to remember him offering the use of Starlink to Ukraine. Now, he’s bashing them, but it’s not because he speaks to Putin on the reg or anything.🙄
Is this PTSD or did you not get the memo?
I muted this mutant on X.
I never saw a dribble of his bile on his own network.
Why on earth would I want to see it here.
It’s a good illustration that there’s more to public life than values, principles, & policies - character also matters. Elon enjoys cruelty, he takes pleasure in making others feel powerless, vulnerable, & frightened, he gets off on causing upset. A hallmark of Trumpism.
It’s sick. People across the world just don’t understand the awful impact the election result will have on the entire. They will do their best to export their fascism.
Europeans are acutely aware of the consequences of the US elections. We have Putin breathing down our necks. He won't stop at stealing a few regions of Ukraine. Who's going to stop him?
I’m sorry many Americans support NATO and our European alliances 100%. My country is in a sad state. Russia has infiltrated it. I’m afraid our Republican Party/MAGA movement is going to help bolster European far right parties. Misery loves company.
Richmond Valentine works too - a wealthy megalomaniac and eco-terrorist wanting to deal with climate change by wiping out most of humanity. Valentine offers everyone in the world SIM cards with free cellular and Internet access (=X).
In one scene Valentine triggers the SIM cards inside a church with a signal that causes the parishioners and Harry to become murderously violent (= on X!)
In a later scene, Valentine recruits various world leaders and wealthy elites, implanted with chips to protect them from the signal.
It is, and I believe that the best way to handle Musk and his likes, is to ignore them when they post or utter stuff like this. Back in the days we called people like him in social media, flamers. Only interested in the firen and has no substance. Flamers love attention. Let's not give it to them.
The level of arrogance and stupidity of Musk never ceases to amaze me. That said, the idea of a self-appointed ‘leader of the free world’ is also utter arrogance.
It’s childish in the extreme, and ignorantly dismissive of the suffering of the Ukrainian people. The grotesqueness is the whole point. Disgraceful human being.
Elon Musk does not respect anything, his money makes him untouchable.How people support his products & fund his anti-American values is beyond my comprehension. I cannot understand a majority supporting these clowns. The fucking oligarchy stretching its toes in our face; the working class clapping.
This is the guy who said America should be able to "coup wherever they want" when someone said that America was organising to oust Bolivian leader Evo Morales. No surprises here
Every European leader needs to put Musk in his place the way Italian President Mattarella did last week. He gave a masters class in sovreignty and self respect.
Sadly, the US hegemony means - the US and European relationship is deeply asymmetric - this dynamic limits Europe's (any politician's) ability to make fully independent decisions, reducing its sovereignty, without a doubt.
I think that Europe will surprise Trump with its resolve. Europeans have invested a lot in forming the EU. I say that as someone who has lived the European Union since its inception. We shall prevail.
The best thing is knowing the fundamental incompetence that is at the foundation of his ideology will mean his first steps on Mars may likely be his last.
Musk won't go to Mars. He's been blaming the government for his lack of progress until now. There'll be other excuses for why he stays on Earth. But the truth is, narcissists are usually cowards.
These guys must have some very high level security, because they must have made some dangerous enemies. If your son had died at the hands of one of these people, you wouldn't just let it go, right? 😬😬
Old man Biden, is immune from prosecution, can't he accidentally switch Musk off?
Musk is dangerous and feels he is untouchable and sadly many states are upholding that illusion for him
In more ways than one. Musk is an Oligarch, plain and simple. And he is funding the Man in the High Castle for tax-payer kick backs. Yet they hoodwinked the majority of voting Americans that it makes the economy better and the other is socialism. Not their handouts. US Capitalism. Nationalism.
When someone throws stupid tantrums hurting their own interests just for the sake of being an a hole, we say they hit their own testicles with an adze (carpentry hammer). The Romanian word for adze is Tesla.
Not quite the same, but there’s a line in Shakespeare, “hoist by his own petard”. A petard is essentially a bomb, so they’re blown up by their own bomb.
Elon has also proved that either he cannot spell or does not bother to check his work. If it's the second option, there is no wonder that X is in the state it is now.
Now he's an advisor it's even more disturbing. If he's on calls between Trump and Zelenskyy surely it's going to add even more tension when he's being a dip shit
So grim that it's hard to comprehend. The West should have stepped in when Russia invaded the Crimea it didn't. It should have given Ukraine the volume of arms it needed to push the Rusians back once it started it's 'Special Military Operation', it didn't. We have failed them.
What worries me about Musk is that he is hell bent on getting humans on Mars. But why?
There is everything a human needs on this planet if we could share it out, but he doesn't target that outcome, he is happy for Trump et al to destroy this planet therefore making Mars an attractive alternative.
I suppose, if you want a grim laugh to accompany the feeling, reflect on the fact that Trump generally destroys the people around him.
X is vile, but SpaceX is critical national infrastructure and Musk has to be kicked out. When they fall out, and they will, Trump may well do precisely that.
I keep thinking back to the time Sunak was sucking up to him at that meeting - forced laughter at his jokes. World leaders sucking up to a bond villain.
Musk is a deeply inadequate man… more like a disturbed teenage boy who’s recently become part of a gang of thuggish bullies and has found the experience of being threatening and hateful to people completely exhilarating.
As an #ActuallyAutistic person myself I was pleased a few years ago when he shared his diagnosis.
Now it's just an embarrassment and I'd like to stress that although he clearly shares the common autistic trait of lack of affective empathy, he's really not a shining example of neurodiversity at all.
He is puerile and insecure. A person that cannot relax, enjoy his family or friends. He is a workaholic and thinks that is a virtue, rather than a symptom of dullness. He is a bully, and thinks that he is superior; but he is just rich.
He always strikes me as someone whose parents largely ignored him and/or never really praised his efforts. So he’s ended up with a desperate need to feel appreciated and liked. His problem is, he’s probably chosen the wrong sort of people!
Elmo is hanging round with the bullies acting like a tough guy, but they're just bigging him up and being nice to him so that they can use his car and his credit card.
I thought the facial expression in this pic shows that it is dawning on him that he joined the wrong crowd.
Musk (thinking): You know I am all for exploiting the plebs and deregulation but do I really have to eat this sh*t? Silicon Valley boys only eat mega super foods.
When you think of the good he could have done with his billions, instead he chooses to be on the wrong side of history. Most of the tech billionaires are just the same. Money corrupts.
Spot on, his way of “comeback” against those who doubted him and his commercial & non commercial decisions because he perceives them as the best decisions ever.
F**k him, his cars, his spaceships and his burning down social media site.
I don’t think he’s a great businessman just talks a good game
I think we now know why he bought Twitter, doesn’t matter if it becomes 0 value, he’ll make far more from govt contracts both in US and elsewhere (Russia?)
For Putin he’s a perfect stooge, are Baltic’s next?
Devoid of human kindness
(I'm joking, btw)
Same happened under Hitler. All sorts of goons were given positions of power. And they took delight in humiliating their 'playthings'.
And here it is happening again.
How can anyone give him respect or time after this? He's one of the lowest of the low.
Obviously, when Trump begins to object to his own limelight being stolen, Musk will go, but for now Musk is loving the attention like a lovestruck teen.
It's pathetic really.
#Ukraine #musk #drump #putin
I muted this mutant on X.
I never saw a dribble of his bile on his own network.
Why on earth would I want to see it here.
Musk seems to struggle VERY hard with any kind of consistency when it comes to empathy.
Kingsman and not in a good way…
In a later scene, Valentine recruits various world leaders and wealthy elites, implanted with chips to protect them from the signal.
The gop always slip about the policy that Ukrainians are a resource to hurt Russia
But his ego is a really powerful, yet fragile thing... like Musk's. 🍿
What a turd.
I suppose if he can't get the love of humans, he's got to love something else...
Musk: “Hold my beer”
Him and Musk’s “longtermism” beliefs also worry me
Accelerationism and progress at literally any cost, if it means he gets to play out his fantasy of standing on Mars one day
And if not I can’t imagine any scenario where he doesn’t run for president in 2028
Yep - very grim
Finding ways for citizens to work accross national divisions seems more and more a practical necessity.
Diem 25 in Europe is the closest to this.
Musk is dangerous and feels he is untouchable and sadly many states are upholding that illusion for him
The better the world will be
We actually also have another expression super relevant to Elmo in Romanian (see next skeet)
There is everything a human needs on this planet if we could share it out, but he doesn't target that outcome, he is happy for Trump et al to destroy this planet therefore making Mars an attractive alternative.
X is vile, but SpaceX is critical national infrastructure and Musk has to be kicked out. When they fall out, and they will, Trump may well do precisely that.
The rest of the free world needs to build a back bone post haste to try and limit the worse of what is about to be unleashed.
It is beyond sickening.
Musk should beware. Everyone who attaches themselves to Trump ends up with legal trouble, it seems.
Now it's just an embarrassment and I'd like to stress that although he clearly shares the common autistic trait of lack of affective empathy, he's really not a shining example of neurodiversity at all.
Musk (thinking): You know I am all for exploiting the plebs and deregulation but do I really have to eat this sh*t? Silicon Valley boys only eat mega super foods.
(The Observer)