anyway calling these "war plans" when they were actually plans to blow up an apartment building full of civilians because the girlfriend of a guy we don't like lived there sounds more like "terrorism plans" or perhaps even more accurately "terrorism factory creation plans"
No, not like that!
"I support slavers"
Own it, bitch.
People will truly never learn about supporting religious fundamentalists and where it leads in the long run.
They’re America’s deplorables.
We have zero accountability in this country against our own state-sponsored terrorism. With this administration, I have even less hope.
The ICJ hasn't brought many important cases against the US, starting with the bombings of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Dresden.
That’s better than great.
The country is hated around the world for these very tangible reasons.
Hours after the attack Houthi’s launched new attacks so it had minimal military value
Putin bombs civilians indiscriminately in Ukraine all of the time and no one can stop him.
Trump wants to be like Putin
Together these two psychopaths will start World War III.
We just haven't realized it yet.
I trust in your compassion.My husband has severe pneumonia and needs $400 monthly for treatment.We also live in a very dangerous area and must move to safety
Please,help us in any way you can to save my husband and protect my children.Please,don’t leave us alone🙏💔
Read the book "Killing Hope" for just a small window of "actions"...
The U.S. as a terrorist nation!!
Only since the 70s.
Maybe they should have talked to some IHL lawyers first.
This is just “par for the course”‼️😮💨😮💨
Despite my stark hashtag, I'm so happy today!!! "Nobody was texting war plans" my a**! Time to read these receipts...
If tea poisonings, death by falls out windows, full commercial airliners being blown up doesnt alarm you, you really need to read Putin's history to realize how evil he is & still became a dictator.
This is who Trump & the MAGA Party want to emulate.
You know. I’m no military genius like Pete Hegaeth. But if you knew his location maybe you could’ve taken him out somewhere other than a building full of civilians? 👊 🇺🇸 🔥
Besides “but we’re the good guys”
Sure, it might be a historical reference to the buildup, but it's really kind of pointless after the last 10 years in America.
That word isn't magic that makes destroying surrounding buildings and killing innocent civilians OK.
Be an adult
The designation of "terrorism" is *always* selectively applied. The US is absolutely engaging in terrorism right now, as is Israel. Those countries and their soldiers don't officially receive that label. That label is reserved for people the US doesn't like. That's the criteria
Is the entire command of the US military guilty of atrocities, going back *at least* as far as the Iraq War, and would that justify bombing a residential apartment building to get just one of them?
It does look like there were at least 52 innocent ppl were killed.!
At 2 p.m., Waltz responded: “Typing too fast. The first target – their top missile guy – we had positive ID of him walking into his girlfriend’s building and it’s now collapsed.”
Go big or go home!
We really don't need to get in bed with Yemen to deplore the insanity of our govt.
These are evil warmongers.
Rich folk get richer during wars, poor people die.
That's the plan anyway.
The terrorism occurred decades earlier when some American narcissist wiped out his family and friends to impress other narcissists.
They want to anyway, but any small excuse provides them a moral get out of jail card to go kill some coloured folk.
#Oorah 🇺🇸
1) Europe should pay.
2) Oil prices might rise.
3) The public might not get it.
4) Where the economy is right now.
Civilian casualties and Middle East reaction not mentioned.
"This is not about the Houthis."
The triumphalist “emojinks” of Mikey Walnutz made me 🤮.
We knew he was a monster.
The only thing that surprises me is the stupidity of the American protest voter.
What this signal thing reminds me of is Putin's submarine disaster, his indifference was blood curdling. They're psychopaths.