Oh it's worse than that trump is the worst traitor in American history and he has in his continuing to commit treason. Come on Lawrence ODonald tell the truth
Mark Carney assumes the leadership of the Liberal party and with it becomes Prime Minister.
We still need to hold a federal election this year. The leader of the Conservatives is a professional politician by the name of Pierre Poilievre. Who is saying all sorts of crap about Mr Carney.
@lawrenceodonnell.msnbc.com Lawrence has never wavered, he has always told the truth about trump and pushed back on the lies. “A lie is not an answer.” Thank you ❤️
Whenever I think about this, worst president ever, I can’t help but think of LBJ and W. Of course, it’s early. Maybe Donvict will win the title easily.😱
Meanwhile on Fox News they talk about him like he is some type of uber genius that is setting the world on fire with his brilliance. The time for the same reality with liberals and conservatives needs to happen. I'm sick of this 'the Emperor has the most beautiful clothes!', when he is naked.
Lawrence O'Donnell is your worst nightmare if you are a corrupt deranged asshole like Frump, but he has a deeply kind heart for underprivileged children in Africa and has tremendous respect for women.
The statement of "economically illiterate" is inaccurate. He is illiterate at everything except bullying people who for some reason give up their power to him in return for shame and poverty.
Every word is true; and unsaid, but equally true is the fact that to support and vote for such a colossal human failure as trump requires an even bigger failure.
The problem isn't trump. The problem are the monumentally stupid failure republican voters
Y'all forget he was able to drag the worst of society's bottom 10% of swamp people to the center stage. It's like a cockroach leader bringing a bunch of cockroaches into the center of the room and not being smart enough to scatter when the lights come on. #FAFO
And yet the Biden Administration didn't think it was worth any time to make sure his convicted felon ass couldn't go near the White House ever again. He was too busy funding genocide in Palestine by giving hundreds of billions of dollars to Israel.
I have to disagree with Lawrence. tRumpf is iliterate across the board! He has a third grader's vocabulary. I'm a teacher. I know how a third grader talks.
You are absolutely correct, sir. Or madam, whichever you may be. I’d check your profile, but sometimes you still can’t tell. Anyway, keep speaking the truth!
If you took a trivial pursuit card with 5 questions in 5 categories and asked trump, he would get zero. If you do 100 questions, he might get three. Maybe less.
Yes, this is true, but he is, this time, surrounded by people who are energetic and very determined to tear it all down, looting what they can in the process (and hurting as many Americans as possible).
They are none of them very smart, but destruction is easy.
Trouble is he's shifty and he's a good salesman. Neither of which I consider good qualities but he's good at being both of those that's about it though.
Don't forget that his laziness, stupidity and ignorance are by no means his worst points.
His habits of fraud, nepotism, cronyism, corruption, malignant narcissism, vindictiveness, greed, arrogance and gross sexual assault are all worse, for starters.
Yep yep and yep and yet his base and the news which covers him think he is doing a brilliant job and they approve. Frightening isn’t it? Guess we are the only ones up all night worrying about our country.
Just want to say to millionaires… look closely at this Orange Turd and Apartheid Elon… this could be your own kid in 50 years so make sure you raise them right or they will be whiny man babies constantly throwing their toys in public
Agree but it’s not really trump doing all this by himself… it’s the sycophant Maga Nazis doing all the dirty work. None of which will have presidential immunity.
I do agree. However in witnessing what was on display at cpac recently there is a rich pool of contenders. Lizz Truss for one, compared to a lettuce that actually outlasted her reign as priminister of the UK.
If we stand up together and fight back we will win! Call every day - over and over until they hear us! NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US! We have to do this on our own!
This isn’t rocket science people. Tax the rich and corporations at the same rate as the rest of us, eliminate the payroll tax cap, eliminate deductions. Bingo, government funded, medicaid/medicare/SS fully funded. DOGE can get F’ed and we the people have a happy life.
I think Trump is smart in a way as he understands how to PLAY people and push their buttons and how to get them to believe his lies by using the same rhetorical and psychological devices as both Mussolini and Hitler. Plus, how to use perpetual suing/appeals until the opposition backs down.
Smart as a toddler who knows how to push their parents' buttons, no more than that.
He never progressed from this:
...."children also start to understand the concept of cause and effect. They begin to remember that certain actions will have a specific outcome and ... plan their actions in advance."
Accurate. Add all the malicious vengeance and you have the most heinous destroyer of what was a stellar economy that Biden created. All he has to do was maintain it. Instead he took a wrecking ball to your country. Criminal.
Trump is also a traitor, and Putin's tool. His cabinet heads are all Putin propagandists out to crash the economy while removing the social safety net, all to create chaos and remove our influence in Europe.
Yep. Yet millions of morons voted to put their lives and their family and friends lives in the hands of this psychopath three times! Some even still support him! WTF???
I always believed that Presidents had above average skills and intelligence but never in my wildest dream I ever thought I would be smarter than a President.
Yes, Donvict has cheapened the office in a way that will taint it forever. Door knobs are smarter. Yet he’s sitting in the White House. Of course, he may have stolen the seven swing states. 😡
Yes he’s the first one that came to my mind after Trump. He may have been a bit goofy at times but he always put country first. Something Trump don’t seem to be able to do.
He invaded a country based on false pretenses and got about a million people killed. Even Trump has been smart enough to not do that (so far at least).
Let's not let Trump move the goal posts here. W NEVER "put the country first." Everything was always about him and his stupid family "dynasty." He never gave a crap about anything else. He was just better at dressing it up to look like patriotism than Trump. "Smarter" in that sense.
To be fair........any 5 year old is smarter than that clown! Hell my 7 year old is smarter than him especially when it comes to treating people with respect.
Only the best people 🙄 if the best people were the antichrist felon pedo rapist idiot king and an illegal immigrant gold digging porn star. (Not a dig on hard working porn stars).
GOP are scum. Demorats not much better. If I didn't care about the integrity of my soul I'd be a POS GOP scumbag grifting my way thru capitalistic opportunities of raping other people of their resources unfairly too. I use to. But not anymore.
That's my POTUS! Lol. Why the fuck do I consider the integrity of my soul the most important thing in my life (I live in a car because I don't lie cheat or steal FFS) where every one else is a materialistic egotistical monkey that gets impressed with shiny things. I'm in the wrong country. Ugh.
You said it. You have integrity of the soul. The constipated Orange Blob and his bloated minions with the silicone implants on every part of their body will eventually succumb to gravity and then what ? Enjoy your soul. Toodaloo.
I honestly believe greed & the pursuit of money will be the destruction of America. When a billionaire is destroying all of our social safety nets & 1/3 of the people are applauding him, we have a population of ignorant people who lack morals, decency & empathy. We have a population of greedy jerks!
He is illiterate in all things cultural. His way of speaking shows a significant mental retardation and a great lack in understanding complex interactions. He is crude, clumsy and obtuse, he has no class at all and needs to compensate for this with an excess of ego.🤢😱💩
He is a racist and friend to the Tate Brothers, though he lied and said he didn't know them. This is the legacy he is leaving to his children. He is morally bankrupt and a monster. At his age, he is almost out of time to clean this mess up! He could claim dementia, but I think he is just a moron!
I fact check this and found it’s 100% accurate. The guy honestly has no clue what he’s talking about when it comes to the economy. It’s frightening how little he knows.
Once in power, Amin began mass executions upon the Acholi and Lango, Christian tribes that had been loyal to Obote and therefore perceived as a threat. He also began terrorizing the general public through the various internal security forces he organized,
Plus he just reads from a paper prepared by someone else. Guaranteed his understanding skills of what he is reading is zero. He doesn’t know big words!
If anyone has read history, they know that tariffs can lead to recessions, and possibly wars. Just look at Smoot-Hawley act and what happened afterwards.
Yep, neither Trump or Musk even know what the Gov. Agencies/Programs do & why! They are just slashing to get the funding from each Agency/Program to give to Trump's Rich buddies in yet another Tax Cut for the Rich. Tonight is the 1st time Media (Lawrence O'Donnell) said it out loud, finally.
It's Biden's fault.
We still need to hold a federal election this year. The leader of the Conservatives is a professional politician by the name of Pierre Poilievre. Who is saying all sorts of crap about Mr Carney.
The problem isn't trump. The problem are the monumentally stupid failure republican voters
They are none of them very smart, but destruction is easy.
His habits of fraud, nepotism, cronyism, corruption, malignant narcissism, vindictiveness, greed, arrogance and gross sexual assault are all worse, for starters.
He is corrupted criminal,rapist and paid ruSSian agent
Don't hold anything back this time.🤣🤣🤣
Thank you 😊
https://indivisible.org/coup (Excellent organization! They can help you.)
he’s also the most childish and the most evil! America deserves better.
Guess you or no one you know needs SS or medicare! Only over 71 million use including us !!
He never progressed from this:
...."children also start to understand the concept of cause and effect. They begin to remember that certain actions will have a specific outcome and ... plan their actions in advance."
Mein Kampf
the PSYCHO has the full support of the GOP!
- Jenna Jameson
In 2024/5 with all the shit that needs fixing supposedly free women vote for this ???
His way of enunciating the word "STUPID" is legendary! And when he says it, often repeatedly, I am sent into gales of laughter! Big time LOL!
Watch him every nite 10p MSNBC... Straight shooter!
How do we send a hologram message that says,
"Save us. You’re our only hope."
In 1972, Amin expelled Uganda’s Asian population, which numbered between 50,000 and 70,000, resulting in a collapse of the economy as
I wonder why Trump is the leader of the greedy, violent, racist, stupidest Americans 🤔