I'm inventing a new term, "trust fatigue", but I haven't nailed down the definition yet.
I think there's a human tendency to want to put all your eggs in one basket in terms of who you trust, because making new decisions about who to trust is exhausting.
I think there's a human tendency to want to put all your eggs in one basket in terms of who you trust, because making new decisions about who to trust is exhausting.
It *is* exhausting to make decisions. So people love religions or worldviews that say "this is good and that is bad".
They don't have to make sense or be consistent. As long as someone else makes the decisions.
Look it up. It has a picture of me!
But just because people want something, doesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea.
We need to get down to incentives
Trust is something different. Slow cooking. But fast boiling.
I've always called it a comfort scale. The more comfortable people are and the faster they get there, the more likely they are to subscribe to that tribe.
I wonder if BlueSky could tap into that database to similarly flag accounts registered under deceptive domains with one letter off like you said and similar examples.
And goes back to the bad old days of having to pay CAs for ssl certs
I mean, domain squatting isn’t new and we can expect people abusing that too.
IMHO these labelers should be run by recognizable organizations who can verify identities of people in their field, like unions, big employers, etc.
Just in case
“Law of the instrument” related
In this particular time I also like the conservatism bias…
It’s a sign ‘o the times my dear
I talk about it as trust having inertia - until you're presented with something that shocks you out of it or hit some critical point, you will tend to trust the things you've always trusted even as trustworthiness falls from 100% to 0%
Some people will stick to old habits for too long, and, well... that's their own thing to deal with.
and finally "this person uses their work email for this account"
More resources tagged trust, tagged for your filtering pleasure: https://myhub.ai/@mathewlowry/?tags=trust&types=like&types=do&types=think&timeframe=anytime&quality=all