Deeny, if you make this an us vs them between men and women, you'll lose. Remember, it was men who voted to grant women the franchise. Every man I know favors women being full partners, with all the rights and privileges that implies. We're not the enemy, we're your friends, lovers, and allies.
Don't be discouraged, I know society makes it out to be a gender thing, but I truly do believe that, contrary to all the evidence, if you try hard and believe in yourself, women and NBs are perfectly capable of learning to shut up just as well as a man can.
But I do *need* that dopamine hit I get from saying something tangentially relevant and unremarkable that my wife said in passing a month ago that I’m now repeating dumber and louder as if I thought of it first.
Same here. I don't know how much of my yapping is ADD and how much is patriarchal conditioning telling me that everything I have to say must be important.
Life is a learning process.
i don’t recommend it. They only give us enough blood to operate one head at a time. If the Queen walks around in boots, how am i suppose to continue toiling over my duties with the brain control switched down?
Lies. You’d be alllllll up in my DMs talking about some “yOu jUsT hAvEn’t hAd tHe rIGhT gUy dO iT tO yOu yET!” about anything sexual I say I don’t prefer.
This reply is entirely unnecessary. You don’t need to hear from me. Nobody wants to hear from me… and yet.
But I do *need* that dopamine hit I get from saying something tangentially relevant and unremarkable that my wife said in passing a month ago that I’m now repeating dumber and louder as if I thought of it first.
Life is a learning process.
We'll do what it takes to be vulnerable.
As any human should.