This is a false choice that is wrong.
If the GOP majority needs bipartisanship to keep the government open, they should negotiate a bipartisan bill, not this garbage that gives Elon Musk total control over government spending.
House Dems remain ready to pass a clean CR.
If the GOP majority needs bipartisanship to keep the government open, they should negotiate a bipartisan bill, not this garbage that gives Elon Musk total control over government spending.
House Dems remain ready to pass a clean CR.
Fetterman’s salary is guaranteed. He won’t suffer.
The way to negotiate a better CR is to message early, clearly and unified - the CR isn’t good enough and it needs to change
He's like a Paprazzi who thinks he's a journalist.
And frankly, Dems need to be more like Mitch (never thought I'd say that)!
I can’t believe Fetterman is behaving like Sinema. He needs to be voted out.
(Source: Lawrence O'Donnell)
and I voted for him.
the hoodies and shorts should have been a dead giveaway...well-adjusted adults don't dress like that at work
More room & space for him & his minions to continue to run amuck with that very destructive chainsaw!
You’re a repug now.
Is that guy on the Republican payroll or something?
Inform them they have “all the cards” and if the government shuts down it’s on them.
Give them the dilemma of passing a Dem heavy bill which also hires back all the layoffs and protects them or pack sand.
This is win/win for Dems.
The only ones getting their way is repugnicans.
Idiot democrasses
If you can't handle it, John, you should simply resign.