What if the hero here isn’t me, but an idea? Imagine an app that tracks menstruation (for those who opt in) and sends emails to key politicians when it detects menses. No physical pain sent, but billions of emails demanding action on women’s health might deliver mental discomfort—and maybe change. 🤔
That app is called a solid punch in the face followed by a robust roundhouse kick to the gonads. Unfortunately medical costs reimbursement, legal fees, court costs and criminal charges may attach depending on jurisdiction, witness testimony, and several other factors
I think they should also endure labor pains. If they had to experience labor & pregnancy including morning sickness (which I experienced every moment from conception to 1st labor pain) they’d actually have an idea why women need to be in control of their own bodies.
Let them have burst ovarian cysts and Endometriosis that goes undiagnosed for years. Let them recover from open abdominal surgeries...but have surgery be without anesthesia. No painkillers after the surgery...
Or ectopic pregnancy, ongoing miscarriage - any of the things they deny women treatment for by their purchased “support” for lobbyists and vocal morons.
No disrespect but this is not nearly enough. It’s time to go (nail their) balls to the wall. Time to transfer all of our assaults to the predators.
They’re not going to give up their beloved rape culture, they’re just not. We have to find ways to shift the power dynamic.
Yes and extra agony if they believe endometriosis pain is “from stress” or “normal” or “you just need sex”
Or whatever 💩 they tell us when we’re suffering!!!!
One way women could fight back is to simply refuse to have children in the USA or move abroad to a more reasonable democratic country conducive to women’s reproductive rights and needs. If I were a woman, I would seriously be considering moving somewhere to Northern Europe and making a life there.
If I was a young woman without children, I would save up for a year or two, apply to go to school in Denmark. I would take advantage of their state funded linguistic educational and linguistic resources. I would completely immerse myself in the Danish culture and get married.
You totally could. If you are a young woman with no kids, it’s not difficult to move to a different country and start fresh. It’s scary but not as difficult as it sounds. You save up for a years worth of expenses, apply for a student visa, leave and start learning the language.
Seriously! I laughed at the "simply" part! Simply don't have children, when the countries leaders are actively trying to ban abortion, contraceptives, and reproductive education. And even if you have money to move, you can't just simply move to another country!
Obviously not everybody’s going have the same set of circumstances. Those who can move should really consider it. You don’t have to be wealthy to relocate to a different country & start fresh (if you don’t have a lot of other obligations) especially in Northern European countries.
There's such a huge smorgasbord of options too lol. I'd hand over the night sweats and the dry itchy skin. I'm not sure giving those men the waves of uncontrollable rage is a good idea!!
They can have the lack of bladder control though 🤣🤣
I wonder how quickly many of the policies would reverse if every senator who voted for it got an unwanted pregnancy as a surprise present. One of the most dangerous ones, the ones that kill us. With no option to terminate it, only to wait in fear for the outcome 🦋
And force rapists and incest fathers to suffer the pain of delivering a 9lb weight and then be required to take care of an unwanted child for eighteen years b
I’m pretty sure kids from unwanted pregnancies go on to commit far more serious crimes than children of refugees.
The crime wave that will surge across the US in 20 yrs will be a direct result of Dobbs but by then the Tea Party/ MAGA/ Evangels will have found another culture war to scare us with.
Neglect warps a heart more abuse, because a neglected child often internalizes if no one cares, then I don’t deserve to be cared for. A physically abused child knows that they can make enough of an impact on someone to get an anger response, or that someone cares enough to correct them.
I mean considering they'd be feeling pain from organs that they don't have which would only end after pushing said 9 pound weight out of their penis, I'd say said pain would probably be enough to scare every man.
I always said that if a man wants to say how he understands what a woman feels, he should grow a uterus and have just one period, then I’ll listen to him.
seeing as latest studies show cramps can be at the same level of pain (or greater) than heart attacks... i'm all for it. we're just told to take some ibuprofen and get on with our day. no wonder so many women have heart attacks and never know it.
Wouldn't it be kind of cool if we could designate somewhere to send our uteri (after pathology has dealt with it)? Just pack it up in formalin and send it to a politician, and suggest they do some hands on, gross anatomy style education. 🤔
I want an app that will make people like you less promiscuous and more responsible so that you don’t end up in a position where you feel like you need to kill an unborn baby.
Reminds me of a skit I saw where a doctor had new tech to transfer labor pains from the mother to the father instead of her taking the full force of it.
As much fun as this would be, you've got to feel sorry for the people within the blast radius when a politician gets the pain of fifty thousand women all at once and their body from knee to nipple instantly detonates.
I want an app that can make them feel what it is like to live with endometriosis for 15 years—all while being told it is “normal”. Not me but relative and others they know. I’m also thinking OB profs at Northwestern Medical School in Chicago should be the test subjects.
Unfortunately I don't get cramps anymore. Not sure why. It's a bit of a concern. But since I can't transfer the cramps, can I transfer the blood? Like have it just randomly appear in their underwear and stain everything
I literally got up at 4am from my cramping pains and nearly passed out immediately afterwards from how nauseous the pain was making me. They never gotta experience this and this happens to me almost monthly due to endometriosis 🥹
If majority of American politicians were women, you wouldn't have to even have such ridiculous public discourse about absolutely obvious choices regarding women's health.
I don't deal in hypotheticals. The world is vexing enough.
I'd suggest real laws. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. When the dems get control of Big Brother again, if they don't take off the gloves they're fucking cowards. Signed No Party Americans
I honestly for the life of me still cant figure out why it still isn’t! I don’t know one man out there who “wants to have kids intentionally”. And who is getting married? You all live some weird other world I don’t? Why dipshit men wanna tie themselves down with a kid? Young Men are being played.
Because of the desire to procreate - to pass on your genes.
I knew one guy whose thing was to date virgins, get them pregnant & move on to the next one.
That guy sticks in my mind because Hubby set a new personal best (velocity & distance) kicking him away from our daughter.
There’s always gonna be people like this. My buddy has 13 kids and still going. But, they at least married and all theirs. You can have many and most will die cause you neglected them or have a few and they end up running the country.
Go 'Noles!!!
I got lucky. My longest labor was 4.5 hours. My kids were 8#, 8#15, and 9#2.
They’re not going to give up their beloved rape culture, they’re just not. We have to find ways to shift the power dynamic.
But I understand.
Or whatever 💩 they tell us when we’re suffering!!!!
But if you can make that happen, can you send the bloating their way too?
They can have the lack of bladder control though 🤣🤣
That should fuck up that RFK Jnr brain worm cubby space.
Hot flashes (Don't have those, thank dog!)
Achy joints (Not too bad..)
Weight gain (Fixing it..)
And tell them there's medicine but that they can't have it bc "your body is not you own to govern".
Because those are the children that catch the most hell.
The crime wave that will surge across the US in 20 yrs will be a direct result of Dobbs but by then the Tea Party/ MAGA/ Evangels will have found another culture war to scare us with.
I'll happily choose a new person every month! I have ideas now!
meanwhile, men:
Wouldn't it be kind of cool if we could designate somewhere to send our uteri (after pathology has dealt with it)? Just pack it up in formalin and send it to a politician, and suggest they do some hands on, gross anatomy style education. 🤔
Granted, that joke was for something else, but.
I can think of other pain we could transfer to a deadshit Republican maggot
Wouldn’t that be the perfect revenge? 😆
I'd suggest real laws. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. When the dems get control of Big Brother again, if they don't take off the gloves they're fucking cowards. Signed No Party Americans
Let's see how "pro life" they are then‽
I knew one guy whose thing was to date virgins, get them pregnant & move on to the next one.
That guy sticks in my mind because Hubby set a new personal best (velocity & distance) kicking him away from our daughter.
Ok, I take your point. It is on the dark and aggressive side. I wasn’t like this in the before times.