“One young man sobbed when a guard pushed him to the floor. He said, ‘I’m not a gang member. I’m gay. I’m a barber.’ I believed him. *** He “began to whimper,” as his head was roughly shaved, “folding his hands in prayer as his hair fell.” He “asked for his mother & cried as he was slapped again.”
Hopefully, the horror that the rest of the world is experiencing in watching it will keep us from making the same mistakes.
"The price of peace is eternal vigilance"
~Leonard Henry Courtney
MAGA are all house cats talking shit from the safety of their perch.
Those two men openly talk about manipulating news to drive up their own support.
Hogwash of a paper.
This is ON them.
Slavery led to segregation, just a different kind of "ownership."
Internment camps and residential schools are two more examples.
Add the war on women and LGBTQI+.
America is now a fascist state.
It's profiteering from slave labor and racism/bigotry all wrapped in one.
Here you go, Batty, get your facts straight before you go spewing lies.
Now is that nothing
2- There aren’t many options until the next voting cycle unless one wants to get physical which will do nothing but get them hurt bad. We’re not at that point yet. It has to get worse for average Joe first.
Terrifying Jenny. You were kidnapped.
Since the Inception.
We can worry about apologizing later.
We're living in a fascist country now.
Other than that, selling ‘holy water?’ C’mon, lady. The ‘health and wellness’ industry is so scammy.
Today it's this scientist being denied, but tomorrow it's us. Will they throw us in camps for speaking out against him and label it terrorism?
Constitutional Protections Apply to "Persons"Not Just Citizens:
The Constitution, particularly the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause, applies to all "persons" within the United States, regardless of their immigration status.
Ah 1st ammendment?
Hello customs
R 💙
will be harassed here upon entry & Americans will not be welcomed anywhere. #Felon47 has put a target on our backs & made the world extremely dangerous.
Why? Because he’s comfortable with fascism & being a vile racist. He thrives off hate & destroying innocent lives.
#stopTheMadness of the #lunaticInChief and #saveTheUS
And non-citizens can support a candidate even if they can’t vote.
The GOP wants the right to strip citizenship from Americans. Nobody is safe.
Again, leopards and faces.
But they helped get us here, and we’ll need their help to stop it.
I saw a picture of about 50 detainees shaved.
Reminds me of concentration camps from ww2
I have American relatives.
I can't believe we're here.
And more importantly, power. You pay your taxes into funds they control. They command your military and police to do evil things.
You can't avoid complicity.
"That word is 'Nazi.' Nobody cares about their motives anymore.
"They joined what they joined. They lent their support and their moral approval. And, in so doing, they bound themselves to everything that came after... 2/
The student activists, over-policed black communities, trans people, and all those people imprisoned due to racism, poverty, addiction, and untreated mental illness are the baddies.Bc we call the shots ffs🙄
". . . Venezuela’s authoritarian regime, which previously agreed to accept deportations of migrants from the US.
That agreement fell through in recent weeks after the US cancelled a licence for Chevron to operate in Venezuela."
"Esklusive Fotos" Der Erniedrigung von Menschen. Hier wird kein Film vorgestellt, Kunstwerk enthüllt, das es zu bewundern gäbe. Eine Presse, die sich am Leid ergötzt + zum Spektakel macht, Klicks will statt angemessene Worte für den Faschismus finden, ist Teil des Problems.
Only the US can save the US here, there's no Lafayette coming this time and Canada is assuredly not bailing our neighbours out.
The US revolted against less severe Tyranny to build that nation. They need to remember how to do it again.
Not a great feeling.
TIME magazine
It's not OK to keep people in inhumane conditions, lest we're the petty ones.
But in the example given he pleaded guilty to felony burglary, so isn't a great example of what could happen to innocens.
You could have done everything by the book but that won't save you bc they don't want you here.
"The battle for America’s future will be won or lost not just at the ballot box, but on TV and phone screens, stages, concert venues, and cultural institutions across the nation." *
Like the nazis and other fascists did back in the 30ies.
US follows Goebbel´s script.
"I was only following orders" was never a defence before, and shouldn't be one now.
Might be a bit all-encompassing, but you fall in line with tyrants, expect to meet the same end.
And fellow Americans
Praying for this young man.
How does a civilised society allow this to happen.
How evil and depraved do you have to be, to be someone that could do this to another human being!
I can't remember where I read it though. So many terrible stories day after day
So Welcome to the #PariahStatesofAmerica, where rule of law doesn't exist & History has been Pol Pot'd
Trump and his followers are even more going for loyalty instead of qualifications this time, in all levels and branches of government. With the full support of the Republican Party.
It really shows how people big evil and little evil and it all adds up to evil.
-Is the world watching this abuse? What are the humanitarian courts in Europe and Latin America doing about it?
-Is our US press challenging deprived-racists Trump on this?
-Are Venezuelan and other Latino that voted for Trump as cruel as Trump is?
CONVICT, again!
It was thoughtless of me bringing this Trump criticism up here.
Canada is a better nation than the US.
They are being transported not by train, but by plane.
A GOP Congresswoman says it’s cheaper to shoot them in the head.
Some form of “final solution” seems imminent if good people do nothing.
The resistance now, when shit gets real, seems sadly not much more than in other countries.
Many Democrats are still playing nice by the old rules, law firms and universities are giving in, federal institutions dismantled, us Europeans (Greenland) and Canada openly threatened with invasion....
But damn, I did expect Americans to be more resistant than us Europeans had been historically.
Stop the insanity!
It shows exactly what the current Authoritarian Regime wants to do to All who oppose them.
How long before “Radical Left Prisons” open on US soil?
Trump didn't specifically try to kill those people, he just doesn't care that he is.
Every agency that Pee-On Musk had a problem with have been closed or most employees that were doing regulations of his companies are fired.
Google it & think about it for a few minutes.
Some reporters have exposed that the GOP paid some people to create fires at these tesla locations, so the GOP & Felon-47 can blame the democrats on news outlets, to help their agenda.
Also this:
I do not want to hear he can not go to PRISON, I want his ass in a SUPER MAXX.
Thanks for posting.
I guess we all push back if he doesn't obey court orders.
And yes,they make about $84k per inmate,i believe.
My heart is breaking for this young man. He's in great danger. It's BAD down there
Is the American story.
How could there be love with so much violence, hatred, suppression and division?
Nazi Germany 1933 here we come.
Does anyone know
Minors under 18.
16, 14 are they with these adult prisoners?!
how do we know
You can believe that the gang members and criminals need to go but at the same time, ensure due process.
If this administration violates their due process, they will do the same to YOU.
Rising authoritarianism worldwide inspired me to write an allegorical trilogy on the perils of fascism: 1) unnecessary war, 2) failed democracy & resulting climate crisis, & 3) racially-motivated subjugation. The Antunite Chronicles. https://amazon.com/dp/B0B1JNBCTK?
Maybe the states they were kidnapped from actually will.
Know why?
Because they were denied their constitutional protected right to due process, as it says anyone on US soil gets due process.
You unamerican fascist fuck.
You’re not, are you?
Tell us the truth then.