He doesn’t have this power and should be impeached for even saying this. Yes I know that won’t happen.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Dictator shit
I know he loves signing his hamster-heartbeat-on-crack signature, but I doubt he actually signed the pardons.
Hopefully a journalist digs one up to check the signature.
Here’s a link to the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel’s memo detailing that a President need not personally perform the physical act of affixing his signature. https://www.justice.gov/file/494411/dl?inline
I thought they would eventually come around and work with the Dems? I'm sure I heard that just yesterday.
What's going on? Are you making a very ill-advised joke or have you been duped?
The DOJ complies & the courts oblige
If the AG decides to file charges anyway, it's up to law enforcement to refuse to enforce any warrants/arrests & up to the courts to refuse to grant any hearings/expunge any records that may appear in backgrounds due to the phony charges
Victor Hugo
He’s Pathetic. 🤮
He's a monster and so is everyone that supports him.
The poor little man child just cries like a baby whenever the edge of his alternate reality bubble clears up enough to give him a glimpse of reality.
Just sayin'
We need a permanent blackout until we achieve regime change.
Please share!
He won’t comply, he’ll defy the order….etc.
so they don’t do anything
Do something!
The Dems are useless so forget help there
While visiting France, Barack Obama authorized the use of an autopen to create his signature which signed into law an extension of three provisions of the Patriot Act. On January 3, 2013, he signed the extension to the Bush tax cuts, using the autopen while vacationing in Hawaii.
And people like Schumer and Jeffries as the “opposition” “leaders.”
It's like he knows that he will never measure up to him.
It is just absolutely pathetic and reads like it is written by a 5-year-old. He thinks he sounds like a big, powerful strongman ... but he really just sounds like the pathetic, insecure coward he is.
It's a full constitutional crisis. If you won't demand impeachment now, when will you??
Most of his defenders went to bed, prepared to cover for the contempt issue and certainly some calls for impeachment.
Now they’ll have to defend an emperor. That’s a lot.
Farmers, the Markets…Legal Culture…
That you don’t….
1. Got caught with a live boy
2. Came out as trans
3. Actually did something to protect civil rights of minorities.
Trade wars ain’t working, stock market to the ground, economy in shambles!
It only took 53 days for him to destroy our economy.
Trumps is destroying our country!🤬
But our Congress is populated with cowardly quislings.
No president should appoint judges. They should be appointed by merit from the departments according to a set of rules.