This week's column is on how clinging on and hoping for a Labour surge either in terms of popularity or well formulated policy is now for the birds
This is not a genuine Labour party. It has been transformed into something like the Conservatives but with added hypcorisy and betrayal of their base.
I used to describe myself as a never tory floating voter, now never CON/LAB
The Libs were culpable in helping the coalition but if they renounce that then they are necessary.
Greens, Libs, SNP, Plaid, a decent NI party, disaffected Labour.
That would maximise the anti-corporatist/fascist vote.
My reasoning for this is a new Socialist party needs to be built from the ashes.
Any chance of a coalition of parties working together for the common good .
What, indeed, is the point in Labour, if they're going to brag about being more Tory than the Tories?
How much of this is about what Starmer's Labour and Establishment Dems have learnt from each other?
How you do that practically, I don't know, and what we do for the next four years is also unclear, but at least there is time to get people on board.
Looking desperately for bright sides here.
Either way though, the main point is not those three 👍
I never dreamt that after 14 years a Labour govt would actually make things worse, but they have.They wont get my vote again.