America was given a choice between a lawless, amoral monster and a qualified, intelligent, joyful woman of color—and it chose the monster. We need to reckon with the reality of what that says about so many of us here.
The Memoirs of Stalin's Former Secretary by Boris Bazhanov. Translated from Russian:
"I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how."
Everyone else in the world was too scared and desperate to say so.
Except the Soviets.
A repeat monster & now also, a convicted felon.
Fixed it, but we’re probably better off looking at the +1/3 of registered voters who didn’t vote at all and figuring out how to bring them into the fold.
Do not just like, SHARE EVERYWHERE
He didn't win the popular vote. More people voted for someone else. And if it wasn't for all the Republicans shenanigans to suppress voters, she would be with us
governing right now.
You are right about the monster thing.
Something is catastrophically wrong in the US that a man like Trump enjoys this level of support.
It was perfectly clear who he was when he entered politics 10 years ago.
The other part is Republicans. They aren't conservatives anymore. Greed has taken over. It's about money and their
ability to steal it by using whatever method they can get away with. The word "MASS" says it all.
The USG represents the US.
The former allies of the US have no other cause of action than to defend themselves.
I think the monster cheated!
Fascism and corruption didn't start on Jan 20. It has been growing for a long time.
Step 2 get rid of Elon Musk/Terrorist
If those 2 happen Trump will FALL
"We do not let the law stand in the way of necessity.” - Stalin
"A revolution is impossible without a revolutionary situation, and law must serve the revolution." - Lenin
ABA issues a statement.
"We urge every attorney to join us and insist that our government, a government of the people, follow the law." - ABA
I knew it was rigged before it even happened,
Ruzzians hackers furiously terrorizing ridings .
This idiotic admission takes the cake.
Democrats are so fucked.
We still have 75M who voted for this. It's not a small problem.
trump telling people at his rallies that he didn't need their vote
So many supported Harris/Walz, yet msm blames voters that stayed home.
More people need to be aware of the evidence that exists.
To know this work is being done....Wow, awesome!!!
Emotionally and mentally.
Let's call him what he is.
To the 4 to 7 women within this app, who don't like the word
Retard....let it go.
Orange shit face Mussolini is full on retarded.
This was a racist choice! Hatred over humanity!
White privileged patriarchy is America's poison.
You're not voting your way out of this.
The Dems literally has ZERO other options other than her.
She was anointed.
Don't cover for DNC authoritarianism.
The crap dems pulled in 2024 was a disgrace.
Anointing Harris was the low watermark for the dem party.
Trump 77,302,580 48.8%
Harris 75,617,613 48.3%
We could reduce problems with an age limit of 70 years old. #election
We chose joy
Yelling on the internet doesn't make you seem more credible.
It looks like the US has been lost to fascism without a single shot fired. In a country with a reputation for being armed to the teeth that is rather strange.
The US never was a modern day democracy.
Now they are not a democracy at all.
36% didn't vote.
No good bleating now.
I'm sorry for your circumstances. Ignorant people can be really dangerous.
Sorry. We are all our brothers' - and sisters' - keepers.
PS. I was an Alaska flight attendant for 33 years.
They are also complicit.
criminals never leave elections up to the public to determine the outcome especially when the stakes are so high - likely total destruction of reputations, eternal shaming by the public, bankruptcy and prison time.
X: "They'll never know."
I could have shown you lungs, brains, intestines, shredded bodies, sniped chests, the visuals are endless.
This is just a tiny tiny bit of what she's done.
They've avoided all the unpleasant photographs and reports.
They've closed their ears and their eyes and they refuse to look at it.
Guilt? Probably. We're all implicated. But some of us speak out.
Some people aren't in a space even to begin to ask the right questions, and there's nothing we can do about that right now.
Once we make this right, we've got an obligation to help make things right for them.
We put one on the $20 dollar bill. I had hoped we had learned from previous experience.
There were 340,110,988 American's in 2024.
Trump received 77,303,563 votes
262,807, 425 American's did not choose Trump.
Please check and share my song about the Dictator Trump.
Stop acting like this is the voters' fault and not the party insiders'
🤣🤣🤣 Democrats are so fucked.
If that was what you saw everyday with no one to help you think critically, well,
it's slick,
it's vicious,
it's relentless.
30.84% voted for Harris
1.06% voted third party
36.33% did not vote
More Americans voted for someone other than Trump.
NOT a landslide.
NOT a mandate.
6 million Biden Voters de coded not to vote!
Media influencers along with racism and misogyny caused Harris to lose.
The surprise was the % of White women who supported trump, given the overturning of Roe v Wade, which he oro took ownership, and % of Latino men as compared to the 2020 election. Which speaks to the misogyny.
We are in the middle of a Coup attempt by #ElonMusk It’s Real and it’s happening right NOW! If we don’t fight back & #Congress doesn’t get busy, in 2 months, there won’t be anything left!
All of the famous intellectuals are atheists.
God is a myth not a fact.
Believe me, there are plenty of idiotic Atheists who are also susceptible to prejudice and biases.
Blame the poors, says the "intellectual", suddenly turned monstrous as he twists his mind to accept this beastly reality.
Anything for that next paycheck.
data tell the truth whether we want to believe it or not.
Why would he invite all the tech magats if not full assistance in voting
It's not really complicated to figure out at this point.
Rapist vs Prosecutor and the rapist won.
Trump implicated Musk in a national broadcast. The election was rigged.
I also am an actual diagnosed disabled paranoid schizophrenic so no one would listen to me anyway.
They already don't.
I've got none of that working against me, and the last three months have still been the least pleasant of my life. I've doubted my grounding more often than I would have liked.
I wish you the best of luck getting through whatever comes.
He kept saying the election was rigged. Well who do you suppose rigged it???
Afterall, one of them won a prize for hacking election related software...
More people need to be aware of the evidence that exists.
The problem is that our government has been sold to corporations for years, and the people have been convinced by corporate news over the last 30 years, that their vote is basically useless.
What that says about us is we're screwed.
You're signalling to the fascists which people they can safely attack.
This week it's 'did you vote'? Next week it's 'did you march'? Then 'how much did you donate'? Then 'why not more?' It'll get away from us.
The point is that if you're deciding the cutoff for persecution, you want it to be something easy, like Didn't Actively Support Fascism. Otherwise the bar will be lifted past where you can reach one day, too.
The people who need to have a "reckoning" are Evangelicals who voted with NAZIS against their own economic interests.
THEY NEED a come to Jesus moment. I don't.
All good Christian leaders, such as yourself, need to call out these un-American pastors who would have followers believe we are a Christian nation.