I’m sure you’ve notice John, our country has a fair amount of shitty folks here. Sometimes it seems as though they are completely unteachable or teachable. It’s a big bummer.
I'm proud to be a longtime subscriber today. Discovered The Atlantic in my first year of college, 34 years ago, while browsing in the periodicals room (I don't think libraries have those anymore), and been reading it ever since.
It is completely blowing my mind that sane military commanders are not going in there and arresting every one of those fucking traitors that were on that signal conversation except for Jeffrey Goldberg
Personally, I don’t think anyone should be holding people above valid criticism or anger based on nationalism. There are a lot of shitty Americans in the public eye right now and almost none of them are regular people with criticisms about how media and journalism have abdicated nearly all integrity
Let's do more than post videos and statements...let's make a difference! I think that starts by supporting @AOC's campaign. Do it here! https://www.ocasiocortez.com
People should keep in mind Goldberg is no hero, he has a terrible history including working as a guard in Israeli torture prisons when younger and being rabidly trans and homophobic and he supports genocide and most right wing ideology. He exposed it for publicity not because he gives a shit.
MAGA are not Americans. They are fascists who believe in some sort of North American King. They are pretty much traitors and should be treated as such. I would think arrest and expulsion from the country would be about right.
I agree! The trump bunch is criminally insane and dangerous - Jeffrey Goldberg at the Atlantic - a trustworthy and excellent journalist- told us the truth!
He handled it professionally, acted quickly and sensibly, and when challenged, offered solid proof of what he observed. He's above criticism. Those who are attacking him are desperate to cover up the truth and use him as a decoy for their own failure and embarrassment.
Love The Atlantic (though I'm embarrassed to admit I'm 3 months behind). Jeffery Goldberg is a hero: 1) for not letting those in power continue lying without push back, and 2) not holding on to this and publishing it in a book 2 years from now.
Jeffrey Goldberg is a HERO!!he let us know what dumb fucks we have in the WH making wrong decisions. They are incompetent and inexperienced at handling large departments.
The Atlantic is a piece of libertarian shit and if you’re peeing yourself to applaud an act of ultimate clickbait as noble journalism then you’re a chump, and you can come try to get my social security card from me personally if you think you’ve got the fucking authority to define my citizenship.
Jeffrey Goldberg is a national hero right now. Hold the powerful accountable, that’s the job of the media and he’s showing the world how it’s done in real time.
1. Why did Mike Waltz have Jeffrey Goldberg as a contact?
2. Who else might Mike Waltz have as a contact whose name appears similar to "Jeffrey Goldberg", or would be alphabetically adjacent to it?
And anyone out there taking the 4D chess approach of “maybe someone inside the admin is trying to communicate” — bullshit. We’d know by now. This us just arrogant incompetence
He (and The Atlantic) are doing what Columbia, Paul Weiss, ABC, Amazon, Meta, Google, Disney, etc. all couldn't do. It's time for more to stand up against tyranny and fascism.
Especially as it was all perfectly self inflicted by the junk drawer of a cabinet.
Coming out clean yesterday, thanking Goldberg for not releasing the sensitive data, doing some performative penitence... And the entire thing would have been quiet by today. Digging in, attacking the guy...
No one should be angry with Jeffrey Goldberg. He did not cause any of this and was the inadvertent recipient of a stinking idiot traitorous mess of the Felon etRump dumbass traitors such as Hegshit, Waltz, and Gabbart. Sheeeesh!
Yeah, it’s absurd that this seems to be their only way they see to defend THEIR stupidity … typical of trump so I guess it’s also the way his “picks” operate
Impeach/court-martial/fire/lock-up … any or all of the above
The first rule of being a Nazi is that everything you do is correct no matter what, and people who suggest otherwise should be subject to summary execution.
That's like asking why the orphan crushing machine is broken. There shouldn't be an orphan crusher in the first place. Why was there a group chat to be unsecure in the first place?
He should be given a medal, so many of his colleagues cashed in on books too late in the day.
Plus he’s a brave man, knowing the coming media shitstorm.
Actually he's really a hero for not doing what a lot of people would have done in the same situation.
I can't even imagine if he hadn't had the integrity that he had. It could have ended up a whole lot worse.
I've been angry at the Atlantic since they pitched and cheered for the Iraq invasion in 2003, and I'm not about to stop just because they accidentally broke a story.
They could just ANNOUNCE their BATTLE PLANS in TikTok! As long as the real SECRET STUFF stays at the PENTAGON! Remember, these guys are saying they know what they are doing. I thought I was watching an episode of HOGAN'S HEROES with our guy saying, "I KNOW NUSSING!"
If those didn’t exist, others will. There’s always a financial incentive to exploiting st*tty Americans. If you didn’t notice, this has been in the works since just enter Nixon.
Actually, I was just talking about subscribing to The Atlantic as a substitute for The Economist, which I recently unsubscribed. Now it seems like an even better decision!
Absolutely if you’re angry at the Atlantic and Jeffrey Goldberg, there’s something wrong with you and you are a shitty American Jeffrey Goldberg did nothing wrong
There are an awful lot of shitty Americans, my friend. Americans will wake up one day soon and have many of their rights taken away. Probably elections also.
He is the only hero in this scenario. He held onto the info to keep the military safe, came forward with the information to expose the incompetence and security breech, but didn’t wait 2 years and write a book…
No good guys left at the collapse of the empire. They think that killing the truth and all of us will save American capitalism. It won’t.
It never does. It’s just self digestion.
Everyone is so nuked up and ready to go balls out.
These morons are going to destroy the planet.
Humankind is a disgrace
If just one of Trump's MAGA goons had the integrity to admit they made a big mistake (doesn't even have to be a massive mistake like it was) and offer their resignation to the President so that he could turn it down... that would be more than we can ever expect... weasels every one of them... 🤨
Goldberg did everything right. For those wondering how Witkoff’s phone and Signal could be hacked even if remained in his possession. Man in the middle attack. Russia controls the internet there and can force Signal to use servers in Russia.
Should be in Jail for Perjury.
this shit doesn't just affect Americans.
crawling with
shitty Americans.
some wear red hats
-- one wears black
all of them suck ass and contribute to how awful the world is right now.
fuck capitalist hegemony and its nation-states and its propagandists.
Gaslighting 101
Also, wouldn’t surprise me if it was intentional.
I suspect we all agree that national security advisor Mike Waltz did not intend to invite Atlantic editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, right?
So... if not Goldberg, then who?
2. Who else might Mike Waltz have as a contact whose name appears similar to "Jeffrey Goldberg", or would be alphabetically adjacent to it?
If only the GOP
had such courage.
Changing channel.
Coming out clean yesterday, thanking Goldberg for not releasing the sensitive data, doing some performative penitence... And the entire thing would have been quiet by today. Digging in, attacking the guy...
Impeach/court-martial/fire/lock-up … any or all of the above
Plus he’s a brave man, knowing the coming media shitstorm.
Is trump the problem, or is he the one that says out loud what millions of Americans really think?
I can't even imagine if he hadn't had the integrity that he had. It could have ended up a whole lot worse.
Appropriate channels… 😂
It is possible. But then there's the American Exceptionalism 🥲
They're shitty people for attacking us.
No good guys in this story, just assholes and idiots all around
It never does. It’s just self digestion.
Everyone is so nuked up and ready to go balls out.
These morons are going to destroy the planet.
Humankind is a disgrace
At a time when we need heroes!
The Atlantic is one of tRUMPs target “fake news” outlets.
It’s not a subsidiary of TASS like FOX.
That was pre-audition without makeup.