Privatization set us up as hostages to big pharma, big airlines, big defense contractors, corrupted university research, satellite comms, cloud computing, etc, etc.
Amen, sister! I've been with you all the way. It is a recipe for disaster to privatize inherent govt. functions. They tried from the bottom up, stallled out, and now they have the privatizer in chief.
The Left wants Star Trek, the Right wants Weyland-Yutani. If a private entity lays claim to a planet, moon or other celestial mass, they will have private claim to its natural resources should they develop a method for harvesting. So resources that could save mankind are price gouged 1/2
The problem with privatization of space is that you take away the citizens feel of participation. Elon Musk gets all the credit, even though the taxpayers still fund it. When it was NASA, like a public park, we tax payers felt ownership in the project. Fuck Elon for stealing the money and ownership.
I never understood why SpaceX became a thing then in 2016 that's one of the first things Trump announced. When we had NASA. This started a long long time ago.
It's been around for longer than that. Nobody else wanted to touch the concept of reusable rockets. They changed the game. Musk delenda est but the hardware is amazing. I'm a space nut and his heel turn has gutted me.
We shouldn't privatize NASA especially the role of exploration. But NASA has always had a goal to push boundaries for private industry to follow. Even systems and tools NASA uses include private industry and workforce to design and build.
Relying too much on one vendor is always a bad idea.
It's a shame the one thing space man and I still at least almost agree on is Mars and he doesn't seem to care about that, there's no ketamine fueled mars plan.
Your takes have been way more often than not a 🎯. Thanks for your hard work and content production. I love DG too. Perfect team for the important work! ✊🏻
Raked across the coals by people who clearly have no perspective on the history/legacy of NASA. Just breaks my heart seeing the disrespect towards one of our finest institutions
You were right. Not only has the quality and safety of space exploration dropped, but the potential for profit has means it attracted the full attention of humanity’s worst leeches. This is why we have to resist privatizing eduction.
You know what’s pathetic? They keep talking about the government and how wasteful it is and corrupt? Look at how these private companies are run? Look at who runs them? I’ve never seen anything more fucking corrupt. Every one of them. What would we find on an audit?
Whenever I hear we're "privatizing" something I assume the worst. If the private sector could do it better they'd have already done it. Privatizing means the government has done something that is working and some for profit folks have figured now they can squeeze money out of it until it is ruined.
I hear you! When Musk was negotiating to buy Twitter I said he was trying to be the new Rupert Murdoch so he could become Dr. Evil. I had to mute the post because of all the hate.
This is what’s behind all the bullshit
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Full circle. Trump and Musk are planning on closing NASA. Which musk must think they are his rivals.
One thing about NASA there are virtually little crashes or explosions. If there are, they work hard to fix problems before they try again.
This is about musk getting his hands on more contracts $$
Throwback to when Evil Elon promised this, back in 2017, after hurricane Maria. Spoiler alert, he didn't do it. I think he powered one children's hospital in San Juan.
You have to remember how heady it was to see SpaceX kick butt before Musk went mask off Nazi. Traditional aerospace is hopelessly bloated and corrupt. They built a reusable rocket system for the cost of the sls launch tower.
I hope they excise the musk tumor and save SpaceX from him.
Same at the state level. The tension between agency employees and corporate executives with no public service experience as new agency directors could get ugly the first year. CEOs did not know what and how much they truly did not know. Their shiny new corporate vision was DOA 17 ways from Sunday.
I don't think the federal government should privatize anything. We the people should own it, privatizing leads to corrupted billionaires having their way with our tax dollars.
NASA, USPS, health care, none of it should be private. If it is for societal benefit, it must be public.
Traditional aerospace sucks. Funding upstarts is the right idea. Musk is a monster but SpaceX has done amazing things. Just look at the sls nightmare. But yes Nazis should not be in charge of rockets and we've known this since WWII.
Excuse me, but what amazing things have SpaceX done other than blow up big rockets now and then? I am sure there are a few since the workers must be doing something (Musk does not pay for no results). Why do you say it is "amazing"? The satellites Musk has set in orbit are falling down regularly.
Boeing is such a fucking mess SpaceX is America's only ticket into space. And again, in the hands of a mask off Nazi. I hate the man now but the company is critical for America. That's why he needs to be removed. Don't discount spacex because musk is a crazy Nazi.
Because SpaceX is doing such amazing things, it is even more dangerous to leave in the hands of musk. He conducted his own foreign policy cutting off starlink to Ukraine when they made attacks. Who knows what other snooping he could do. Info he could divulge.
Expendable launch vehicles were the only way up. Nobody was talking reusables. They put that on the map and led others to try and copy them. They have lowered the cost to orbit. Starship is going to massively lower cost to orbit. Starlink is a communications revolution. Not just me saying it.
People who disagreed w/ this then likely still disagree (even more so now in misinformation land) and cannot see how very right this is. I see this in healthcare and no amount of actual firsthand experience can convince people who see privatization as better..because “free markets” & “competition”
I still can’t believe we ever allowed privatizing prisons. I mean I know why they did it - greed - but JFC how could anyone besides the greedy assholes making money off that system think that was a good idea.
We need a new metric at NASA for financial effectiveness rather than just yearly budget. Something like 'successful hours on task in space' because SpaceX is shitting the bucket over the last 5 years with hardly any progress to plan.
Governments do space exploration for the people. Not profits.
Just about every space sci-fi film I’ve seen over the last several years has corporate villains running space programs. Is it life imitating art or the other way around?
Something new to watch is the Tesla ROBOTAXI. I see Musk is working to get things changed to open the door to this. The company I work for supplies Tesla and they re asking us to quote this ROBOTAXI. We are not trying to win it.
It was also way more cost-efficient. NASA didn't make any billionaires. It takes a lot of excess funding, a lot of over-charging, waste or fraud to make a billionaire. And 400 times as much to make a 400 billionaire.
yet it's still relevant today, because he is still and drug addicted idiot that is still blowing up rockets, raining debris down everywhere and calling it a success.
Unfortunately, there's a whole lot of idiots who bought into this whole "government should be run like a business" bullshit. They don't know or care that it's a SERVICE, not a business.
It was clear to see that for-profit prisons were a bad idea. With the rise of the American oligarchs "for-profit" attached to any previous non-profit service is a noun meaning worse service at higher costs for the benefit of the few.
I agree with that take! Especially since they're not going to Mars to colonize. They want to go to the moon and Mars to mine resources. This will be paid for with our money. We, however, will not see any of the profits. Musk and the billionaires will.
The year that they shut down our space program I recall thinking…this is so bad. So wrong. This is the start of the end, the start of the dumbing down of America, and the start of corporate run America (privatization). Science no longer considered important.
People are stupid, you're ideas are spot on here! All essentials and science should be non-profit and benefit all, like the polio vaccine!
But I also believe all companies should be setup as co-ops so that they benefit the workers and the customers equally, instead of just the CEO/investors
Actually NASA has been outsourcing for a long time. Before SpaceX it was a JV between Lockheed and Rockwell called United Space Alliance. Not sure why SpaceX is now so dominant, most likely lowest-cost bidder.
Meanwhile Government 39 trillion in debt, mortgaging our children’s future, billions wasted overseas, no budget in years and running on a deficit. Privatization may not be the only answer but government programs do not have a track record of success.
Our government should confiscate and de-privatize SpaceX and their tech, in order to keep it out of the hands of our enemies.
F*ck private profit!
PUBLIC PROFIT is what we need!
But how do you expect all the millionaires to become billionaires, and all the billionaires to become trillionaires, without taxpayers funding private corporations to provide public services?
the problem with privatizing something like space exploration safety takes second place to profits. There will be more risks and possibly more deaths by turning our space exploration over to a private company.
I was and am against the involvement of Musk in any aspect of our government, including receiving any government subsidies. I have always seen who he really is, and I have always hated him. I agreed with you then, and I agree now.
The history of space travel has utilized a variety of public private partnerships. Boeing built the lunar rovers in the 1960’s and were a contractor for ISS in the 1990’s. Lockheed was involved with Apollo rocket & the Hubble telescope. The Apollo project had numerous failures.
Isn’t it grand, coming from the party whose “leader” incited violence at the capitol. 😒
Perspective: It’s semantics—he can speak up but as a rep; however he’s limited to not referring to violence in his statements. (Although, he’s not wrong. We’re pretty disgusted by our gov rn. Also? FTMFF!)
Yea, can you imagine the “space race” in the 60’s being tied to revenue and making a profit? This is reason 112 why you absolutely should not run government like a business. Although to be fair, Trump never made a profit either.
Oh yea so much of the shit I said was going to happen happened and I got destroyed for it. I warned over and over what would happen if people betrayed Biden and supported Harris. If the party had stayed loyal Biden would have beaten Trump again but nope. Karma is a bitch.
Listen to the 🍊💩 in that Hannity interview he did with EM, whining about how it takes too long [for Boeing] to build an airplane with all the regulations, "soooo many regulations..." Those fools are unacceptably dangerous. And inviolate criminals who must be stopped.
Healthcare, homeowners insurance, disease prevention…none of these should be for profit. Profiting from people’s misfortune is immoral and despicable.
So many things should not be for profit, for the public good.
While i 100% get what you are saying, the main reason the space shuttle was so expensive was because of politics.
Every senator and congressman wanted a piece of it.
The development was spread all over the country.
For your suggestion to work NASA would need a level of autonomy thats not likely
Republicans in Congress are cracking!
After being beat up in town halls.
Phones won't stop ringing.
Wondering what would happen to they if they stoop up.
Call them, visit their local office.
Keep up the pressure!
Today do something!
Pick up your phone.
You have power.
More than you know.
Use it!
Action Required:
Put pressure on Republicans. Call them everyday!
The power is in your hands, our hands!
You are strong!
What you can do today AND everyday!
Call your representatives in the House and Senate
Local and Federal.
Especially if they are Republicans.
Everyday a different subject.
Public schools.
Public infrastructure.
You can have private hospitals for optional plastic surgery.
They're just going to explode a lot more often too.
Privatization is good ONLY for transferring vast sums of money out of the pockets of taxpayers and into the pockets of oligarchs.
Parallel: Seagate Submarine ignoring industry safety standards and accountability in favor of cost-cutting for profit.
Safe travel is the goal. Musk built death traps for the road. Don't trust him to be careful because he's not shown care for the public yet.
Relying too much on one vendor is always a bad idea.
It's a shame the one thing space man and I still at least almost agree on is Mars and he doesn't seem to care about that, there's no ketamine fueled mars plan.
Kamala was right.
Hillary was right.
What do these 3 things have in common
I feel you.
No sympathy for anyone who didn’t vote MVP KH ✊
You know he will skimp on everything, charge NASA and deliver a space cyber stuck‼️😡
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The only thing Obama okayed that I disagreed w/was the NASA stuff.
"well just give him a chance. He's already there. Congress will stop it"
One thing about NASA there are virtually little crashes or explosions. If there are, they work hard to fix problems before they try again.
This is about musk getting his hands on more contracts $$
Throwback to when Evil Elon promised this, back in 2017, after hurricane Maria. Spoiler alert, he didn't do it. I think he powered one children's hospital in San Juan.
I hope they excise the musk tumor and save SpaceX from him.
NASA, USPS, health care, none of it should be private. If it is for societal benefit, it must be public.
The fact that NASA isn’t manufacturing their own pens and mining the ore they need for metal to build rockets is insane to me.
Now with Elon calling the shots we have random
exploding rocket ships! 😮
And you know what we got from the moon? Some dust and rocks with no intrinsic value.
Maybe Make America Great Again folks need to rethink their targets and put NASA back in charge.
Governments do space exploration for the people. Not profits.
And still correct today
Insanity at its best.
Whatever Trump says is distraction.
It was clear to see that for-profit prisons were a bad idea. With the rise of the American oligarchs "for-profit" attached to any previous non-profit service is a noun meaning worse service at higher costs for the benefit of the few.
I mean, look at school vouchers. Talk about a religious/private school subsidy. Using our money.
But I also believe all companies should be setup as co-ops so that they benefit the workers and the customers equally, instead of just the CEO/investors
Good call!
Just wanted to see it again.
Thanks, all….
F*ck private profit!
PUBLIC PROFIT is what we need!
I'm not so sure we should be letting private citizens build ICBMs...
Perspective: It’s semantics—he can speak up but as a rep; however he’s limited to not referring to violence in his statements. (Although, he’s not wrong. We’re pretty disgusted by our gov rn. Also? FTMFF!)
So many things should not be for profit, for the public good.
Every senator and congressman wanted a piece of it.
The development was spread all over the country.
For your suggestion to work NASA would need a level of autonomy thats not likely
NASA was a national treasure. Was…
Do we really need to be shooting so many things into space anyway when ppl are living in tents and cars and kids have to skip lunch at school?
After being beat up in town halls.
Phones won't stop ringing.
Wondering what would happen to they if they stoop up.
Call them, visit their local office.
Keep up the pressure!
Today do something!
Pick up your phone.
You have power.
More than you know.
Use it!
Put pressure on Republicans. Call them everyday!
The power is in your hands, our hands!
You are strong!
What you can do today AND everyday!
Call your representatives in the House and Senate
Local and Federal.
Especially if they are Republicans.
Everyday a different subject.