Please stop mocking people for talking about elections like “oh isn’t it cute you think there’ll be another election.” You’re discouraging people from voting. Which is exactly what Trump wants you to do.
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Musk and his high school kids have seized the entire population’s digital records and will use it to manipulate the results of future elections. And nothing can stop them. The takeover is complete.
When does America get to the point where all politicians & judges that have broken their oaths to their country- & there are plenty, are impeached and taken away by the US military??
Just like in South Korea.
Presidents included.
it may take years. justice is slow for, believe it or not, protection of the innocent. made slower too often by the rich who can afford to delaydelaydelay. now even slower still by the fact that this is a coup. so, their corruption must hurt so many the masses rise up & those in powerful positions
oppose them too. when the military turns on them, they've lost. or, they could screw up so bad so fast their faceplant takes them all down in spectacular fashion. i've only recently added this last option cuz, well, they're beyond a klownshow now, however wicked deadly.
Well there’s a good chance there won’t be another election. You can’t discourage people from participating in something that doesn’t happen. Mocking isn’t appropriate but screaming might be.
We're not "discouraging people from voting." We're imploring people to see reality, change tactics, and start fighting the real battle. By all means, everyone should vote. But historically speaking, autocratic regimes are not voted out of office.
The Soviet block lasted decades before collapsing. Ask Lithuanians and Poles if there was minimal bloodshed. Pinochet ruled for 17 years before a US backed coup drove him out. Who will back our coup? Marcos ruled the Philippines for 21 years. I could go on.
The Soviet Bloc collapse is not without bloodshed. It just took the Russian Federation 3 years to start, and they've been doing it ever since. Every one of the dozens of Russian-sponsored battles puts blood on Russian hands.
Pinochet was.
Look, it's scary and there is a real fear that Trump will not hold elections or will rig them. But lots of popular uprisings occur after a stolen or fraudulent election.
Our message needs to be "either there are free and fair elections, or there will be a popular uprising"
I’ve said it a few times. Not that “it’s cute”. And not mockingly. But if people really don’t see that they’re setting it up so there won’t be a free vote in 2 years, they have their heads in the sand.
No one is discouraging voting. People are raising the alarm that Trump has already stated there won't be another election. People are using the next election as an excuse to do nothing now. They're living in a dream of an America that no longer exists. Sorry if reality causes anxiety.
Discouraging to vote is exactly what ppl are doing with their rhetoric of "rigged election." trump said there won't be another election, which should've been an alarm bell. But still, 90m didn't vote, and many dems voted for him! That's why we are here, period! Tell me you voted and voted for 💙.
Of course I did. But I also believe there will not be a vote in four years if we allow Trump and his Project 2025 to continue. We only have months to stop them, not years.
I am with you on that. At this rate, I am not sure if we will have country anymore in 6 months. We must win the 2 special elections in FL scheduled on April 1st to take back the House to stop the regime. All these skeptical rhetoric about elections won't help.
I think everyone should vote. If they try to steal it, then everyone will know sooner rather than later that they are the monsters we think they are. The right has been moving this way for fifty years, and I don't think they'll back down now when they are so close to permanent rule.
We need to think of all creative strategies before we resort to bloodshed. Many in a position of little power could be powerful it they were enabled. We don’t need bloodshed to demand accountability and instill the fear of being inconvenienced.
On that note, you guys may want to check out Nathan Taylor and Greg Palast's interviews by Mark Thompson on Youtube over at @themarkthompsonshow channel.
There will be another election but if voting machines are connected to Star Link like many were last November, can you look your followers in the eye and tell them “don’t worry about it?”
Don’t be naive about this like you have been about Garland from the jump.
Whoever said their won't be anymore elections? It wasn't me. The President doesn't control who runs for state Representative in Nebraska or mayor of Spokane, Washington. He doesn't control any elections. Now if his billionaire friend wants to buy all the public offices, that's another matter.
If the president succeeds in his ambition of becoming a dictator and enough of the security forces, civil service etc fall into line behind him then yes he does.
There will be another 'election', but they will have rigged the system (I'm 100% sure they did it this time). So I think the message needs to be, we can no longer trust our elections, therefore, we need to show up and ALL of us need to vote, so it too massive interfere.
I think not acknowledging that they've hacked our government & that the rules aren't the same is also dangerous. 36% sat this out b/c they couldn't/wouldn't see the extreme differences - we need to make it clear. Apathy is no longer an option if they value democracy even in the slightest.
They are doing it now and it does need to be fixed! They yelled it’s rigged it’s rigged and now nothing because they rigged it!! They destroyed Kamala votes!
hate to break it to ya, rob, but the election system has been fully rigged since '16. (well, the Rs have been messing with many aspects of it for decades, but i digress.) '20 was a good one cuz so many voted by mail cuz COVID. djt's level of rage then was due to "goddammit i paid for this win,
now where is it?" even more at risk for him to lose this past one, so enter elon. their hold on the voting scheme is why they're so cocky and manic now. we need to launch a campaign to revert to paper ballots; it may be too late for next year, but we should start now. hi tech risks our democracy!
I don't think it has anything to do with discouraging people from voting. I think they'll be a mechanism put in place to directly prevent the vote from occurring. Some kind of martial law or something like that. Some kind of supreme Court override.
Thank you! 👏 We engage in hopeless cynicism at our own peril. The mindset should be not IF but WHEN we have elections.
Presupposing that elections won't happen is defeatist. Resolving to make sure our voices are heard at the ballot box is the best defense of our democracy we can have.
Yes, please give lots of publicity to all elections!! If we can flip one seat at a time, we can get these mindless people who are following Putin out of office!! One seat at a time! We can do it! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
How does questioning if there will be another election discourage people from voting when the time comes? If people say, “all elections are rigged,” I get how that would be discouraging, but not about being concerned if elections are even in our future.
It was okay in the searing pain of the day after the election and many of us needed to vent, but now there’s work to do and we have to move past that stage.
Sadly, many who voted for Trump do not want a democracy. They actually do want a king again. They think that having a dictator will make life better for them. Why learning history matters.
1) Don't tell me what to do.
2) I'm encouraging an investigation they don't want to have.
We need to have it.
If folks feel that way (understandable from the view in Texas) they should volunteer at polling sites and do all they can to make sure elections are legit…like electing people who won’t try to skew them!
I understand what you’re saying, AG. But we have to look at the real possibility of them not happening if they find an excuse for imposing martial law or being subverted by Leon’s AI and Dodgy Bois! We can’t sugar coat or hide the fact that these are real possibilities! But not reasons to give up!
Waking up to the fact that an authoritarian regime that will not permit free elections is being installed is not defeatism. It's woke. Act accordingly.
There will be an election and (like others) we must be sure that they are safe and that all the votes are counted. They'll have elections, but they'll do their damndest to intimidate, invalidate, etc and we need to be ready for that.
Defeatism is voter suppression. Losing hope helps fascism.
Or it motivates people to get more involved, engaged, and active to make sure there will be fair and free elections. Let’s not take anything for granted. We also need to start suing in every state to allow mail-in votes to start counting before Election Day and to allow counting past Election Day
These people aren’t grasping that elections are run at county level with validated methods for accountability - even if using electronic voting machines
Those results roll up to a state level a Secretary of state
But alas facts are hard. The biggest issue: 1/3 of voters just can’t be bothered
Take a lesson from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)...
1. Independent
2. National rules for State & Federal election practice
3. Compulsory Voting
4. Paper ballots
5. Pencils - no machines!
6. Humans counting votes
7. Universal access to postal voting
8. No ID once registered to vote-18yo
I think there’s a balance to be had here, where we can acknowledge and prepare others for the possibility that there won’t be another election, so that some sort of plan can coalesce around what we do in that event. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, but it starts with a conversation.
I think they’ve only been gaining ability to manipulate our elections. The same way that gerrymandering makes it difficult to overturn power consolidation, the longer we stand by an assertion of legitimacy as a premise, without in depth investigations and transparency, the more unlikely we dig out.
Democrats should be constantly proposing measures to combat even theoretical election subversion, never at expense of voting rights, rather than aggressively defending legitimacy on principle, as opposed to evidence.
It's also just not realistic that we aren't going to have elections so it's an exercise in pointless outrage. Plenty of other things to spend your energy being outraged about, pace yourselves.
It’s not “mocking”—that’s a strawman. The problem with the “just wait for the midterms” approach is that it misreads the situation. The Trump Junta is clearly not behaving as if it plans to ever face the voters again. Recognizing that fact is the first step to building an effective counter-strategy.
Agreed this is an all hands on deck moment. Too many Democrats I know are sticking their head in the sand because their nervous system just can’t take it. I wonder how they’re gonna feel if this thing goes further than it already has. It’s no wonder they call us snowflakes.
There's tons of anger out here over the 2024 election. Between suppression tactics and elon's likely interference many of us don't think future elections are going to matter until we figure out how to avoid these issues and no one will talk about it. No one is investigating what went wrong.
I find it infinitely more discouraging that people are still talking about voting as a solution when we have a president who’s already told us voting won’t matter. Just like all these worthless court orders/suits. Sure, vote, but let’s be prepared for the likely scenario that voting won’t matter.
We allowed Elon Musk to purchase the 2024 election result that he wanted, with ZERO push-back.
Musk reverse-engineered the machines and software the 96% of us voted on, and now his goons have taken over CISA.
Only a fool would believe that their vote will be faithfully counted. I'm no fool.
That's not what we're/they're saying. Trump will finagle a 3rd term or endless terms. He will then win the next election with 75% to 80% of the votes. Never been done you say? Just watch Trump and his magic muskrat. Now do you see what we're saying?
I honestly believe that elections, including mid-terms, that can be bought by Nazi billionaires probably aren't worth the cost to hold.
We'll re-tool democracy after the war against Hitler 2.0 and his hateful, racist red-hatted Nazi brownshirts.
I doubt there will be an election. Why else would the GOP be so complicit. They know if they do what Musk/Trump want they will keep their jobs doing nothing for constituents and growing their own wealth. Sad 😢 We need to stand up and be loud! Usual diplomacy will not work with these grifters.
I didn't realize you found concrete evidence Elon fixed the voting machines, feel free to share your 'evidence' with the rest of the world, maybe even take them to court if you have the goods. Makes you wonder why he didn't fix the rest of the congressional races to elect more GOP congressman.
A "duty-to-warn" letter from elections hacking experts was ignored by Dems.
It takes a special kind of stupid to assume that the GOP DIDN'T illegally obtain voting machines and software (& steal actual ballots) to reverse-engineer those systems.
Why do YOU believe that the GOP stole those systems?
That's what I thought nut, 0 evidence, you're as bad as the MAGAts, they cheated by suppressing voters and calling in bomb threats, there's no evidence they hacked voting machines.
Count me as a fool then because I think the “2024 election was stolen” claims are as baseless as the “2020 election was stolen” claims were. I am also foolish enough to believe that a democracy with 340M people can get the government most of us want if we work for it and vote.
I don't think there would, if there is an election, be anyone who would stay home! I think organization of citizens to make sure there is no fraud should start now! IF he allows elections, he will try and cheat. no doubt!
Let's Apply Lessons Learned!
Here In #Virginia, 2025 #Elections:
- Governor
- Lt Governor
- Attorney General
- State Senate
- House of Delegates
Make Virginia TOTALLY BLUE Again!
Expect, "UNDUE ATTENTION", to All these races!
One Step At A Time!
🇺🇸 ⚖️🗽
There will be elections, and I will be voting in them. In my little slice of the interwebs, anyone that says otherwise can join the 💩 posters in the corner in silence.
we must be aware of what he says and his intentions. Herl is dismantling the government, especially the DOJ to achieve these means.
Resistance must get louder.
He is not going away silently; we've already seen that.
Exactly! I’m tired too of the people who make their living “predicting” doom and gloom saying “oh how adorable that you think there are going to be elections.” There WILL be elections because we refuse to accept otherwise. Sorry if that means less coins in their coffers.
I think that’s an over reaction. 2026 is 1.5 years away. Very good chance there will be martial law by then and elections ‘privatized.’ Rigged at the very least. And far more aggressive voter suppression than just words.
I keep trying to shout this point about voter suppression/rejected ballots. This is nothing new. With voter id, long lines, etc., we KNEW what they were up to for a while. Did it make a difference in 2024? I'd like to see some reliable reporting on it. has a great piece on how the talk of future elections not happening is just voter suppression by ourselves, and how everyone needs to stop. Love her.
May want to announce our pick sooner than later...Trump ran for the last 4 years. Why wait especially when a leader is going to help the cause by getting out there with friends and allies
The elections in Russia are theater. He kills dissidents so their voices don’t take root and cause a strong enough opposition. Has nothing to do with elections. Why do you think Trump wants the post office and to restore paper only ballots? The right already does what it can to obstruct voters. 🤷🏻♂️
Sham voting has one purpose: to help the dictator. It does nothing for democracy, and everything for the autocrat. Putin, e.g., has won 5 elections in fake landslide victories. He does this for many reasons. None of which help the Russian people. It sells the illusion, informs him of rivalries, etc.
I don’t mean to discourage. I do mean to warn that neither he nor his sick little minions are going to willingly relinquish an ounce of power at any point & to encourage people to rip off any rose-colored glasses that might suggest otherwise. It’s not “isn’t it cute” it’s “hunker down & fight”
People absolutely should vote. Absolutely. I'm just saying don't wait until then to fight. And be prepared to fight when your votes miraculously don't get counted properly.
I'm all for any humor we can find, and right now it's mostly black. Just want that to help us get through a hard fight rather than being a substitute for it.
Yep, we have to help each other in all the ways we can. We all have different coping mechanisms and whats needed is encouragement rather than denigration or reprimands (not aimed at you, but everyone).
It’s more than just that. The DNCs involvement with Israel is a symptom of a party full of corporate & political bribery, nepotism, weak leadership, and disconnected goals from its voters. The leader told them to “play dead” while teens raid our treasury, healthcare gets cut, and corporations get $
Also shows how little people know about how elections are run. They are all 'local'! State, county, district. If you're worried about elections, go to your local election commission/board. State election laws are available on the web.
"Don't say the bad thing out loud" doesn't keep the bad thing from being true. We're not mocking; we're ringing the alarm bells. We can't wait for midterms. This has to end now or it doesn't end at all. And then, our votes really WON'T matter, even if that's demoralizing to hear.
I see too many using midterms or the next presidential election as a means to not do anything right now or hold their elected reps accountable now. Everyone should be acting like Drump meant what he said about never needing to vote again. We are barreling towards collapse.
I block anyone saying this. They are complying in advance. Election tampering is a real possibility...but there is only so much tampering that can be done. States can also hold the line, hand count votes, etc. If we all come out to vote, they can't deny it.
And whom even knows where we will be in a year and a half? The republican party could've imploded, we might be at war, etc etc...who freaking knows but giving up on elections in advanced is just giving up. BUT ITS NOT OUR ONLY TOOL. We have to keep boycotting, striking, protesting, speaking out!
Look up SAVE Act the regime is planning, it would take away women's right to vote, if our name is different than our birth certificate. Sounds unbelievable right? But voting to take away children's & elderly people's health insurance sounds unbelievable, yet here we are. Look up project 2025
T's words were something like; I don't need your votes. Elon has a secret. There won't need to be another election. Then we learn of all the millions of votes thrown out. Now we know about elon's hackers
I've heard Trump & Elon say enough, seen enough graphs, AND he wasn't popular enough to win ALL swing states, something not done in over 40 years, especially w/ the momentum she built in 3 months.
3 months is the problem. Biden's inability to campaign coherently left us on track to lose New York state before he dropped out for Christ's sake. It's not about trump's popularity, but the info ecosystem that allowed people to say "well both sides do it." Don't become a conspiracy theorist
You've called me names 2x now. Yes, 3 months was an issue. Yes, there was a MASSIVE disinformation campaign, AND there was evidence Trump & Elon played dirty. If that isn't acknowledged, we will continue to lose. Have a nice day. I'm not going to continue participating in the discussion with you.
They had NO evidence when they claimed it was rigged. We do. Using Blue Anon isn't only disrespectful but naive. Do you think there was no alterior motive behind calling fraud for 4 years? It was so people like you would call us names for pointing out very obvious discrepancies in the '24 election.
2025 Trump said Musk had an advanced understanding of the voting machines used in PA.
"He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers," Trump told the crowd. "And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide."
We should not start with the foregone conclusion that it was rigged. That’s what THEY did. Different independent polls predicted the outcome was highly possible, exit polling backs up the results, and many prev Biden voters stayed home. I also am in disbelief, but we do not have proof. We can look…
Yes, there is proof. Its been reported. Just not by msm. We all need to educate ourselves and not throw up our hands and say, "Where is the proof???"
Many people have done the math. There is proof.
Start with and
We don’t need to imitate their Machiavellian ways. We don’t need to BECOME them. The Democratic party needs to start over with fresh people, fresh ideas…including doing what they did to REACH people, not just doing what we’ve always done.
Yes, and the password was leaked for the voting machines. The states where dems won Senate, but lost presidential are extremely suspicious. Do y'all really think musk didn't touch the voting machines? Aoc even asked genuinely who's voting for her & tr ump?
Why would they not just sweep it? Why give up very important Senate seats? I’m not saying it didn’t happen. I’m not saying part of me still can’t believe it happened. Or that I don’t think they would dare. I’m saying this is not enough to declare that it did.
But to hope to ever get though this & not have a dictator, we should carefully look at this & safeguard future elections if we can. Didn't t already start to dismantle the agency that verifies election integrity?
Also, I know many people couldn’t hold their nose and vote for Harris because of Palestine. They felt that voting for her they would be condoning support for Israel’s actions. I tried to talk them out of it, saying Trump would be worse, but they just couldn’t do it. They left the top of ticket blank
We need to question why. I suspect we will find we slept while many states legislated to give themselves the power to do so. I know they were hard at work at it. My point is that starting with the conclusion is not who we are…it’s who they are.
If there was something to this we would be hearing about it from reputable voting orgs. We're not. And I have no need to follow the right wing off the conspiracy cliff.
Election forensics uses data analytics & stats to determine if election results are statistically normal or abnormal, which can indicate electoral fraud.
No recounts done on the presidential race & the few audits done were insufficient.
In my case, I like to think I’m trying to get people to wake up and realize that if they don’t fight now, it will be too late. I want people to vote and engage.
yeah, but i'm convinced their hellbent for leather maniacal push right now is fueled by their 'knowledge' they have the next election theft in the bag. we need to 1) highlight all our crowdsource investigations into that, & 2) start the uphill but essential battle for PAPER BALLOTS! hands-on voting!
Damn right! No two-bit hustler is going to take our democracy away from us. We've battled tougher opponents than that idiot. I know the rot is deep in Congress and even SCOTUS, but the good guys will win. Don't get discouraged. Let's start by helping Dems win House special elections in April.
I think it is a mistake to idle along with the attitude that if you don’t like the way the government is going you can just change it in 4yrs, so why worry. Yesterday’s performance showed that the US has fundamentally changed. George Washington’s “great experiment” has failed.
I read someone who said that Trump acting like there won't be any more elections is not the same as there won't be anymore elections. If you believe you are defeated already, then they don't have to do the work to fight you.
It is important that we all stand up together supporting each other, not normalizing trumps crap and working as one against it - Our power is our numbers!
So you prefer to sit it out and wait two years to see if your head of state - who said you won’t have to vote again - is actually going to organize elections, while his current actions are woefully demonstrating his contempt for any legal process? How much damage will you allow before it’s too late?
Well enough that there’s still anything to work with at all and for any length of time. But ultimately that’s the wrong question. Ask what you’re most afraid of and then look up how these institutions are set up. Then you can have faith because you’ll have a better idea of how to help defend them
I'm not discouraging anyone from voting, I am, however encouraging protest and action to take your nation back.
Orange Caligula has hinted at it for months so I have no doubt in my mind that he will postpone elections indefinitely
There will be elections but every American needs to ensure that they are free and fair. Unlike in Russia where Putin has been "re-elected" for decades.
I agree, we shouldn't let them deter us and overwhelm us. This is our country and elections. Opting out is not a choice, we must fight for our country and its soul. Otherwise our constitutional rights will be stripped away.
i hear your concerns, extremely high risks, yes. but pls don't count out the dems. joe & obama have no doubt maintained close communications with allies thru this, tho NO ONE involved would dare to breathe that. not saying a cavalry is coming, but those who know the stakes are keeping close watch. 🙏
maybe you haven't noticed, but i'm seeing them everywhere!! seriously; it's a lovefest out here that the evil MAGAts can't destroy. patience, grasshopper. but meanwhile, get on board! you're more than welcome to join in!
I think more than half of the corporate owned Dems are already part of the problem. I won't be surprised to see them jump ship or simply join the reds. There corporate masters control them.
any in particular you have in mind? by my observation over time, sure, the DLC kinda did the "if you can't beat 'em join 'em" in the 90s after reagan Rs were in power for 12 yrs straight. but right now i'm hard-pressed to think of too many who are deep in corporate pockets. do share, tho.
hi pressure (esp in the house) to raise money all the damn time cuz campaign finance laws suck so bad. bernie set standard for how much can be done without big donors, & many followed. no doubt many did not (pelosi's hubby's an investor, sadly), but it's become clear voters hate it; dems listen.
Maybe folks shouldn't be encouraged to _assume_ there will be another election. 'Purposely turning a blind eye to Russian interference, as directed yesterday, seems to preclude any _legitimate_ or fair potential future elections, if indeed there are any. So, no, it is hardly a mockery
We think Martial Law will be invoked. If there IS an election, I think Republicans will get their ass handed to them. That's why we don't think there will be an election.
So rather than complying in advance, how about we agree to the following: Either there are free and fair elections, or there will be a popular uprising
Nobody can vote yet so it’s a little premature to say you are discouraging people from voting. As if the world won’t be completely different in two years.
With all due respect, anyone with critical thinking skills knows that the POINT is the acceptance that elections no longer matter. I’ll vote. But I KNOW it’s moot vs. holding out hope it’s somehow going to matter. If people can’t parse that, it’s not on me.
You’ve missed the point. Elections are run by states not the Fed. gov’t. We need to combat & raise awareness of voter suppression. Not disempower people w/ anxieties about stolen elections. We have work to do but we can change this. Link to Vigilante, Inc. documentary,
Uh huh. How do you propose to do that? The MAGAts have been working on gerrymandering and suppression for ages. Long before trump 1.0. How’s that worked out so far? We’re decades into this? It gets worse every year. Buts let’s say they miraculously fix this all over the country by the midterms.
What makes you think trump would honor any Dem win? There is zero chance he allows another Dem in Congress. And who is going to march in there and hold him accountable if he doesn’t? He’s already ignoring court orders in real time. I give it 6 months before he’s written an order
He’s a lawless criminal so he’ll never be able to interpret law. There’s an entire judiciary apparatus that does & they’re already hearing 80+ cases opposing his actions. AG Bondi is a prosecutor not a judge & the DOJ is already on its knees w/ the SDNY. You’re ignorant of the facts & not helping.
That’s ridiculous. POTUS has NOTHING to do w/ who gets into Congress. Put your energies toward improving this situation instead of scare-mongering. I’m not afraid of Trump. They haven’t accomplished anything yet. They’re just breaking things. Rollover at your own peril. DO NOT OBEY IN ADVANCE.
“Mocking” is a strong word.
It’s choosing to not live in a fantasy, because that’s how one catches a shiner.
If people want to keep playing the “get out and vote” card two- four years early, that’s your energy. Lol it’s barely worked any time it actually has
And if someone is stupid enough NOT to vote because someone like me said (jokingly or not) Trump has a open path to destroy democracy? I’m not the problem in that transaction lol.
That’s a critical thinking issue on the “non voters” part.
Some people want to be part of the sit-and-wait crowd. That’s fine.
But it isn’t about not voting later. It’s not either/or. The world has 7 bil people, let them go. JFC. Hang up the “you hurt my feelings” shit
It’s choosing to not miss the trees for the forest and becoming Sonny Bono.
The rest of the world thinks "the next election" not happening is now a moot point. Look at what Pootin has accomplished in 1 month. Two or 4 years from now will be far too late. The world is moving on.
Agree. I had to change my behavior. Otherwise we are obeying in advance. We need to Keep
Talking about midterms and elections. Absolutely. And push back against vote suppression. said Dems need to win by 4% to make up for the cheating (some of it “lawful bs”)
If there is one, there is very little to suggest it will be fair, given CISA eliminated the team focused on election security. The Putin-Musk regime would never risk losing power.
No, people need to wake the fuck up. They rigged the election, they admitted to it and if you think they won't do it again (why shouldn't they, they got away with it) now that there is no one to stop them, you are high.
This ☝️. That crowd has yet to explain how he will cancel elections. Plus we’ve had other elections since January and the 3 special congressional elections are still to take place so…
Well at least in PA, where I am from, we have Josh Shapiro who will veto any bill that disenfranchises voters and esp since we have a one seat major in the State House
Let’s stop telling people how to feel about this. It’s a traumatic situation and frankly how do you know any better than anyone else what will happen? No one knows. If I get a chance to vote, hell yeah I’m gonna vote. The scoldy, know it all tone is not at all attractive and certainly not helpful.
Thank you!! I was a lifelong conservative until 2015. I've been voting for Dems exclusively since 2016 on every local, special, state, and general election. It's just so damn discouraging to know 90 million didn't vote, and so many are still pessimistic about voting. 😡
Exactly, there will be future elections.
The United States will survive, battered and bruised, to see the prosecution of the traitors in control...
For now.
I do not discourage anyone. I am, however, asking where are the Dems speaking out about election security??? What are they doing to ensure we have free and fair elections? 2024 seemed very odd, hackers are in government databases, Trump will not relinquish power without a fight. Is anyone prepared?
Republicans have fucked things up for my entire 40-odd year life and all we do is vote them back in as a reward. Typically because we want to punish Democrats for "not saving us"/"not fighting hard enough"/"not earning my vote"/etc.
Speak on that junke, up there Mueller, She Wrote!!. Yeah, shaddup freakin naysayers! You ain't no fortune tellers, & ya don't know shht abt what will happen, thats why we doin Work ppl!!!!
I'm just reciting history. They stole the election in 2000. They stole the last election. Now that they control all branches of government, the next logical step is "why have an election?"
Look, elections are run by states not the federal gov’t. We need to combat & raise awareness of voter suppression not disempower people w/ anxieties about stolen elections. The 2024 was not stolen. We have work to do but can change this. Link to Vigilante, Inc. documentary,
Could you also provide alt-text for this image w/text? Makes it more accessible, and also more visible if searching Bluesky.
They all matter. Best way to help is join
Just like in South Korea.
Presidents included.
The entire Soviet Bloc collapsed with minimal bloodshed. Pinochet submitted without a fight. Marcos fled to exile. All in my lifetime. I could go on.
Abkhazia, Ossetia, Chechnya, Ukraina... So far. 😐
Look, it's scary and there is a real fear that Trump will not hold elections or will rig them. But lots of popular uprisings occur after a stolen or fraudulent election.
Our message needs to be "either there are free and fair elections, or there will be a popular uprising"
Maybe the words ain't the problem..
give a tax break for voting. make it mandatory to get your tax return.
dying on this hill. idgaf.
Do not fall into Russian/trump's trap, yet again! Please make sure you are registered to vote today. It only takes a few minutes.
-JFK 👍
Don’t be naive about this like you have been about Garland from the jump.
Who's duty is it to ensure the candidates positions are reflected by their constituency ?
Presupposing that elections won't happen is defeatist. Resolving to make sure our voices are heard at the ballot box is the best defense of our democracy we can have.
2) I'm encouraging an investigation they don't want to have.
We need to have it.
Defeatism is voter suppression. Losing hope helps fascism.
Those results roll up to a state level a Secretary of state
But alas facts are hard. The biggest issue: 1/3 of voters just can’t be bothered
1. Independent
2. National rules for State & Federal election practice
3. Compulsory Voting
4. Paper ballots
5. Pencils - no machines!
6. Humans counting votes
7. Universal access to postal voting
8. No ID once registered to vote-18yo
You sit on your ass & wait for the midterms - it’ll be too late.
Musk reverse-engineered the machines and software the 96% of us voted on, and now his goons have taken over CISA.
Only a fool would believe that their vote will be faithfully counted. I'm no fool.
We'll re-tool democracy after the war against Hitler 2.0 and his hateful, racist red-hatted Nazi brownshirts.
It takes a special kind of stupid to assume that the GOP DIDN'T illegally obtain voting machines and software (& steal actual ballots) to reverse-engineer those systems.
Why do YOU believe that the GOP stole those systems?
The $35Trillion credit line gets called with no elections!
Vibes are not the fundamental issue. And the truth is Trump will at least try to alter (and/or has) elections.
Speaking truthfully is what will rally people. Pretending it’s fine is what got us here
Let's Apply Lessons Learned!
Here In #Virginia, 2025 #Elections:
- Governor
- Lt Governor
- Attorney General
- State Senate
- House of Delegates
Make Virginia TOTALLY BLUE Again!
Expect, "UNDUE ATTENTION", to All these races!
One Step At A Time!
🇺🇸 ⚖️🗽
Resistance must get louder.
He is not going away silently; we've already seen that.
Even Russia still has elections. And if elections no longer matter there, then why does Putin keep killing his opponents?
Voting still matters, even if it's just like a lottery ticket, where your odds of losing are guaranteed if you never buy the ticket.
It can be subtle, but I am spotting them.
Cynicism has to go, but humor is medicine.
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒕 𝑵𝑶𝑾!
"He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers," Trump told the crowd. "And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide."
A 19yr old "hacker" known online as "Big Balls" is working as part of Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).
Many people have done the math. There is proof.
Start with and
What THEY did won a trifecta, allegedly.
We’ve literally nothing to lose in emulation.
The difference of course being that we watched assaults happen on multiple fronts, and logic is on the side of questioning the impact of that.
According to the election results, questioning election results was how to REACH people.
What’s your real goal in encouraging people to ignore the flagrant assaults we all saw on our elections?
We need paper ballots that are traceable.
No recounts done on the presidential race & the few audits done were insufficient.
Acknowledge there's a Nazi for president!
NOTHING makes people want to vote more than if they believe it will be taken from them!
Look at ANY country where people had been denied a vote!
Plus the daughter fucker has also publicly stated Elonia rigged the election.
No one seems to care, on the right anyway.
We have to stop believing the lies from the media that this is hyperbole.
It ALL works.
RESIST. Each and every way.
It ALL matters.
It is important that we all stand up together supporting each other, not normalizing trumps crap and working as one against it - Our power is our numbers!
They cant ever defeat us if we are unified!
Concerning. And it factored in this presidential election too
Orange Caligula has hinted at it for months so I have no doubt in my mind that he will postpone elections indefinitely
Speaking for myself
I doubt there will be an America by Dec, the way things going.
Court decisions great but no one enforcing them.
The Dems MIA; so unless you got a magic wand to fix this shit…
It’s choosing to not live in a fantasy, because that’s how one catches a shiner.
If people want to keep playing the “get out and vote” card two- four years early, that’s your energy. Lol it’s barely worked any time it actually has
That’s a critical thinking issue on the “non voters” part.
But it isn’t about not voting later. It’s not either/or. The world has 7 bil people, let them go. JFC. Hang up the “you hurt my feelings” shit
It’s choosing to not miss the trees for the forest and becoming Sonny Bono.
Voting is still our greatest weapon to defeat these corrupt idiots in our govt.
We just have to get voters to turn out.
I'm also concerned.
Make sure your congress people know this.
Talking about midterms and elections. Absolutely. And push back against vote suppression. said Dems need to win by 4% to make up for the cheating (some of it “lawful bs”)
Remember: there are more of us than them
The United States will survive, battered and bruised, to see the prosecution of the traitors in control...
For now.
Elections aren't protocol, they're not 'custom'.
They are the law.
Republicans have fucked things up for my entire 40-odd year life and all we do is vote them back in as a reward. Typically because we want to punish Democrats for "not saving us"/"not fighting hard enough"/"not earning my vote"/etc.
I have zero faith in us ever learning.