Really? Most of us in the queer community or those who wanted reproductive freedoms didn’t sleep well as we watched hundreds of state laws violate our human rights. Increased police violence on civilians much? Also, genocide and cozying up the fascist Bibi didn’t exactly bring sweet dreams.
The Biden Admin was sending in Aid and accomplished a cease fire. Trump stopped all aid to everyone country in the world probably just to ensure Gaza would suffer worse so he can build condos on their remains
And we could call him sleepy don because he falls asleep during his trials, fills his diaper, and passes gas to the despair of anyone around.
Sleepy don.
Hi🤍 I'm sorry 🙏🏻🤍
I’m Diana. My family and I are facing very difficult circumstances in Gaza, and we need your help. Any donation, no matter how small, can make a big difference in our lives. If you can contribute or even share this message, I would be deeply grateful. Thank you🙏🙏
trump never shut up the whole 4 years and dominated the news with his insanity. You would think nothing positive happened with the complicit news oligarchs kissing trump's ass.
Makes you wonder how having funded the slaughter of 10s of thousands of Palestinian children. Guess there's only a conscience for first party suffering.
And it is getting worse for the Palestinians. This conflict has been going on for decades. The Israeli lobby in the USA is very strong. Netanyahu is a right wing lunatic. Not a simple problem to solve. Now the orange is talking out loud about 100% ethnic cleansing so he can build beach resorts.
That's lazy, Tom. Saying an issue has gone on for decades trivializes the administration of genocide & funding of a right wing autocrat that vaporized woman and children for over a year. We don't want to hear anything from do-nothing Dems and centrists anymore. Go away
“He” was not in total control of the situation. Nor would Harris if she was elected. After the attack on Israel what did you expect would happen with a hard liner like Netanyahu in office. I don’t love the Dems either but what we have now is way worse for us and the Palestinians.
That's not an excuse to keep sending Israel billions & billions of $ that could & should be spent on the working class & poor in this country. Nor is it an excuse to keep sending arming Israel. Biden could've done A LOT MORE than the hardly anything he did do.
I don't know if you realize that I agree with you, here. I was pointing out that although Biden didn't do enough to push against Netanyahu, he was far better than Trump playing cheerleader for genocide.
I would expect our government to not write a blank check to a genocidal maniac. Very, very low bar. For libs, it's not about it being worse for Palestinians, just worse for you/us/me/I
Pump the brakes? Is that really what you think? Lol. The only trolling is from liberals who want to gaslight the left into thinking that was "ok" or "pumping the brakes" insane take
Trump and Vance are a threat to our democracy and freedoms—we must get them out of the White House!
Sign and share my petition to impeach Donald Trump and JD Vance, and remove Elon Musk’s dangerous influence from our government.
Sleepy Joe didn't do enough. None of the DNC or GOP do. One violates us as quickly as laws allow, and the other just tries to keep things from getting worse too quickly. And the rest get to argue over distractions.
Your system is broken and always has been. The only reason the US has lasted as long as it has is that most of the people in power cared about doing things the right way so they didn't bother writing those things into the system.
1/ You are either a troll, or unaware of the full history of this conflict, and how from the days of Arafat to today, every time there was a choice Palestinian have chooses terror, and the absolute statement that Israel does not have the right to exist.
2/ I happen to be on the side of Palestinian people, but the fact Palestinian authorities have chosen a different path vs a path of political influence to the point where any president of united state and Biden’s hands were tied, is lost on you. Electing Trump reflects the same flawed logic.
3/ If you truly cared about Palestine and their people the path forward is consensus building and creating a workable coalition, where you allow people to see the cruelty of Israel government, so even peace loving Israeli people can come to your side. Since news of the cruelty cannot be accented.
I sleep at night knowing what the options were and that 3rd party is nonviable without ranked choice voting. I do my best to migitate what damage I can given what is available. There wasn't "good" but there was "not evac and bulldoze what's left for trumpland"
Palestine definitely won't be "free" now with Trump (Netanyahu's preferred choice) around. I hope those protests exclusively against Harris and Biden instead of Trump were worth it.
Not sleeping properly is one of the most detrimental things for your mental health. It’s also difficult to achieve quality sleep when you are over using ADHD meds.
Because things were normal. We could make plans. We could see the government making plans. We could see the government following their own plans. We could trust that what was said yesterday, would be respected today.
Actually, some of us could not because tens of thousands of Palestinian children, women, and men were being slaughtered and starved in a genocide paid for by taxpayer dollars. Israel enjoys free health care, education, housing, all kinds of things with our tax dollars. Biden is a rabid Zionist.
Remember when we didn’t have to think about what was happening in government and could just sit around making fun of someone for being old and like ice cream? That was nice.
How many think twice about turning on any information/news media because you are not what the Agent Orange said or did while you were living your life?
True! —Don’t Worry I Got Your Priorities And Best Interests Done Or On My “Get It Done List” — President Biden !!
Fascist Loser Trump’s List —“What And Who, Will I Fuck Up Or Destroy Today” !!
US liberals don't care at all. They're very angry we wouldn't all shut up and vote for the candidate who was part of the administration actively committing genocide. They just want to vote and go back to sleep for four years and pretend everything is fine.
Jill shows up every four years to run for president as third party that can’t win and takes votes away from the party that would have actually helped all those people.
She’s also an idiot and a liar and possibly a Russian plant
Do you really think she has superpowers and could solve even half of that? Sorry, but I don't. I don't even live in the USA, and the US has been more than cruel with South America where I live.
So, I can't say if you guys can really find any solution for any of those things.
No all of those are hard problems. But she thinks carefully about issues. She would not have a psychopath burning down our government. She could be reasoned with and communicated with. Not like what we have now.
No superpowers required. Just a brain with compassion and the power to do so. Men got us here, a strong woman would have done wonders to heal the world.
I don't know what this is, but it isn't sleep. Instead of "building a go-kart with my landlord" I'm constantly re-checking the perimeter of a pizza-shaped planet where all the toppings are monuments to political lies.
Is fElon hoarding all the restful sleep hunkered down in the Ketamine-hole?
the repubs were nitpickers then &now
they still pull that shit but on a grander scale while ignoring their sins against humanity
always a double standard
Sigh, those were the days. I haven't slept well since November 6, and I'm Canadian. I can't imagine how it must feel to be living in the middle of that nightmare.
It's so fricken unreal. I'm sort of a blue dot in a red area in a blue state. So I just don't say anything, because I know I would go off the rails if someone really challenged me. They walk around like everything is normal, and inside I'm fractured and working as much as I can & saving every penny
It’s hell… truly . I’m wondering why there’s no out for us? Trump and Musk are obviously colluding with Putin. That’s Treason, yet there’s no stopping them?? 🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦
Thank the gods he sent those noisy disruptive bombs to Israel so people can sleep, safe in the knowledge that it's Palestinians who are being slaughtered.
shows you're not so different from the people you hate.
c) It wasn't the people shouting at Harris about Gaza who lost you your election, it was because she didn't bring the base out (millions, not thousands of people)
Quite literally, you and the voters like you who couldn't see past their one issue have destroyed any hope of the Palestinians for a two state solution - now will watch their land become a resort for rich people. It's on you. All of you. Deal with it.
It was though. All of you and your purity fever and your obsession with one issue instead of the possible ramifications of a Trump presidency. All of the voters that voted on one issue because "purity" was more important than keeping out a man that could end democracy across the world.
I miss waking up and not dreading reading the news of the day. The “oh G-d what did he do now!” President Biden was a calm background presence in my life and I so so miss this certainty.
I would love to rub your noses in the good thing. Is it Joe Biden did for this country. How soon we forget. Right now I’m too busy fighting the real enemy.
The USSR did more to end fascism white supremacy zionists nazis than anyone with the glorious red army partisans. Pity he didn't take out Bandera or go further. Clear out the US of all white supremacists entirely would be a great start in making America truly great. For all
I am repulsed by Trump and am very much democrat. But to pretend Biden wasn't losing his damn mind at the end of his term is delusional. He should have stepped down well before elections.
Even on his bad days and at 80 something he got more shit done , showed more compassion and was an exemplary statesman . Old man tWump sits on his ass when not golfing, runs his mouth and signs Executive Order all day,directives that tear the nation down. That is all he does.President Pen Hand .
they were serious professionals that were in the nation& democracy's corner
tWump & his cabal cabinet of billionaires have one plan &that is to completely privatize this nation ,killing every publicly owned agency that assist the public, turning it into a pay to play wholly owned subsidiary
Fascism was called Corporatism until 1928, when Nazis changed it because thee public didn't like the name! Their core belief was that businesses should run everything.
Businesses are for making money. Governments are for protecting the people! Musk can buy what a government does... for himself!
The very same imbeciles were saying the very same ageist ignorant F’ing things about Jimmy Carter 40 years before he died…
At 90 Joe Biden will know more on instant recall than these 30-something GED/High School grads ever knew in their entire lazy-assed under-achieving lives
True, to a sense. Let's not ignore the fact that he enabled a convicted felon by playing the nice guy and sleeping through the most egregious event in Amerikkkan history.
Let's face it. The American people blew it. We had a great candidate and potential POTUS with Kamala Harris. We had a great POTUS with Joe Biden. They were too good. We would rather have a criminal, narcissist sociopath, as President. We're so much better off, aren't we?
I'm gonna need the full tutorial on how you attribute ALL those deaths to the guy that took over in the middle of the pandemic, encouraged Covid countermeasures (STARK contrast from his predecessor), and oversaw the vaccine rollout.
Also, Biden wouldn't have controlled how Canadia handled it...
How did Biden encourage countermeasures exactly? He told people it was over, and to stop taking countermeasures, even though we're into the 6th year of the pandemic now. He continued Trump's bad policy of not counting how many are affected, so it's hard to know just how much worse things are. ·
Sep 18, 2022
“The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. But the pandemic is over,” President Biden tells 60 Minutes in an interview in Detroit."
@elizavetaka ·
"Now that Biden declared pandemic “over” this gives carte blanche to all employers + corporations not to do any mitigations or offer remote working/study options to anyone. Because “pandemic is over”. I can’t begin to say how ill-timed this is + how much suffering it will bring." ·
Jul 5, 2024
"President Biden: Trump lies about the pandemic he totally botched. The truth is over a million Americans went on to die. He told us to inject bleach in our arm. [...]"
How the vaccine rollout went, is one of the key condemnation points against Biden. Vax and relax, and people did, and countless died as a result. If he'd used his years in power to clean indoor air, and encourage respirator use, so many people would be alive and well today.
Instead, his policies led to him catching COVID just prior to the debate, he was disabled by it and unfit to have a conversation let alone a debate. Trump won the debate even in his addled state, and the rest is history.
COVID-19 was out of he barn and everywhere by the time Biden got there. He had an uphill battle and trump's anti-vaxxer anti-masker followers seriously would rather die than do anything preventative.
Biden, like practically every other world leader, went along with the GBDeclaration, and now one of the people responsible is about to join Trump's regime. Protections are gone, and elected Dems from coast to coast have tried legislating against them.
And things are better for Palestinians with Trump?! Yes, there were *huge* issues with Biden's stance on Israel/Palestine, but he wasn't planning to clear Gaza of Palestinians to turn it into some kind of fucking resort! It's the lesser of 2 evils, sadly. And there was hope for a shift under Harris.
You establishment fools, Democrat elites want to speak to me about bought tools like Kamala,Biden, Pelosi 🤣 Israel is behind US fascist state now! Who you think is got this party divided? Racist never left Democrat party.
Yes. This has been on my mind: the good old days when you felt secure in that good, smart people were looking out for you. And despite some inflation, you still had hope to improve your life. And diversity was a beautiful thing.
This isn’t rocket science people. Tax the rich and corporations at the same rate as the rest of us, eliminate the payroll tax cap, eliminate deductions. Bingo, government funded, medicaid/medicare/SS fully funded. DOGE can get F’ed and we the people have a happy life.
You forgot to mention change inheritance laws, change capital gains exceptions for inheriting money/stock from deceased family.The rest of us should be able to make deductions, like healthcare expenses (mine’s 12k/yr), mortgage interest,money teachers pay from own pocket to supply their classrooms.
I will NEVER understand Republicans' (and some Democrats) refusal to even consider taxing everyone fairly when what you propose is so unbelievably simple. It would allow us to take care of our beautiful country and all its people and not be in so much debt. Yet so many can't do it. smh
Great! HOW? I have been saying to people for months, keep your tax money. increase your withholdings to the max. it's a silent protest. if we all could do it, it could work. Who is going to be left to figure out the penalties on it? He is gutting the IRS too.
Biden has only served one term.
He knows where the bodies are buried (again).
If he runs in 2028 he could knock mango muskolini off the "oldest president ever" pedestal and 'mentor' Kamala for 2 yrs + 1 day and then retire. Kamala can serve for 2.49 terms and bring in Walz for VP.
Me too, the dread 24/7. I have always suffered insomnia, but now... 1 hydroxyzine, I 5mg melatonin, 1 shot zzzquil, 1 phone playing sleep stories, 1 playing green or pink or white noise, and 2 fans. I still get 2 hours maybe at a crack. I'm thinking about adding some 'Gardening' ...idk
Item by item Biden did much better than this deranged menace & so did Americans.
You didn't see Biden & Harris constantly on the news gaslighting the American ppl, they were busy working for them!
Did F-elon buy fox too?
They're constantly interviewing the comedic actors felon, f-elon & republicans.
Oralè Resisters
Trump oligarchs gambling away your retirement and America’s security with tanking tariffs and crashing Wall Street! #TrumpGambleFailed
we should call the orange shit stain “sleepy don” because he’s asleep at the wheel and mush has taken control of the car … even republican congressmen beg the mush. fn cowards.
No, because he was old and slipping. Plus many couldn't sleep at night with him supporting genocide. We have to be real. He was better than this, did some good, but he still wasn't good.
I will start calling all our elected officials Sleepy Dems! Do something! Enough with the polite nothingness. When news channels start closing, when we lose everything, it will be too damn late AGAIN! Didn't you learn anything from the past 4 years??
Someone human may be prone to the occasional shocking 3am acknowledgement that they're destroying their country - but not Trump.
Please go think about what you're doing.
Sleepy don.
I’m Diana. My family and I are facing very difficult circumstances in Gaza, and we need your help. Any donation, no matter how small, can make a big difference in our lives. If you can contribute or even share this message, I would be deeply grateful. Thank you🙏🙏
Sign and share my petition to impeach Donald Trump and JD Vance, and remove Elon Musk’s dangerous influence from our government.
Joe Biden was a great president & an honorable man🙏🏻💕🇺🇸
Let's move on from all that and see if we can reclaim democracy.
Fascist Loser Trump’s List —“What And Who, Will I Fuck Up Or Destroy Today” !!
The Sudanese couldn't.
The Ukranians couldn't
The Americans in poverty couldn't.
And now everything is worse.
I don't live in the USA.
I'm just unhappy that all the bad things you contry do is affecting me forever.
She’s also an idiot and a liar and possibly a Russian plant
So, I can't say if you guys can really find any solution for any of those things.
Is fElon hoarding all the restful sleep hunkered down in the Ketamine-hole?
they still pull that shit but on a grander scale while ignoring their sins against humanity
always a double standard
I miss the days when politics were boring and easily ignored.
Are you five?
a) If I was in your country, which I'm not, I would have voted for Harris..hell I quite liked her before she started doing 'Dances with Neocons'
b) Fawning quite embarrassingly over a geriatric prideful fool who helped cause the death of so many people is just cringe and
c) It wasn't the people shouting at Harris about Gaza who lost you your election, it was because she didn't bring the base out (millions, not thousands of people)
The USSR did more to end fascism white supremacy zionists nazis than anyone with the glorious red army partisans. Pity he didn't take out Bandera or go further. Clear out the US of all white supremacists entirely would be a great start in making America truly great. For all
The MSM prayed for this and got it.
All day, every day, 24 hours a day,, Trump, Trump, Trump,, relentless overkill.
Trump demands that his horrors are enabled.
they were serious professionals that were in the nation& democracy's corner
tWump & his cabal cabinet of billionaires have one plan &that is to completely privatize this nation ,killing every publicly owned agency that assist the public, turning it into a pay to play wholly owned subsidiary
Businesses are for making money. Governments are for protecting the people! Musk can buy what a government does... for himself!
At 90 Joe Biden will know more on instant recall than these 30-something GED/High School grads ever knew in their entire lazy-assed under-achieving lives
But they do provide
Also, Biden wouldn't have controlled how Canadia handled it...
Sep 18, 2022
“The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. But the pandemic is over,” President Biden tells 60 Minutes in an interview in Detroit."
"Now that Biden declared pandemic “over” this gives carte blanche to all employers + corporations not to do any mitigations or offer remote working/study options to anyone. Because “pandemic is over”. I can’t begin to say how ill-timed this is + how much suffering it will bring."
Jul 5, 2024
"President Biden: Trump lies about the pandemic he totally botched. The truth is over a million Americans went on to die. He told us to inject bleach in our arm. [...]"
He also screwed over the planned pandemic response plans.
Blaming President Biden for this is absolutely absurd.
Biden has only served one term.
He knows where the bodies are buried (again).
If he runs in 2028 he could knock mango muskolini off the "oldest president ever" pedestal and 'mentor' Kamala for 2 yrs + 1 day and then retire. Kamala can serve for 2.49 terms and bring in Walz for VP.
This will help me sleep tonight and moving forward…
But he can't either because he doesn't know how many enemies he really has around him that would put the pillow over his head!!!
You didn't see Biden & Harris constantly on the news gaslighting the American ppl, they were busy working for them!
Did F-elon buy fox too?
They're constantly interviewing the comedic actors felon, f-elon & republicans.
Trump oligarchs gambling away your retirement and America’s security with tanking tariffs and crashing Wall Street! #TrumpGambleFailed