Someone pointed out recently that he was once either married to or romantically involved with Kimberly Guilfoyle (Don Jr's wife/ex-wife, I think?). That says a lot.
And he is a transphobe and throwing a historically marginalized population under the bus when safety is a huge problem for transgender people with the current political climate. Unforgivable
Platforming to who? They already have a platform to their followers. Gavin Newsom won’t increase that, I don’t think. Platforming to the left? God, I hope watching Newsom on Bannon’s podcast doesn’t turn us into nazis. The right is united. Centrist’s & leftist have to do the same.
Yes! But the question has to be: Why are the people more angry than the individuals that supposedly represent us? Because they don't care! That's why! As long as they're wealthy! Newsom is an oligarch with his vineyards and wealth! He's just making money and being famous for himself! We have no one!
What really pissing me off is that he’s going to these shitty right wing podcasts. There are lefty podcasts with high volume of listeners. (Have you heard of the Daily Beans?) why isn’t he going there if he needs to reach people?
Didn’t listen to the episode, but Bannon apparently kept asserting that the 2020 election was stolen, with no pushback from Newsom, which really makes you wonder what the point of this was
This right here. If he's inviting them on to challenge their BS head to head, that's an excellent move. But inviting them on as if you can have a rational discussion and not push back on blatant lies? Thank U, Next.
Its stupid and one-sided the applaud Gavin Newsom to have Steve Bannon as a guest. Imagine if Gov. Abbott invited AOC for anything. Just the invitation would bring an uproar.
These demrats don't seem to get it. They will be primaried and they will loose. Newsom too, whatever wet dream he envisions, he obviously has not read the room.
Newsom try treating ALL humans to basic human rights first - life with dignity & freedom, healthcare, education, civil rights... Once humanity is EQUAL, the fairness of the adjective "transgender" no longer applies. Take Nature, it doesn't discriminate. If there's no O2, humans EQUALLY depart earth.
So I guess the country is so divided that the opportunity to listen to the other side of the argument is now traitorous. Who is it you think is suddenly going to become an ardent Republican because they got to listen to Bannon on Newsom's show? Take a look at yourselves FFS!
Didn't watch or listen to those episodes... If they've even happened yet... But John Stewart also recently invited Elmo to his show. No one seemed upset. Am I to take it that Newsom is being friendly with them?
I think we need to keep the focus eyes on the prize: here is an action plan that many can do in their local areas to activate Federal employees to live up to their Oath of Office:
Newsome is a pair of fucking clown shoes, who resembles a lesser character from Dynasty. That hair. Them teeth. What is he bucking to be? The Democratic Presidential Candidate for 2028, or the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei's pick to be the next German Chancellor? Vichy Gavin.
Newsom is not, nor has he ever been, the savior that a lot of people in the Democratic party touted-or hoped-he would be. His ambitions have always come first and he shapes his actions and decisions to serve his own advancement rather than any deeply held convictions.
I used to think voting for the lesser evil was the best strategy available - but all we do now is lose anyway. And we probably can't recover this time but we have nothing more to lose.
If anyone wants my tiny little meaningless vote they're going to have to loudly and proudly be true progressives.
We (myself included) have made it too easy for these centrists to win because we vote for any Dem without a real litmus test. We need to demand they stand for universal healthcare - fair labor practices - equal rights for ALL.
Voting for Obama when he was anti-gay marriage feels like a mistake now.
Correct me if I'm wrong - but most of those defending Gabbard ended up being sus themselves. I haven't seen any who admitted to being wrong and/or strongly supported Harris.
And I think we'll find the same with Newsom. This Newsom thing does not get fixed imo. We need to cut him loose now.
Regardless of Gavin’s intentions, a potential Dem presidential candidate (not anymore lol) should NOT be giving airtime to a conspiracy-driven, compulsive liar—it only legitimizes him and, by extension, everything the MAGA movement stands for
I will never understand the complicity of these wives with their husbands. His wife has an MBA from Stanford and refers to herself as the first person instead of the first wife. If he were my husband, I'd say, "Do that, and I'm out."
If he had really gone after Charlie Kirk in a smart way, I might’ve been able to understand debating the other side. I found it disturbing that he was so friendly and normalizing of Kirk. He let him mock Democrats. Not to mention, he said his son was excited that he was going to be on the pod. 🤦🏻♀️
The thing is those positions violate the social contract and any discussion begins in bad faith. Kirk is a domestic terrorist. To associate with that and to announce you agree with him? You're the worst spy in history Newsom. So he's flipped his view from Califoria stands for equality and acceptance
I detest the people he’s platforming, but his debate skills *can* handle them. Is it the worst thing to meet the clowns at the circus? Let him call out their BS in front of an audience.
Had he have gone for the jugular on the first podcast, do you think any others would come back to the mic to talk?
I don’t know what his plan is here and I don’t know if it’s the right or wrong move. What I do know is we have to find a way to start communicating with people outside of our base.
They are luring independents to the actual dark side because they are the only voices being heard. Again, I HATE platforming these awful people. But I hate losing elections and watching them torch our country even more. Maybe we stay open to trying something new? Just some thoughts.
He didn’t really call them out, though. That’s the problem. It looked like he went there to make friends with some of their leading hardcore extremists.
Did he? Have you read the transcript? He is understanding how they built the PR machine that is maga. If I listened to 90% of Dems I follow- I would have thought this was only a transgender bashing session. Read it. Not at all.
Yes, I read it. A lot of gloss, as is common with him, and the price of admission, transgender bashing. There is nothing there about how they built the maga PR machine that I haven’t read elsewhere. The only thing new was a highly visible Dem agreeing to ignore civil rights, basic human rights.
What did Newsom say that is trans bashing? That there is a fairness element for cis gender female athletes? Science can’t even refute that statement yet and it is a concern even for dem voters. He also defended trans students and the struggles they face daily just to survive.
You can agree to disagree that keeping trans girls out of sports violates civil rights under Title IX if you like, but do you also support platforming extreme seditionists who helped plot to overthrow the government and kill people on January 6?
I’m not here for Newsom normalizing maga’s worst. Nothing new was learned about building maga PR. What made Newsom’s exercise in high-visibility PR uniquely worthwhile? What heretofore hidden information was learned? It did not communicate what he thought it would. Poor messaging, as reactions show.
Have you watched the only podcast he’s done with someone controversial or just caught the Dem clips? Here is the transcript. He is understanding how they created the Trump mania with podcasts. What is he saying here that is siding with the dark side?
Here and on YouTube you need to support people who ARE fighthing for us. Bernie Sanders, AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Sheldon Whitehouse, Patty Murray, Al Green etc.
Normalizing fundamentalism is never a good thing. This is the same thing the media did with Trump they elevated the status of this POS as an acceptable choice and built his following for him.
He's a politician, u expected different? he has done good things, but has also been making bad decisions 1 after the other. That birthday party during Covid lockdown is the 1st one that came to mind. I am sure there are many others. He certainly lost my vote w/ his stupid comment re: trans athletes.
What makes you think he isn't courting the right in order to undercut them? We need some goddamn winners, as the last election has shown us. Our people who lost are responsible for Trump being in the office, and I'm fucking pissed off.
This is simplistic at best. Trump won because of racism, misogyny and the world’s richest man with the largest megaphone spreading disinformation. Are Dems being pathetic, absolutely. But he didn’t win because we didn’t legitimize Steve Bannon—most Americans don’t even know who Bannon is.
What does Steve Bannon have to do with it? Trump won because he convinced enough people to vote for his con man ass stirred up on X. How do you propose we take it back?
Ummmm, because this whole post was about how Newsome had Charlie Kirk and is having Steve Bannon on his next podcast. That is what Bannon has to do with it. And Bannon is the architect of Trumps flood the zone” strategy and is one of his unofficial advisors.
I'm so happy that he finally revealed his true self to us! Kissing the asses of bigots and misogynists while raising a future incel. There were simpler ways to inform us if he didn't want to run than by introducing Charlie Kirk.
So you dont like Newson? Should I unfollow you now, or wait for an explanation. He is the DNC's BEST chance to take back the WH in 2028... IF we still have elections by then.
I would not vote for him in the primary. I vote for people who protect LGBTQ rights and don’t team up with seditionists. If he somehow wins the nomination, I’ll vote for him in the general.
Our purity tests cost us not only the 2024 election, it also cost us the 2016 election.
At some point, the Democratic party has to decide whether they want to continue as a party. You will never get the perfect candidate. MAGA knows that. That's about the only thing those nazi-morons understand.
I understand your point of view. I fully support the LGBTQ community. As I stated earlier, I haven't listened to the podcasts.
Being transgender wasn't even documented (as far as I know) in my generation. When it came to sports, most of us had to compete with the juicers (Sammy Sosa's, A-Rod's etc)
I fully support your views on John Fetterman. I, however believe that your views on Newsom are shortsighted. Again, I'm playing the long game. Tunnel vision will be the demise of our republic. Just look at MAGA. They are the enemy from within. Concentrate on defeating those scumbags.
By the left. I agree. If you don't come out to vote, you give up your rights.
Hillary upset Sanders voters. Too many decided to vote for Jill Stein or stayed home.
In 2024, all of those that attacked Biden on Gaza, sat it out or voted for Jill Stein. That was more than enough to fuck our country.
I vote blue no matter who in the general election, but fuck these spineless centrists who want to throw the left out in the hopeless attempts to pull the center right that never votes for us.
I'm voting against every single spineless centrist Dem in the primaries.
Rich people in the US now see that they are in position to create clear class divide. To be in position where they are virtually untouchable. Whether dem or gop don't matter. Trump and musk are destroying every institution, trade, education, healthcare to basically destroy middle class and below.
It's smart. Dems have an opportunity to unite
Mainstream Americans for the first time in years. They reach them where they get their news.
Trump reached out to everyone. Obama did too & won. Long term strategies are necessary to win.
*Courses in history, politics & marketing maybe necessary.
Dems will not win by appeasement resistance or moving farther right
It’s past time for a progressive political revolution and “Kumbaya” is not on the playlist
Fully ⅓ of the electorate checked out when Hillary stole the ‘16 nomination
Those are the folks we need to reach, not the nazis 💙🇺🇦🇨🇦🇲🇽💙
I don’t understand WHY Newsom would do this? He came off the LA fires looking strong to the base, handled it well, and then turns around and platforms…*checks notes*…Charlie Kirk and Steve Bannon, two of the most vile R’s, thereby destroying any future run with his liberal base.
My brain, my heart, can hardly handle what is happening in this country right now. Things that are so objectively wrong like misogyny and racism and fascism and greed are being given a voice and celebrated and normal good things like freedom and equality are being destroyed and ppl are like 🤷♀️
most likely a try at grabbing a bunch of counties that flipped red even though the population in them isn't much. I live in one of those counties and they eat it up when you go this route
They are already platformed what are you talking about? He’s doing no damage. If republicans hear him and say wow, he’s not that bad…we start to win. Trump pretends to be liberal sometime too and he wins and he’s not.
I tried to give Newsom the benefit of the doubt so I listened to it. Steve Bannon, while intelligent, is dangerous. And delusional. His ideas are so out of touch. He’s so biased. Newsom is making a big mistake here. Political suicide
There is a difference between platforming and on-her-knees supporting. Putting blinders on and pretending the seditionists aren't there is where the pathway to inconceivable realities start.
He INVITED that hatemonger on his FIRST podcast?? I needed a few days to calm down before emailing him! SUCH a disappointing, disgraceful interview, pandering for common ground with an extreme bigot, throwing our LGBTQ+ friends under the bus! I've met & supported him, DONE! Kiss Pres. bid GOODBYE!
Newsom is not stupid, but he has behaved stupidly more than once during his career and he's never seemed to have advisors who are willing to spank him.
It seems like an ego driven decision, like he was going to get the better of them. But, what he was really doing was putting them on par with a governor, so if one of them is ever a governor, this is why.
I think Gavin Newsom is well intentioned but maybe even outsmarting himself.
WHO THE FUCK IS DEFENDING NEWSOM. YOU'RE EITHER A FUCKING NAZI OR NOT EVEN FROM CALIFORNIA. Sorry for yelling. But it's a pretty common sentiment that the majority of Californians, that don't live in extremely flammable hills, fucking HATE Newsom.
I don’t really agree. Democrats being upset at this don’t want to win again and I’m a dem. Just like Harris should have done Joe Rogans show and can’t ignore going where millions of listeners/voters are even that don’t agree with them
Yes you can’t compare Harris trying to outreach to a misled community (albeit via a scum podcaster) with Newsom showcasing supporters of the NAZI regime
Having a civil discussion isn’t normalizing. It’s like some aren’t happy unless Dems stick to inside the box with msnbc and only talk to friendly fire. There are people on here that hate Mayor Pete goes on Fox as often as well
He’s gonna be bigly surprised the next time he runs for office. The MAGAs he’s courting won’t vote for him, but neither will the people who supported him for years.
Would be pretty stupid for a dem not to vote for him for the sole reason he dared to have conversations with Kirk or Bannon or others that aren’t on the same reservation politically. Harris was dumb passing on Joe Rogan as well
Harris wouldn’t have moved the needle with Joe Rogan’s audience. Sure, he can talk with those guys, as if they needed the platform. But if he starts being more like them, Dems would be stupid to vote for him.
Just because he talks to them doesn’t mean he’s going to be them. Staying in a bubble just talking to Dems isn’t going to help anything. Rogan has a massive audience that isn’t just a bunch of maga. Harris should have gone on there and had a real convo.
With the majority of people in Calif leaning left, his podcast should have waited until he was out of office. Any info that is helpful to Californians risks being ignored if he posts it. He can have his opinions, but his first duty is to the residents of this state.
A good leader steps into the den of his adversaries and onto the stage with his opponents. He’s not “platforming” as aligning with… this is an example of how the left loses the middle. As immature as far right.
You sound like the kid giving a book report who never read the book. What ever you do don't ruin that snob nose in the air attitude who never listens to anyone. We have a reputation for never even listening to the other side and losing elections. I prefer to wait until I hear what they say at least.
You don’t have to wait. You can hear him appease these seditionists now if you want. When we say we’ll listen to the other side, we’re talking about wages and taxes. Not whether people should have rights or whether political violence is cool.
No idea what you're talking about. I was talking about thirsty Steve having to go on Newsome's to find a safe place to put Musk on blast. According to cons Milo owned Bill Maher until 2 weeks later and Milo reflects on his desire for young boys. Now it's where's Milo?
I need for Gavin Newsom to tell everyone in America what led up to him losing his God Damned mind. Was it blackmail? Terrible lapse of judgement? JUST TELL U.S. ya dumb F*ck because your career is DONE
And just like that, we lost the only viable candidate we had, if we ever have elections again. Mark my words: there will be not one Democrat who gets the support of the 40% that do vote, and we will have more MAGA for decades to come. Maybe he is trying to appeal to MAGAs so he can actually win?
fetterman surprised me and newsom. sinema was traitor right out of the gate. lieberman just a disgusting flip from being a dem. it all makes me
sick because thats not why poeple voted for them. plus the latest gop strategy run and win as a dem them flip to gop at state levels
I'm not surprised. Gavin shared a bed with Kimberly Gargoyle lest we forget. Hope he doesn't run for president. He lost my vote the second he started giving fascists a platform.
It should be a centerpiece of Democrat strategy to exploit that fundamental division bw MAGA populists (like Bannon) and GOP oligarchs (like Musk), most recently exposed when Elon advocated more work visas for foreigners rather than hiring Americans.
The thing about Tulsi, when she was running in 2019, she had a great stump speech, so you really needed to fight credulity by knowing more about her. She's a dangerous woman.
I'm on Team Mark Kelly for 2028. He's a badass. Pete is my favorite, but sadly, I don't think middle America will accept a gay president yet. Hopefully he'll get his chance, though.
I respect it but others don't. He'll get canceled not like Al Franken, and now I guess Newsome, they were canceled on our fucking side. If the show me on this doll where talking to Steve Bannon hurt you is the hill you want to die on then I guess you're dead to me.
the world is full of cosplay oppositionists - living within and off of structures of the regime with a justification a la "i'm fighting from within". rarely do they really fight...
Gavin Newson isn’t Tulsi Gabbard. I’m willing to give him some space and see where he goes with this. I’m reminded of the quote:
“Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.”
I completely disagree with Steve Bannon and Charlie Kirk. I’m willing to reserve my judgment of Gavin Newsom. But the reality is Democrats lost voters, and we need to understand why. And we are not going to get there just bitching about Trump to each other.
you're gonna have to get over it if we're to persevere democracy. i understand your privilege denies you the capability of compromise. but those my persuasion - darker and gayer - have had, too. get into it.
I have to think he's done this on purpose knowing he'd be through politically. But there's always that French Laundry dinner debacle during COVID, so maybe I thought he's had more common sense than he really does. Oh well. Moving on.
I wasn't going to support him in 2028 anyway because I don't think a California elite can win.
But now he's totally lost me. This is such a dogshit move and a terrible message to a party fighting to re-discover what it stands for to win elections.
Exactly. Same. What happened to the Dem Governors coalition that he was manning? What do the other Governors thinks of him doing this? And more importantly what does Kamala think about this? My god. What a total pos move.
Hillary is on IG nonstop calling out the bullsh*t going on. I think Kamala is with her advisors on whether she should become Governor Harris or run for president. Again, I always say 107 days was not enough time to run a campaign. And she exceeded expectations. I’m hoping something breaks soon, IMHO
She made one critical error and whether she needs to apologize or reflect is up to her. Campaigning with Liz Cheney was a mistake. A big mistake. Otherwise she ran an excellent campaign. Tim Walz was an inspired VP pick.
Completely agree on that. I had a dream a couple nights ago and she popped up. I asked what are you gonna do and she said ‘well Governor Harris has a nice ring to it.’ I think this was more wishful thinking/dream on my part bc I live in California. Whatever she decides to do I’m going to support her
I've never defended tusi Gabbard, but I think Newsome is savy and wouldn't do this if it didn't help him or progressive interests, but we'll have to see what happens
But most Dems did. I didn't listen to the podcast, but reporting was that they found "some" common ground. I'll listen, but that's not necessarily a bad thing politically, if Dems want to win elections.
Gavin is just trying to put together a Democratic majority. “Extreme seditionist “ people who want to win elections don’t use terminology like that. Concentrate on winning elections. If you don’t there will be a lot more “extreme seditionists” in your face.
Gavin Newscum lost my support hosting woman hating, corruption lover white supremacist Charlie Kirk
I didn’t think he could go lower, 😑😭
He’s polling worse than musk
I’m *really* trying to understand if there is a long term strategy to this that I’m not seeing…like maybe pulling these cretins out of the dark and showing how non-threatening they are will help public opinion have…I don’t know, trying to find a brighter side
I’m a democrat and native Californian now living in the Midwest and never been much of a fan of Newsom. Still, all this talk about 2028 shocks me. I don’t believe there will be a USA by then, certainly not a democratic republic. Except for a few, Dems don’t know how to fight.
I do not defend it. I think it is a mistake, however, I understand why and how he got there.
Hear me out... MAGA is living in a bubble and never gets real facts and information. Newsome sees this as a chance to change that. It likely will backfire, but that is probably the logic.
A while back Steve Bannon was on a real anti-Leon kick, so MAYBE if he was trying to get maga to turn on the techbros I could see the logic here? But after the Charlie Kirk podcast... I dunno man...
He can try, but normal people don't have any interest in watching #MAGA grapple with reality. He'd have to have a cult therapist handy to even reach a maga. They simply enjoy ruining the country.
Maga is a lost cause. Maga is a base that won’t be won without seriously compromising our values. Then who are we? We need to be speaking to the people who we actually have a chance with. The non voters and the people who voted Trump because economy and who aren’t committed to the lies.
THIS! I've had so many conversations with people saying we need to abandon trans people and stop talking about racism and stuff if we want to "win." Like they thinking that would be "winning," to abandon our morals.
They were probably all trolls, honestly. Trying to divide us...
I guess I have more faith in people's ability to change. Believe me I am frustrated with arguing with data and facts and getting a response that I get my info from CNN.
Yes, the hardcore MAGA are lost and not worth the effort. Thanks for the reply 😊
I tend to agree, but some might. I just think that is Newsome's thinking, an attempt to change their narrative. Bannon is not an Elon fan, this could help drive a further wedge into MAGA, or not.
Bannon has made it clear how he feels about Elon; he has his own podcast with far more listeners than Newsom has. He doesn’t need Democratic help to spread the word.
Every post criticising an anti-trumper is wasted energy. Its an information war that MAGA’s winning, go at MAGA 100% & accept (hope) there will be ALL different types of resistance, even some you dont like. You literally need to try everything, don’t get angry with each other. From a caring Aussie x
Disagree completely. Newsom is trying to grow a moderate base. Dems lost the election because the didn't come out and support illegal border crossings and women's sports being for women. I am a life long Dem and I support both. I also support being able to win elections.
Bannon is a Nazi who plotted to kill my friends at the capitol January 6th. You can support that if you want. I will never compromise my morals like that. And I think anyone who does should be ashamed.
What I support is Dems winning elections. You prefer trump to Newsom? I want Dems to win back the majority of voters. We lost the Senate, House & Presidency. So hold onto your morals, don't compromise as we lose elections and go deeper into fascism with trump & musk. I am not ashamed.
By platforming right wing conspiracy theorists, people who have been very vocal speaking out AGAINST our country? Give me a break. Dems lost the election mainly thanks to MAGA voter suppression. Immigrants and trans people are human beings with the same human rights as the rest of us.
Immigrants are human. We are a country of immigrants. People need to come here legally. Trans people should never be bullied or pursecuted and should be protected. However, it is unfair for a boy to reach puberty with all the muscle structure of a man, then tran and compete against women in sports.
Saying they shouldn't be persecuted but at the same time saying their rights should be limited are incompatible positions. As far as your last sentence, that's what the puberty blockers the right wing is trying to ban are for, as well as hormone treatments for trans adults. Trans women ARE WOMEN.
Honestly, I have no problem with the Bannon interview. It reveals more about his thinking and strategies. We have to understand why we lost so we can make progress. That requires difficult conservations.... but we don't have to accept opposing opinions and morals.
I NEVER thought my son would become a die hard Joe Rogan fan either! He’s an incredible human being, responsible & compassionate & raised right. Ignoring what’s going on isn’t going to help anyone. Getting these people to hear another point of view and potentially change their views is important.
Much of what is happening is a bottoming out of EMPATHY and COMPASSION. When people in authority have huge vocal platforms and can villainize and dehumanize other humans over it makes it easy to create a good guys versus bad guys mindset with the bad guys being seen as less than human.
Sorry You’re not seeing the problem And your encouraging the hate, if my son admired any of those guys I would see the red flag and not ignore it, the boys will be boys crowd saying’i don’t get it he’s good kid’ 🤦♀️
I absolutely see the problem! My son doesn’t hate anyone and was never part of any good ole boys club 🤦♀️ for whatever reason something is resonating with him. Frustration of needing to borrow thousands from me to buy a home. The stress of having children and still pay bills and survive 🤷♀️
It’s VERY tough for this generation and nobody is listening to them or helping them get ahead no matter how hard they work so they’re obviously looking for something. This isn’t some child that I hold sway over. He’s a 30 year old man now.
It used to be intelligent/interesting people had podcasts, and majority of people thought they were boring. Now everyone listens and society is brain dead. I’ve been asking for months why the fuck bug eating guy’s opinion on a presidential candidate matters and no one has an answer for that yet.
Literally, he is so dumb. All the top ones of the last 5 years are unlistenable and I’ve questioned even before any political issues why they are popular. The bug eating show guy? I now see it’s just because they were backed with Spotify and probably Russian money.
Podcasts have become a form of what the cool people do. A trend I suppose. It started several years ago and while so many were being brainwashed the rest of us 40 plus year olds were just living our normal lives not realizing what was happening. As a mom of Gen Z & X kids I’m just now realizing it.
Absolutely! He thinks thinks I’m too caught up in politics so he shrugs it off & refuses to talk about it. Too many have never fully appreciated what our country is built on. What patriotism is or what fascism really means. Entire generations grew up never experiencing the fear of losing it all.
So many factors have contributed to the disaffection of Gen Y & Z. The increasing disparity of wealth, the Internet & smart phones, which have negatively impacted the way people interact.
#CharlieKirk l…I was maybe to show how ridiculous he is 😳Nope.
And having #SteveBannon was the last straw. #Newsome is severely misreading the room. These people don’t need media platforms. They need prison cells.
It's not like Gavin is going on his pod. I suspect thirsty Steve is looking for a friendly place to lambast Musk and I'm there for it. Those nazis hate being out nazi'd.
Yes exactly if he was going there to point out the truth, I’d understand but if he’s just going there to look just like the right, then what’s the point?
If he was articulating the counterpoint well, that would make sense as the maggots will tune in for their side. He didn’t with Kirk so, I agree he’s not a viable candidate for the Dems moving forward.
I don't think it's as much defending platforming nazis, it's that we are losing the messaging to nazis and that has to change. The only way to do that is to go into their spaces or bring them into ours so we can poke holes in their abhorrent views and discuss the good policies democrats have.
It may still be a losing battle, I think many of these people are too far gone, but some have had their come to Jesus. Newsom is not a dumb politician, while this may seem like a dumb move to most. He's strategic, he knows we cannot win if no one hears our side. Dems are suppressed on X, TS, etc.
Curious why you think Newsom is abandoning LGBTQ rights? I hadn't heard anything about that, did he come out against it recently? He performed same sex marriages in SF before it was legal, that would be a wildly insane flip flop if he's not against LGBTQ rights.
I hear ya, I don't disagree. But we are losing our asses to these people, our messaging is suppressed on every other social media platform. We have to go into their spaces, or bring them into ours, so we can tear down this ideology. Sitting in our echo chamber does fuck all.
He is a,metaphor for the current state of DP. Imagine he used his podcast to highlight activists and become a platform for action. Instead he normalises fascists.
I'm totally disappointed in Newsom, totally. He went silent for a short while and I wonder if he and the dick-tater were having secret phone calls. Out of character for him. Total turn-around. He can't run for gov again so maybe he's shooting for a party change. It seems to be popular these days.
So you see no substantive difference between platforming someone you disagree with so that you can air your disagreement and defending someone odious with whose odious views you actually agree?
I haven't watched, but let me know if the Governor actually agrees, however tacitly, with whatever Kirk, Bannon or the like say.
The Superman comics took down the KKK in the 1940's just by printing their actual goofy nomenclature and absurd rituals. They didn't endorse the KKK by doing so.
Exactly. He's showing us where his political leanings are by the people he's having on the podcast from Day One. If he disagreed with them he would have waited at least a few weeks and had some Democrats on first.
Wait. You think Newsom, the only politician who defended Biden in the spin room after his catastrophic debate, is actually aligned with Kirk and Bannon?
I get that people are angry, but come on, doesn't that seem a bit too far?
He called a special legislative session to "Trump-proof" CA!
His first podcast did it all by itself.
Newsom thinks there will be no backlash to the maga crimes and hate.
He's lost 2028 already and doesn't even realize it.
(" And we can get the Infowars guy NEXT!")
I'm done.
Looking at Katie Porter.
Move to the center and you are just "Nazi-lite"
I have a picture with him framed in my office.
I am ashamed of him right now and don't understand what he is thinking.
There are conservatives with whom to have a productive dialogue, but they won't get the kind of attention Kirk and Bannon will.
This is all reflects a misguided belief that Dems are too "woke."
This isn’t about “listening to the other side”
Gavin is a terrible human
Newsom lost 2028 with the first podcast, and he doesn't even realize it.
No one will get donations if they capitulate to the fascists!
They are promoting this drivel written by a couple of maga hacks that was just published
If anyone wants my tiny little meaningless vote they're going to have to loudly and proudly be true progressives.
Voting for Obama when he was anti-gay marriage feels like a mistake now.
And I think we'll find the same with Newsom. This Newsom thing does not get fixed imo. We need to cut him loose now.
Lou Stules.
I don’t know what his plan is here and I don’t know if it’s the right or wrong move. What I do know is we have to find a way to start communicating with people outside of our base.
Showing aid and comfort to traitors is a red line
We should all be uncomfortable with it. If Newsom wanted to broaden his appeal to centrists, there were other ways.
At some point, the Democratic party has to decide whether they want to continue as a party. You will never get the perfect candidate. MAGA knows that. That's about the only thing those nazi-morons understand.
Being transgender wasn't even documented (as far as I know) in my generation. When it came to sports, most of us had to compete with the juicers (Sammy Sosa's, A-Rod's etc)
Hillary upset Sanders voters. Too many decided to vote for Jill Stein or stayed home.
In 2024, all of those that attacked Biden on Gaza, sat it out or voted for Jill Stein. That was more than enough to fuck our country.
I'm voting against every single spineless centrist Dem in the primaries.
Get your Person/Party IN OFFICE 1st, & work on the other 7 once you have WON!
The youngsters & fringe extremists of the Left havent figured this basic political tenant out yet...
Gavin 2.0 is just more of the same schitt, a fvkking corporate democrat.
Feinstein, Pelosi, Gavin - they’re all the same.
Don’t forget his “French Laundry” Covid hypocrisy.
Mainstream Americans for the first time in years. They reach them where they get their news.
Trump reached out to everyone. Obama did too & won. Long term strategies are necessary to win.
*Courses in history, politics & marketing maybe necessary.
Does he really think MAGA-lite works.
Ask Blanche Lincoln, Mary Landrieu and Evan Bayh how that went.
She not only didn't get the 'disaffected' Repubs, but 5 million progressives were pissed off and stayed home.
It’s past time for a progressive political revolution and “Kumbaya” is not on the playlist
Fully ⅓ of the electorate checked out when Hillary stole the ‘16 nomination
Those are the folks we need to reach, not the nazis 💙🇺🇦🇨🇦🇲🇽💙
Also, manatory follow with a screen name like yours.
What a disgrace.
He’s lost my vote.
I think Gavin Newsom is well intentioned but maybe even outsmarting himself.
If Robert Penn Warren were still around, he'd have a new/old subject to write about.
That being said, Newsom all but blew charlie kirk, and if he wasn't fanboying kirk, he was throwing the left under the bus.
He’s bringing Bannon inside the bubble and normalizing him
Pete was excellent on Fox. In fact, I'd like to see him run for office... assuming there'll be another election...
Pete actually pushes back and defends our principles, Gavin is throwing ours under the bus.
Fuck Newsom. I'm just glad I won't waste a second of my time thinking of whether he's worth my primary vote.
Thank you for sharing it.
The sooner people realize that, the better off we will be.
sick because thats not why poeple voted for them. plus the latest gop strategy run and win as a dem them flip to gop at state levels
They were the toast of San Francisco during that time (early 2000s) more than 2 decades ago.
But Elon's bigger platform drowns Bannon out.
People respect that!
My thoughts exactly!!
why? 'cause he's reaching audience already in his corner....
By going into enemy territory, you can reach others
Buttigieg ❤️🎶🐾☮️🌈🌟💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
“Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.”
Want more votes? Stop shitting on the people who would happily vote for you to impress the ones who won't vote for you.
But now he's totally lost me. This is such a dogshit move and a terrible message to a party fighting to re-discover what it stands for to win elections.
Everybody is waiting for somebody else to start making moves.
It's pathetic and sad.
Jamie Harrison was an utter failure. Patted her on the head and said "Kill 'em with kindness!" strategy whatsoever.
Biden was very little help in the end.
She got screwed
We never would have ended segregation if we sought common ground with white supremacists.
I didn’t think he could go lower, 😑😭
He’s polling worse than musk
Newsom is not a Russian asset. He wants open discussions.
Hear me out... MAGA is living in a bubble and never gets real facts and information. Newsome sees this as a chance to change that. It likely will backfire, but that is probably the logic.
They were probably all trolls, honestly. Trying to divide us...
Yes, the hardcore MAGA are lost and not worth the effort. Thanks for the reply 😊
And having #SteveBannon was the last straw. #Newsome is severely misreading the room. These people don’t need media platforms. They need prison cells.
What CAUSED him to change sides remains a mystery.
I have a hunch the reason goes "Pay to the order of Gavin Newsome (insert sinful sum of money). Signature on the check? Elon Musk
None of them read the room, nor did they see the backlash to Bush, which will pale in comparison to the coming backlash to trump's batshit governing.
That seems like an odd blind spot.
The Superman comics took down the KKK in the 1940's just by printing their actual goofy nomenclature and absurd rituals. They didn't endorse the KKK by doing so.
I get that people are angry, but come on, doesn't that seem a bit too far?
He called a special legislative session to "Trump-proof" CA!