Yeah... It's Bernie. AOC is helping out. Clinton is tending her bank account, it's what she cares about. Bernie is organizing the people. It's what he cares about. AOC will be POTUS someday. Because of what she learned from Bernie. Not Clinton. Bernie. Blue MAGA are as gross as the red ones.
Ya, well that’s. My hope as well, but knowing Americans, even liberal ones, when it come to the isolation of the ballot box, everyone balks *see Clinton and Harris.
America would rather stay home or hold their nose and vote for a male Felon.
AOC is on fire. I also like the vibe of Sanders handing on the torch to a younger generation. Some continuity is a good thing.
I'd like to see Sanders share a stage with Crockett too.
While Jeffries is still stomping his feet on twitter saying he will support Medicaid (after Schumer gave it to Musk) he needs a lesson from AOC on how to get people fired up.
Yep...Let's learn nothing about the past 2 elections we decided to run a woman for a candidate and let's go again. Hugely disliked by the right Latino progressive female Democrat. I'm sure third times the charm.
She energizes the base in an authentic way-that's how the Black guy got elected and that's what works-remember we DID elect a Black guy in this deeply racist country. She's the right person for this moment.
The US is wildly different on racial issues. That'll be 20 years of difference the next presidential election.
Also, she is a house member from a +20 district. She talks and excites you about the future, but she'd be better as steward of the Democrat party. She'd get destroyed in a pres election.
Her gender is my only hang up, which really sucks because I am not personally a misogynist. Twice bitten and all. But there is plenty of time for her to show us our fears are unfounded.
‼️if her GENDER is your only hangul, that MAKES you a misogynist. If that is your only sticking point, then you are discriminating based on gender alone, which is the very definition of misogyny. Like the blokes in the trump admin aren't scary enuf for you? 🤯😑
It's not a hang up, it's just reality in this country at this time. Whether you want to believe it or not, a woman is not getting elected in any election in the near future. Sorry, but it's the reality of where we are right now. It's not good in the slightest, but it's just the truth.
my comment wasn't for you, but the fact that many countries in the world have or have had women as their leader, and the "reality" that a "woman" is worse then a rapist, corrupt, twice-impeached felon says EVERYTHING about how NOT great America is.
I am aware it’s problematic. That’s why I said it sucks. But I do seriously question whether this country has evolved enough on gender to actually elect a woman in the near to medium term. If anything, misogyny is on the rise.
well let's hear from you; your voice is important. can you share why a person's gender (ie. NOT male) is your "one hangup" when men in leadership have instigated every single inhumane tragedy we can think of so far? and i can tell you why misogyny is on the rise. Power. The male ego is fragile.
I'm not worried about who runs in 2028 at this point. I'm worried about saving our democracy so we can *have* 2028 elections. If AOC and Bernie help us do that, great. We need to focus on the issue we're facing right now.
We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
If you've never heard AOC talk about how she got into politics, watch this podcast between her and Bernie. This is why America connects with AOC. I marked this at the point where she starts talking about the experiences in her life that led to her running for Congress.
I agree with you, but right now we are here in the diagram. AOC is the only noise right now against this rapidly declining shit show. She’s at least trying. These are abnormal times. We can go back to nit picking the dems after we defeat the actual nazis.
Russian-backed disinformation often blurs party lines—not by rebranding Democrats as Republicans outright, but by pushing a “both parties are corrupt” narrative that sows distrust in the whole system.
Dems/repubs share similar donor classes, support the same wars & protect this unfair system. They produce the same outcome but play different ends of identity politics.
Yes / but we need to look at some of our more wealthy politicians - the ones who refuse to vote against insider trading - the ones who voted against importing more affordable prescription drugs. Just “anyone with a D next to their name”
Isn’t good enough now.
Yeah... that's fair & reasonable, but the account that posted that promotes communist ideology and turning to China as the leader of the "New World Order"....fuck that shit!!
Defending the elites/system that has produced endless war on the developing countries & its own citizens its entire existence as well as most recently handing Trump the keys to the system… fuck that shit.
What I said about China was not an
indication that what they were doing was
good or not. It's just what's coming our way.
You can disagree without being uncivil!
Ideology is used to keep us apart.
Build something!
OK, let's say you are right.
Why didn't Obama, with both chambers,
not pass Abortion Rights bill as an example.
Or Medicare for All. He had the votes!
Who went after whistleblowers more than Bush?
The list is too long.
Imagine is instead of Trump, Obama came out
swinging for the working class!
Instead, he let Wall St get bailed out
while letting 6 million working class people
lose their homes, some due to fraud but
no prosecution!
But let's not argue. What are we going to do
going forward?
Roe was decided in 1973 by the Supreme Court by a 7-2 majority. Five of the 7 were Republican. And while the anti-abortion movement worked on overturning it for 50 years, Democrats did nothing to protect it.
Time to change the Democratic party then. Get involved, make an impact. You're not going to change the Republican party the way you'd want it to go, trust me on that...
China has raised 600+Millon people
out of poverty in 40 yrs,
started 30M businesses using a capitalist model
of finance and has 50 of industry state run!
No matter what you call that, it's working!
Likewise, what ever you call what the US has,
is NOT, at least for the working class!
We'll fix that....
For all the good that FDR and Biden [for that matter] accomplished... all they did was save the Corporatocracy to eventually take over...
FDR arrived on the scene when Socialism was primed to conquer the world... and gave us the "New Deal"... and salvaged Capitalism.
We do have to rise together and we have to find our common power together. I don’t know that we will wake up in time for what they have planned. It’s hard to mobilize with yourself. And really bad stuff has to happen before the R’s wake up. I hope we can get there.
$20 says she doesn’t even run as a Democrat for prez, instead runs as an Independent, and wins in a landslide. Kinda hard to make this claim stick when the Dem establishment openly hates her and she’s rallying with their worst nightmare. Commies are cynical to the point of toxicity
I was there... nothing she said was radical. It was all common sense "lets take care of the workers and their families" talk. She's more like FDR than anything and she has the stones to fight back for us. Where is the problem in this? Who else is aggressively fighting back? Shumer? Jeffries? Please
I could be wrong and I hope I am.
I'm 80 yrs old and I've see allot of stuff
and I've been paying attention. But this
started long ago.
Americans are the most brainwashed people
on the planet, bar none!
Bernie is grooming AOC to take over is movement.
Great pick , Bernie.😂
I think AOC is going to be President one day.
I’ve said that since the moment I first laid eyes on her. She has the 🔥
If she's the pick, as brilliant as she is, it'll show the Dems have learnt nothing about American voters. Where have I heard big crowds = Dem election victory before?
They got more votes than their adversaries despite crowd size. Crowd size or twitter followers aren't votes. This feels identical to the set up of the last election with copy & paste hype. We've learnt nothing.
AOC speaks to Americans. ALL Americans, regardless of party (or other opinions). She speaks for the people. All of the people. Regardless of the American people and their self-determination, pursuant to the Constitution./1 of 2
political affiliation (or lack thereof), race, ethnicity, gender (or non-gender), religion, wealth, age or any other categorical appellation. She believes in us The ultimate guardrail.
I think the elite have realized this for a long time. The more the right's propaganda machine attacks an opponent, the bigger the threat they must be perceived. Think of how attacked she was when she first started her career. They were desperate for people to despise her.
Hopefully some righties are coming since their reps. won't do townhalls. Dems need to be doing townhalls everywhere. The midterm for Dems has to be starting now. They need to use the message that day one really meant never. it's not how many people show up it's the message they heard.
Dems got in trouble when people started looking at fluff over substance. Neither bernie nor aoc accomplished anything worth following. The more people look at them as the future the more screwed we are as a county. putin knows this which is why he helped bernie in 2016.
Far left progressive since birth. It's a breath of fresh air to hear AOC, Crockett, Warren, Bernie, & Frost. They say Dems lose b/c they go too far left, but they lose b/c they're too corp. dem & voices like AOCs are silenced & called our for not being team players. She's 100% team ave. American.
AOC has learned during her years in Congress
AOC has grown
AOC has evolved
AOC is the leader we need
AOC has what it takes
AOC and WE will
End this nightmare
I’ve been saying this for a long time and have been constantly shot down by main stream Dems who think she’s too progressive & that she’s part of the problem. Why do you think she has been labeled by the right wing as a radical? They are scared shitless of her cuz she speaks truth and can win!
She's going directly to red districts.. Where the message usually doesn't get past those in charge.. I imagine this would have been the way to do it,, But many centrist Dems have blocked it in the past
And the rest of the Party needs to
get it’s ass moving. I just heard Slotkjn downplaying this messaging. Slotkin and Fetterman aren’t doing us any good. It’s worth looking at their votes. Both voted for Noem and I don’t think she vote on the McMhaon confirmation. I’m not sure why.
He’s been a big disappointment for a while now but I just realized that she’s getting as bad as he is. Why didn’t she even vote on the McMahon confirmation? She was the darling of the party when they gave her the rebutting reply to trump but she’s afraid to take a stand against the republicans.
Is he a Republican or just an opportunist? I don’t think either side should trust him. He might have had all his marbles at some point, but now there’s definitely a hole in the bag.
💯 I think they’re pissing off a lot of people. No more votes for them. She said she’s a pragmatist. I can’t imagine what’s so pragmatic about voting for Hair Extension, Botox Noem(which they both did) or not voting for the Sec. of Education, which she skipped. They deserve to lose their offices.
AOC/Jasmine Crockett/Tim Walz are the de facto leader(s) of the Democratic Party right now. We are on the precipice of the Dem’s tea party moment, as the old guard establishment refuses to fight and willfully chooses to ignore the will of their constituents. Jeffries/Schumer need to go.
They should have let Walz take a more aggressive role in the campaign. It was a big mistake for them to market him as just a small town teacher who can fix a car. We’re seeing now that he’s so much more and can call out the Repubs in no uncertain terms.
Part of me wants this to be true.
The majority of me knows it will just end with the party torpedoing them and putting Gavin Newscrub in everyone's faces as the "new face of the party".
We need to pressure them. Courtesy of the Republicans, they're seeing what happens when a constituency gets pissed. Hear us, or get out. We can't tolerate it anymore.
We have a lot of Dems in Congress, but she seems to be the one who is fighting the hardest for us. Her commitment and fierceness are part of her appeal, but also the fact that she is "real." Being a waitress before her current career, makes her relatable. She truly gets US because she is US.
Would love to see her replace Schumer in senate. She is an effective communicator to the base. I still think we need more voices from across the party hitting these notes too. Fighting for democracy and our people is not a right left thing.
She must be protected at all costs. And, perhaps more importantly, systems must be put in place that will make sure votes can't be hacked or manipulated in local and national elections. Elon and Trump have done it before, and they'll try to do it again. It's the only way they can win.
She stirs emotions, that's great, the Dems need that. But that doesn't necessarily make her a leader.
She's the player on the team that gets mates intense in the huddle so they're ready 2do battle. So important.
Restoring the middle class(&its values)has broad appeal. Still unsure if she does.
this doesn't make sense .. there is only 1 Democrat party .. what is this old school shit as if you wouldn't vote for the current democrat party because of it .. what are your options? vote republican? don't vote at all? talk about seeding division in the one party that is against facism.
Old school is the party of FDR and JFK until Bill Clinton gave us "third way new democrats"...AKA Reagan republicans in a blue dress.And it's working wonderfully.
The old guard needs ta go. Centrists are trash. Schumer is a placeholder and chicken-hearted scumbag poser. We need to make the mole step down. He co-oped our freedom for his own gain.
The fact people are really trusting a controlled opposition politician who keeps excusing the fascism that comes from her own party... makes me really hopeless about the future.
I disagree completely. She's not an old guard Democrat-she can energize the base AND bring in so many more with her message and her style-she's what we need.
Same was said about Kamala. A woman will not win. Swallow the pill and move on. Too much at stake. We need a safe strong bet, to remove the traitors. If we even have fair elections in the future.
Thank you. Great to dream but time to play the game and get the traitors out. A woman has lost twice and the 2nd time may just end democracy. Too much at stake to keep taking the chance at this point.
That’s because the antidote to bullshit is authenticity. You don’t get much more authentic than AOC (and Bernie). We need real talk right now. Not more of the political bs that got us here!
While I definitely agree in terms of her stance on the issues and her message, would our f’d up country elect a young Latina as President? I was foolish enough to be convinced that there was no way Kamala could lose to the buffoon but here we are.
I know how tempting it is to want to see her run but I strongly feel she needs to either lead the house or spend time in the senate first. I don’t want to see her get Beto’d and then discarded from the public eye.
I cried watching AOC and Bernie last night. I cried watching Bernie in 2016. I hope that they are not preaching to the choir and I hope that we, the people, have the fortitude to acknowledge and follow them. Power to the People.
I’m an old guard Dem as well & I want these kind of progressive young savvy leaders representing me. This is where I will put my time & contributions towards
Harris had a very short campaign window. If she started speaking out now and continued to explain her campaign platform she would have a chance, but she disappeared. AOC is here and taking on the battle and has 4 years to build a following.
Yes you continue to follow corporate America hand picked democrats and you will keep getting dumb fuck chuck, but yes I’m the naive one, you stupid fuck.
I was interested in your point of view and wanted to hear your explanation and then you went to personal attacks. This isn’t X and we don’t have to lower our IQ’s by insulting others because they disagree. You had a valid point….use that instead of insults.
No dipshit I voted for Kamala, doesn’t mean you can’t be a realist. She lost because democrats show no backbone and constantly cave to republicans. Her corporate donors wouldn’t have it any other way. Maybe if dumbasses like you would stop paying attention to corporate media we wouldn’t be electing
No pretending like the establishment democrats give a shit about anything other than money and power is how we lose. Get your shit together before your favorite democrats finish giving away our Country to the king.
I do think there’s a fundamental difference between them. As much as I wanted Harris to win, she represented a Democratic Party way too comfortable with millionaires having too much power in politics and not paying workers a decent living wage in times of record profit.
It’s high time we focus on the issue not by providing more government assistance, but by addressing business providing a living wage for their workers. I would also love to see campaigning around promoting careers in trades as an option for high paying jobs for the younger generation.
No, you were tricked into thinking Kamala aligned with you. AOC has consistently shown proof that she's willing to fight for what she talks about. Kamala was just t a l k i n g.
As much as I'd LOVE to see AOC as president, the 2028 presidential election is just WAY too important and we have to be realistic. We need to be running a "plain vanilla white guy" that can win and put AOC on the ticket as VP.
She's still young, and can always run for president in 4 or 8 years.
I have voted in every election since I turned 18 (I’m 46). I will never vote for another democrat again if they don’t cut the shit and elevate AOC to positions of power. It’s time for Pelosi/Schumer and the old folks to step aside. They sabotage AOC at every turn and it needs to stop.
Most who seek public office will find that entering the primary of one of the two big parties gives the best chances. This is what Bernie himself did in 2024, where he won 98.8% of the Democratic primary voters.,_2024
He’s the only one saying or doing anything. I have voted in EVERY election since 1986 and at this point, I’m not sure I’m showing up for 2026. Democrats better wake up.
I will never again vote for the lesser of two evils bc people like you say I'm splitting the vote. I'll vote for who I think is best, should we have another election. If Dems want my vote, they better offer up someone worthy of it. I'd rather we ditch both parties & start over with ranked choice.
Shouldn't really be an issue. It just exposes that much of the country doesn't pay attention to or understand a damn thing. They go in the both saying"ok I'm supposed to vote D". This says we're taking the wrong approach and it's why MAGA has taken over. They get it.
It must. The party has run its course. A party powered from the ground up is needed. There’s been a swing back to fascism (with a techie twist); now a counter-balancing swing back to a worker-based party with true representation is needed.
I'm with Bernie on this. We don't hate Democracy, but how Democrats play the game. He has always been against wealth inequality and we got the Democrat leaders out here making bank off insider trading without consequences. I'll never be a Democrat. I'll be whatever the Bernies and AOCs become.
AOC needs a puppet. Any white guy want to volunteer? All you have to do is repeat everything she tells you and people will treat you like you're the greatest thing since sliced bread.
As an Australian, nothing she is saying is controversial. Please start learning about other nations and systemic you haven't already done so. She is just pointing out things that most other nations take for granted.
That would limit the ground they can cover geographically. What matters is that they're spreading the same message; that's the TOGETHER element of this, them being on the same page.
They're covering more ground each day by not touring together, getting to more people with the cohesive messaging.
How is it not effective when the goal is to get the message out to the most people possible? Bernie and AOC in Denver on the same day Walz hits Wyoming on the same day Crockett could hit New Orleans, etc.
Why is it more important that they tour together and not that they spread the message wider?
The Bern discriminates against women and minorities. "The DNC" saw that because they're largely women and minorities.
As for burning him? They didn't. The "proof" document leaked by Russia? The one that showed that they "had no plans to support Bernie?" Last edited date was when he entered the race
Yep. The GOP made sure to drag them early on specifically because they were a critical threat against their agenda. I don't see either as being a viable solution. But their current contributions are invaluable to the overall premise.
It's because so many other Dems are given corporate donations and aren't allowed to say anything their donors don't like.
Time to get rid of Citizens United, folks!!
I like to think there's some plan that has Bernie and AOC handling the big events and pushing the class war message. Meanwhile Tim Walz, Ro Khanna, and others meet with smaller town halls not in their districts to level critiques of the regime. A multi-pronged approach that I'm happy to see.
I’ve seen way better events and organizing. I am horrified by the lack of ANY unified message from the party. Individuals don’t represent the PARTY. There’s no “plan”. It’s been FIVE months since fascism was installed.
This. Bless 'em, but we're essentially just seeing a few outliers who dare to stand up. The minute today's bruhaha about Social Security hit social media, there should have been a loud, angry, public and unified Dem response. What did we get? Crickets. Shameful.
People are looking for a leader who has a plan to stop what's happening in the US right now.
Sen. Sanders and Rep. AOC are doing an admirable job in raising awareness and getting huge crowds out to protest. They have earned our respect. But, it will take Carney & the Canadian alliance to end this.
We need a super charismatic asshole that scares Trump because he’s a real man with a smoking hot wife. It will trigger all Trump’s insecurities and he’ll completely lose it.
I love Jamie. I am looking for a HUGE VISIBLE show of force. All these people are in silos. It’s a terrible sign. They only know how to organize for campaigns. I’m not impressed with the ORGANIZATION of Democrats. They are DEFUNCT as a party.
Good point. They are doing their own thing. Bernie and AOC are a fantastic pair - the age difference is complimentary. I bet they're learning a lot from each other.
I’m a nerdy old Boomer and she and Bernie speak to me more than any politician ever has. Ignore how they are labeled and just listen to what they’re saying and the conviction with which they say it and they’re talking about what working class people really care about.
I think this is what’s happening. The truth coming from people like AOC, Bernie, Buttigieg, and Walz is FINALLY getting through and resonating. People are waking up to the BS GOP propaganda and rejecting it. I don’t know how this will play out, but the tide will turn.
Obama, Warren, Pete Buttigieg… we have a lot of intelligent people. We clearly saw in this past election how scared some are of women in power. I love what these two are doing.
So true, the politicians you mention are wonderful & speak to me as well. I singled out B & AOC because I hear many DEMOCRATIC talking heads label them as “too extreme” “too left” as if being extreme negates the spot-on points they are making. I don’t hear that being done with others so much.
I hear you on that.
As for their “too extreme” comments…not in my opinion. This is what the Democrats need, we’ve been far too passive. Time for new strategies—many want it.
And absolutely nothing was done and Trump still was/is President. And 52%of white women still voted for him and people clearly don’t understand government because Dems also lost the house and senate.
Can we revise this to "52% of the white women who allegedly voted" please.
Not 52% of white women, and allegedly voted because it's becoming increasingly clear on this side of the pond that this election was at best rigged, at worst blatantly stolen.
My husband and I both are Boomers and we have been fans of AOC from the first time we saw her on the political stage. We need Younger Representation in Politics for our country to have a better future for everyone. 💙
That's good to hear-- sad to see that there are those who claim to be Dems while hating on AOC and Bernie and all of those who speak for so many people-- non-Dems included.
I had people attack me on here yesterday because I said Bernie is a beacon on this Oligarchy tour and AOC and Jasmine etc are speaking out and it's a good thing. I was impressed. Said maybe need more women.
Some don't like them. I get it to each his own. Key thing right now is unity!
The Democratic Party establishment is shaking in their boots right now n trying to figure out how to stop this bc they don't like it at all Chuck Schumer n nine Democratic establishment Senators showed us that last Friday by supporting DonOld n Republicans.
I understand there may be legit criticisms of AOC and Bernie as Dem leaders. But I personally don’t want to hear the criticism unless the critic can suggest names of alternate pols who can do what AOC and Bernie are doing even half as well. I suspect we’ll just hear crickets.
Her foreign policy acumen can't be any worse than Trump!!! What she may lack she can always appoint good, competent people to the positions needed. Pete is no more expierenced, BTW.
AOC is incredible, as is Jasmine Crocket. Fearless. Apart from Bernie and one or two other men, it seems to mostly be women standing up to the fascist regime.
Yeah but you know she’s a woman and we can’t have a woman as boss now can we.
Better with a fully sociopathic narcissistic demented scoundrel that lies through his teeth …!!
Even now, as we stagger on the precipice of full right-wing authoritarianism, there's still a 5th column of dumbasses who NEVER WANT PROGRESSIVES TO WIN.
As she gains more mainstream prominence as a truly viable leader, she WILL be subjected to a never-ending maelstrom of purity tests, that will try to make her seem like she's not *really* good enough.
Mark my words. It will happen. Don't listen to that shit, when it comes.
I dont disagree with most of what Bernie wants, but what I do disagree with is his insistence on running for president as a Dem when he's very much an independent. And his supporters, who then refuse to vote/vote third party and give away wins because he never wins the Dem nomination.
The GOP has been running psyops on the base for nearly a half-century. And they have been onstructionists to all progress. That's why we're here now. I'm also no longer interested in voting for candidates over 50.
The voters vote for primaries. He never gets enough primary votes, and that has created a problem from Bernie Bros voting against everyone's best interest. I'm only a registered Dem because of primary voting rules in my state. I'm progressive, and I still find it disingenuous.
I agree. She’s awesome. But they are going to do everything they can to make the point moot. They are going to over—rig the world in their favor that voting will be obsolete. That started in the last election. The gears are moving on now.
Bernie got a lot of support when he ran for president the problem was the DNC. They had to get him out of the way and push Joe, because that's what they do. Neither Sanders nor AOC is fringe and the Democrats need to understand that.
Just an FYI, Sanders isn’t even a dem. He’s a registered independent who runs as a dem presidential candidate occasionally. And honestly, while he’s the least offensive of the old white guys, he’s still an old ass white guy who needs to step aside with the rest of them.
He's one of the only people that could get some Trump voters. Most non GOP politicians are stained for one reason or the other by the Trumpers, I've heard so many of them say they would've voted for Bernie instead.
I’ve heard no one say that. And to suggest trumpers would vote for Bernie tells me there is something VERY wrong with him for them to even be willing to vote for him. They don’t support good people, ever.
Over 70+ million voted for Trump. I'm a never Trumper, but to think something is wrong and evil with 70+ million people and not something is wrong with our system that allowed the grifter to obtain the highest office is naive & unhelpful.
In Netflix documentary “Knock Down the House” we saw AOC’s strength. This scene about the Dem establishment aged VERY well. Those who love our country will keep it real at all times. She is a true leader.
Kamala wasn't Bernie. Bernie created a movement. She bombed in the primary. People were showing up for her out of fear of Trump. Bernie pulls in people who aren't Democrats.
They won't if she's running. She's not Kamala and she's not Hillary Clinton. She's relatable,she has a strong message and she communicates it in a clear, confident, way. And remember that Hillary won the popular vote by 4 million people-and we're not even sure if Kamala lost. We can elect a woman.
It was also Harris with the sold out rallies. It means shit when liberals give each purity tests that nobody can pass and we allow a fascist in office because on one hand we have genocide Joe and on the other hand absolute fucking Hitler. And somehow Gen Z and women decided “I’d rather see Hamas
Me too! I have never agreed with everything, but she is coming into her own, and so proud of who she is becoming. The right voice at the right time. There are so many that just don’t understand the moment.
Hon, the rage I totally get and I’m struggling to not stroke out with my anger. I have to take care of my 90 & 1/2 year old mom; I don’t have the luxury of dying or running amok/going rogue.
You give ‘em hell however you are able; I’ll do the same. 💙🇺🇸💪🏻
Can't wait till 2028. Treat her as a leader NOW. Make it clear to your representatives that you expect them to look to AOC for leadership queues, not to Jeffries or to Pelosi.
You build a leader by asking them to LEAD. We don't need an election for that.
It’s important that we all put our money where our mouth is. A $5 donation from thousands of people is going to get more notice than the crowd at a rally.
Saw them in AZ……..mostly young kids and not political activists……people are waking up and starting to pay attention……finally…..just too bad it’s post election
No. We're not. 2016 and 2024 elections show this. I think we are ready for a woman to lead us up to it, but once it's the presidential election it needs to be a straight white man. Just the reality of our election system. It's very different from Canada. It's a nationwide popularity contest.
I think we have had 2 elections that answered that question. And now we have a psycho billionaire and a wannabe dictator dismantling the government. So no I do not think running another woman will be a win.
America would rather stay home or hold their nose and vote for a male Felon.
Not sure how to break this curse.
I'd like to see Sanders share a stage with Crockett too.
Also, she is a house member from a +20 district. She talks and excites you about the future, but she'd be better as steward of the Democrat party. She'd get destroyed in a pres election.
I think the last election showed us how still alive and well misogyny is in America.
Too many men voted for Trump, against their own interests, because they couldn’t accept a woman as President.
some fires under the Democrats butt.
Total prince!
coming out of the Dem fish,
dangling it to lure you in!
The Dems are just the left wing of the Repubs!
Hope I am but research it for yourself!
go to the same clubs and restaurants,
their kids hang out, they are chummy
and cordial when not on TV!
Mute or block is best. When they don't get attention they move on. 🙏🏻
Isn’t good enough now.
indication that what they were doing was
good or not. It's just what's coming our way.
You can disagree without being uncivil!
Ideology is used to keep us apart.
Build something!
They're all IG Farben corporate clones....
Why didn't Obama, with both chambers,
not pass Abortion Rights bill as an example.
Or Medicare for All. He had the votes!
Who went after whistleblowers more than Bush?
The list is too long.
Imagine is instead of Trump, Obama came out
swinging for the working class!
while letting 6 million working class people
lose their homes, some due to fraud but
no prosecution!
But let's not argue. What are we going to do
going forward?
Going forward, we should support dem leaders like AOC.
There's plenty of Americans that are Marxist communists as well....and here on BlueSky.
out of poverty in 40 yrs,
started 30M businesses using a capitalist model
of finance and has 50 of industry state run!
No matter what you call that, it's working!
Likewise, what ever you call what the US has,
is NOT, at least for the working class!
Honestly, would you know a commie
if you met one?
Do you know what it is bc I don't!
For all the good that FDR and Biden [for that matter] accomplished... all they did was save the Corporatocracy to eventually take over...
FDR arrived on the scene when Socialism was primed to conquer the world... and gave us the "New Deal"... and salvaged Capitalism.
we fall apart!
Will we wake up in time?
Tune in!
I'm 80 yrs old and I've see allot of stuff
and I've been paying attention. But this
started long ago.
Americans are the most brainwashed people
on the planet, bar none!
Not a fan of those sanders , aoc dems
But someone is making noise
While the rest are ass up asleep.
Great pick , Bernie.😂
I think AOC is going to be President one day.
I’ve said that since the moment I first laid eyes on her. She has the 🔥
Still one of my favorite movies tho. I just pretend he died 🤣
I mean assuming we still have elections and aren't figuring things out Hunger Games style.
AOC has grown
AOC has evolved
AOC is the leader we need
AOC has what it takes
AOC and WE will
End this nightmare
We can go back to quibbling about whose particular economic policies are more effective once we've defeated the wannabe king and his nazi cronies.
get it’s ass moving. I just heard Slotkjn downplaying this messaging. Slotkin and Fetterman aren’t doing us any good. It’s worth looking at their votes. Both voted for Noem and I don’t think she vote on the McMhaon confirmation. I’m not sure why.
I donated to Fetterman, too. It pisses me off.
The majority of me knows it will just end with the party torpedoing them and putting Gavin Newscrub in everyone's faces as the "new face of the party".
There's no hope for the dems
By any historical weather vain she leans slightly left of centre.
Way better than that facist orange menace
She's the player on the team that gets mates intense in the huddle so they're ready 2do battle. So important.
Restoring the middle class(&its values)has broad appeal. Still unsure if she does.
Primary them all. They can be primaried by WE the people, or by Musk.
Shake some ticks off those dogs. And when those corporate blood suckers fall off, squish them. 😉

Think about this - out of all the developed countries - why will *this* one *not* vote for a woman president?
Britain's had 3 female PMs (plus a number of queen regnants).
FFS even Israel, India, Pakistan and Myanmar have had female leaders.
Bernie sanders AOC and all obey the democratic party line. ALL OF THEM ARE COLABORATORS. Party of the bourgeoisie democracy. Dictatorship of the rich.
Cause if they don't then all this was for nothing.
Cheeto isn't going without a fight, and you'll need to remove your kid gloves if you want your country back.
I live in a PA township of just about 1100.
In a county of 16k. what tiny towns look like.
None the less, Go Bernie, Go Alexandria!
Don't blink!
You are soooo naive.
Can she win?
Win nationally!
These maga hate women & we've tried 2x before!
She's still young, and can always run for president in 4 or 8 years.
Then we felt the power.
“It smells like Greeley” may now mean it smells like democracy.
"we have never been here days"
My hair stood up reading this exchange.
Following you both now.
The best leaders are lifted by the people…
Rebuilding could take decades, but the destruction wrought by MAGA presents an opportunity to present healthcare and nutrition as a human right.,_2024
They need to leave, or the people that know how to fight need to leave
Pick one
Nobody gives a shit about blue team, red team anymore
I'm not naive. I am a realist.
He sure didn’t in 2016.
The Dems never had an issue in getting their supporters to turn out to rallies...
It was convincing a much larger group of people to go out & vote for them that was the problem.
This should be a UNIFIED action/message from Dems. But Nope! They are WITH the REGIME.
They're covering more ground each day by not touring together, getting to more people with the cohesive messaging.
Why is it more important that they tour together and not that they spread the message wider?
As for burning him? They didn't. The "proof" document leaked by Russia? The one that showed that they "had no plans to support Bernie?" Last edited date was when he entered the race
Time to get rid of Citizens United, folks!!
Not everyone has to fundraise to do rallies outside their state. And not everyone can spend $10 million on Facebook ads to generate small donations.
Sen. Sanders and Rep. AOC are doing an admirable job in raising awareness and getting huge crowds out to protest. They have earned our respect. But, it will take Carney & the Canadian alliance to end this.
Fight fire with fire. Be ruthless.
As for their “too extreme” comments…not in my opinion. This is what the Democrats need, we’ve been far too passive. Time for new strategies—many want it.
It will be the moderate conservative dems who will try to tarnish her for some of her more progressive votes/views.
However I do admire that she defends her vote.
Just saying….her and Jasmine Crockett would be a fierce girl boss ticket.
Not 52% of white women, and allegedly voted because it's becoming increasingly clear on this side of the pond that this election was at best rigged, at worst blatantly stolen.
Hence losing the House and the Senate as well.
How about it? It's not asking for much.
Petition in the video notes.
No conspiracy theories, just science.
It's time to chart new course.
Some don't like them. I get it to each his own. Key thing right now is unity!
Vote like Black women. 🖖🏾
She is intelligent yet can explain things in layman's terms.
✊🏻 Killin it!!
could you tell AOC to arrest Turdov and his ilk?
the rest of the free world
Better with a fully sociopathic narcissistic demented scoundrel that lies through his teeth …!!
And we need less billionaires leading in DC & more bartenders!
We need to end the #GOPMarchTowardsFeudalism!
Even now, as we stagger on the precipice of full right-wing authoritarianism, there's still a 5th column of dumbasses who NEVER WANT PROGRESSIVES TO WIN.
They WILL try to discredit her.
As she gains more mainstream prominence as a truly viable leader, she WILL be subjected to a never-ending maelstrom of purity tests, that will try to make her seem like she's not *really* good enough.
Mark my words. It will happen. Don't listen to that shit, when it comes.
No, Not Blue Oyster Cult, but...
Bernie + Ocasio Cortez!
That's it.
We're just getting started.
If you recall.. he got his start in the House, investigating... Nixon.... how long ago was that?
It’s not about the crowds.
32 million people stayed home on Election Day.
This question must be answered.
2. Has visible blood circulation.
3. Dislikes her enemies.
Yep, that checks all my boxes.
I personally don’t see it, but the optimism of folks like you makes me happy. Thank you.
You give ‘em hell however you are able; I’ll do the same. 💙🇺🇸💪🏻
It's not rocket science, other Dems, you could do this too!
You build a leader by asking them to LEAD. We don't need an election for that.
Her SOI needs to be solid.