I'm sure you all know by now, Alex isn't going anywhere. He's just moved the business to Dr. Jones Naturals. Owned by his daddy. @knowledgefight.bsky.social
Or you could re-label them to stay on brand and keep selling them... supplements the Infowars audience surely need, like "Fart Reducer" and "Stupid-B-Gon".
the sales proceeds going to Sandy Hook settlement I'm sure.
BUT you could also hold an over-hyped auction for collectors items (last ever...) and milk the rubes one last time.
You guys should totally offer Jones a job at the new Info Wars, but all he does is sit in a chair wearing advertiser merch and listen to other hosts talk. If he opens his mouth even once he loses that day's pay. Everything is pre-recorded so any outbursts would be pointless.
All I’m saying is if you ever need actors for anything future InfoWars, I would absolutely kill to prank my Alex Jones obsessed dad by showing him I’ve changed my ways and that I’m doing InfoWars now. He would be so proud
Send these out for extensive and documented testing, so you take down GOOP as well when they come back containing chalk and grass clippings or whatever.
So you’re saying the supplements work…. 🤣 I always assumed anything Alex Jones was hawking was laden with heavy metals and filler ingredients. In which case, keep feeding ‘em to the C-Suite!
You know I really hope that you use their mailing lists. I can think of 1000 different things to send to these people. They were lied to they were duped, you could send information based on the dollars they spent, and how that contributed to harm and misinformation.
hmm... have you heard of the alt text feature on this site? you can turn on a setting to remind you to add it to your images before you send your posts! 😗
Or make it up?!
Omg. I’m loving this so much.
Irony and Satire have met their match
I'll even pose as "Conservative Dan" if helps troll the "poorly educated" that Trump loves so much.
BUT you could also hold an over-hyped auction for collectors items (last ever...) and milk the rubes one last time.
I’m a very sarcastic registered dietitian.
An example of my work, which could certainly be snarkified: https://unorthoboxed.com/2022/06/01/kale-vs-canned-how-marketing-messes-with-your-pantry/
You are a special soul.
Don't ever change.
Oh wait, that's what he did before.
Although I have to say I was looking forward to the onion-based supplements.
Produce the candy bar sized multivitamin.
Put it in some fancy hermetically sealed transparent enclosure.
Auction it and send the money to a good charity.
Ripple effects of this is more than people realize.
*I think that might be the first time I’ve ever used conglomerate in any context.
People forget how much she loves to laugh
(actually who knows, maybe you do wear one? either way, thanks for this!)