Quick check to see who our allies are now: if 9/11 happened today, who would actually help us find who did it? Canada? No. The EU? No. We are alone except for Israel and maybe Russia, which is too preoccupied to help, and whose “help” would be bad. We are so incredibly unsafe and effectively fucked.
NATO still exists, may not be the friendliest of relations but they are obligated to oblige
America is alienating Canada, for sure, but Canada isn't that capricious and malicious.
Canada will definitely resist American bullying, though.
But, yeah, I am extremely angry at Trump, too.
And if they send the military, then all bets are off. I'll be getting the hunting weapons ready for some out of season business.
PS "100% certain Canada will continue to help" by above poster.?.?. Who made them the Acting PM?
until they start treating us with respect. And even after that, they should never be expecting any resumption of our former relationship. This is multigenerational mistrust at best. If it escalates further, multigenerational enemy.
We'll see with the coming fire season.
the GOP has learned from yellowcake uranium
situations is violence.
The fact that the world didn't - and doesn't - recognize who is the real enemy is why everything is going to shit
#America Is Isolated!
Its Allies Are Hesitant!
#Canada Is Part Of A Commonwealth!
Their Allies Are Resolute!
Canada would still help you, because we're Canadians, not fucking Orcs.
We hate him, not America, and through gritted teeth, we *still* have your back.
#fucktrump #elbowsup #canadadoesnotforget
Not nearly as bad as Trump, but the man wasn't a positive note for the US after 9/11 on the international stage.
Elon brought
Tesla’s $100 Million
Test Crash Dummy
To the White House today.
#TeslaDummies #USDemocracy
the attack is coming from inside the house
seems like no one else does tho
That's how the subdue and humiliate all of their puppet states.
I do admit to finding it mind boggling how little resistance there is on your streets against the most corrupt government ever in power.
Starmer and his ilk might want to because he's fixated on the pretend "special relationship" but there'd be an outcry over it.
The way Trump, Vance and Musk are provoking other countries the US next conflict will be self inflicted.
Why should our troops risk their lives?
That they’re so clearly using Trump does not mean they give a fuck about helping the US (and, in fact, actively work to harm it through misinformation campaigns).
The alliance basically compels the other nations to offer support if a NATO member is attacked, which makes Trump's efforts to sabotage it all the more ridiculous. It also means an attack on Canada is an attack on NATO.
They'd still help you find who did it.
Russia is only ever out for Russia.
Americans should remember that Ukraine - despite not being part of NATO - sent troops to Iraq & Afghanistan to support US. Some died.
1. The soul of Democracy at the leadership level (profits go to only a few before we are stripped for parts and sold for mere dollars.
2. Foreclosure sale if national security event occurs and with no world backing we've no other choice but to sell.
Europe collectively just asked America to uphold their side of that relationship and got told to go fuck itself, sooo… 🤷🏼♀️
Resulting in a takeover of hitherto unassailable districts, and blue supermajorities needed for common-sense legislation
Resulting in a takeover of hitherto unassailable districts, and blue supermajorities needed for common-sense legislation
(That, and the racism and misogyny endemic to this country.)
It's so amazing to me that we "invented" the war on terror & immediately lost just by doing so. The plan always was to turn the USA into what it is now. And we just went along with it.
It's even more amazing how few people realize NOW is what the whole point of those attacks was!
we ask for help to limit our own casualties,
NOT because we need it.
A Vichy occupation.
We cannot recover—domestically or with our allies—unless the world regards the Trump-Musk coup as equally illegitimate as the Vichy regime was.
But NATO could do a fair amount of the work.
Either above board via a public intel release and messaging campaign, or as a counter propaganda operation.
And if I lived in any other democracy I’d want to do that. The ultra rich will destroy all democracies if they can.
I mean it when I say we—US citizens and global citizens—must realize that this is fundamentally a new regime. It is a hostile occupation by Nazis.
You wouldn’t object to NATO “interfering” if 12 Russian helicopters
You’d say “that’s a hostile nation we are conducting gray area warfare against.”
It’s no different just because Musk used vans of drop-out neonazi skript kiddies.
The Vichy US is hostile to NATO, and can be countered.
Staging propaganda campaigns in member countries, counter or otherwise is something NATO will never sanction.
Sort out your own mess.
Also I keep saying we should sort it
Musk is actively interfering in elections in other NATO countries (ex: see recent statements from Germany). His stated goal is to undermine all democracies.
No other country is going to come in and liberate you from a president you elected yourselves.
This is your problem as a nation to resolve. The rest of us have our own right wing shit to deal with.
Not sure how a country gets past this sort of hubris. If other empires are lessons it might take losing a great war. So we’re stuck with the MAGA nonsense for another century or more even if we fade into nationstate backwater status.
Honestly, what else to do with an unreliable ally?
But when it comes to negotiating new trade agreements... Trump has poisoned that well for now.
The are running a trade war against us and Mexico ! They have lower tariffs on China than us ! They are trying to break our economy! If that’s an ally to you I don’t want to see who is your enemies 🤦♀️
But clearly you have a much higher tolerance to abuse and bullying than I have.
Might I suggest that "thoughts and prayers" might be the appropriate response these days?
Especially from Canada as MAGA declares our military to be worthless.
Or maybe I’m just wishful thinking ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We're not that petty, we just hate the rapist and his pet nazi, not America.
Just sayin'
Fucking white people.
North Korea might also show up with a bottle of wine and say they saw our lights on. You don't know.
Lets remember the fact that the banksters freaking DESTROYED THE WORLD ECONOMY in 2008, ruined millions of people AND NOBODY WENT TO PRISON. NOBODY.
Yes, we’re more isolated than ever before. But 9/11? EVERYONE would still help. Just because WE suck doesn’t mean THEY want to suck.
This ain't no way to win friends and influence people...
New Zealand
We've also probably lost support of the Masai people who sent us cows after 9/11
I doubt the current US regime would reciprocate.
(thanks to @devana.bsky.social for the info)
80 years of effort building up allies, gone in three months.