The FDA has apparently raided a company that sells poppers.
A reminder that RFK Jr. believes the anti-LGBT conspiracy theory that poppers cause AIDS.
A reminder that RFK Jr. believes the anti-LGBT conspiracy theory that poppers cause AIDS.
I am not going to ask chatgpt, it might think I am looking for it and expect my feed overwelmed with suggestions where to buy. So... Can anyone explain what ploppers are?
Originally was a treatment for cardiac issues, it causes an immediate drop in blood pressure and a short lived high. Small inhalant bottle.
“Amyl nitrate, a party drug that gives a temporary head rush, but also popular in the gay scene due to its "relaxing" side effects...”
Are people that stupid? Maybe I was too hard on antivaxers in 2020 if this is the average understanding of virology.
No amyl nitrate required.
I have read about an interesting anecdotal case of someone eating roadkill having serious mental disabilities as a result.
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Not that I'm angry about it.
most americans are dumber than shit and smell twice as bad.
Is there a reason for going after only one end of the equation?
Because if god was watching us now, his main concern would be all the sodomy. Not, the unchecked capitalism, greed and corruption. Just the people minding their business fucking consensually.
According to the corrupt greedy people…
Poppers can interact with other drugs, particularly medications used for erectile dysfunction (ED), such as sildenafil (Viagra) or tadalafil (Cialis).
Am I looking at the right poppers?
It was a tough time but we found medicines through the gift of Science.
I hate what we're doing so much 😢
Robert Kennedy is not a real geeker.
Trump's State Department terminated a contract that was in the process of transferring evidence of Russian abductions of Ukrainian kids to European law enforcement.
brain worms cause stupidity.
(Thanks, by the way, for citing my work, Samantha!)
This just seems like a semi-harmless rec drug like weed? And im not seeing any connections to AIDS? So the guy is clearly talking out his ass.
Those things are dangerous,
often containing unknown amounts of sildenafil/tadalafil and who knows what else.
But they’re still out there because they come from hundreds of different companies.
But online stores selling them? Yeah, low hanging fruit for the FDA.
Making America Sicker Again
RFK vs Big Pharma....
I remember reading about it on the books about the start of the AIDS pandemic.
Sorry, not sorry, but it's nice to see payback happened for you.
RFK Jr. Is About to Ax Some of the World’s Best Scientists at NIH
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s HHS is refusing to renew contracts for some of the nation’s brightest science minds. Fucking bastard.
Salmonella sure, but AIDS?
Just because this came before that, it is not, necessarily, the case, that this caused that.
Some are victims of grifters and others like this shit are just insane.
All night.
For enough nights to cause such irreversible harm to one’s voice.
It was a Halloween party.
JD was in attendance.
RFK was dressed as a couch.
What he was really shouting was “I LOVE THIS DONG!!!”
“Poppers” is a term used to refer to a variety of liquid chemicals, typically amyl nitrate, which are sometimes inhaled by people recreationally for enhanced sexual arousal and temporary relaxation. is not approved by the FDA and used as a drug is illegal.
Mostly because he already implied it.
We should campaign for education and let people make their own informed decision of what they want to do to their own bodies.
They're called "poppers" because they were in glass ampules that you'd "pop" in your fingers
never tried it myself.
Personally I've never enjoyed that feeling so I dont get why people like them but who am I to judge.
And they do also have health risks but they have nothing to do with AIDS and thats true of any drug.
They are only really dangerous if you have a heart or lung condition. And spilled poppers can cause mild chemical burns.
"causing kids to turn gay"
its the plastics leaching into our system.
They wont dare attack the oil and gas industry though.
I can pick better words that start with "F".