I still think he did his party and country a great disservice by not sticking to his pledge of one term. I think Harris was a fine candidate but it prevented the party from better legitimizing her candidacy and allowing R's to focus on him vs a range of opponents. https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/11/biden-single-term-082129
I contend that if he had declared victory after the 22 midterms, and said, "and now, I am going to bust my ass to get XYZ done, and will not be running for re-election" other candidates, including Kamala, could have had a primary and Dem weaknesses would have been exposed and dealt with better.
Yep, he’s the reason we never had a chance. I won’t say we would definitely have won if there were a normal primary, but we would have had a much better chance.
While it could be true, it’s a stupid thing to say IMO. What’s the point? What purpose does that serve? I think we should let Trump to be the stupid-sayer.
Millions sat it out this time and did not vote, we will begin to pay the price when Trump is sworn in and begins his reign of terror. I hope the groups that could not get what they wanted and stayed home enjoy it.
His has been seriously injured, and his wife’s seething anger at Harris surely ain’t helping him accept the reality that he would have lost by far more.
On paper, he's exactly right. And on paper, he made the right choice to run for re-election.
The incumbent always wins. And he was setting up to be the incumbent who successfully beat inflation, lowered unemployment, raised wages and spiked the DJIA.
It's easy to have a good prediction model when you dismiss any contrary evidence as a "one-off event." The fact is that elections are complex and not easy to predict. Most incumbents win because most incumbents that wouldn't win don't run for a second term.
He looked and sounded like an 80-year-old man. And while his mental capability was still there, the American public has never been comfortable with an infirm President.
What he needed to win was a steady supply Adderall (or the equivalent) like Trump uses.
He was and is a self-aggrandizing mediocrity with situational convictions (see Anita Hill). He loves the sound of his own voice and put his own interests ahead of the country. His sycophants virtually ensured a Harris defeat. His ignominy will be usheing in a second Trump term. He's yesterday's news
Sigh. The man could govern, and well, but he could not sell. He wasn’t going to defeat the old man narrative and if Harrris lost in part because she couldn’t put sufficient distance between herself and the administration what was his argument going to be?
And this is an example of why I’m so exasperated with the Dems, they seem to be voluntarily becoming the party of Olds who used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. I mean, I’m one too (hence the dated reference) but come on, people.
But now the genocide gets accelerated so the folks who wanted that, get that.
And they own a lot of our media.
Too many people chose not to vote for Kamala because she is a WOMAN of COLOR.
This is Amerika.
His has been seriously injured, and his wife’s seething anger at Harris surely ain’t helping him accept the reality that he would have lost by far more.
*checks notes*
Joe Biden.
Biden was going to lose by a wider margin.
White skin and a penis.
Biden had both.
He would have won in a racist, sexist country.
As he did before.
We saw what happened when Biden and Donald were both on the ballot in 2020.
When he dropped out he was at -5%, and that was before Kennedy revealed himself to be a spoiler for Trump.
Biden would have lost at least Minnesota and lekely Virgina in addition to MI, PA, and WI and lost the popular vote by a full 4-5%.
In a sexist, racist country a black woman lost by less than 2%.
The white male bonus for every election is about 5 to 10%.
Why play dumb about this?
The incumbent always wins. And he was setting up to be the incumbent who successfully beat inflation, lowered unemployment, raised wages and spiked the DJIA.
His public appearances were terrible.
His only quote "mistake" was telling BB to stop killing so many children.
That was unacceptable to the folks who run American Media.
This isn't something that you can talk about in any major American media outlet (for self-explanatory reasons).
What he needed to win was a steady supply Adderall (or the equivalent) like Trump uses.
Instead, it makes everyone else who fucked him over look like they're trying to cover for their own mistake.
...has the advantage over a non-white woman of acute cognition.
We saw the proof on election night