It’s never a good look to vilify a fellow performer… but this just makes me want to heave.
Get a grip, fella.
Get a grip, fella.
Reposted from
Poor Alexander Armstrong he only has £3.9m and he is 'extremely poor' and unable to pay his kids Private School fees.
Maybe it's a rich children author thing 🤔
That's how I knew I could safely say he was a twat 🤷🏻♀️
Ratings for the most boring quiz show on TV about to plummet.
Does he even understand the word “poor”.
He really is up his own jacksie..
Him, Clarkson, Lloyd Webber.
Admirable self restraint.
I am not surprised. There have always been clues.
Like his insistence on pronouncing the name of Ralph Vaughan Williams as Raef Vaughan Williams. Pretentious ponce.
That’s the art of the headline writer, I guess.
But I think it’s highly relevant to appreciate that headlines are frequently there to elicit a response which can be and often is somewhat detached from the content of an article.
But again, you are of course entitled to your opinion.
Another plastic farmer.
Perhaps he could bring out another dreadful album of his singing to help with expenses? ....😉
£20k per episode of Pointless I heard, plus a decent bundle for talking for five minutes total between hours of classical music?
Entitled ubertwat.
I never was keen on him and couldn’t put my finger on why, now I know. He’s better than all of us isn’t he. Prick.
He has lost all credibility by this pathetic whinge. It’s time to look him up at Companies House to see what his production company is worth…
Don't bother.
I mistakenly did and his self satisfied drawl was awful
Defending engines of privilege must take it out of a man by the looks of the article photo.
Toffs have to to toff apparently.
Generations of entitlement can't just be surrendered overnight.
Or is that too difficult.
My kids have done very well and went to state schools. Obviously his kids are looking for a leg up and more intensive help!
Him Right
It'll be great fun and a lovely day out in the village.
Jill is in charge. You might have heard of her.
Separately I'm concerned for Alexander's well being due to his poverty stricken predicament.
Shows Armstrong at his inanely patronising height.
Old Fenwick really does need to get out a little more
And perhaps his landowning baronet relations could do the honourable thing and gift him a few bob
Spare me 🤮
It seems all right wingers and millionaires have it.
Anything he’s on.
Tom Brown's Private Scooldays?
Harry Potter and the Ski lodge in Grenoble?
“For public services to run properly EVERYONE needs to contribute…We want millionaires, billionaires and companies who don't pay ANY tax, to pay a fair share…We want windfall taxes levied.” #WealthTax
Anybody got details of his crowdfunder?
Sadly, it really is tin-eared. Yes, he has a child with special needs and yes, it's hard to get music in state schools, but he comes across as a tosser in this article.
It's extremely galling for someone like him to claim he's poor.
I have no sympathy.
But I was also disappointed that he publicly supports fox hunting too - red flag for me personally🦊❤️
He’ll have to spend the royalties from those shite books he writes now too…
That may take a nose dive now!
Down to his last chalet….
Michael Sheen on the other hand ❤️
Enough now.
Where's the world's smallest violin?
*I am possibly making all this up
It’s true.
With c.£4 mill in the bank and at 3.5 % income per year (a relatively low return that any decent financial advisor should be able to better) you'd earn £140 grand from doing absolutely sod all.
Tough gig...
Blimey, how tin-eared and out of touch does Alexander Armstrong want to be? I think his carefully curated reputation is about to take a big hit.
Michael Sheen writes off £1m of debt for 900 people