This is incredible reporting that must shock the conscience of each and every one of us.
Reposted from
Hamed Aleaziz
Here is a link that bypasses the paywall if anyone needs it.
None of what is happening, what this administration is now doing acceptable.
There’s a dozen or so images that I will always remember and often recall. This is that kind of photo.
We are the bad guy now.
Is there anything we can do?
If they can get out of their own way, Democrats have a generational opportunity to establish themselves as a force for common sense and decency. The party that recognizes that some people should be deported but this is NOT the way.
They get you every time.
He added illegal immigration.
There's a deafening silence from Christians in america.
The deplorables are reacting to all the dog whistles of Sissy SpaceX and The Burger King.
Fuck these fascist broligarcs.
Adolf Hitler and Henry Ford had autographed photos of each other. They were friends.
We are the product of genocide and enslavement of two entire continents’ worth of people. Broke every treaty we ever made. Hate human rights.