There is a whole class of red trousered, boomer, Mail and Telegraph readers who have so much disposable cash that they will think nothing of spaffing 100 quid on a gin or 300 quid on a portrait of their dog.
So if the charity received £1 per bottle of regular gin to the tune of £8,960 then it figures that they sold 8,960 bottles. Or £315k(ish) in sales. Wonder how much the grifters got from that?
I love the fact she has been banned for running a charity for 8 years
Can you imagine that interview in 2032
Now what experience go you have to run this cat charity
I bought and drank 2 bottles of this then staggered round my garden 99 times before collapsing in a pool of my own piss…which ,alas, my daughter did not monetise.
James May seems to be devoting nearly all his time, post-car show, to pushing his new range of branded gins. Recently did a VLOG where literally hundreds of people were coming out to American signings/in-person sales of the stuff.
I understand that the reason they are all in gin is because you can ramp up production very quickly rather than something like whiskey or wine that takes a long time.
I did a gin factory tour and was astounded how it's made; industrial alcohol is evaporated through a copper basket of herbs and that's gin folks. Bonkers. Whiskey looks a lot more tricky!
Know a chemist who made bathtub gin by signing ethanol out of stores and putting it in demijohns with the ingredients from the side of a Bombay Sapphire bottle.
Just surprised at everyone being so surprised.
I too now hate I had managed to escape hear singing with Major Tom. All I can say is I can now never unhear and Michael please keep to Les Mis and Alfie Boe in future
I don’t know why you think “everyone” is so surprised. Certainly not my impression from my feed (and the reason why I’m stunned they sold nine thousand bottles is how dodgy it looked).
I thought the whole thing was a bit dodgy after the 1st reports of Tom walking in the gdn (Which was a good) all the other stuff on the periphery of it was all a bit iffy, Gin Book Song etc
You didn't know? Hard-working charities like the one I help run are so weary of populist crowdfunding bubbles that deprive the rest of us of donations/investment & give charity a bad name. I've nothing against the Captain of course.
I'm not sure it's wartime coded at all, more that a section of the military museum-going public (and indeed Britons as a whole) have chosen to define their personality as "gin". It's quite, quite bonkers.
I have some experience being approached by a spirits company for a charity link-up. I remember asking what gin would be used and being told "craft gin." I asked whose "craft gin" and was told the distiller wished to stay "anonymous." More effort was put into the bottle design than the product.
I believe IWM do a Lancaster bomber gin which I assume tastes like a sheepskin flying jacket, and the Tank Museum does a Tiger gin which I assume tastes like fascism and slavery.
Yes, Their fascination with the Tiger is disturbing. They do good work, and it feels like returning to the mothership when I go there. I sometimes think of the Father Ted line when visiting the gift shop however. "Would you have anything from the allied side then?" (or words to that effect).
I don't find it disturbing as such, it's an artefact of an environment where pressure to be financially self-sufficient obliges museums to market their collections, and the fascination with German armour is very deeply engrained at this point.
What was it made from, £10 notes?
Can you imagine that interview in 2032
Now what experience go you have to run this cat charity
After all, most of the marketing is already out there.
Also, Dan Pashman settled my favorite booze argument, vodka is vodka is vodka. Stop falling for expensive vodkas.
I too now hate I had managed to escape hear singing with Major Tom. All I can say is I can now never unhear and Michael please keep to Les Mis and Alfie Boe in future
Even then they said the family were "wrong 'uns".
You almost have to admire the grift, they knew they only had a small window in which to cash in. They went all in.
No senses of tradition, these people.