Our family plays a game called "Bird or Not a Bird" where we'll name an animal (or sometimes not an animal) and the kid has to guess if it's a real bird. Animal names are so wild even educated guesses can be tough. We play the same game with fish too.
My nephew would definitely be a fierce competitor in All Animals Jeopardy! (But would probably insist on an additional category: Potpourri — Dinosaurs Were Also Animals.)
I'm sure Jeopardy has had real themed episodes for Earth Day or whatever that are technically a little like this.
I'd probably challenge her to SUBtheme the categories like "For the Birds" "The Life Aquatic" etc. but that's probably the overbearing game design teacher in me rearing up.
every friday, we play jeopardy (10yo, 6yo, wife, me) using this website -- here, for example, are pre-made jeopardy board for 'animals.' if you go to main search, there are boards for many subjects. people just make 'em and post 'em.
Alex Trebeck: That's "More Animals", Mr. Connery...
I'm sure Jeopardy has had real themed episodes for Earth Day or whatever that are technically a little like this.
I'd probably challenge her to SUBtheme the categories like "For the Birds" "The Life Aquatic" etc. but that's probably the overbearing game design teacher in me rearing up.
Sony should team up on this with Animal Planet or Nat Geo or something.
Kids or adults, or even better kids vs adults (who knows more weird animal shit than eight year olds? they'd probably trounce).