Racist, transphobic “comedian” furry who decided to go all in courting the alt right. He used to get a main stage act at Anthrocon and his behavior is what got him kicked out. He’s trying to rebrand over here.
Done. Thanks for the heads up. Can’t believe I used to like that guy’s work. The 2 2s in the shape of a swastika and him wearing the SS uniform made me raise an eyebrow.
Blocked him & all his gross followers! Highly recommend everyone do the same so this doesn't turn into That Other Place
Starve them of engagement & they will piss off
It's fine, I found a big ol google thing with lots of links to his tweets about dumb shit he said. I hadn't kept up with him since....geez, 2009ish, so it's just kind of a shock to me I guess. I remember going to see him at the con and having so much fun, but he's not that dude anymore.
Yeah, and look I’m all for people growing, it’s why I don’t like cancel culture, but his likes and posts are indicators of stunted growth. So I just advise folks not to engage.
The people you invite get a notification to follow the person you invited when they make an account, and since this is the first follow on 2's list, plus they're moots, I'd guess it's this one.
Although I opened this account with an invite code, I actually received a code from the BlueSky waiting list only a few days ago. Even if people are careful about giving out invites, the waiting list still exists
Some ppl are literally just posting codes on twitter for whoever takes them without vetting them.
I don't understand why you would do that. Fucking vet ppl first omg
I do not have time for Nazi furs.
Starve them of engagement & they will piss off
straight in the contraption
Receipts in the replies.
Why doesn't his ass just stay on Twitter with the rest of the fascists
I do not do enough proofreading
Block either way.
Sometimes it's hard to remember that there's actually two ways of getting in!
Alt-right, racist, furry.
There are other posts in this thread that confirm it.
I don't understand why you would do that. Fucking vet ppl first omg
Made sure I gave the ones I got to cool creatives and such
Like literally saw the name and went "ick" and couldn't remember why.