A stencil for spraypainting on businesses that donate to the wrong side would...be very illegal, and I know none of us will be doing that. But yeah let me find my xacto knife...
MAGA around here is strong.
But thinking I might just put up my all purpose “In this house we believe garden flag”..might see if I can get the Star Wars flag for my Daughter and Son in Law, he is such a big fan!
when i was in elementary school there was a giant peace sign painting in the auditorium and i stared at it imagining marbles running along the lines because i thought it depicted my favorite toy, which was to build ramps for marbles and watch them roll around
Hmm. I'd probably prefer you used them for profile pics... I have a merch business and a portion of the proceeds go to the ACLU. I might be able to make stickers & flags... will look into it! If you want a shirt: https://www.bonfire.com/opposition-party/
Same. My veteran spouse, who only flies the flag on holidays, is doing some research and plans to also fly it on the anniversaries of days that Nazis were executed.
And does the law in your area sanction or turn a blind eye to arson? Does it allow you to shoot them if you catch them trying to torch your home or property? If it does (#1) or doesn't (#2), then you're living in a lawless area. What action you take would be up to you. Hunker down, run, or fight?
'The law' in our area consists of 2 state troopers patrolling most of 1 county and parts of 2 others, mostly rural. Unless there is a life/death situation, it takes at least 30 minutes for a copper to respond. Many of those guys are MAGA. You do the math on how much help they'll be.
Then you have some hard choices to make. Is your area safe to live in? Is it worth living there, uncertain what your MAGA community or police force may do or help their Maga chums do to you? I don't envy your situation, but unfortunately that is what it sounds like you're up against.
This is the ongoing calculus in my noggin since November. I have to factor health care costs since ACA & Medicare will both be axed. Ongoing debate whether to fight, flee, or die: want to fight, however am old & unfit,proactive euthanasia is probably the best option but that has complications, too.
This is what so many people don't understand. I refuse to demand that people who already get beat down for being who they are make themselves bigger targets. Allies, do the work.
Also, thanks for the heads up. I didn't really consider the possibility of danger. I live in a pretty blue state but had quite a few Trump flags flying around. Is an upside down flag worth the risk, or am I better off putting my efforts into other things.
To a lesser degree, I felt like this when people were posting their thoughts on how federal employees could respond to the Email from Musk. Easy to be flippant when it isn't your mortgage and your kids tuition.
Margie, it's up to each of us ultimately to decide what to do to get through these times. It's not easy facing a potential job loss or income/benefit reduction or elimination. Even in better times. Hunker down and hope to survive what's coming next, run, or fight and resist. Those are the options.
Agree - each person has to do what is best for themselves and their families. The American people owe you our gratitude for your service to our country.
I was never a federal employee. I do know a few. It isn't that hard to understand how it must feel knowing your job is on the line and it has absolutely nothing to do with your performance but everything to do with the whims of a self indulgent billionaire who has it in his head to burn it all down
My job of 25yrs was suddenly cut Jan2024. Was emotional rollercoaster-felt lost. So I can relate & the unnecessary suffering breaks my heart.I was lucky that I did get severance & time to see that I’d escaped & could retire to find my passion & joy. I wish the same for all impacted now. +Empathy!!!
Actually, the flag I fly outside our house is for the United Federation of Planets. Well, flew until a storm last week tore flag, pole, and holder off the house. I haven’t reattached it yet but will very soon.
400 years ago on the planet Earth, workers who felt their livelihood threatened by automation flung their wooden shoes called sabots into the machines to stop them. Hence the word 'sabotage'
Honestly, right now it's more "the needs of the many outweigh the *desires* of the few". Looting the government for profit is kind of the opposite of a "need".
If you feel unsafe remind these fuckers that American flag pants, punisher logos, shirts, stickers, thin blue line banners and more are against flag code and a real patriot knows that.
I like this idea, so I can keep flying my American flag also. Bonus? I worked on the Star Wars movies, so this reminds me of good times! This one is pricey, but American made. They have other sizes.
I do like Star Wars. I also like this idea. Starting with changing my FB & Insta profile pic. Haven't bought the flag yet because I'm trying to ween myself off Amazon so searching other retailers today. :)
We are a mother-daughter operated business and we make flags. All of our flags are made in the USA. You can purchase directly from our website or on Etsy.
We flew a Mothman Pride flag this year. We started in early May, and left it up til October. We enjoyed confusing our MAGA neighbors, who probably kept asking themselves if we were gay, or just nuts. 😉😂
This is a great idea!!!! Our landlord is maga and shares our duplex (yes, even in deep blue Massachusetts). Our sign has been three small blue construction paper hearts taped to the inside of our front storm door. This flag idea is way better!💗
Orange-Hitler playing 2 sides?
Now Putin is going to be really pissed at USA?
And we enter the "war" with our army...OR those of you he fired?
No one to put Orange-Hitler in his place
Looks like someone has upgraded the Rebel Alliance flag! Sending our support from Scotland to everyone at Alt National Park Service. You guys are doing a great job. The world is listening.
Leia was a real one. Grew up with wealth and privilege, used her position to fight the system. Watched as her planet and everyone she loved was murdered. Never once did she think of the dark side. Def the strongest in the Skywalker family.
I also wear Star Wars t-shirts with things like “Join the Resistance” on them. When magats get all huffy about it, I just tell them, “It’s Star Wars, sheesh get a grip.” Then I look them right in the eye and smile.
In my neighborhood we are not allowed any type of political statements - but they cannot object to a Star Wars flag - brilliant. I just ordered one. I regularly have a flag under my mailbox - and it’s time to change it anyway - time for a resistance flag!
What I find hilarious is the amount of people who say "respect the flag" who have no idea what flag code is. Regularly leave it out in the rain, not have a light on it at night, fold it improperly, etc. I meet one guy who wore an actual flag as a cape, which is a huge sign of disrespect.
My partner was a very type a air cadet when we were young and the future still belonged to us, I heard an endless amount t of both American and Canadian flag etiquette. There's a large flag in surrey that used to be continuously damaged due to wind existing. It was the source of endless rants.
There is a huge pride flag at the house right next to the house a couple of blocks down from us with 2 Trump flags and other Trump sh*t. Hope that Trump guy likes that.
Thanks for the suggestion. I live in a very maga area-an upside down flag would get me a dead animal at the end of my driveway-these people are nuts and emboldened-ordering my Star Wars flag tonight
That sucks my friend-I have never understood, they say the left is the danger. Yet we whisper to each other in red areas and they drive around with giant confederate flags in blue areas with pride.
Yeah, you’d think Southern Baptists would be more Christ-like. But if you’ve ever listened to their fire n brimstone you know why… bullies breed bullies.
and enjoy all the easter eggs!
But thinking I might just put up my all purpose “In this house we believe garden flag”..might see if I can get the Star Wars flag for my Daughter and Son in Law, he is such a big fan!
I'm armed.
May have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one.
Best. sticker. ever. Thanks!
Off to shop on Etsy....
You should be able to download this picture, if that helps.
Orange-Hitler playing 2 sides?
Now Putin is going to be really pissed at USA?
And we enter the "war" with our army...OR those of you he fired?
No one to put Orange-Hitler in his place
see a problem...
Toledo, Ohio
below the upside down Us flag?
If only the dimwits understood any of these movies.
I’m having to resurrect memes from his LAST “administration”. 😡
Really get the virtue signalers seething.
I will be flying both.
Pride flag for persistence, continued existence, and well...pride. There is an element of resistance to cultural blowback from the prior.
The other is for resistance to political tyranny.
I think we'd do well to recognize the difference.