Trump issued an executive order invoking a wartime law the Alien Enemies Act of 1798—a little-known law—would allow the government to deport without due process.
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This law has historically been used only during declared wars, such as the War of 1812, World War I, and World War II. Applying it now, without an official war, raises major legal and ethical concerns, particularly about its constitutionality and impact on civil rights.
This is the law that was invoked to force Japanese Americans (US citizens) into internment camps on US soil. Reparations were paid to some but the vast majority lost their homes, businesses, and savings but where never compensated.
He’s waiting for some big blm style protests. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump sends his j6 boys to infiltrate the protests and start violence so he can declare Marshall law.
Seems like we have learned nothing from history. All the Japanese Internment camps including Manzanar are reminders of how fragile our constitutional rights are
We have to do anything we can to stop these traitors, but I'm scared that when we try... they are going to force America into a war so they can keep their power forever.
So does anyone know if the planes are returning to the US. They both landed in Central America, and I’m praying it was only to refuel for the return trip north…
Every law scholar, historian, lawyer or politician knew about it. It’s what allowed Roosevelt to relocate Japanese Americans to interment camps. Question is why wasn’t it dealt with during any administration.
Pretty amazing planes in the air can be turned back! Someone needs to investigate how much these migrant flights back & forth are costing US taxpayers and just how even before the ink is dry on the EOs the flights are in the air. I am sure the drug smugglers are not even that fast.
He’s done what ever the fuck he wants so far. He could do it through the Insurrection Act and exploit the fuck out of it. He wants war in the US. He thinks the citizens are the aggressors
Of course he can. We set that precedent for the last 22 years in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Yemen, Pakistan, and I'm probably forgetting more places we bombed - hasn't been a legitimate Authorization For Use of Military Force that's gone through Congress to declare war the correct way since 2001.
There’s a reason they had to dig this far in the past. They love regression to a time when white men were the only ones with control over everyone else. The opposite of the evolved values of today. They are literally Making America Primitive Again sued and judge ordered planes to turn around and return to the US. Also ruled no further deportations under this law until issue adjudicated.
BLOG: I have been warning people about this for months. This is a fascist government. Trump will lock up his enemies. There is a list and they are coming for all their enemies, one at a time.
Indentured servitude was still a common way for immigrants (especially from Europe) to fund their passage to America and work for citizenship. Trump would love this shit!
For real, I'm surprised he didn't go full Alien & Sedition Acts, the latter making it a crime to criticize the goverment and curtailing press freedoms. Make The 18th Century Great Again.
Boasberg orders the DOJ to immediately inform his clients (ICE) about "any planes that are going to take off or is in the air need to be returned to the United States," ……
The Civil Liberties Act of 1988 is supposed to protect any legal residents. Green card holders are legal residents. The Civil Liberties Act of 1988 anyone?
Russell Vought explained it in this leaked video. He wants to destroy multiculturalism in favor of his protestant evangelical theocracy. Erase , deport and incarcerate non whites and non believers.
Says they'll use the military.
The U.S. hasn't been in a declared war since WW2, and only the Congress can declare one, which might help to explain why Trump will fail in this, like almost everything. Not that he won't keep the courts busy smacking him down...
"U.S. District Judge James Boasberg issued an order hours after Trump invoked the wartime power stopping the administration from using it to deport anyone, adding that the administration should turn planes already in the air around." [from NPR]
And he got rejected by the first judge it was taken to. Same thing happened when Trump tried to misinterpret some obscure law to his benefit after the 2020 election. Same game plan by the same clownish lawyers, and same result...
Of course, we're not at war, and the vast majority of those they want to deport aren't hurting anyone, much less doing any idealogical damage to the country... 😒🙄🤨
Deporting gang members?
Sure, with that I agree
But do they really think
That we can’t see?
We know this is just
Another attack on liberty
Hacking away at our need
To be free!
A Fed Judge has already blocked this. Even ordering that if the individuals being targeted had already been placed on the planes that they must return them.
The alien enemies act can only be enacted during times of war or when a foreign government threatens or undertakes an “invasion” or “predatory incursion” against U.S. territory. No “foreign governments” are invading, and we are not at war. That would take an act of Congress.
Project 2025 states April 20th as the endgame. It says that 90 days after Trump declares a national boarder emergency (Jan 20) he is to envoke martial law. So far he's followed P2025 to a T, so we have no reason he won't do that.
Note: In their brief with the D. C. Circuit, the Trump DOJ does not restrict this right to citizens. Instead they claim that the President can deport anyone that he claims is a national security threat. If granted this right, Trump would have the power of a dictator.
It’s very well known to Japanese Americans and their descendants who were forcibly detained in camps and stripped of their livelihood and property for nothing more than being Japanese.
I’m a Naturalized USA citizen. This has gone beyond comprehendable, I consider myself pretty smart. BUT… I hold my breath every time the Orange moves, and I have to hold my breathe, and hope 🙏 that some judge somewhere can block or do something!!! I feel like our rope is fraying!
If people hadn't noticed yet, yesterday's DOJ speech should have done it. He's gone from saying people/organizations are picking on him to outright saying they're illegal. People are being arrested by plainclothes officers who refuse to identify themselves. Rhetoric has been ramped up against
/2 the opposition as well as the judiciary. They are getting bolder, and they are getting more entrenched.
But, at the same time, they are scared. They wouldn't be acting as aggressively if they didn't think they were at risk. It is past time to organize, but now is the next best time.
He’s bringing back every piece of shameful, disgusting American history and putting it back into place. Is slavery next? At this point, nothing would surprise me.
They are throwing any shit they can find on the wall hoping it sticks. But it still stinks and the courts will shoot it down. SCOTUS should be plenty busy.
The order was issued while a plane was sitting on the tarmac at Boston Logan. Trump still deported the person in the plane, a highly skilled transplant surgeon. We NEED people like this badly.
But what happens if Trump just ignores the injunction? It's not like he hasn't before. It's not like he cares about legality. Who's going to enforce it? Who's going to stop him?
Judge: propose a schedule? Govt should go first on venue issue of class cert.
P: it’s Saturday, but obviously, govt is loading up planes to El Salvador. Planes are going RIGHT NOW to an El Salvadoran prison, with people from Venezuela.
I am considered to be and am recognized as a known, listed political prisoner of The United States of America since 1987 and 1988. Can I use this to be extradited so I finally can have my case heard in my family's court at Prague and then take my case to The Hague or just wait for my gulag?
Apparently somebody filed an emergency petition before I *think* the DC Federal court, and a hearing is ongoing. Somebody I follow was reporting on the case.
Doesn’t just result in deportations. This act was used for the Japanese internment camps that detained US citizens. The camps were in the United States and, I’ll repeat this, detained US citizens.
He needs to be STOPPED. Instead Schumer gave him the green light by funding fascism. Felon47 and his crooks are laughing while the world watches in disbelief. Be are so fucked!! #GetTheChuckOut
I sense Steven Miller’s fingerprints all over this attempted deportation. If only he spent more time trying to
uphold the Constitution rather than subvert it in pursuit of his Project 2025 white nationalist wet dream.
SCOTUS already gave POTUS 100% immunity for any "official" acts, and he can pardon anyone else at any time. It was a foregone conclusion that he would ignore the separation of powers.
Then he better get rid of Musk first. Since we all know he has ties to Russia, he needs to take his wife and children to Russia and leave us in peace to fix the mess he's made.
This could very well be the start of creating camps for dissenters. This is it. If anyone had any shred of doubt that we're in Nazi Germany, this is the creation of the camps and the ghettos.
The last time this was invoked was to create the Japanese Internment Camps (Crystal City also housed others suspected of being traitors and their families). In '88 Reagan formally apologized and with a bipartisan push created the reparations. This is much larger than just deporting people /1
I've been seeing that a judge blocked this order, thank goodness.
A year ago, I never would have even considered the possibility that one day, judges were what stood between people and fascism. But I'm glad for their efforts, and their strength.
Likely a preliminary halt that'll be extended, like what's been happening with all the others, until a permanent decision can be made, and the hurdles of appeals. The ultimate question is, what will SCOTUS do when it inevitably gets to them.
Bet the tech boys were tasked with searching laws with keywords like deport and alien and that’s were they came up with this stupid idea. Not like they bother to do a deep dive into anything to understand what the law is intended for
Most likely he'll try to declare a war on a people and not a country (yet), further demonstrating to his drooling base that racism is A-OK with this administration
Frankly we never got around to most of this. “Modern” history gets overlooked while we study things like the Romans and the Dark Ages. And learning about the Civil War in the south is…something, I suppose.
Thank goodness we have sane judges ready to stop this madness. To have the judge in question at the emergency hearing pause his own vacation starting, not even adorning their court robes just makes my jaw drop. They knew how crazy Trump has become trying to push this dictator crap. #5051Trump
"Judge Boasberg, chief federal district judge in DC, has abruptly blocked an anticipated effort by President Trump to use an invocation of the Alien Enemies Act to remove Venezuelan nationals.
We must get familiarized with: AEA (wartime internment and relocation), 8 U.S.C. § 1481 (coerced “voluntary repatriation”), and Operation Wetback (presidential & executive overreach with the complicity of the Attorney General, cabinet members, & agency heads through a militarized strategy).
Who spends their time digging out old legislation that they think can be twisted around to harm people? Can you imagine that being your job? These people are disgusting.
If the Alien Enemies Act is not slapped down by the Supreme Court, as Congress has not declared that the US is at 'war', then invoking the Sedition Act won't be far behind.
How did that work, exactly. Who told the pilots? Who made them follow the judge's orders? I'm having a hard time believing that there was an immediate response and the planes came back with them. Do you have a source? I'd love to know more.
On the one hand, judges are the only thing between us and this asshole.
On the other hand, it really pisses me off that he uses obscure laws to deport people illegally in a blatant attempt to hurt them and judges go, hmm, let me look at the fine print, let's check the case law.
Judicial language is often like this-- especially when granting temporary stays or orders. It can be infuriating vague --but it's usually language constructed to show no judicial prejudice on a matter and allow time for attorneys to examine the specifics and hone a position.
BREAKING: Federal Court GRANTS motion to HALT deportation under rarely invoked Alien Enemies Act of 1798. “A TRO is appropriate for the class members to prevent the removal of the class.”
taking a dump on
America in the shitter
no fuck'n charmin
But Trump has redefined it so that the term "alien enemies" now applies to anyone he dislikes.
That way, Trump gets his "emergency powers."
President of El Salvador posted on X:
Too Late!😂”
The only good Nazis are dead ones.
Do what needs to be done, or SIT DOWN AND STAY SILENT.
the adults are talkin', and they ain't saying shit except what time the knuckle sammich store close?
Oh wait, it's 24/7, open like 7/11, rage burning hotter than 9/11, gnarly
March to
with a straitjacket for
Eviction notice for
Where is she though? The family does not know if she is on her way home or not!?
Indentured servitude was still a common way for immigrants (especially from Europe) to fund their passage to America and work for citizenship. Trump would love this shit!
Boasberg orders the DOJ to immediately inform his clients (ICE) about "any planes that are going to take off or is in the air need to be returned to the United States," ……
Says they'll use the military.
Sure, with that I agree
But do they really think
That we can’t see?
We know this is just
Another attack on liberty
Hacking away at our need
To be free!
#resist #barsnotwars
Fuck Trump
A judge blocked it 💕.
I've signed and Executive Order firing your Chairman and CEO and naming me as the new Chairman and CEO, whether you like it or not.
All shares are to be transferred into my name by midnight tonight as Tribute.
You have 5 minutes to vacate the premises."
Everyone HAS to wake up.
Everyone HAS to rise up.
But, at the same time, they are scared. They wouldn't be acting as aggressively if they didn't think they were at risk. It is past time to organize, but now is the next best time.
Someone else is feeding it to him.
Judge: propose a schedule? Govt should go first on venue issue of class cert.
P: it’s Saturday, but obviously, govt is loading up planes to El Salvador. Planes are going RIGHT NOW to an El Salvadoran prison, with people from Venezuela.
uphold the Constitution rather than subvert it in pursuit of his Project 2025 white nationalist wet dream.
WTF is wrong with him?
A year ago, I never would have even considered the possibility that one day, judges were what stood between people and fascism. But I'm glad for their efforts, and their strength.
And likelihood was based on race.
Don’t think it was already solved.
While valid, triage the headshot over the arm bleeding.
Per journalist Kyle Cheney:
"Judge Boasberg, chief federal district judge in DC, has abruptly blocked an anticipated effort by President Trump to use an invocation of the Alien Enemies Act to remove Venezuelan nationals.
He set a hearing for this afternoon."
Here they go again pointing the finger at other people.
If the Alien Enemies Act is not slapped down by the Supreme Court, as Congress has not declared that the US is at 'war', then invoking the Sedition Act won't be far behind.
We can hope...🤞
Fuck this administration.
And it's not right, at all. Due process is guaranteed. But this might strike feat into the populace that needs to enjoy a little fear.
On the other hand, it really pisses me off that he uses obscure laws to deport people illegally in a blatant attempt to hurt them and judges go, hmm, let me look at the fine print, let's check the case law.
Blatant manipulations of the law intentionally meant to hurt people should be responded to forcefully and denounced.
It's kind of unbelievable that TROs seem to be the only tool judges are willing to use.