The vindictiveness and petty actions,.
maybe can make a list of everyone the 'free speech absolutist' suspended from X after they were critical.
Lists of his 'boy wonder promises' that never happened,.i.e., when in fact he made an image all from bullshit & lies.
Musk refuses to accept that he lives in a democracy. He really believes he owns the USA, he is dangerously close to being right. That's why it's imperative to bankrupt Tesla and Starlink. We must not allow him to be in charge of our FAA or other agencies that could threaten our safety. He is a liar.
Yes, alllllll the tech bros! Including Fuckerberg, The Heritage Foundation, JD Vance, Steve Bannon, etc.
They want a monarchy to benefit themselves.☠️🤬
Now we just have to figure out how to light a fire under our “Representatives and Senators” … they don’t seem to understand who they work for, OR that there are more of us than there are of the ones they seem to think they work for 🤔
The 35th Legislative District seat is vacant due to the death of former State House Representative Matthew Gergely.
Pass it on so it reaches more voters please.
Please join Rabbi Rothschild’s World Peace Discord: Rabbi=Truman Show YouTube Live 24/7/365 3+ years. We dare you: type #ViralRabbi in any social media search. Data=Earth’s #1 resource. Rabbi=most data ever. Share to be a trillionaire! #RabbiRothschild
The gothy, vampy, just wants a little respect Elon. Waving around a chainsaw, desperately repeating his flat jokes so we’ll finally get it—and get him—trying to make ‘Dark MAGA’ a thing. (That little war cry he uttered was hella kewt, not gonna lie.)
Informed citizens are a danger to fascists. That is why they create an illusion of transparency but do the opposite and create fear because they cannot win arguments on the facts
He should have taken the internet first.
First: $8 million a day. That’s how much Elon Musk collects in federal government contracts.
Second: $65-$36 a day. That’s how much the average senior—someone who has worked their entire life—gets from Social Security
He is a trust fund oligarch who made his notoriety by buying other people’s ideas. Spoiled entitled bigoted mama’s boy. We got your back and always will
By declaring those “acts of terrorism” he gets paid for the ruined vehicles under federal insurance terrorism plan. So we are basically paying him for his ruined cars that nobody wants to buy now. Always a grift.
Best to just boycott and protest in front of dealerships. No need to vandalize when they get insurance payouts for it. Let the Teslas just rot in the fields so to speak. Not that it will stop them from torching their own cars for insurance payouts and blaming trans people or Jews or whatever.
He doesn’t understand that most people don’t work for him or are paid by him. So we don’t have to pretend to like the, as Bill Bur said, “dyed hair plugged, laminated faced, nerd”.
In this time of unchecked government breakdown an organized group posing as DOGE could waltz right into powerful offices, arrest CEOs, steal millions of dollars in “evidence “, even kidnap people, and nobody would believe the denials.
This slimy asshat is committing crime, yet again!
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
Wisconsin, let's vote and support Judge Crawford!
Why hasn’t Musk been brought up on serious criminal charges. I’m sure there’s a plethora to choose from at this point. He isn’t legal part of the government and is a private citizen. He doesn’t have some unbelievable, legal immunity like Trump. This is a serious question. Can anyone answer it?
He's upset (and it's fun to watch) because we're already winning and we're not even done with our mission. You guys - this might get fun. Hard but fun. We can really fuck with these guys as a unified group.
They hate for us to be educated and figure out how to hurt them mostly without violence. Rachel Maddow must be hitting Trump’s nerve, the way he’s been whining! And boycotting Tesla is hurting Nazi hair plugs Musk!👏🤣 Keep up the great work! Break Fox News, too.😈👹👿👹
You mean like this?
Musk’s Tesla Uses China’s Communist Party to Silence Critics Tesla’s legal victories in China underscore Elon Musk’s deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party, raising doubts about his America-first, pro-free speech bona fides.
ketamine decreases dopamine in the midbrain, may indicate why long-term abuse of ketamine could cause users to exhibit similar symptoms to people with schizophrenia, a mood disorder.
One of the main problems with an oligarchy is that they grew up thinking they were better than the rest of us, and they can't understand why we won't see it and be their servants. F that sh*t.
A swarm of angry
billionaire oligarchs
hive in our
White House,
upset with how mean
the USA has been
to them.
Have to rig things
so they get more money
and more
and more
and more
and more.
..but at least his interactions with ‘black servants’, when he was growing up in South Africa, well those polite interactions clearly ‘showed that he’s not a racist.’
I'm waiting on the day the shut the news stations down, that ARE giving us true news. I just know its coming, with trump appointees in charge of ALL the stations now. He's talked about removing some.
He’s also upset that his empire is crumbling. Tesla is tanking, Starlink is being turned off around the world and SpaceX’ days are numbered as the rockets explode. Everyone hates Elon and he knows it. There is no going back for him. He is toast and everything he touches dies, just like Trump.
I so love that ANPS realised weeks ago that this was so much bigger than their own jobs.
Removal of all Standards and Precedent is removal of all opposition.
The US is not the first country Russia has facilitated this.
The least violent way this ends?
218 representatives and 67 senators need to act.
Well, fucking assholes, maybe before coming after govt anencies that help people, Republicans should look at the billions and billions of dollars of tax breaks and subsidies they give to oligarchs like Elon Musk. Do you want to save some money? Let's start there.
If he gets away with his half broken neuralink thing and has Donald trigger nationwide lockdown on rights and such, he may think it's okay to use that mind implant to enslave people.
When I get huge government subsidies and become a billionaire I want to pay $100 for each person who registers to vote and support judges who enforce the law, not bend to the whims of power and money.
The RNC or someone has put out talking points that people aren't paying attention. It's evident when you see the shock of Representative Mike Flood or Harriet Hageman at their failed Town Hall meetings when they realize voters care.
Love it, love you. Maybe his head will explode from the resistance. So glad he thought it would be easy and non- confrontational. #resist #coup
#agentkrasnov #elon
Elawwn's just bitter about his botched penis enlargement surgery. Docs tried their best to turn that insie into an outsie, but it just wasn't successful.
Money makes you think you're invincible, till you're not. The GOP ( God Offending People) attracts what they are. #PennyStock Collectively, We have the power over his pockets.
He can fuck all the way off. He’s an idiotic drug addicted man with the mental and emotional stability of a teenager. He should focus on raising his fucking kids instead of meddling with our country or better yet DIE.
They wanted to shift children with disabilities’ education to health. And I can’t believe how many people cheer on this as it is a good thing . Department of eugenics was a health department. Bell vs. buck (also Dr. plecker had this weird view that intermixing cause disabilities) . And this article:
Also thanks to you amazing rogue servants for keeping us informed. I learn stuff on Bluesky hours, sometimes days, before mainstream media reports it. You and the AltGovs are amazing. You help open our eyes. Without this transparency, there is no knowledge or resistance to what Trump and Musk do. 🇺🇸❤️
Elmer thought that if he bought the US government that Americans would bend the knee to him. Boy, he really doesnt know American history with Nazis. This "genius" needs some educating.
I associate autism with people who are compassionate and have a very strong innate sense of justice and fairness .. all qualities fElon lacks in spades
Apartheid Clyde is making everyone's life miserable, and actively trying to buy elections here and abroad.
He is a threat to the existence of the planet. You can't threaten people and expect them to go along with demented, nefarious plans.
Someone launch him into the Sun already.
Deport Elon won’t happen now but the next democratic president should do it and majority of the nation non MAGA’s will agree and support. Don’t need racist nazis in our nation. Racism loses!!!
Don’t get shut down - if you do you have to find ways to keep coming back - he’s gonna keep trying so we hope you have back ups ✨ and thanks for all the info - you’ve been such a huge part of keeping everyone informed 👍🏻 🙌🏻
I really loved Türkiye and Istanbul when I got a chance to visit, before Erdoğan took over. I hope some day the people can overcome what they are going thru. Like us.
Self-servants, really. You worked for a corrupt government on stolen land. You knew the government was corrupt and you knew the land was stolen. Stop pretending to be martyrs.
maybe can make a list of everyone the 'free speech absolutist' suspended from X after they were critical.
Lists of his 'boy wonder promises' that never happened,.i.e., when in fact he made an image all from bullshit & lies.
Tech blueprint to dismantle the USA
They want a monarchy to benefit themselves.☠️🤬
April 5th
National Day of Action
Trust me, you don’t want to learn about the deaths you caused by doing nothing except talk behind doors!
The 35th Legislative District seat is vacant due to the death of former State House Representative Matthew Gergely.
Pass it on so it reaches more voters please.
Spread the word far and wide! Go blue! Get our country back!!!!!
First: $8 million a day. That’s how much Elon Musk collects in federal government contracts.
Second: $65-$36 a day. That’s how much the average senior—someone who has worked their entire life—gets from Social Security
In this time of unchecked government breakdown an organized group posing as DOGE could waltz right into powerful offices, arrest CEOs, steal millions of dollars in “evidence “, even kidnap people, and nobody would believe the denials.
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
Wisconsin, let's vote and support Judge Crawford!
Well I am!
Let's drive the turd to the sea
And clueless about the seriousness in the rising up of Americans who are demanding a dismantling of TrumpCo
Musk’s Tesla Uses China’s Communist Party to Silence Critics Tesla’s legal victories in China underscore Elon Musk’s deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party, raising doubts about his America-first, pro-free speech bona fides.
ketamine decreases dopamine in the midbrain, may indicate why long-term abuse of ketamine could cause users to exhibit similar symptoms to people with schizophrenia, a mood disorder.
Columbia News 12042023
billionaire oligarchs
hive in our
White House,
upset with how mean
the USA has been
to them.
Have to rig things
so they get more money
and more
and more
and more
and more.
Not enough people tried to prevent this. I tried.
Bc that just INVIGORATES all of US 99%ers even more to PROTEST everything that’s ELON MUSKS!
He needs to learn:
Treat OTHERS as you would have them treat YOU!
Removal of all Standards and Precedent is removal of all opposition.
The US is not the first country Russia has facilitated this.
The least violent way this ends?
218 representatives and 67 senators need to act.
It’s only fair play to fight back against his economic interests. Take down Tesla.
I can verify everything if needed.
#agentkrasnov #elon
He is a threat to the existence of the planet. You can't threaten people and expect them to go along with demented, nefarious plans.
Someone launch him into the Sun already.
fElon can go board his next rocket, if he doesn't like it.
We're not.
- Heritage Foundation -
Whose in it?
How do they communicate with the MAGA-DOGE front pieces?
Is anybody recording their activity?
Whose funding them?
Follow their money trail to learn who is pulling the strings.
The old bird is a rotting ccorps.I detest Musk withevery fiber of my being and i can't support any of his businesses or endeavors.
Won’t stop the Turkish from protesting. They proved what they can do on Taksim square/Gezi park back in 2013. They’ll hopefully do it again!
I celebrate them protesting.