Violating of court order doesn’t fall under normal Presidential duties does it, so doesn’t that mean tRump can be charged with that crime
I’m pretty sure ICE does have a quota it’s one of the few “promises” tRump is trying to keep deporting “X” amount of people a day
I've been preaching that for months. No dictator was ever overthrown without bloodshed. If there was a peaceful way, they'd have removed Nero long before he burned Rome to ashes. That's Trump's plan:
Burn the ships after he's pilfered everything he can. It's time to fight.
They are inept from top to bottom. They claim there are 20 Million illegal immigrants in the country living in hotels and receiving $$ monthly via debit cards. Yet they say they can’t find them. Seems the fact that they are in certain buildings & have to go get the cards, they would be easily found
This. They’re the true deplorables and should be unmasked and outed for the heinous scum they are. When the war crimes tribunals begin, they’ll be prosecuted for their acts.
No one has immunity from the law except for one person. Courts it’s time to show them you’re serious, or this is Republican Party finally NOT being the party of law and order.
When the rule of law no longer exists, it's the duty of every free American to rise as one & show they're not going down without a fight! The only thing Nazis understand is a false sense of security through bullying. Let's shatter that house of cards & protect what's ours!
yes, undoubtedly, due to the pressure/demand for increased deportations from tom subhomon, and internal fear of associated demotions/reassignments that have occurred under his czarism.
You do realize I do not vote for or support the democratic party or republican party at all. That I'm a Marxist leninist Anti-imperialist feminist. That will not vote for anyone's genocide right? You have been reading my posts and replies, right? If not, do so now. I do not compromise. No centerism.
Most American doctors aren’t going into academic medicine anymore because of tuition debt.
If they keep deporting foreign citizens who work in academic centers, we’re screwed.
And probably why this admin does not want to disclose info on those they deport other than calling them gang members. Who knows who they pull off the streets just to me an assigned quota. Americans can and will be caught up in all this.
I dont like the process how she was treated. She should have her day in court. But attending funeral of Hamas leader calling him spiritual, is a bridge too far for me.
I think ICE has been given license to be cruel, treat people with disrespect and break the law. This has to stop. We are not living in Nazi Germany or modern day Russia 🙄
When you lie about how many prisons & mental institutions were emptied over our border & promise record numbers deported, you gotta get em from somewhere.
ICE have always sailed very close to the wind of legality, rarely with authority to or warrants for detaining people? Seems now any brakes that were once holding them back, have now through Trumps rhetoric!
If being related to a criminal is all it takes, deport Melania and Barron, Ivanka and her kids and shithead husband, the other coke head son and his creepy gf…STAT!
I know a sheriff’s deputy in a rural county. They went on a domestic assault call the other day and the victim was undocumented. When they called it in, ICE said they wanted the victim. My friend said it was the hardest thing they’ve ever done. But they also can’t afford to be fired.
Absolutely. They know their numbers are below Biden’s - and can’t have that, can we? They have started pulling green card holders at airports - this is an easy arrest - grabbing someone’s fiancé coming back from vacation, compared to finding actual criminals!
Come on guys, we were demanding ridiculous things during Covid, like locking up pastors and people walking alone on the beach. We can do better and can’t be hypocrites
Unless those rights threatened the health and safety of others. Like it does in a pandemic. You have a right to swing a steel pipe around like an idiot, until it hits someone else in the face. Your rights end where they harm others.
Now tell me, how many people died from Corona just because no measures were taken? It wouldn't hurt to learn a little more that life is a priority over becoming trans!
I don't need to prove it, it's enough that you're still alive to talk nonsense on the internet! And enough with this nonsense about constitutional rights, Trump and Musk have been wiping their asses with your constitution for three years!
I searched on:
1.) Pastor died after ignoring covid rules. (numerous articles/videos in multiple different states.)
2.) Pastor jailed who held church during covid. (some articles, and oddly the majority are in Florida.)
NO ONE(!) was banning worship. Just guidelines to follow for health safety.
Everyone gets the right to a fair trial and due process in this country and in the free world of democracy and democratic republic , the fact that anyone would agree with this or think it’s ok, clearly your not too bright, and think about it like this, if Trump wasn’t in office and declared all
White nationalists as global terrorists which they are , and they started rounding them up and shipping them away , anyone and everyone because they’re white , and claim they’re part of the cult or “gang” kkk or white nationalist group , although I can’t stand them, they would still get due process
In court to determine if they’re even a cult member to begin with and if they have committed crimes , these people haven’t been committed of crimes and they don’t even know if they’re Venezuelans, they’re literally violating many laws including court orders . This is a constitutional crisis .
It’s bad optics for Dems regardless, especially considering our party is already at its lowest ever approval rating and yet here we are trying to keep gang members in the country.
The point is DUE PROCESS! For a group so fixated on anti government sentiment bc of trust issues you’d think they want full transparency! I certainly do! Due process is the ONLY way to achieve that!
They need to show they are doing something, almost like many cities where cops have quotas and are expected to hand out so many traffic violation fines. Many innocents are going to be dragged through the net, many for nothing. The only positive note is that more Krasnov resisters will emerge.
With this administration, you can be pretty certain that they have. You can also bet that everyone they are firing from federal departments are not the worst performers. It's just about filling a quota, like some modern day Stalin.
No. "Qualified immunity is a legal doctrine created by the U.S. Supreme Court that protects public officials, including police officers, immigration officers, and immigration detention center staff from civil liability for constitutional and statutory violations."
I listened to a video on YT the other day by ElizabethWarren which suggested everyone involved in effecting an illegal order can, indeed, be sued. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Quotas sure but I wouldn't rule out the possibility that they just want to get rid of scientists and doctors all together anyway. What use does this administration have with the educated?
In the Soviet Union, in the Far East, I was told that there were quotas for executions. The pressure to meet them was such that, if a name on the list wasn’t found, another person with the same name was shot instead.
I agree this is likely an issue - there was unhappiness with the pace of deportations and a decision to set quotas, with predictable results - maybe a bit similar to the old quotas for number of kulaks dealt with
Because Mayor Bowser is ... she was on Capehart talking about how she needs to protect DC funding. She's already capitulated. Someone needs to primary her.
The police aren’t acting on their own authority, my guess is the mayor gave them the go ahead. She’s been quietly going along to get along since Trump started threatening a federal takeover of DC.
I need an explainer for why they can attempt to change or even force policy changes at private foundations. Do they receive federal funding?
Is it an executive order against spending on diversity programs that covers this? Why do they break in? If so, where's the lawsuit like the CakeBaker?
Because that's the entire purpose of cops. There's a reason the "far" left says ACAB. Cops are just the enforcers of state violence. They're not here to protect us, they protect capital and private property.
Tim - "January 26, 2025 -According to the Washington Post, Trump officials directed senior ICE officials to increase arrests to meet daily quotas. Each field office has been instructed to make 75 arrests per day... t[o] increase daily ICE arrests from a few hundred/day to at least 1,200 to 1,500."
God Almighty, it gets scarier every day at the amount of power, taking away from the US citizens and given to really an unelected party with a moron in charge
It's always been about the numbers,that's how they've managed to pick up U.S. born citizens. Somebody should ask ICE how many they had to release because they were citizens.I doubt if you get a straight answer,but the question is worth asking.
Check out Brandon Colin of Utah's experience. I think the ICE agents have been honed on depriving immigrants of all rights from the beginning. This feels it has been in the works for an extended period of time. If we come out of this, ICE may need to be both investigated and disbanded to fix it.
Me too. That’s why the Germans the Canadians that English lady anyone they have any excuse because they’ll be fired if they don’t meet a quota or something. It’s the only explanation.
They are going after LGBTQ immigrants and already seem to be using sexual humiliation. The German man they detained in Boston was stripped naked and harassed.
Men who have to do that to other men to make themselves feel strong really are mediocre with small dick energy. Something women know way too much about
Trump, Noem, Homan, musk and all the rest need to be arrested, charged and sent to ElSalvador under the same horrific treatment the immigrants received!!!
How do we know they were actually criminals? Or just in the US without the proper paperwork. tRump makes up lies about everything. He can just say we deported 200 criminals and his idiot cult will believe him.
You aren’t going to deport 11 million immigrants without completely industrialising the process. That means quotas, measurement of staff performance by targets met: slip ups, of course, and the inevitable lack of compassion and basic humanity that goes with that.
The two outrageous events in Boston (!) targeting a green card holder and a visa holder gave me the same sense that they are desperate to meet a quota.
100% and that’s why they’re snatching Germans and Canadians at the border as they’re trying to come here legally. They HAVE to hit those numbers and they don’t care how.
With tRUMP, it's always and only about numbers, phony numbers, like the size of his Penthouse, sized at 11,000 square feet, not 30,000 sqft as he claimed.
I knew a great exaggerater once. (AKA, Liar) After a while listening to his predictable lies, they fell into a 2X or 10X exaggerate category.
Exactly, and the wording is enraging. "palpably beyond his authority" "allegedly violates the law". Attempting to annex Canada, is that palpable John? Or some other bullshit adjective you pulled out of the Authoritarian's Pocket Dictionary.
There are many accounts like this that absolutely support ICE “searching” for people to illegally and unconstitutionally detain in order to meet daily/weekly quotas.
These accounts from people illegally detained are evidence supporting the conclusion that ICE likely have arrest/detention quotas they are attempting to meet, rather than simply “enforcing immigration law”, whatever that even means at this point.
Except now there are doing it in basically every major city, every day, and will likely escalate as the regime leadership becomes more and more angry about the “low” deportation rates.
Trump is disappointed with the relatively small number of immigrants ICE has been able to capture and deport.
The sadistic spectacle over the weekend with shackles and shaved heads set to music was their effort to promote a theatrical media blitz so the loser and chief could save face.
Prove me wrong: Trump's inner-circle advisors are just sitting around a table, drunkenly playing Cards Against Humanity, and using the least-funny hands as actual policy proposals.
They will first build concentration
camps for “migrants,” but the camps
are really intended for non-compliant
American citizens.
They’re going to try to cull the
population of the Lower 48.
They don’t have the logistical
or operational capability, but
they’re going to try it anyways🤨
So, who will pay for the financial damages, mental distress, loss of life, etc., when people who were directly affected are awarded civil damages stemming from DOGE and Trumps illegal actions? Oh, I forgot. We will because Musk has Indemnity as a Federal employee and Trump,... well, he has SCOTUS.
I’m pretty sure ICE does have a quota it’s one of the few “promises” tRump is trying to keep deporting “X” amount of people a day
Burn the ships after he's pilfered everything he can. It's time to fight.
Alex Jones is the new David Duke.
ICE is the SS.
pepperidge farm remembers.
Started out it was supposed to be 8K/day right?
What is it now? And exactly how many have been ousted since trump landed?
If they keep deporting foreign citizens who work in academic centers, we’re screwed.
They must show results to the GOP BOSSES and results are measured in the body count.
With Trump sorry "Krasnov" the deal is sealed and Americans willingly did this …!!
They’re desperately trying to meet the targets.
The longer answer would be "all those they didn't pay for themselves".
Who's next? Me? You? 🤔
If it was illegal, a helluva lotta Catholic and Protestant pastors' families would be.
It's not even illegal to have a criminal's photograph on your cell phone.
Maybe we were weren't being invaded by millions of dangerous criminals after all?
Deporting someone explicitly against the order of the country is not enforcing rules. That would in fact be breaking them.
One is clearly not the same as the other.
1.) Pastor died after ignoring covid rules. (numerous articles/videos in multiple different states.)
2.) Pastor jailed who held church during covid. (some articles, and oddly the majority are in Florida.)
NO ONE(!) was banning worship. Just guidelines to follow for health safety.
Is it an executive order against spending on diversity programs that covers this? Why do they break in? If so, where's the lawsuit like the CakeBaker?
If that’s not a headline for our times I don’t know what is
To his foot soldiers, all of the deportees are not even human beings and this is evidenced by the way there are being deported.
At some point - maybe all points - they overlap. Judge needs to haul them all in.
The rampant sexual abuse will begin shortly
Third World America
I knew a great exaggerater once. (AKA, Liar) After a while listening to his predictable lies, they fell into a 2X or 10X exaggerate category.
We’ll see even more abuse and racial profiling.
Damn English, the worst language!
Except now there are doing it in basically every major city, every day, and will likely escalate as the regime leadership becomes more and more angry about the “low” deportation rates.
The sadistic spectacle over the weekend with shackles and shaved heads set to music was their effort to promote a theatrical media blitz so the loser and chief could save face.
"increase the number of arrests from a few hundred per day to at least 1,200 to 1,500."
January 27, 2025
some of the ICE agents
got shot🥹
Everybody here in the States has
to worry about getting shot lol
Why not ICE?
but with the addition of Kristi Noem obnoxiously fulfilling her dream of being an actress.
camps for “migrants,” but the camps
are really intended for non-compliant
American citizens.
They’re going to try to cull the
population of the Lower 48.
They don’t have the logistical
or operational capability, but
they’re going to try it anyways🤨
Or is it already over?
"He who acts to save his country from tyranny, domestic terrorism, Project 2025, and radical right wing criminals, violates no laws.”
I guess we do not have all the illegals they imagine.
They are coping with reality in the worst way possible because they can't admit they lied.