As the Texas measles outbreak continues, doctors there are treating some children given so much vitamin A that they have signs of liver damage. Story by Gift link:
Using a 'treatment' with no reliable data and that treatment then causing harm is surely actionable.
My mistake.
Adolph Abbott, Lt Gov Dan Hitler and Field Marshal Paxton
All Christian Nationalists
Surprised they’re not trying animal sacrifice
Be smart people. Get your kids vaccinated or listen to wacko JFK JR and see your family damaged because of your stupidity
They have no clue that it is stored in the liver bc they never learned about Antarctic and Alaskan explorers who died from eating too much raw liver.
You voted for a Clown and now you have a three-ringed circus full of stunts and surprises.
(I'm clearly starting to get agitated by the sheer amount of craziness going around)
Consult a qualified Nutritionist or Medical Herbalist.
Nice try tho.
This is so dangerous.
But these idiots destroying their kids liver, they’re fine.
It's like he had his Kobayashi Maru test and decided to solve it by having a war with the Borg as a distraction.
Excessive amounts of almost ANYTHING can be very BAD!
"Unlike other vitamins, which are flushed out of the body through urine, excess vitamin A accumulates in fat tissue, "
It's ALL the fat soluble vitamins, ya dingbats. #nutrition
My exes mother didn't vaccinate in the 1960's, never took him to a doctor. He had measles as an adult. You've never seen a man so sick.
My mom's dad beat her for not working at the still when her appendix burst. She was 7.
He is an idiot.
For people who are so fond of doing their own “research” they sure are crappy at it.
Doctors following this harmful recommondation and putting childrens' lives at risk (knowingly, they studied this!), should lose their approbation.
Every idiot can read on the internet that too much V. A can be life threatening.
Maybe these people should test out if Water Hemlock and Belladonna are actually toxic... those doctors, scientists, and herbalists could be lying. 🙄
People, don't do partisan politics on your kids. Seek real advice, not from a partisan not doctor.
Surgeons still use leeches to improve the success rates of surgery, such as when reattaching severed fingers as their saliva prevents post-surgery blood clotting inside veins....",surgery%20blood%20clotting%20inside%20veins.
This doesn't mean we should throw away modern innovations, vaccines, & medications!
We have a general failure of education & a lot of people who are very gullible as a result.
My parents were of this kind… thank god, the healthcare was free… but they never saw the contradictions…
They have walls in their brain that keep them from mixing both realities somehow… I dunno
Now he’s killing children and these same people do not seem to care.
Buckle up, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.
In other words don't take medical advice from a heroin addict with brain worm trauma & is not now nor ever was a doctor.
RFK jr
Bobby is making notches on his executive Director desk
Fat soluble vitamins are very very dose dependent —esp Vitamin A and even so with the safer version of Beta Carotene!