I never post an image from another source that isn't linked to that source. The photos from my own collection can't be credited, there's simply no way find that info. The accounts in my starter pack post photos of their own cats. Hope that helps.
Reposted from
NB Aging Dad
Honest Question: Why is their content less valid than yours? These aren't your cats either. Also not your original photos unless I'm mistaken. It's ALL found content. Copying posts wholesale is lazy and cheap, but every post of yours is "here is a picture of a cat". So is every other cat account.
If pictures aren't copyrighted, what's the issue? Cats have fewer rights as legitimate pets than dogs have, here in the UK,so I'm all for equality.
I see accounts that literally copy both image and text from accounts dedicated to a pet. :/ IMO clearly to harvest followers and then sell the account.
And what the ever loving hell is the matter with some people?
.... You are a class act.
Presumably many of them would not exist anymore if you hadn’t collected them.
It’s not at all like the content farming accounts and I personally appreciate the effort.
Make sure to check ClearSky for the lists you are on in case one is attracting trolls to your account.
At least a lot of us know you're not just copy-pasting a picture of a cat on here and going "hey look at this cat. Hey look at this other cat, I found it on Google lol"
You have a real impressive collection!
Your posts are refreshing and make my day! Of course many of those pics can't be traced to their origins. They're of yore.
That old fart can take a long walk off of a short pier.