• Dan sits down with Jen O’Malley Dillon, David Plouffe, Quentin Fulks, and Stephanie Cutter to talk about the campaign’s roadmap, the voters they most needed to win over, why they fell short in the end, and what Democrats should do differently next time.
• Dan sits down with Jen O’Malley Dillon, David Plouffe, Quentin Fulks, and Stephanie Cutter to talk about the campaign’s roadmap, the voters they most needed to win over, why they fell short in the end, and what Democrats should do differently next time.
The bad:
- A real eye opener
- Will not cure insomnia
- Was it a monster in my closet, or did someone say "Democrats eat their own?"
The good:
- Dan as interviewer
- Campaign/Crooked collaboration
- With leaders like this, I'm all in
Thank you!
Ballot requests were way lower than 2020. They should’ve coordinated w/Shapiro to have more polls for in person. The lines were 4-6 hours in Philly & people simply had to get to work and class.
Not forcing the Saudis to reign in the RSF in Sudan is overseeing a conflict too.
The US has been the head of the Western Empire since mid WW2, and it has begun to collapse. Keep this in mind.
Oh, wait, we're not gonna talk about that, huh?
These people will all be involved in the ‘28 campaign, and we will have to deal with all these problems again because they refuse to take accountability or self reflect.
Do this & Dems won’t lose to a functionally illiterate conman and criminal.
Gee, I wonder why the other party won? 🤦🏽
But even if I agreed with your point, the list of reasons the dems keep failing us is long and painfully obvious
But in a 100% w/ you on everything else. It’s time to unite the base & these fuckers still haven’t learned.
Dem politicians will say they’re pro union but it’s bs. There are too few that actually are.
They lost to the worst presidential candidate of all time.
Saying that the environment was tough and that we actually did well where we campaigned, just doesn’t cut it.
Loved when Plouffe went off on how the Trump campaign and PACs (illegally) colluded while D's follow the laws. That is very frustrating.
Of course, they are getting raked over the coals on social media. D's doing what D's do best...attacking their allies.
Dems need to acknowledge that they completely fucked this up and have hard conversations about where they went wrong. We got none of that from the interview.
I looked at comments on YouTube and can’t believe the BS. 2 months to do what most have 2 years to do AND she made gains. I’ll tell you the big lesson you Dems ought to learn - stop tearing down your own house! Stop bitching and get busy! Media reform!campaign finance reform! Gerrymandering
We lost. We need to figure out how to not lose. Pretending that we didn’t doesn’t help.
Not saying the average American is right, just that they exist and you don’t seem to realize it
Dems been serving up chicken 💩 for decades.
When a centrist democrat loses to a horribly evil convicted felon, in 2 of the last 3 elections, what does that say about democrats, especially centrists?
Tony West aka the devil among Uber drivers
Kamala couldn't say anything about Palestinians with being up Israel has a right to exist.
They deserve all the blame and AGAIN when young and black people don't show up you fucking lose
Time is a flat circle
The theme throughout is "wasn't enough time, economic forces against us, impovement was great". As if this is just a casual game of tennis.
Are we facing facism or not? Are the stakes not more?
Dems faced a historically bad candidate in Trump, and fumbled the base. "we did nothing wrong" isn't sufficient.
A real conversation should happen
PSA is great, but this episode was just awful..
It was - at best - a high risk strategy of the campaign to even try going with Biden.
The two issues are obviously related and they should take responsibility for it. But I have not heard a single thing they believe they could have done differently.
They should know how bad this interview will reflect back on them.
Weird how they only had 107 days to campaign... How did that happen?
Weird how they lost young men but "trump figured it out"... How did that happen?
* Corporate price-gouging masquerading as inflation
* Massive Russian propaganda
* "Useful idiots"
* Widespread influence of the Sinclair Group on broadcast news
* Money from billionaires
* Misguided religious fanaticism
* Bigotry and stupidity
>>> Resist!
The nominee in 28 needs to be able to go on Instagram live on their own phone and talk directly to voters
I recall listening to her interview with John Heilemann a week before Biden's debate implosion. All we got was someone burying their head in the sand, telling us the emperor has clothes.
A meandering litany of excuses from these political pros trying to justify their bad decisions.
#KamalaHarris deserved better than this lot.
I talked about this in this morning's pod.
Dems play checkers, Republicans play Call of Duty (with cheat codes.)
The next DNC chair whomever the delegates choose...has to consider hiring some of these people off season to figure out the other 37 states that are not swing states. Maybe the next time, expand to 21?
Show these governors how to build a national profile so the primary is 😘!
More questions follow.
1) Headwinds were definitely against incumbents/Dems
2) Harris campaign did a poor job of meeting people were they were on issues.
Instead of "many people are saying trans issues matter, what do you think" and then just standing bakc, they challenge the cookie cutter response.
None of that here :(
I do think they should’ve leaned into #January6th more in the last few weeks; show a Trump actor eating popcorn while police officers are being beaten
Just one example: Quentin Fulks claiming they matched or exceeded Biden's vote share with black voters. Not true!
No mention of Palestine. No real plan on combatting disinformation. Cozying up with conservatives, distancing from the left.
Your biased ass kissing enables the neoliberal stranglehold & the incompetence it entails.
Go after the billionaires HARD. Remeber how "easy" they say it was in the 50's (1/)
We can provide Health insurance to everyone. etc.. (2/2)
Like a colonoscopy, minus the usual prep.
You guys keep referencing the data to try and figure this out. And you keep avoiding having to listen.
Considering this election was really about fascism versus everyone else that seems like a contradiction.
But if we are going to defeat the incoming fascist agenda we do need everyone who is against that agenda fighting with us.
Fine, you take her endorsement. But a fucking your with her over Shawn Fain??!
How is this hard for people to grasp, after we lost 2 or the last 3 elections trying to court R votes while sticking our thumb in the eye of half the party & disillusioned casual left-leaning voters?
I blamed 2016 on the left. Not this time.
You had The fuckin Onion doing the “durrr but where’s FEMA?” shit
Not real people.
We will continue to lose with these people. They think it's gonna be over after 4 years. Do we want these ppl in charge when Don Jr is the nominee.
Specifically, a) a living wage [not just $15/hr min wage], 2) end price gouging of rent & grocery prices, 3) stop using our taxes for genocide. 4) M4A
But the parlimentarian didn't help either. Republicans dgaf about a parlimentarian.
Let disabled have medicaire regardless of status. Drag in food corps to the rose garden & ask them why with high prices.
They have more in common with the people Trump will cut taxes for than you and the sooner they get the boot the better.
Really, guys?
We will be inspired, support each other, and celebrate who we are.
It is *critical* that we gather.
Get your tickets today.
This is a victory lap.
They say they believed in Biden to be capable of winning the election till he eventually dropped out by himself. Sounds quite ignorant to me. Not very promising to have such people in most relevant positions of Dem Party.
Without change the Dems are doomed to make the mistakes of the last election.
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I was interviewed by The Guardian at a Harris rally days before the election. I said that she could well lose because she had presented clear immigration messaging, and she didn’t respond to the anti-trans ad. And here we are.
Also, couldn’t make Rogan work…translates to - we chose to not make it work b/c we undervalued it.
If 107 days was the problem, do they believe they could have won with more time?
Genuinely hope these folks aren't involved in future campaigns as they don't seem to believe they have much impact.
I think next time we need to embrace the "tear it down" message, but with predatory corporations.
"Who the hell likes their insurance company?"
They say that, but they're not going to do it.
America despises women.