Not to be a downer but its way worse than that. The bill is directed at children in schools, not adults. They want to give schools the right to kick students out under the pretense of "furry behavior."
america is just like some crazy world simulator at this point. I see so many random and sometimes unsettling bills come out for seemingly, no reason.💀😭
dude finds himself gagged on the floor of a bathroom surrounded by fursuiters while jynx the wolf says "the people you are after are the people you depend on. we maintain your servers, we route your networks, we connect your internet, we drive your pizza delivery. do not fuck with us."
Never ever say this again. O.O
1) For folks to believe that furries use litter boxes in schools
2) Pass a law to allow for a official Bigfoot hunting season, like there real.
With that track record, it's amazing he's still in office.
Now this? Shitting on a minority & projecting all society's problems onto them and fucking persecuting them?
Not straight from the Nazi playbook, much. Christ.
Solidarity 💜