The hypocrisy is the point. Making your brain twitch because of it is the point. Having their enemies cry out for mercy as they plunge the dagger deeper is the point.
The true believers have been raised being told its 'godly' to lie if it advances their cause.
Ah, I see why you're confused. You're only reading the English translation. It makes sense in the original MAGA: that language only has two words; all English words with good connotations have only one meaning in MAGA: "serves Trump". All words with bad connotations mean "against Trump" in MAGA.
So the meaning of "free press" in the original MAGA would be something along the lines of "hyper-partisan, blindly loyal pro-Trump propaganda", it does not overlap with what we in objective reality understand when we say "free press". It's a mere linguistic issue.
It's just like nazi propagandist Joseph Grobbels said, "Repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself."
That's because he wants a free press. Just a fair free press and not a leftist propaganda machine acting like a free press. The number of Democrats who voted for Trump should indicate people are waking up.
Does anyone else feel like MAGA people resemble abused wives who try to convince everyone how their hubby is a good man when we can clearly see the bruised eye under all the makeup?
These people think we are stupid. Half of us are and will believe anything, but I am an educated woman who pays attention and I KNOW THE TRUTH AND IT HAS SET ME FREE!
Years of lying without ever suffering consequences.
If i lie and get away with it the vast majority of the time it teaches me that lying is good, at least for me.
At that point i just do it naturally, i don't feel shame because lying has mostly been proven very beneficial to me by past experiences.
Has it got to the point where the lies come so naturally to them that they’re no longer aware they’re even lying? And hence they don’t break into any sort of expression because they actually believe the crap they come out with as being the truth?
Is that a rhetorical question George? The GOP is DEAD. The GOP once believed and fought for policy such as a balanced budget, until Trump jacked up our debt by $8T in four years. Bottom line is the ONLY thing the GOP can run on now is FEAR, and lying is their credo.
When people start to realize that they don't care what they look like to the public. They embrace their crimes because they know all we'll do is cry about it
Get armed. Get organized. The next 4 years could become very ugly very quickly
They are like children given a rare and delicate toy to play with and immediately break it because they don't understand the worth. You either should not give that to them, or supervise them, either uses too much bandwidth
WE FACE DEATH IN ALL FORMS: bombs, hunger, and lack of medicine💔
I’ve been struggling for a week to find flour for my family, but it’s scarce and now costs $300 per bag😔
Because they are deliberately lying. They know that a large part of the American public cannot think critically and therefore will believe anything they hear or read if they hear it or read it often enough. That is the standard of veracity. That is why the right says the same thing over and over.
Remember Sarah Huckabee Sanders, "We're all sinners." She knew lying was a sin but she did it anyway. I blame Saul of Tarsus - he said all you had to do was believe and you would be saved.
They feel justified in lying thru their teeth because their Supreme Leader has given them license to. It's their 11th Commandment: Thou shall lie every chance thou gets.
Well..."free" is free that agrees with all the doctrine that the overlord spews. That is what they believe "free" is. Do not contradict or prove anything he says is false. You will be mike Mika and Joe and be crawling to kiss the ring.
The true believers have been raised being told its 'godly' to lie if it advances their cause.
That's how. With practice.
If i lie and get away with it the vast majority of the time it teaches me that lying is good, at least for me.
At that point i just do it naturally, i don't feel shame because lying has mostly been proven very beneficial to me by past experiences.
How many biden or harris “aides” Were in front of cameras in the last 4 years let alone the last 2 weeks
Get armed. Get organized. The next 4 years could become very ugly very quickly
It’s legitimately Antisocial Personality Disorder among other mental health issues that not only allows them to act this way, but enjoy it.
I’ve been struggling for a week to find flour for my family, but it’s scarce and now costs $300 per bag😔
Help as much as you can Please🙏
donate and RT🫂
Primo liars w straight face. Led straight to governorship!
Stop the fucking presses. This is quite a revelation.
If Iran wants to attack, there’s 70M targets. Start w the ones with an (R) after their name, those wearing MAGA hats, those who frequent Mar a Lago.
Bad press is still press