We lost our homes, our businesses, and our livelihoods. It was a devastating time.
Today I hear echoes of that time in the plans of the Trump administration. They want to round up and deport millions of undocumented migrants and deploy the military and build detention camps to carry this out. /3
Today I hear echoes of that time in the plans of the Trump administration. They want to round up and deport millions of undocumented migrants and deploy the military and build detention camps to carry this out. /3
Fascism has come before to America. It destroyed so many lives. We can resist it today and not repeat the mistakes of the past. / end
I sincerely never want to repeat the past again. No one ever deserved what happened to them in the camps, and I feel like not enough has been done even today to right the wrong.
These gross people must be stopped.
Don't engage.
What will our GenX, millennials, or GenZ do?
Japanese-Canadians on the West coast were forced to internment camps as well. After the war, many didn't return west because seeing what was literally taken from them daily would be too painful. Def. a low point of Canadian history.
Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Your book, They Called Us Enemy, was one of the most emotional readings I have experienced.
We know what's at stake now. We have enough people openly declaring it. We can protect each other.
Not again. We resist. 🧡
It will also become a reality for all in Australia if the LNP gains control of our government and Country .
They are all ready dividing our society through the media and they have shown they are against immigrants in general.
Please listen to George Takei, everybody.
The native American, blacks, all Asian races, Latino's even Irish people have suffered the sting of fascism from the begining of America.
This will never end until enough white people choose to end it.
Racists don't like to admit it and even Hollywood rarely tells the story despite loving WW2 stories.
You’ve been very outspoken on this history, even writing a Broadway play about it (“Allegiance”).
I’ve seen Manzanar.
We owe it to ourselves to heed the warnings of survivors like you or we will never break the cycle of oppression, destruction, and dehumanization.
…Every time he shows up in a public space.
Source: https://www.advocate.com/politics/2013/10/17/former-gop-official-trans-people-should-be-put-camp
Isolationist history.
Without Pearl Harbour America would not have entered the war or developed the atom bomb. Instead you would have learned about it when a German V3 or V4 landed on New York.
I empathise with your unjust victimisation.
Isolationism remains a lie. 👍
As long as people like you keep simping for...
34-felon is walking in Hitlers footsteps with the help of Republicans & Putin.
Will we wake up before millions die?
Lord. I hope we have the courage to protect our neighbors!
You do not stand alone.
Example: 1. Does your city have an INA 287(g) - agreement with ICE? If so, get a group together to get it rescinded.
2. Leave info on rights, dangers in immigrant neighborhoods.
3. Find helpful attorneys
Be warned: it’s not just undocumented migrants. Xenophobes will find ways of “undocumenting” whoever they dislike.
Exporting 60,000 illegal immigrants in prison would also be taken them out of detention
Still the majority voted for him
And I truly believe this is a primary motive driving the “elite” R’s deportation obsession.
Connecting the two episodes makes Trump's crimes seem to be somehow justified by an aggression from the outside that now does not exist.
Look at that, what else is going on
MAGA cultists, your fascist agenda won’t last forever and at the end of the day minorities in this country will prevail.
The racist purges have been on going to one degree or another since *always*.