Here in Washington we only getting 12.4% of funding for schools from the federal government. I would gladly pay more in taxes to make up the difference and keep our students safe.🤷♂️
Maybe the state could stop sending money to DC and use it to fund Washington schools rather than those in poor Red states. After all, it the Red states that voted for this shit show so they can tighten their belts and stop taking handouts.
I live in Ohio. 55 % of votes cast here went to tRump. 44% went to Harris. I hate that we are a red state as there are a lot of us who are blue. Abolish that stupid electoral college already.🤬
I’m from Fl and believe me when I tell you not all of us voted for that mother fucker piece of shit!!! I never voted for him NEVER!!! And sadly yes… family members did.
While I understand your sentiment, please remember there are so many people in red states like myself who did NOT vote for this, and our children are suffering for it, nonetheless. We don’t need any more ill will.
Would people please stop acting like the states send tax money to the feds in the first place? They don't, they never have. *Employers* submit the money withheld from paychecks directly to the Treasury, it's illegal for them *not* to do it, and I doubt many are going to risk the penalties.
What portion of your federal taxes do you imagine goes to the state first? Hint: The correct answer is none.
You're free to refuse to pay any additional taxes you owe that weren't already submitted by your employer. I don't think you'll really enjoy dealing with the IRS, but you're free to do it.
I did that when I saw my doctor back in December, and I told him it was *because* I was concerned what rfkJr & #Felon47 might do to health care in this country...
The Blue States should just accept as a loss all federal school funding going forward (around 10% of total funding), and raise taxes on top earners and big businesses in order to meet the funding shortfall themselves.
Then they should do the same with federal funding for medical care.
You may have heard of the EPTSD schedule from Medicaid. It’s the minimum standards for protecting our children’s health. It tells you the ages for vaccination and physicals from birth. We need to make copies of those and pass them to parents. They soon won’t be in existence. But it’s now up to us!
I know! But there will be resources. We just have to find them. I work with unaccompanied minors. They don’t have benefits but we always find places that value health over what the government imposes… when worse case scenario occurs, here I am to find resources. Just let me know!
Herd immunity says otherwise. Unvaccinated people are an opportunity for a virus to mutate and render vaccines ineffective. In short, we're all screwed by a small handful of ignorant assholes.
Plus, there are people who cannot get vaccinated due to other health issues rely on herd immunity and infants may be infected before they can get vaccinated. This is just completely stupid.
I have worked in social services all my life. I will never stopped. All the funding is gone and I might not be able to earn a living from it, but I’m never going to stop my advocacy. I will find resources for teachers to educate parents. To continue to follow EDSDT schedule for kids!
It is shit like this that is holding liberals back. There is nothing in the repost or title that clarified it is COVID-19 vaccines only. Be transparent and promote honest conversations. This is deliberately misleading that it is all vaccines. We have a lot to fight, we can’t get in our own way!
Of course he is he's trying to kill us all off especially our children if that doesn't piss anybody off then what the hell's going to. I know yes the schools are going to fight it. And we will walk around it every way we possibly can he can't block all the ways of getting vaccinated
Those are the same people who insisted on going out during covid, spreading it and not caring, so these kids will still be out playing in your neighborhoods, infecting whoever they come in contact with.
They just signed the "Make America Healthy Again" Executive Order, which requires a study of what is causing childhood illness. This is a veiled way for " vaccines cause autism" to become official policy.
It will never cease to amaze and sadden me how America now has a felon sitting in The White House issuing orders, affecting the lives of 340 million people. Is there even a government anymore??
Health aside the cost of unvaccinated children will be staggering. Even low mortality disease like flu, chicken pox with make kids pretty sick, they’ll miss school and likely a parent will have to miss work. Lost time at work alone will produce staggering financial loss.
It’s also a concern since even if you are vaccinated you can still get mild forms of a lot of sicknesses, which then spreads from schools to work places. I hate this timeline, it is the worst.
The Reds don’t funds schools directly. The feds fund states. A state disburses the funds to the schools within the state. Education is left to the states as to budget allocation, curriculum, hiring.
i have yet to see anyone on this platform not doing what they can. daily calls, emails, marches, spreading truth and countering lies. attending virtual resister movements from moveon and indivisible. holding community meetings. helping IRL in their communities. and more.
I hope citizens are contacting their red leadership in their states demanding that they, as Congressmembers step up and defend the Constitution by calling up the military to haul Musk and his muskrats out of our governmental departments, and out of our lives.
agreed. he's been doing illegal and unconstitutional things since day 1. this will simply be another one where everyone will stand around wringing their hands and hoping he'll stop doing this.
Mr. Smith Goes To Washington might be a good reference point here. who's going to stand up.
It is on brand for them. They don’t care about living children or living people for that matter. Their brand is only about controlling women. They are the American Taliban.
The effectiveness of vaccination depends on uptake to create herd immunity. Kids who are vaccinated can still be threatened by their unvaccinated peers because vaccination is not perfect protection. Herd immunity also affects those who can't get vaccinated or don't develop immunity.
Basically measles for example is hugely infectious, with an R value of 12-18. Vaccination provides 95% resistance to infection. Barely above the R value. It doesn't take a lot of unvaccinated people to ruin herd immunity for the vaccinated.
The majority of the measles cases remain among the (few) unvaccinated people, but they "take out people with them", so to speak, because they expose so many people to such a contageous disease. Each vaccinated person on average infects less than one other vac. person, but they're collateral damage.
Measles has a nasty trick, too, in that it causes your body to "forget" its immunity to other diseases. To past infections, to things you've been vaccinated against, etc. So after a measles outbreak, there's a greater risk of outbreak of *other* diseases.
I finally realized that they’ll do absolutely nothing after Uvalde. They had as many trained officers as they could possibly need, all the equipment possible, yet let children die and obstructed the investigation. There is no compromising with these people.
It still affects their kids. I had (repeat:had) and anti vac friend with a ton of homeschool kids. She got a preventable disease while pregnant with her last and the child was born disabled. I'm disabled so I mean no disrespect but that could have been prevented.
Vance has a 12-year-old relative who can't get on the heart transplant list because she's not vaccinated. Why? Her parents refused to have her vaccinated "for religious reasons."
Definitely. This is a rules for me not for thee situation. Their medical care and education is within their means and won’t be visible to us commoners.
Nah they will get vaxxed and be safe. Remember, all the Fox "News" staff had to get vaxxed to be on set, then would go on air to push anti-vaccine misinformation.
RFK jr got the COVID shot so he could have a party at his home.
That is NOT a President’s call. He has no power to defund schools in any state. What’s next, defunding fire departments, police departments, libraries…
Trump is a delusional malignant narcissistic sociopath. When are congressional lawmakers (GQP) going to wake up and impeach this madman.
He can try to defund federal $s only - but that will be challenged in court just like the impoundment of any Congressionally-appropriated $s. But in the next budget cycle, his OMB can set those guidelines in their new budget and not seek those $$s in the first place.
Schools receive funding from a variety of sources; including local, state, and federal funds. While the federal government has never fully funded such programs as Special Education programs or Title 1 programs; cutting the support they do provide, would be devastating. Tragic either way!
This will result in long term repercussions. It’s an excuse to privatize schools and make them indoctrination centers that will line the pockets of the rich and powerful. It’s also a way to dissect who gets what type of education and naturally selecting a caste system.
"What started as US election interference has now spread to other countries. We're currently doing the same thing in Germany and other European nations."
Most cases are in school-age kids, and 13 have been hospitalized. All are unvaccinated against measles, which is one of the most contagious viruses in the world.
The sad part is that it puts so many babies at risk that can’t get vaccinated until they are a year old. I would not want to leave my home if I had a newborn.
And measles has the nasty ability to reset a human immune system so that a lot of other virus' that one may have been previously immune to is now able to reinfect the person.
Good luck America.
So it just takes away the requirement, I hope parents are smart enough to take care of their kids. (but I won't hold my breath). So plan B is a massive educational Campaign explaining how Vaccines are one of mankind's greatest accomplishment and RFK's brain got eaten by a worm.
What in the Fu€k is, ‘Fact Postnews’?WTF!
…is wasn’t enough to torture the senior citizens but now parents and children!
Does this mean All schools?
Narcissists and Sociopaths don’t care about love, doesn’t register on morals!
So many people are going to die.
What’s betting betting every single member of the government had their children vaccinated ( including wormbrain boi fuckfaceJFKjr ) and yet they don’t want to let the children of the United States have the same protection from killer diseases… wtaf.
Donald’s youngest is on the Autism scale. Donald will not believe that his Trump genes or Melanias pretty genes could possibly be the cause of this! Instead they will sacrifice the future children of America so that the King can pretend it was vaccines that made his boy different.
Now that I'm an expert on virology, having read the wikipedia entry, I disagree, and I picked up on a bit of info that a virus tends to evolve to be more ubiquitous and less lethal over time.
And even if a vaccine isn't an exact match it can still provide some immunity.
Always best to consult a vaccine scientist. But, yes, even though viruses mutate we now have the ability to produce vaccines much more rapidly than in the past (i.e. MRna technology). If scientists are allowed to do their actual jobs, the defence against pandemics remains possible.
You mean he lied when he said it’ll just go away in a couple of weeks?
I already know the answer to that question but it pisses me off that he KNEW how deadly it was and he downplayed it anyway, even calling it a democrat hoax!
I think it's just another way to get rid of public schools altogether. These folks can't seem to live with other people, period. If everyone they despise disappeared tomorrow, they would quickly invent a new enemy among their own.
K12 is mostly funded as you said, however, not 100%. Example: During the 2021-22 school year, public schools in Washington state received about 12.4% of their funding from federal sources (search result)
Things they’re doing will mean increased state taxes with voters then blaming state & local officials. Then renew tax cuts for rich. Degrading life in the US daily, making lawlessness & violence acceptable, here & abroad - that’s Trump/Musk/Vance.
Schools are not funded by the federal government. Contact your state legislators contact your local school board demand that they ignore this nonsense.
First gun violence; then POTUS 45 added one of the world's highest Covid-related death rates (well over double Canada's rate per million inhabitants). Then POTUS 45 became POTUS 47, apparently hoping for a new pandemic.
It will be his own supporters’ children who will die. They will comprise the majority of the kids who won’t be vaccinated. Poor kids. My sympathies does not extend to the parents. But if he is trying to kill off the lineal descendants of his base, that seems short-sighted.
I think california as a state should go along with denmark and become "New Denland" or something, this will automatically make California the only State to be out of america for another country and get FREE HEALTHCARE for everyone that would COVER the vaccine for kids! Think about that!
Wealthy enough and still no healthcare like europe. Wealthy that the insurance companies pulled out of payputs for the fire victims. Wealthy its fixing its homeless people problems...
Idk, somethings seriously wrong here is it was so good...
Insurance companies are corrupt
They pull out whenever they feel there might be a liability
If society needs to “go fund” for issues that should be covered by insurance we should just skip the middle man
If you have a mortgage in Canada the mortgage company wants the premium of insurance
British Columbia has a not for profit government option which I believe should be available country wide.
Automobile insurance is mandatory
But a different landscape
California should stop sending federal taxes. We should stop letting them withdraw it! We only get 10% from federal for education and provide much more than that.
Rubella will adversely affect pregnant women causing birth defects or death to the fetus. Now, endangering children and fetuses are okay as long as the fetuses are not aborted.
Sadly, we need a very bad viral outbreak with high mortality to make the idiots learn. Unfortunately that would mean a lot of people would die, but, hey, that’s how the dark ages ended with the Black Death
Not high enough mortality rate for those dumb dumbs. Covid only has a 1% mortality rate. The mortality for Ebola can be 50% or higher. That’s the kind of virus necessary for them. Or a massive polio come back.
He’s defunding public schools anyways. It will be up to the states and local school boards to figure out what to do? And honestly, most parents get their children vaccinated at their pediatrician’s office. When they stop vaccines altogether, that’s when we need to worry.
Big Pharma will be ecstatic when these unvaccinated children and adults are hospitalized due to severe complications of these diseases, for a certainty. They’ll be using all kinds of their medications to combat whatever it is they have. Healthy people make them zero dollars.
Maybe, except Smuk / Trump is canceling healthcare for millions of citizens, and hospitals, clinics, healthcare facilities are scaling back. Meaning people won’t be able to get the care or medicine that they’ll need. I can’t see how Big Pharma will win in this? 🤔
I hear you. There is something in it for them. This wouldn’t be happening if they weren’t expecting something in return. I’m sorry to say that we (ordinary folks) will ultimately pay whatever the price may be. Healthcare has always been scarce, but I’ve no doubt they will profit from all of this.
It's all part of the plan to run the country into the ground so the billionaires can buy everything cheap and literally enslave the population to exploit them as slave labor in modern version of corporate branded towns and cities.
It seems too encompassing to be real, for many - but evil dictators like Putin have lots of time for planning, strategy, and apparently - taking down the United States of AMerica.
and for parents that choose not to, they will still spread it to all the other children. and for those not vaccinated it can cause life threatening situations and long term health issues.
What normal minded person isn't overwhelmed with this? My god...this is an administration that has stopped such progress since let's say, early 1900's, and has rolled these now "taken for granted" freedoms you all worked so hard to build into a ball of tar...stolen from you, and perhaps henceforth.
Yet they claim to be pro-life. What is the rationale behind forcing women to give birth, only to try and kill those children with childhood diseases later down the road? Oh, wait... there is no rationale with that group...
So basically these psychopaths have genocide in mind? Want to be the only ones left . Who will they fuck over then ? #FuckTrump and his cronies May you all reap all you have sown .
Private vaccination will ensure most of the damage is endured by MAGAites. As with COVID, wait and see, maybe don't stem it this time so we can win 2028 without the indifferent voters.
Kids living close to or below the minimum income level will not get vaccinated due to cost. But of course this government ascribes no value to the lower income earners.
Depends. In WA State, low income families receive healthcare benefits that provide excellent coverage. I think more likely, people above the poverty line that may not have the coverage (supporting your premise). Or some red states that have not taken up Medicaid or other coverages, might be screwed.
Isn’t doge gunning for Medicaid? Hopefully just rumours. Im a European in Australia and the idea of people not being able to access medical care in a rich country is bewildering. Someone asked me recently what is the point of a society that doesn’t provide for all its citizens when it could? Indeed.
Many years ago as a single mother, I was able to get my two young boys vaccinated free at the health dept. Doing it at schools means every child can definitely get vaxxed.
😩. People having babies now have a difficult time keeping them safe. Most people cannot afford to keep their babies isolated until they are vaccinated but if you can do it. No daycare! Those kids are spreading illnesses like it is going out of style.
Parents also need to start advocating for their kids.The younger generations are being decimated. I can’t see how life expectancy isn’t tanking with covid alone
The question is: after the inevitable spike in child deaths, how will MAGA respond? Will the movement that doesn’t care about school shootings care about death from preventable disease?
Most, perhaps all Conservative Christian politicians and most voters/supporters likely believe that [their] GOD will protect the children; and whatever number of them happens to die or is permanently harmed by such disease(s)...
A twofer for the Trump/MAGA/Vance/GOP nihilist coalition. Culture war & defund public schools so education - if you can get it- can be corporatized. Children will die. This is madness!!!
The thing is, I don’t think most public schools require vaccines. The exceptions are CA and IL, but you can get an exemption. So yes, this targets states that he already doesn’t like but mostly for the states that voted for him, it doesn’t matter. It’s virtue signaling to anti-vaxxers.
They were voted for by people as evil and idiotic as themselves, believing that they were making others suffer. And now they cry without understanding why they are suffering too.
for exactly right now. i wouldn't trust it to still be just for covid for any period of time, they seem to enjoy destroying things over nights and on the weekends. but yes, right now, it was "just" covid. the anti vaxx kids are in real trouble.
This refers just to covid vaccines. But more are to come, I'm sure. My principal was once able to keep a kid out of the classroom because he wasn't vaccinated. His mom didn't want him either, and he was back THAT AFTERNOON with the required vacs. He was a bad one, and today is in prison for murder
True, I’m not worried about bird flu making it into vaccine production I’m worried if millions of chickens producing eggs for vaccines have to be euthanized if there’s enough alternative methods that can produce enough vaccine.
My point wasn’t about bird flu getting into vaccines I’m sure there are many protection against that. Point being that vaccines can be produced without eggs. Will there be enough of the alternative who knows. Regardless without membership in WHO we don’t have the annual “recipes” anyway so …
I believe you mean RFK jr. Yes, RFK’s own children were vaccinated as he himself admitted. JFK jr sadly died at age 38 in a plane crash off Martha’s Vineyard. His wife and sister-in-law were in the plane also. He had no children.
When George Floyd was killed, many people were in the streets during weeks. Here many children could suffer of this and where are the "proud" americans? Watching superbowl? Eating (for sure eating) junk food ? I don't see anything happen.
He avoids prison and gets to golf. Added bonus he enriches himself by taking bribes 🤷🏼♀️ he’s also a sadist who enjoys watching people suffer. Psychopaths don’t feel anything, they create horrible conditions and chaos in order to feel anything
Republicans only care about Line Goes Up. It doesn't matter what the line is, just that it goes up.
More births? line go up
More infant mortality? line go up
Is that a contradiction? line labelled 'contradictions per hour' goes up
Don’t panic. States will fight this, far and wide. This executive order doesn’t control the money. Congress does. Protest. Organize. Love on your public schools and support your federal and state legislature - in action. ♥️✊
Congress has funded all the agencies in which over 200,000 federal employees have potentially lost their jobs. Programs, grants, and research have also been shutdown by the executive branch. Unless GOP majority in congress step up against this, they will no longer control the budget
You’re right. 100% We need Congress and judges to keep working and fighting back, to step up. And. I find it helpful to dialectically not panic and consider doable action steps. Which will be different for everyone as we’re a large collective. ✊♥️
The reality is that he signed an EO to withhold funding for schools that require COVID vaccines for admission. The problem is that NO STATES currently require a COVID vaccine to attend school. Orange man fixed a non-existent problem.
Wasn’t that EO for Covid vaccines only? Which is total bullshit because schools don’t require Covid or flu vaccines. This EO is a waste and just for show.
What's next allowing families to bury their dead relatives on their residential property. That way cost of lives from not vaccinated will be more cost-effective?
Well, good news is (if there's another election) these types of orders can't outlast the sitting president as the next Dem in office can undo it even without Congress. So like, a bunch of 3rd graders will get vaccines to stay in school.
Assuming we're not stuck with these assholes forever, anyway.
Please delete this post. It's not true. It only pertains to COVID vaccinations. There's enough true crap going on so we don't need to spread disinformation.
The OP is wrong. FactPost stated "vaccines" without clarifying that it was COVID-19 vaccines only. Sophia Bush amplified that misinformation. George's comment was actually fine--he feared that it would get worse. So do I. But he was actually sharing misinformation.
Believe it. This will have the added benefit (for them) of destroying public education completely as those with both brains and means pull their children out. There will be massive outbreaks.
Don’t virtually all schools require vaccines? Or have culture war idiots cancelled requirements in certain states? Roadkill Dude as HHS Secretary could prove to be disastrous very quickly!
I don't understand what they are trying to accomplish. It just seems like they will just be killing off their own children? People who believe science will still vaccinate their kids. What is their goal?
Sick kids mean sick adults. Sick people don't have the time or energy to protest or get involved in government. It gives him more control without it seeming like another power grab. And for now it makes his anti-science base happy.
Agree! Im getting my older American shots now. I'm going to redo MMR and DTaP next. Then tetanus. I'm not trusting these imbeciles with my health.
This is extremely bad news. There is already an outbreak of measles is Gaines County (SATX), and the ones getting hospitalized are the ones who are not vaccinated. I’m talking about babies and children of all ages, as well as adults.
The sad part is I almost don’t care. Smart parents will vaccinate their kids and they will have a better chance of surviving. Red Hat parents will be the one burying their children. Like don’t get me wrong I don’t want any kids to die but if some are going to die it might as well be the Red Hats.
It should be left up to the parents if they want there kids vaccinated. If the kids aren’t vaccinated home school them. They are putting other children and teachers in danger.
But kids just don't stay inside. They go out and play with other neighborhood kids (like during covid lockdowns) and their parents take them to public places. They are not going to stop any of that. They don't believe they need to worry about it.
To be clear, this was to eliminate covid vaccine mandates. Other news outlets are currently reporting a grand total of 15 PRIVATE institutions that do have a COVID vaccine mandate. So not to say they aren’t coming after other vaccines, we know that is coming. But this was specific.
The quote didn’t specifically say “covid vaccines”, just “vaccines”. Make sure your kids are vaccinated. It’s a shame that the antivaxer’s kids will suffer, but that is their parent’s choice. I guess they’ll have more FAFO moments.
Other countries will block their doors to us whether it be for business, pleasure or relocation. He wants us to be stuck here so he can do with us as he pleases. Sound familiar? It should.
Yes, when the Toronto Blue Jays returned to play in Toronto, non-vaccinated players on visiting teams could not enter. They even traded for a player who had been unvaxed. He ended up getting the required shots.
No, because disease does not give a damn about state lines or borders. It will cross them without delay. Abortion isn't or should not be a states' rights issue. That just means that right-wing fanatical states will simply get to overshadow women's rights.
Completely forgot that state lines are permeable. This is going to be awful. So many who are anti-vax grew up getting vaccines themselves. They don't know the fear people had from measles, polio, whopping cough, and all the others that killed or maimed.
Is it the vaccination programs or the vaccines that bother people?
Vaccine manufacturers are moving toward mRNA only.
Even animal vaccines are changing to the mRNA technology.
It’s past time blue states stop paying into the federal treasury and create their own sources to fund public schools. This is madness. Parents who don’t believe in science should home school their kids.
My understanding is that most of the funding for public schools comes from local taxes. Now that DOGE has stripped the Federal Government to nothing and blue states get nothing from the federal government, our federal taxes should be much, much lower. Enough with subsidizing red states and the rich!
You’re singing my song dream girl! Why are we (blue states) subsidizing this shitfuckery? States collect income tax on behalf of the fed govt - you don’t want to release funds, then we won’t remit collections. Simple
parents shouldn't get the option to not "believe in" science. unlike their invisible sky daddy, science exists whether they believe in or understand it or not. you don't get to not believe in gravity and you shouldn't get to not believe in medicine.
Thing is, currently they are free to not believe in science. They just have to home school their children. Now they'll be able to send their kids to public school to be around my immunocomprimised kid. I can't home school. I'm a working single mom. But if it means my kid's life, I'll find a way.
my point is, they should not be free to not believe in science. homeschooling should not be an opportunity to turn one's children into plague-riddled idiots.
New Jersey school stopped teaching handwriting! Kids don’t know how to sign their names! Not mine I promptly ordered cursive writing books for my younger son. When he got his license and I took him fit his passport, both clerks commented they were pleased he knew how to sign his own name. Crazy
You were lucky to be able to afford the time to do that. Most families need the income of both parents. Also there are many single home families that can’t afford the time either.
Look, not all of us in red states are here because we agree with their politics. People need to realize that before cutting out swaths of innocent folks. Like there’s no one in a blue state that voted for this mess.
How else do you suggest we not be held captive by the minority? Money is the only thing that talks. I am aware that 1.9 million New Jerseyans voted for this mess and if they could be traded for blue dots, I’d be all for it.
Truthfully if I had all the answers I'd be a politician & not a video editor, but what I do know is alienating entire states isn't going to solve the problem. Dems are so bad about infighting we need to take a page from these assholes and learn how to unite under 1, albeit imperfect at times, banner
Me either. I know if the Republican administration/federal government seeks to tell every state it’ll withhold funding if we don’t do this or don’t do that we’d be foolish to keep funding it, correct?
Better not be!!
It's been obvious from the start that kids are basically at ZERO RISK from covid!
Also that basically everyone but actually-unhealthy people are at very low risk from covid. Those vulnerable ppl should have been protected instead of shutting down the whole world.
The true insanity is Trump got millions of votes and won the election.
He said he was going to let vaccine denier, chemicals in water making kids trans RFK jr "run wild on medicines". He told us he would do it and he still won.
My first thought. There has to be information around on the community load for these diseases. I am sure trump has shut down access to it.
We can predict and mitigate.
My second thought was "Does he have the authority to do this?"
just saying it doesn't make it so.
He is an idiot as we all know.
I worry about my measles vaccine. I’ve had no childhood diseases. I’m calling my doc for info. It’s freaking scary. Our grandkids are literally going to kill us
An ex boyfriend worked on projects that had him share a boardroom wit the likes of Rothschilds, Murdoch et al. He maintained that they envisioned a less populated planet, with only the workers required to support their lifestyle. Extra humans would be superfluous. I used to think he was crazy.
I read a book recently that said the 20th century needed large populations for war and working. But now that they have robots, drones, and AI they don’t need people. They = the powerful and rich.
with the cuts to Medicare and reduced vaccinations, it will affect lower socio-economic families more.
That is the objective!!
The wealthy will ALWAYS have access to better, best medical care.
They plan to allow people to not get vaccinated. This will destroy the protection of vaccines and lead to more child deaths and illnesses. Misinformation and pseudo science of the anti-vaxers run amok.
With the death of science literacy, this was a forgone conclusion. They are gonna have to find out the hard way and the kids are the ones that are going to pay for their stupidity. For-profit disinformation networks should have been pulled from the air years ago. They have a track record of harm.
fElon stated his robots will become our workforce. They do not need the lowly peasant class. His children will continue running the world. Continuing human suffering. It’s science fiction and he loves that shit. His first wife writes science fiction maybe her tomes have clues
You're free to refuse to pay any additional taxes you owe that weren't already submitted by your employer. I don't think you'll really enjoy dealing with the IRS, but you're free to do it.
Then they should do the same with federal funding for medical care.
Of course he can't but, I say we call out the hypocrite who himself is vaccinated and put him to it.
If you don't want to vaccinate you keep your kid home.
POTUS cannot legally 'defund schools'.
If he tries, he's in violation of the US Constitution.
Please see: Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution, The Spending Clause.
But none of that matters if we continue to passively sit and stupidly a herd of catatonic sheep.
Money allocated by congress cannot be undone by the executive.
(until now?)
Ya think?
All the more reason to MAKE him care.
Mr. Smith Goes To Washington might be a good reference point here. who's going to stand up.
anyone going to stand up?
has found fracture lines (possibly to distract)
Treasury heist ?? ... or something even more sinister ??
Basically measles for example is hugely infectious, with an R value of 12-18. Vaccination provides 95% resistance to infection. Barely above the R value. It doesn't take a lot of unvaccinated people to ruin herd immunity for the vaccinated.
They're okay with children dying in mass shootings. I doubt they'd care about their kids dying from preventative diseases.
Humanity will go extinct waiting on those folks to be logical and reasonable.
Also, they are morons
It’s for schools that mandate COVID vaccines when in reality none do.
These are very dangerous idiots.
RFK jr got the COVID shot so he could have a party at his home.
Trump is a delusional malignant narcissistic sociopath. When are congressional lawmakers (GQP) going to wake up and impeach this madman.
What's next, leeches?
Most cases are in school-age kids, and 13 have been hospitalized. All are unvaccinated against measles, which is one of the most contagious viruses in the world.
This is the article
Good luck America.
…is wasn’t enough to torture the senior citizens but now parents and children!
Does this mean All schools?
Narcissists and Sociopaths don’t care about love, doesn’t register on morals!
What’s betting betting every single member of the government had their children vaccinated ( including wormbrain boi fuckfaceJFKjr ) and yet they don’t want to let the children of the United States have the same protection from killer diseases… wtaf.
While they got the vaccine and associated boosters they were telling their ape viewers that they and their children should avoid the vaccine.
They got a lot of their stupid fox viewers killed… so they can’t be all bad.
who cant accept their child is different thru natural.reasons so it must be vaccines...
And even if a vaccine isn't an exact match it can still provide some immunity.
Republicans just realized in the 1960’s it could be a wedge issue that would get all the churches and churchgoers on their side.
They’re so freaking deceitful.
I already know the answer to that question but it pisses me off that he KNEW how deadly it was and he downplayed it anyway, even calling it a democrat hoax!
According to most current data I could find
2.5 times
Keep up the good work.
Andy in Chicago
Idk, somethings seriously wrong here is it was so good...
They pull out whenever they feel there might be a liability
If society needs to “go fund” for issues that should be covered by insurance we should just skip the middle man
British Columbia has a not for profit government option which I believe should be available country wide.
Automobile insurance is mandatory
But a different landscape
from a narcissistic sociopath whom’s legacy is trash.
What I can’t figure out is, how is Big Pharma okay with all of this? This must feel like a huge knife in their back?
They've watching by the sidelines for years doing nothing but looking for excuses to not do their jobs.
They sweat and oath to enforce the law, not the will of a traitor.
He has.
I am concerned.'s%20company%20town%20'Snailbrook'%20is%20growing;,here%20is%20everything%20we%20know&text=While%20Elon%20Musk%20is%20known,what%20we%20know%20about%20Snailbrook:
It seems too encompassing to be real, for many - but evil dictators like Putin have lots of time for planning, strategy, and apparently - taking down the United States of AMerica.
At least one promise Trump is going to keep.
then surely, such the outcome was/is GOD'S will.
🙄-Totally illogical.
Of course they will.
They are hypocritical monsters playing the very stupid.
republican is s death cult
If you're on kind of antidepressant or something for ADHD, or a drug addict, he wants to send you to a "farm" and work you until you're better.
Stupid is, as stupid does.
More births? line go up
More infant mortality? line go up
Is that a contradiction? line labelled 'contradictions per hour' goes up
I am always & ever so grateful to live in California.
Dump signed an EO banning covid-vax-mandates?
Assuming we're not stuck with these assholes forever, anyway.
I’m all for rooting out disinformation but someone’s (understandable)!concern expressed as an opinion isn’t that.
Correct me if I have misunderstood something. It happens. I’m tired and don’t wanna waste energy on infighting.
Because it seems to describe what 2026 is gonna look like REALLY well
After that; They don’t care what happens to the child!
USA is alone.
Vaccine manufacturers are moving toward mRNA only.
Even animal vaccines are changing to the mRNA technology.
It's only about mandatory covid vaccinations.
It's been obvious from the start that kids are basically at ZERO RISK from covid!
Also that basically everyone but actually-unhealthy people are at very low risk from covid. Those vulnerable ppl should have been protected instead of shutting down the whole world.
He said he was going to let vaccine denier, chemicals in water making kids trans RFK jr "run wild on medicines". He told us he would do it and he still won.
We can predict and mitigate.
My second thought was "Does he have the authority to do this?"
just saying it doesn't make it so.
He is an idiot as we all know.
That is the objective!!
The wealthy will ALWAYS have access to better, best medical care.
I know someone in west TX who recently bought into the crazy.
This person currently has sick chickens in their house 😱 and just started drinking raw milk.
They voted Trump.
You have to start somewhere.