That article says a lot of voters were upset by the Harris position on Gaza. Can someone clarify that for me? From what I can find Harris wanted a ceasefire and Trump wants to turn it into a resort/ casino... what was so objectionable about Harris's stance?
A lot of Americans are pro-palestine. The problem was the Harris campaign didn't do enough to distance her from the Biden era policies supporting Isreal. Not that I agree with them because Trump is obviously worse, but many chose to abstain in protest, saying they'd never cast a vote for genocide.
I see- thanks for explaining. I think they were very naive in thinking they could afford a protest vote with so much else on the line. People acting like trump is an acceptable option just blows my mind. Hope those people are kicking themselves hard now
they never informed themselves: she outlined an economic plan on '60 Minutes' and maga trolls kept saying she had no economic plan and they believed it; you have to remember that they are deeply, woefully, criminally ignorant people who think their god is on their side
The problem is main Americans are hoping for the second coming of Christ and that cannot happen until the third Temple of Solomon is built on the Temple Mount. They already have enough money to build it, but can't until the Muslims are kicked off. From what I have read in the past.
POS never heard of the right to peacefully assemble. Just because this life-long trust fund supported, dull-witted ignoramus doesn't like it, peaceful protests are not illegal. And "no masks"? . . . Will people who wear masks be arrested?
Nazi F47 thinks he can use his oversized sharpie to stop First Amendment Rights? Try again asswipe. After that lie filled propaganda story time debacle last night on national TV showed what a demented diaper wearing wannabe dictator dreams of doing.
The 🍊🤡 really believes his words are sufficient to order whatever the hell he wants. He especially hates the First Amendment which allows all kinds of mischief by his subjects!
Everyone is scared of thoughts and prayers! That will end the fascist takeover by Trump, MAGA, and Putin.
The next time Democrats want to make a statement, walk up to Trump and flip him off then walk out. Your cute little signs are fucking pussy shit that won’t stop fascism.
I normally wear a mask on public transport. But you bring up an excellent point. deer leader, convicted felon djt doesn't like them? I have to find a nice one for general purpose wear!
However, if you violently take over the Capitol Building, destroying property, attacking police officers, and threaten elected officials and their staff, you get pardons.
Long in the tooth myself.I think arresting peaceful protesters is gonna be the last straw for folks who care about freedom.
"One of you found her lying dead on the ground how can you run when you know"
The MAGA cult won't care. They view protesters of the Cheeto King to be the enemy, their view on protests is skewed even far more than it is on Russian troops.
Our 1st Amendment was ratified in December 1791.
The dissolution of the USSR happened 200 years later in December 1991.
I wonder if that coincidence ever chaps Putin?
It's not possible to get political information without some political spin
Meidas Touch present the news and back it up with videos of the political people involved making the case for and against it
The BBC just have their own "experts" and then they ask people in the street for their opinion
In the United States, the president does not have the power to expel students from federal universities. The governance of public universities, including those that receive federal funding or are categorized as federal institutions, generally falls under the purview of university boards...
Individual disciplinary decisions are made by each university, not by the president of the U.S
Even in universities or institutions that receive substantial federal oversight, the decision to expel a student is governed by internal military and academic rules, not directly by the president.
Trump wants to tell us what is legal. Do you think the person with 34 convictions for fraud who can not run a charity because he was stealing from it, who ran a scam university is a good legal source?
What next Kristallnacht? Book burnings on campuses? There are a lot of local elections coming up for library and local government positions. Vote 💙 or lose your rights. It’s that critical unless you want to live under a government that values money over people.
You’re not the boss of us Donny, we’re the boss of you. The “No masks” really stood out to me…Will they change their slogan?
“Stand down and stand by, but no masks!”
Let's organize a people's #March from KC to DC!!! Who would help me? Organize, hold rallys along the way and #Unite #RiseUp and #fightfordemocracy #deportmusk #demandaccountabilty #ImpeachTrump #lockhimup
#peoplesmarchtodc #USA
First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Focus on "peaceful"
He'll make sure that the protests become violent or are labelled as violent and then he'll have the right to send in police and whatever
Shooting protesters is literally how we got the war of independence. If he does, I'm pretty sure we'll go into a civil war, unless the top acts quickly and arrests him.
Does anyone know if Trump has ever read the constitution? Asking for a friend, it’s just I’m not American and I know your constitution, in fact I think I might know it better than him
Doesn’t the Orange Coward believe in free speech? Vladimir Vance recently (& incorrectly) criticised Europe for not allowing free speech! Can’t they get their f*cking act together?
Ane yes he can
Dictators before him have done it all around the globe and he has thoroughly read the fascist playbook
You haven't been paying attention and are being naive
The sad fact is colleges & unis were overtaken some time ago by bloated administrations filled with MBA, 6-figure making, mostly conservatives openly hostile to their faculty (of mostly heavily exploited adjuncts, the full time & tenures are finally starting to realize they should've punched up).
I'm sure they're absolutely gleeful they can finally get rid of DEI & accessibility services they never agreed with. They've been passive aggressively making those folks lives difficult for years by making unnecessary changes so they could turn over uppity employees & call it best practices.
I'm old enough to have had HS classes in both national and state government ("civics"). I might be a bit narrow-minded about "how things are supposed to work" but what's happened under 45/47 is nothing short of completely off the rails.
They're bringing back civics now in education, but for all the wrong reasons, off the rail kind of reasons. Soon enough kids in public schools (those still open) will be learning that social media governance, Russian talking points are foundational, constitutional concepts.
The frustration is this did not have to happen. We can go back to simply voting for Hillary Clinton. She wasn't perfect but she loved this country and the democracy.
A couple of million did die during Trump's first term. See people think Trump lost 2020 due to cheating. The truth he lost due to the fact a large portion that died was his voters who listened to his lies about Covid.
Fascists always fall.
But you want your country to return to decent values rather quicker than Spain, which had to suffer some 40 years of the Franco dictatorship.
Yep. Felt that Nixon chill straight from the 70s. The bit about not wearing a mask is a tip-off. Actually, considering how screwy politics in on campuses these days, I'm not sure if they'll be protests in that locale. The passions are there. The understanding of facts, isn't.
Probably just part of the process to dumb down America. He’d love to defund universities and research facilities and/or make them all corporate controlled. People who are taught to think for themselves, to think critically, are more likely to see through him. R’s have been attacking Ed for decades.
As a Brit, You can understand why James Cameron has emigrated to New Zealand. The US is in its death throws and it's media has failed the American people. They need to be asking Trump and Vance searching questions. So far, one guy from New York asked a serious question and Trump ignored his question
I don’t think anyone was paying attention to your joke, because you definitely wasn’t there! If you WERE, The Naked Time would have been a lot less, um, riveting ep of TOS.
We said he would be a dictator, he said he would be a dictator. This is what dictators do, they arrest those that demonstrate against them. Eventually he will do what people have said democrats would do, take away your guns. But I am sure he would never do that right?
Since all this craziness started I honestly just keep going back to Schoolhouse Rock, feeling like there should be a mandatory screening for all these people, including SCOTUS.
What about the violent protestors that stormed the US Capital on January 6th? They all got pardons. So what Trump is really saying, is he wants violent protests that support his agenda, but doesn't want anyone to speak up against him. So let's yell even louder at the dictator.
If the Dems are really going to shut it all down next week, they may need to start sharing clips of Schoolhouse Rock to explain to people why they aren't bailing out the GOP this time.
I know because every day in the United States 12 children die of gun violence and another 32 are shot and injured due to the concrete indestructibility of the Republican invocation of the 2nd Amendment.
They're just getting started.
After the wink to the fiscal hawks, if/when Thomas and/or Alito retire and are replaced by Cannon and/or Kacsmaryk and if Sotomayor or Kagan don't hang on another 4 years, it'll be a 6-3 or even 7-2 SC(R)OTUS through 2052.
All Hail The Perpetual Unitary Executive.
trump is banking on roberts and his other far-right activist justices to come through for him again so he can grab more authority from Congress and the people, and that's why trump gave roberts the pat on the back at the SOTU address last night!
roberts must consider that his legacy is on the line!
Can we invent a word that is as offensive to the target as the r-word but not offensive to the GP? Because I’m at a loss with this guy. He writes, at the end of a tweet, “thank you for your attention in this matter”. Like a coworker is microwaving liver and onions in the break room.
First of all: I smell Stephen Miller all over that tweet. Second of all, like, “illegal protests?” I mean, what an “illegal protest?” Crime is crime, right? Like if my “protest” is to lob a grenade, that’s illegal, but I think what he’s TRYING to say is “NO PROTESTING,” and he can go fk himself.
Government by the people, for the people would strongly protect our rights and liberties.
Government by the rich, for the rich (Trump government) would easily terminate our rights and liberties. It's in their narcissistic nature to do whatever to gain wealth & power!
Oh yes you can, when the fiercest response the opposition can muster is matching t-shirts and 'effing ping pong paddles you can get away with literally ANYTHING.
I don't know why he felt compelled to add "no masks". I live in Texas and I've noticed that some establishments are posting "no masks" in their windows. To be fair to Texas there's been an increase of robberies near where I live, so maybe that's why?
The evil dictator only allows the freedoms of protest when it benefits him or it delivers his propaganda to the public. Nazis and Proud Boys would be approved.
In Trump's mind, probably all of them, regardless of whether or not in reality, the protest fit within the parameters of what is considered a legal protest. He imagines himself to be some supreme arbiter. What is or is not legal based on whether or not it helps or hinders his agenda.
In Trump's mind, nothing is racist, sexist, bigoted, illegal, etc. Until someone decides it is, and since he's god king, he and he alone gets to decide what falls into any of those categories. Since he is God king, he can just declare anything Republicans do to be just fine even if it isn't.
I’m not knowledgeable here, but it’s my understanding that an ACTUAL illegal protest would be one that starts breaking laws by inciting violence, trespassing, being really loud in a residential area at 2 AM, violating the requirements of its permit, etc. Trump will define it as “one I don’t like.”
Not even that, Trump had plenty to say about BLM protests at the capitol carried out peacefully (at least on the part of the protesters) and legally via our draconian laws that are specifically meant to make legal protest near impossible to carry out in large numbers.
“This number is greater than the number of people who voted for either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris.”
…and we know how THAT worked out.
The next time Democrats want to make a statement, walk up to Trump and flip him off then walk out. Your cute little signs are fucking pussy shit that won’t stop fascism.
Dissent is not well-tolerated by American reactionaries.
HERE share what says today.
"One of you found her lying dead on the ground how can you run when you know"
Like a child playing grown up.
The dissolution of the USSR happened 200 years later in December 1991.
I wonder if that coincidence ever chaps Putin?
Meidas Touch present the news and back it up with videos of the political people involved making the case for and against it
The BBC just have their own "experts" and then they ask people in the street for their opinion
Even in universities or institutions that receive substantial federal oversight, the decision to expel a student is governed by internal military and academic rules, not directly by the president.
So.... mask up, eh?
“Stand down and stand by, but no masks!”
Fucken babies.
I think I've seen this movie before.
President ELON is the worst president ever and you are easily the worst Russian puppet.
#peoplesmarchtodc #USA
He'll make sure that the protests become violent or are labelled as violent and then he'll have the right to send in police and whatever
Forget colleges gather at town centers! And rallies.
Dictators before him have done it all around the globe and he has thoroughly read the fascist playbook
You haven't been paying attention and are being naive
He already did it. The FBI, the DOJ are captured. He is ignoring court orders. There is no authority left to stop him because he now owns them all.
We need 7 Republicans to impeach and remove him. Mass protest and work stoppage May be the only way.
Right next to golfing and being an insufferable shithead.
Revolutions are always a painful marathon and not a sprint.
It’s going to get worse before it gets better, BUT…
He will get his eventually.
It wasn’t supposed to happen. But they ensured that it did.
Fascists always fail
Thanks for the reminder to stay positive. I needed it
But yeah. Since a bunch of people REFUSE to wake up until things personally affect/hurt them… yeah.
Sadly some people are likely going to die or be in rough shape first.
Like I said… worse before it gets better. 😬😩
But you want your country to return to decent values rather quicker than Spain, which had to suffer some 40 years of the Franco dictatorship.
Still dead
But yea you're not wrong
But it’s the situation we are in. All we can do is brace for impact, keep fighting, and not give up even when it seems hopeless.
If he were to die tomorrow, then -- well that would be amazing -- but then I also super hope there's an actual Hell
Everyone should be filling the streets and campuses with protests today, all day, every day, until this loon is removed from office!
There's a nation of patriots he's been pissing off for a decade.
He'll see who's the f*cking BOSS: it's We The People.
And he's inevitably gonna be Fired by America.
Never comply in advance.
ALSO SHARE what shared today.
Now i have to go protest
The constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on if no one is there to uphold it.
After the wink to the fiscal hawks, if/when Thomas and/or Alito retire and are replaced by Cannon and/or Kacsmaryk and if Sotomayor or Kagan don't hang on another 4 years, it'll be a 6-3 or even 7-2 SC(R)OTUS through 2052.
All Hail The Perpetual Unitary Executive.
Okay really not, he thinks he is.
roberts must consider that his legacy is on the line!
Now, it's the real deal.
during the time of another crook
Government by the rich, for the rich (Trump government) would easily terminate our rights and liberties. It's in their narcissistic nature to do whatever to gain wealth & power!
I wish bluesky would let you edit your post
he is already taking preparatory measures