Should've been sooner. Who knows what kind of residual chemicals are in American stuff, from the field to the environment to the machinery... Canada will be healthier without.
And, those happen to be rather right-wing, populist newspapers.. They're often the ones agreeing with nonsense, so them turning on Trump and Vance is entertaining..
On a visit to the Royal Navy yesterday, King Charles pointedly wore his Canadian decorations. He also invited Zelenskyy to his home at Sandringham - I think this is unprecedented for a foreign leader - and I'm sure he hasn't forgotten what an absolute arse Trump was last time, upstaging the Queen.
My grandfather spoke little about WWII but would joke the bravest soldier he ever saw Burt Lancaster in movies. Also would say that US non officer soldiers held their ground in battle but the most dangerous thing in battle was being trampled by a US office retreating from danger. He wasn’t joking.
I have quite critical of America as a whole for all my life but right now I am disgusted by what the USA has allowed itself to become. Dislike doesn’t come close. I even find myself shunning American tv shows and movies because even the accent irritates me.
Speed running into Dan Quayle territory, James David, aren’t we? At least Quayle was a putz. James David is just a bootlicking neophyte with zero backbone.
Ouch! Harsh but fair criticism. Quayle's gaffes were infamous, but at least he didn't come across as trying to curry favor at any cost. James David's approach seems more calculated, and that's even more troubling.
Agreed on Quayle. He just seemed out of his depth but, ultimately, harmless. As for James David, I wrestle with how much of his activity is scripted vs his actions are a desire to please Trump. Not sure I have an answer yet but both are very troubling.
I watch the speach last night via a Euro broadcast. It was interesting to hear their comments on all of this. It's nothing to hear Trump is seen as a clown but they expressed very negative remarks about Americans in general to wanting someone like this with our freedom state.
It certainly isn't George, and probably not most of his followers, but it certainly is the half of the country that decided that - after witnessing Trump 1, they wanted more of it.
I would be hard pressed to name a human being in recent history that was anywhere as far removed from being "ethical" in any conceivable meaning of the word than Donald Trump. 🤔
Many American Evangelical Christians believe that being pro life covers a multitude of sins. Other conservatives believe that being Democrat makes one inherently less ethical than any Republican.
Donald Trump:
“I’m very pro-choice. I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But you still – I just believe in choice."
So your parents are pro fetus in the womb. The republicans are for cuts to medicare and such and are against helping around the world. They think school lunches are socialist. They're ok with no regulation on guns...that's not pro life it's pro fetus.
With everything which is public knowledge about his character and his ethics since 2015 - how can he be the "ethical choice"? I could at least understand voting for him along the argument "he is a bastard, but he is our kind of bastard", but ethical?
It's a tribal mentality among many traditionalists I know, sadly. They believe it doesn't matter how bad their guy is. The other guy is, by nature of being the other guy, significantly more immortal and financially foolish.
Those “papers” are the shittiest of right wing shit rags, slightly to the right of Hitler. Proof indeed that Vance is indeed a charmless, odious wanker.
I'll slap the shit out of him ,my grandad won the military bar the military bar twice ,the 3rd highest honour in the British Army, working class guy worked his way upto sergeant major , a true fucking hero who would kill the couch snagging nazi with his bare hands , fucking CUNT
Good evening George or Hikaru Sulu,
What you need to know is that all the Conservative Newspapers have turned against Vance & Krasnov. Talking about my Military family.
I did 40yrs as a Merchant Seaman working alongside the Military. Falklands, Gulf, Iraq, did numerous deployments in the Gulf.
Australian's have served in every war since WW1 with the USA. He denigrated nations that had served alongside US Defence forces as if their service meant nothing. He can back pedal all he wants but he meant it.
George, you also need to understand that the Daily Express is the hardest, most head-bangery hard right publication we have. It is Brexit on steroids. For them to take this stance is... incredible.
They'll always have Meghan. Or Diana. They're not above putting something about caravan tow bar regulations on the front page if they don't feel like covering the real news. Someone in a position of control is *pissed* at JD Vance.
It’s such a crazy way to talk about our “allies” and to disrespect so many vets is so pathetic! 😡😡😡 it’s also especially bad because Vance started his political career calling out Trump. He knows it’s wrong, he knows he’s wrong, and yet he does this shit anyways. A special kind of evil.
The problem is, that those publications are owned by the same financial caste as the true supporters (vs blinded enablers) of the Trump junta.
Don't expect them to be loyal to any of your causes.
We know which Americans it is. Republicans. However we need the other civilised Americans who wish to remain part of a western Democratic alliance to stand up to this autocracy sweeping their country.
And the premier of my state, Western Australia, was said to be in ‘damage control’ for referring to JD Vance as a ‘knob’ this week. Looks like he was just getting in early to beat the rush.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say the only people who thought he should be in damage control, were the media? Everyone else just nodded and moved on.
Hmmm maybe the King - head of state of Canada as well as the UK - has some things to say to Trump in private. He’ll probably insult him without Trump even realising he’s been insulted. Us Brits are good at that.
Yes, I agree with you. But my personal preference would be a public takedown-insult that would burn his ego and force him into counterproductive, destructive actions that, in turn, would force the cowardly #GQP to recognize #OrangeFelon for the turd he is.
It's been some time since I last went to the US, but I know it is only some Americans, George, I believe the vast majority are decent people, but the level of misinformation online is warping the minds of too many.
That cover is HILarious!! J.D. Vance Needs to Know how much of a fhhk-up he has turned himself into, just bc Elon payed for his Election. And in turn made America look like a Villian to other places!!
I’m afraid you’re 100% right, George. The ambush of President Zelenskyy, Vance’s comments, Musk’s meddling in our affairs are all massively affecting how we see our erstwhile allies. Very hard to fathom on this side of the ocean
Vance really shot himself in the foot. Someone should have told him there are certain things you don't say about the UK. One of them is about the armed forces and veterans. They are held in high regard.
I am sure JD doesn't know anything about the wars, or anything that one could expect from a Vice President of the US and A. He just got there because he and Junior have the same dealer.
The thing is, I haven’t seen Britain so united since before the 2016 referendum - which only the dumbest now fail to acknowledge was Kremlin backed. That Vance pillock is so dumb he doesn’t realise what a favour he’s done for us.
These are usually pro-Trump newspapers, George. As a British veteran who served alongside the bravest of the brave US Marines in both Iraq and Afghanistan, this is despicable behaviour from your Vice President. Utterly, despicable.
A British veteran here also, 24 years man and boy. Outrageous and thoughtless comments, almost child like. It should not come as too much of a surprise, remember how tRump treated John McCain, shameful.
Yep, any other time, they'd be singing Trump and Vances praises, but even they know their target audience is very pro-military, and wont stand for our forces being slandered.
I am completely okay with this & even thank the Brits (still an ally to the honest & good portion of Americans in my mind BTW) for these headlines. Trumpers dumbfuckery needs to met with brutal honesty and mockery.
The Express is a right-wing gutter press shitrag with about as much credibility as your National Enquirer. If they've turned on their own then that really screams volumes about how bad things have got.
For the record, most Brits like most Americans, we just like to tease you guys
There's a huge difference between the US 'government', I don't like it respect them one little bit, and the majority of US citizens who unfortunately have to put up with the mad circus.
You have an out of control narcissistic and egotistical bully in charge. The way so many people are pandering to Trump is appalling; no different to those who were so keen to go along with the cults of Hitler and Stalin. It is heartbreaking, and I fear especially for trans folk in the USA right now.
Heartbreaking and alarming. The parallels between Trump's leadership and those of Hitler and Stalin are unsettling. Pandering to his ego and ideology is appalling, especially when it harms marginalized communities like trans folk
It’s about 200 years since we Britons fought a war where we weren’t shoulder to shoulder with our US allies.
Vance can say what he likes; his head will end up on a bayonet all the same
Unfortunately, it's not going to get better. Their whole aim is to destroy relations with our allies and isolate the US. It's not about foreign policy. Any chaos and hatred they breed is a win for them. It's sickening.
Can we actually blame them, George? We allowed our own country to be handed over to two-bit criminals. Until We, the People PROVE we will stand up and End this coup, the rest of the world is going to abandon us.
'Ordinary' Brits are more anti-American than their govt usually - comes as a bit of surprise to an Irish person living here since we're so positively inclined towards the US.
It's not you Mr Takei it is them MAGTARDS and the toxic masculinity of the current administration that we hate. Folks who know are aware that what they do does not reflect real American values. You and folks like you are the 'Real' America.
Your welcome in Scotland anytime. Trump not so much.
Those are traditionally pro Conservatives papers. You can’t underestimate the position on this. Vance seen as insulting our war-dead whilst we supported the US in multiple conflicts. Criticise our military at your peril. Consider your words, Vance, it’s called statesmanship. You don’t have it.
What IS significant is that those are two VERY conservative papers who usually wouldn’t say a word against a right-wing government, either here or overseas…
I sure would like to believe this is all some big chess plot for a larger patriotic agenda that I’m not imaginative enough to conceive. But history shows they are a bunch of corrupt assholes. I’m sure there is an agenda, albeit unwholesome.
Yes The Star, is a lefty tabloid, and that's being kind to call it a newspaper... many stories they lead with are ludicrous. For example 'Freddy Star Ate my Hamster' The clue is in the name 'The Star' But you are correct few papers these days seem balanced.
To be fair to The Star, they've been calling Vance's boss "Orange Manbaby" for ages.
The Express, on the other hand, is usually eager to grovel in the face of Right Wing abuse of power.
Thanks Mitch, as a British American that got his citizenship only a few years ago (at the ceremony stood proudly next to a Ukrainian woman, both of us crying) it's weird to have even close friends not distinguish.
Stick ‘em in a room together with some booze, hot mic it up & just wait… you’ll get a good chunk of what’s in the Epstein files straight from the horses’ mouths!
I hear ya. But if it gets them locked up, I’ll sit through hearing possibly one of the worst conversations of anyone’s lives. Because some poor girls/women had to live through it & these two scumbags deserve to rot in prison for the rest of their days.
Why wouldn't Trump want to have lunch with Prince Andrew? After all, they can talk about all the good times they had with their mutual good friend, Jeffery Epstein.
I didn't think there'd be a time in my life where I'd be sitting back and trying to figure out which world leader is being pettier to another world leader than all the other world leaders are.
I knew things would be weird, but, what timeline are we in? How do we get back?
Trump has a -65 point favourability rating in the UK just now, with even Nigel Farage's Reform party supporters swinging against Trump in recent weeks (they used to favour him by +38). Zelenskyy, meanwhile, had a +47 point favorability in the same poll.
It's making Farages ties to Putin extremely clear to all but his most rabid supporters. It may have done us a favour in completely ruining any chances Reform had.
I expect the UK government is praying for rainy weather so as to keep the anti Trump demonstration sizes down during his visit. (Who says there's no free speech in the UK?)
It's not you, it's them. Trump and Vance have managed to do something that hasn't happened for nearly a decade - united MPs from all political wings in their outrage at the new US regime.
Going after people who "stand a post", who fought shoulder to shoulder with the U.S. before and after 9/11 and died is a disgrace beyond. Oh, wait for it, the dislike and disrespect has only just begun, esp if the horseshit keeps piling up. #elbowsup
Disparaging Brits about the war!!! I mean....... Put it this can slap a Brits child, and they will say to the kid- "Well, you must have done something to deserve it. And if not, that's for the times you weren't caught"-- Bag em about 'the war' and even anarchist punks will kick your arse!
Please know that the general feeling here is not against Americans in general. It’s firmly against Trump, Vance and Musk and all those not standing up against their actions. We’ve been through Brexit here and understand the lies and false promises told to get votes, to our detriment. Keep fighting x
Also, the UK doesn't dislike Americans at all, it's more that everyone is a bit scared about what'll happen next: your system of governance seems to be moving over to an authoritarian model.
To be clear George, there is a huge amount of love and affection for a the normal thinking population of the USA, the hate is fully reserved for your government and its supporters.
1000% agree. I have friends, colleagues and comrades who are colonials. Nothing but love and respect, they’re welcome back in the fold of Britishness anytime. They are to a man against the rise of fascism in the USA
Doubly so for the ones watching all this happen, and still convincing themselves Trump and the Republicans are going to make things better for them.
Seeing the clips from town hall meetings, it's good to see more and more people are trying to hold them to account and get them to do their jobs.
Decent Americans like yourself that care about democracy & what is going on right now in your country I still hold the upmost respect & admiration & I stand alongside you all. It’s the MAGA cultists & this poisonous administration that is widely despised.
There are times when I wish the British would pay just a little less attention to decorum.
“I’m very pro-choice. I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But you still – I just believe in choice."
He has no ethics or beliefs.
I'm so sorry, friend.
Parents. We can really suck sometimes, can't we?
There's cycle breaking, but it still doesn't make them hurting us feel better today. It does tomorrow (got the tshirt,) but not today.
Hang in there, it will hurt less one day. 💜
Holy fuck, they need to go absolve themselves of their sins every Sunday, and then get up Monday and repeat them.
This is a twisted parody of religion which doesn't operate within reality.
Is only 5% of how the rest of the world views america.
If Vance had only targeted the French these papers would have lapped it up.
The vast majority of the British can separate the America we know, from one little lickspittle trying to sound tough.
What you need to know is that all the Conservative Newspapers have turned against Vance & Krasnov. Talking about my Military family.
I did 40yrs as a Merchant Seaman working alongside the Military. Falklands, Gulf, Iraq, did numerous deployments in the Gulf.
But you DON'T bad mouth their troops.
Don't expect them to be loyal to any of your causes.
Quote about his military "career":
“I was lucky to escape any real fighting,” he said in his 2016 memoir.
He should keep his mouth shut when the grown-ups talk.
In other news, I hear that Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, and The Devil have got their big coats on
We have experienced two world wars on our continent and when you travel you still can see the horrible consequences of war.
If necessary we can more and more stand on our own.
For the record, most Brits like most Americans, we just like to tease you guys
Really hope tramp does come to visit, he will learn what we think of him
He won't like it
Vance can say what he likes; his head will end up on a bayonet all the same
Your welcome in Scotland anytime. Trump not so much.
The Express, on the other hand, is usually eager to grovel in the face of Right Wing abuse of power.
I've /heard some shit/ and it's someone else's turn to take this one
They can have all my money, but gods know, someone else has gotta take this one.
Definitely let someone else take this one. ❤️
Gods know, they'll deserve it.
Donny and Randy Andy will be so disappointment when their search of the secret basement turns into a Al Capone's Vaults moment.
Google "pizzagate"
I am being dead serious.
I knew things would be weird, but, what timeline are we in? How do we get back?
Manners, "good breeding" to get nasty about it always show. A-Bumbling fool
C-On Putin's orders
D-All of above.
Asking for a me.
Seeing the clips from town hall meetings, it's good to see more and more people are trying to hold them to account and get them to do their jobs.