Why do people treat children as a commodity, a product, a self off shoot with no agency of their own? They are people! Growing people that need guidance, yes, but have their own motivators. Why is this so damn hard to understand?
Sooo, A. He was "tricked" into signing some documents? We know he couldn't comprehend them, but his lawyers didn't read them? Lmao right. B. IVF? So many questions about the sex part. C. No production of females for his dream baby farm?
The entire history of the American empire summed up in 7 minutes. National anthem. Stars& stripes&what appears to be a George Washington life-sized poster. 2 years before the loyal Japanese Americans were put in us interment camps. As the nazis got the red carpet treatment.
He’s so deep in his self-hatred I believe it. He’s altered every other aspect of his appearance and modified the DNA of his children. He is literally developing an artificial womb. The dude is not right at all.
how much safer the world would’ve been if those two could just have stepped outta the closet to be their authentic selves when they were in their 20’s…
If it was any random person, this would make me pity them (not really for the botched surgery, but the crippling insecurity that lead to it). But Elon, I love this for him.
Same reason probably, he paid for Twitter therefore he gets to name his property just like he tried to buy her gender. He is nothing if not transactional.
These are probably gonna be dark times for all the members of the LGBTQ+ community or at least hopefully not vibes under Trump's administration. It is not worthy or wise as a parent to not care for a parent's own child like...
Yeah that makes sense, she voided the warranty when she came out. Good for her, he deserves to be burned. Makes me wonder what the gender of that first infant was, the one who passed at 10 months. Makes me wonder, if it was female, did he have a hand in its death?
How is sex-selective IVF legal and abortions not? Female embryos are what? Discarded? Tossed in the garbage. To me, this is worst than abortion. It’s terribly sad and sexist.
Discarding an embryo isn't the same as an abortion. It's more like the morning after pill, which I don't think many people equate with abortion.
With some forms of contraception, embryos are sometimes still created but are prevented from implanting.
The morning after pill delays ovulation so that no embryo will be created. If the egg has already been fertilised, the morning after pill will not end the pregnancy.
"Others work by thinning the lining of your uterus, so if the egg and sperm connect, the embryo can’t stick into the lining,” Yen says. If it can’t stick to the lining, also known as implanting, it can’t get the nutrients it needs to grow."
IVF & abortion are the same thing, but only if you believe that embryos are human beings at the time of conception. The reason why you see it differently is because you don't get the thrill of punishing women for having sex by forcing them to give birth.
IVF & abortion are also the same thing if you don't view unborn clumps of flesh being made to simulate life by the host's bodily functions as live humans regardless of how they were conceived.
but yes it is all a smokeshow anyway, forced-birthers show daily that they despise actual children.
I’m not against IVF. But sex selection. Creating embryos to purposely reject the female ones. Someone who hates women so much running government is really worrisome. Aside from all the crap they’re doing.
IDK, I don't have a strong opinion on sex selection _in_general_. I think people should do whatever they like. But running the government is another question. Misogynists shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the government. (Or other harmful "ists")
Well, he grew up in apartheid South Africa with a father who was nominally anti-apartheid, but likely used exploitative business practices for his sketchy mining ventures. Plus, Mommy Musk says he's a good boy no matter how many fights he backs out of or sieg heils he makes.
Interesting that most Fuhrer Musk's kids are IVF? He claims to be autistic. From WebMD "... promoted forced “race hygiene,” which included Nazi policies that people with certain disabilities should be killed and parents of these children should be sterilized." So Nazi Fuhrer should be sterilized!
he hates women, that explains his friendship with trumpturd. reading that he is a sperm donor after 14 kids, makes me even dislike him even more, my birth father was a sperm donor to 20 of us kids.
Wonder if this is the reason why Pres Musk is so bent on taking over Canada... between getting into the Child Support data. Revengeful much to all his Canadian wives?
Why is anyone still on the formerly Twitter platform or FB? Stop supporting these anti-democratic mouth-pieces. Their owners sold out to Trump. Quit letting them make money off of your data.
Why? To troll, I mean talk with the right-wing in America. I mean, that's where they are. Can't do much here on Bluesky but shout into an echo-chamber.
You actually think I use a real account?
Funny how the most clueless people are always the ones trying to correct you.
I've heard there's a video of Musk getting pegged by one of his many baby Momma's. Maybe Elon hates himself for carnal desires that are outside the accepted "norm", thus, he takes it out on the LBGQT community???
Makes sense. I always wondered why all his children were boys….figured this was likely the case. I’m also pretty disgusted/concerned by the mothers that were okay with this though.
Wow Musk's toxicity knows no bounds. Start with misogyny, throw in a side of children as commodity, terrible parenting, trans hate ... Just a nasty stew.
Vivian Jenna Wilson, the estranged daughter of Elon Musk, revealed that her father pays extra for sex-selective IVF in order to produce male offspring, which is why he's so angry that she's trans.
Makes sense. My theory is everyone who has a problem with trans women hate women. The idea that someone born male would “choose” to be a woman (I know they aren’t choosing but that is the perception) is abhorrent to them. Women are so inferior in their minds that they can’t comprehend.
And, if you could just "give up" being male, then how "special" could it be? And, if a "female" could become "male" then how "special could being a "male" be? I've heard arguments along those lines with variations on both of those.
IVF! Selective reduction of female fetus’! He HATES all Woman! Thinks we were put on this planet to wipe WHITE TRASH ASS! FUCK HIM AND THE NAZI MOBILE HE RODE IN ON!
You would think this would so annoy the pro-life crowd. What happens to the embryos that are female? I would find it hard to believe that he is donating them to couples struggling to have children.
So this guy does not conceive children the Old Fashioned Way and uses selective IVF like a breeder. Yeah, that seems “normal”. May Vivian have a lovely life as herself. Just wow.
So basically her autonomy denied him something he paid for. She rendered his financial power utterly impotent in the case of her truth. Absolutely love that her being trans meant spoiled rich boy didn't get his way for once. Sucks she had to have such a POS as a parent, but stuck it to him good. 🤘
I love that she’s confident in who she is and comfortable enough to express that, especially to that walking, talking rectum that is her birth father. He’s so far up his own ass he’s missing out on knowing her and that will be his loss. He doesn’t even deserve to even be in her thoughts.
Trans 🏳️⚧️ women are very brave. To insist on being yourself when a whole government is trying to erase you is very admirable.
Vivian’s father is the richest man (certainly the richest Nazi) on earth and yet she persists. Hollywood should make a movie about her ❤️
I am so sorry that your paternal unit caused you this pain. I echo what others have said, as a mother, I'm proud of you for living your truth. Sending you (((hugs))) from me, my trans child, and the rest of my family. You are a better person than he.
This is too generous. It may be the case sometimes but more often I find it’s rooted in selfishness. Things that don’t center them, people who make them uncomfortable, or ideas which challenge their worldview are too inconvenient. They’re selfish enough to replace the the frustration with hate.
It’s easier to see in contrast. Ex: the egg price excuse. They aren’t ignoring the hateful rhetoric and just voting for egg prices. It’s that fighting for other people’s rights isn’t important (not about them) so they’re okay with torching their humanity. They explain it away as the price of eggs.
I’m the father of a wonderful, intelligent & beautiful person whose accomplishments far outweigh mine. It never occurred to me to worry about gender; health & happiness were all that mattered. I may not have been perfect at ensuring those things but Vivian you deserve the same love & pride.
He’s a father just because of his genetic material.
His daughter must have gone through a lot of trauma because of him. He’s devoid of any empathy or love. I wish Vivian all the best.
She's a very brave girl. Given her circumstances, many would be curled up into a ball right now. Yet she holds herself up with grace and humour. Kudos 👏
Elon has such a problem with Vivian because those are his genes talking. He can’t wrap his head around that because he thinks it is a flaw, which means he is flawed;just totally in denial because he can’t admit that’s part of who he is.
Hate to say this but there's a lot of males that still buy into that 'boys only!!!' crap. My stepdad did that crap - cost him his bio kids and one of his other stepkids (besides me).
That's still a thing folks and there's unfortunately still men and families who buy into that crap.
I'd say Skum's behavior is unbelievable, but no, seeing his daily misogynistic and trans-hating behavior, now being wedged into MAGA policy, it makes sense. He's a disgruntled consumer who didn't get what he paid big money for. He should stick to building sex robots like every other male tech nerd.
She's a rich and white and I don't care what she has to say about anything. She could release the video of her dad getting pegged.... then I might care.
Elon hates women. Perhaps he’s a closeted gay man who can’t accept that he’s gay so he lashes out at women. Pays extra to get male IVF offspring. He avoids having actual sex with women I guess too with IVF.
Don't think Ketamusk needs a vasectomy after he's been hanged for high treason, but if they only sentence him for life I suggest using a hammer for surgery.
I never even realized it (bc I’ve never gone down that rabbit hole) but it’s true, all his kids were assigned male at birth. That’s why he does all the IVF, so he can ensure no girls.
Guess Elon is still in Depression about the Death of his First Son.
Unfortunate that he just can't see the Beautiful Daughter before him.
Sad all around.
I feel terrible for her, having to have a parent that is this gross and psychotic… but also so happy she turned out to be an intelligent, self aware, and self loving person… unlike her father, who hates himself so much, he’s willing to destroy the world to prove it.
But have you ever noticed how effeminate Musk is. Not saying he isn’t straight, he most likely is, but he has many effeminate hand gestures and body movements.
He’s awkwardly unmasculine, isn’t he? He reminds me of one of those kids who looks like all the other kids hate him so he does weirder & weirder shit. Like the brother in Wedding Crashers.
Can't play God and do devilish deeds.
And her "father" can go fuck himself. In the face.
What a psycho.
(Sex selecting embryos, I mean)
Glad Vivian got away from him and is living her own life the way she wants to.
This inhumane madman’s wealth wouldn’t be possible without public taxpayer assistance. It’s beyond insane we’re allowing this to happen.
The entire history of the American empire summed up in 7 minutes. National anthem. Stars& stripes&what appears to be a George Washington life-sized poster. 2 years before the loyal Japanese Americans were put in us interment camps. As the nazis got the red carpet treatment.
for both him & the turnip~
how much safer the world would’ve been if those two could just have stepped outta the closet to be their authentic selves when they were in their 20’s…
Instead we all suffer for their self-hate.
Concierge medicine is a good place for those with a strong stomach and ethical flexibility.
And that of his co-president.
Vivian is sheroic!!
I think there is a name for that. Grooming?
I thought the right hates groomers? 🤔
I guess it's ok when you're a rich white illegal immigrant man that is hell bent on destroying the world.
Here is the article.
With some forms of contraception, embryos are sometimes still created but are prevented from implanting.
"Others work by thinning the lining of your uterus, so if the egg and sperm connect, the embryo can’t stick into the lining,” Yen says. If it can’t stick to the lining, also known as implanting, it can’t get the nutrients it needs to grow."
but yes it is all a smokeshow anyway, forced-birthers show daily that they despise actual children.
Imagine seeing a CHILD as a thing and not a person
Eugenics bs
Hard to believe that she's related to fElon
These boys were never taught that power and freedom never come without an equal (or usually more) measure of responsibility. 🤷♂️
Our forefathers would be disgusted
You actually think I use a real account?
Funny how the most clueless people are always the ones trying to correct you.
Elon Musk has sullied his name, his children will be cursed for generations to come.
Vile thieving racist fucker!
And they don’t care?
She seems like a sweet kid trying to just LIVE HER TRUTH!
I hope every one of your followers shares.
Thank you for your voice.
It’s needed right now
How very pro-life of him...
I'm a beta boy, right-wing, misogynistic, antisemitic, racist piece of shit.
Vivian’s father is the richest man (certainly the richest Nazi) on earth and yet she persists. Hollywood should make a movie about her ❤️
This seems like another aspect of that: intersex/trans people are not what bigots want them to be, so the bigots hate what they can't accept.
🏳️⚧️ And thank you Vivian for your braveness!
What a brave, smart girl!
In a few years-time he will be history & she will have way surpassed him since he's had so few 'real' accomplishments (none, really)!
#resist #3e #Revolution2025 #Resisters #OpUSA #50501Movement #Anonymous #NAFO
#blueresisters #bluewave #bluecrew
His daughter must have gone through a lot of trauma because of him. He’s devoid of any empathy or love. I wish Vivian all the best.
Tphobes: *howling, frothing rage and insanity*
Transphobe: Cross dresses in private, tries to enslave the entire human race
That's still a thing folks and there's unfortunately still men and families who buy into that crap.
Go and do good things
Stay safe ,
well and happy wherever you are !
And from a gross guy no one would get with. Typical.
You don’t deserve this; no one does, my heart 💖 goes out to you 🫶
Ah well I guess nature outwitted him.
Proud of her for standing up to him. ❤️
This 💩 should’ve never been allowed to be near a woman much less have children.
Unfortunate that he just can't see the Beautiful Daughter before him.
Sad all around.
…..At least one of them is just a human shield. 🙄
Autism tends to run in families. 60 to 90% of the risk of autism comes from your genome.
Musk has at least 14 children (IVF) with three different women. He is an idiot. Fact.
#MAGA [Make Autism Great Again]