Trump & the Republican Party pardoned & released their J6 insurrectionists for the purpose of carrying out their state sanctioned violence. All that is left is for the order to be given by Trump & the GOP.
I like Bernie but he is far too understanding…. Exactly how many “steps” are there on this path to authoritarianism? I feel like a child screaming “are we not there yet‽”
Green card holders have different rules to abide by. Bernie is a self-hating Jew like all the antisemites in the Squad. Violently taking over a campus and screaming to kill Jews are hate crimes and deportable.
Of course the person who liked this comment has a confederate flag on their profile page. That is your sign that you have messed up in life and have become a racist troll. Sad.
The entire administration is pro-Israel haven’t you noticed? Going after Hamas supporters on Campus. Evangelicals live for the second coming and Israel and Jews are necessary for that.
I thought they would sneak up on us, but they are sending in the ICE henchmen like a bunch of nazis trampling over free speech and 4th amendment rights.
To my everlasting dismay, I stopped buying from a Polish immigrant's store bc she told me she's firmly against the 1st amendment and our constitution. She supports self deportation. She even supports neo nazis by telling me it's hateful to tell them to f off. These immigrants can self deport.
One on one in that situation, I try to stay calm to help learn more about what that person believes and why. There are white supremists in the least likely places sometimes. Those are the really hard ones that kinda stab the heart forever. There are many, many others who help heal some of the pain.
I'm w you on that. I have had alot of training and experience dealing w these kinds of people. The white supremacy that was there before Hitler was magnified bc of the insane, nonsensical ideas created in his book, promoted with the help of the Nazis before Hitler came on scene. He had alot of help
Senator Bernie, I think the country is not “one step closer to authoritarianism”, it’s fully IN authoritarianism. There’s almost nothing holding Trump back now. With the exception of you and half a dozen other Dems, Congress has fallen. The only way to stop Trump now is a people’s revolution.
I think Americans for decades have though that the constitution was all that was needed to protect the constitution. Turns out that there needed to be something to back up the constitution if an administration just decided to ignore it. Pointing and saying "that's unconstitutional" doesn't cut it.
If they really start black bagging American citizens, and the good people don’t revolt, we are just done for and it’s off to find somewhere else to live in the world. You coming George? Cuz fuck this shit
The imbecile in the White House could shoot someone on fifth avenue and get away with it because America hasn’t found its balls! What happened to them? Where did they go? Merrick Garland comes to mind. Where is Dirty Harry when you need him.
MY NEW AND FOURTH MOTHER FUCKING THING TO WORRY ABOUT: HUD DEFUNDING. Elon Motherfucker has defunded HUD by a billion dollars and is cutting staff. NOW I HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT FOUR MOTHER FUCKING THINGS: MEDICAID, STAMPS, SSI, AND HUD. All these programs help me stay alive and stable
You realize you need a permit/approval/whatever first in order to have protests. Otherwise you are just an angry mob. You guys spent the last 5 years bitching about jan 6th and think you're immune to the same thing.
You can't just throw a rally or protest, you need a permit from the government. They can't deny your protest based on it's message though, but public space, time, and manner all matter for public safety. It's amazing people don't know this. If you just show up as a mob, you're endangering citizens.
protestors get arrested all the time specifically because they were a mob and not a protest. Shit like blocking the streets, endangering the public, whatever. Again, they spent the last 5 years complaining about jan 6th and now they are in the same position.
Because he is immune he probably can have anyone arrested. Or do anything as president. Is there anything that he does as president that would be prosecutable?
You guys need to stop thinking you’re on the path to authoritarianism and take a closer look. The USA is already there. It’s too late to stop it. Now it’s time to reverse it before it gets too entrenched.
How long will it take for Americans to understand that oligarchs control both parties? How many Americans THAT WE KNOW PERSONALLY will have to die before the American people realize nobody is coming to help us and he's not going to leave until we force him to. Complaining publicly isn't cutting it.
The guy who set himself on fire in front of Trump‘s trial said they wanted a Uni party of the rich Democrats and Republicans. Older ones in office have money and are not trying to be separate. They’re trying to separate us so it ends up like this and it has.He was kookie but got this right.
The problem is that we have the power to stop this in it's tracks but most are too afraid to use it. Until we do this nation will be subjugated. If we don't act soon, we WILL lose the window we have to fight and win. Defeat after defeat after defeat will sow depression & destroy the will to fight.
The problem is they had a leaders. Someone to organize an effort like that which was a war. We have no Franklin or Jefferson ,or Washington to fight for us. We are on our own which makes for a perfect storm.We are stuck with Democrats who can’t even vote No on a bill that will hurt us.
We do, we just don't know who they are yet. We didn't have leaders with the 1st public stirrings of "Why do we need GB?", & didn't get any until we all agreed that the cause was more important than which state you're from. Now instead 13 clocks to chime at the same time, it's 50 - but it CAN be done
Hmm. You know we have been a democracy for as long as we can remember. We know what’s up and it’s killing us but somewhere in the back of even my mind I think nah it will go back. It’s called denial. That heads space needs to go.Hope seems to hanging from thread.
Those "anti-government" conspiracy theorists were never afraid of a government that would rise them up and make them a part of the "conspiracy".... Stupid inbreeds think it is about skin color not money...
We're one hell of a lot closer to that final step of authoritarianism than I would have ever thought possible. It seems like we're only weeks away. The arrests have already begun.
Bernie must be walking really slowly because it seems to me, we are all standing at the path's end, watching our democracy being dismantled and sold for parts.
Have you not seen the weapons testing they have been doing in Gaza for the last 2 years? I don't think they intend to fight fairly. They'll start culling us, just like the Palastinians.
1. There are a lot of psychos in the military who would gladly murder the fuck out of their fellow Americans if you soft sold it just right. Not the whole military, but enough of them.
2. I mean, they've been doing a pretty good job of destroying the infrastructure already.
Those "psychos" are the 10% at most who would look for any opportunity to get paid to kill. My service experience introduced me to these groups first hand.
Most in the military are either very young and working towards college with the G.I. Bill and the other largest part are carer soldiers due to a lack of opportunities elsewhere at home and / or people who get along well with the structure and don't like change.
I'm sure there are plenty of nice individuals in the military, just like there are nice cops. But the system still seems bastardly. An imperial guard that stood back and allowed an insurrectionist who stole top secret documents to corruptly return to power. So my faith in that institution is low
It amazes me that Americans stand up to defend the Second Amendment however, when someone like Trump comes along, determined to destroy America, everyone would rather stay home and do nothing about it.
Most people in general anywhere on earth would rather complain from the sidelines than stand for anything. It takes massive disruption and personal loss to push them into action.
Sad but true. Apparently, American society has not been disrupted enough on a personal level yet for most Americans to take action. However, by the time that happens, will it be too late?
He thinks he has carte blanche to try doing these things as long as he only breaks the law whilst doing 'presidential things' due to the supreme court 'presidential immunity' ruling they made last year.
He figures he can't be punished for it later, so why not.
This book should be mandatory reading in schools. It should be the Bible for all law students, judges and Supreme Court justices and should replace the Ten Commandments that adorn some courtrooms.
Every President and elected official should be familiar with this prior to being sworn in.
I wonder, how long before America has its first Navalny experience? How long before the government disappears a person without reason, holds them illegally and without due course? Oh wait!!!!
How safe is Mahmoud Khalil who is being illegally detained?
Will he meet Nevalny’s fate in custody?
During Bush the Youngers presidency I happened to give a ride to a Russian national on a work visa. He was amazed that we owned more than 1 car and had a modest home 2650³ft. He was very afraid to talk about President Bush. Told him THIS IS THE USA, YOU HAVE RIGHTS HERE ALSO. He was moved to tears.
They literally only care about free 🎤 when they use it to defend their right to slur or march with nazi flags. But gods forbid you speak out against bombing innocent women and children 🙄 like this level of evil is beyond cartoonishly extreme. They want THEIR speech to be free, but not any dissent.
All social media should be flooded with anti trump speech. Maga won't do it cause he has them by their racist balls, e.g. exclusive Karen trips to the mall to yell n!&&@# with no qualms, tiki torch pride aloft they could care less about Medicaid or Medicare or social security for them it's the
The DNC only wants people their focus groups and think-tanks select to be protested, and only in the manner they choose, usually something ineffectual, vapid, and performative, like kneeling with a Kente-cloth drape while doing nothing to address the problems.
Wait - why were they arrested? It looks coordinated, peaceful, vocal, maybe but not harassing. Were they trespassing or something? Why were they arrested? It's important to know.
The video does not make it clear why they were arrested. You see it happening but you don't hear why. I support their demonstration/protest but in defending them legally and getting them out of cuffs, the reason is important. (I get you're angry - we all are - but aim it at people deserving of it.)
I have been - I can't find a statement of the charges, only that they were arrested. I ask because violating free speech is happening a lot right now, & I support the ACLU in fighting for that, among other things.
Question wasn't aimed at you. Anyone finding info can reply. We're in this together.
Ok not just me then.Thanks for that but also WTF??
I feel like a lot of details are getting shoved into the margins or dark holes when people face enforcement right now (law or other), especially as new crap happens and we try to take that in too. These are people we're trying to track down!
And as democrats what do we do when Trump and his administration ignores the law and the constitution? Our leader Chuck Schumer just caves in and get praise from Trump…
Don’t call him, Mr. President. Call him Mein Fuhrer. Magas will be incensed, but he will secretly love it and not do much to object. Anyway, it’s more accurate.
This is not a step on the path to authoritarianism. This is authoritarianism in action. Continuing to speak in future tense as if we aren't in the grips of tyranny right this minute will only hold us back in being released from that grip.
DJT has proven time and time again that he’s not mentally stable so use the constitution to fire his ASS, ARREST MUSK, BANNON and MILLER for harming to good of AMERICA with lies and disinformation.
Nice to keep pointing out we're on the road to fascism. Any recommendations on what to do...before you flee the country when the shit really hits the fan?
Just called my Senator (Schiff) and told him not to support MAGA and that I'll be watching all of the Dems who do and supporting whoever runs against them.
Trump hired this!
Out of the mouth of a Natsi!
Elon Musk Retweet: "Hitler Didn't Murder Millions of People... Public Sector Workers Did"
Now you know why trump and Putin love him!
The MSM has a mouth full of Hitler but still won’t say natsi!
Natsis like trump and muskkk are all for free speech until they seize power- then, suddenly, free speech disappears like putin resisters being “falling” out windows!
And for the people who didn’t vote for Harris because they were pissed off about Gaza, this is on you too. A no vote is the same as voting for a dictator.
That was directed at the other poster, as well as those who are so privileged and utterly self absorbed that they think nothing of throwing an entire country under the bus for the sake of their own ego.
Everything going on right now lies at the feet of Garland. Fuck that guy for not doing his job. If he had done his job nobody would be talking about Trump tarrifs.
Give me a break...ur still blaming voters? Lol..Hillary did that for 10 years, was wrong actually, and divided the party. I am an intl Relations grad student. My classmates lost 13 members of her family. Many in my cohort couldn't PHYSICALLY pull the lever for that genocidal mutant
But more importantly, they didn't effect this election one bit....Joe Biden destroyed our country and our democracy by even deciding to run again. The idea that he would have stayed in the race to the point he did? Unforgivable
We will win because we must. And we must wipe the Nazis off the floor and into the garbage. And show the country who really stands up to tyrants. It ain’t the NRA and it ain’t the Libertarians. They are the tyrants.
if operation Northwoods was presented to trump like it was to jfk and he signed it, would he be prosecuted? (Presidential immunity) And given the joint chief of staff already picked out people to execute it back then, and trump fired all inspector generals and watch dog leadership what's --
They did it in the 60s to people protesting against a War.. they were beaten, arrested, and killed these thugs are completely unfettered.. above the law according to the SCOTUS
Free speech works in ba democracy. America is in a dictatorship. These are not "business as usual" times. Been sharing this video to freedom fighters with large platforms hoping America will begin to as see what's in front of them.
One could argue not only 1st but IV no probable cause, VI arrested without informed as to nature of the crime (there was no crime), XIV as they have been deprived of liberty w/out due process.
Free speech in the right has never been about allowing people to say things you don’t like. It’s always been about protecting their right to demean minorities. They conflate people saying you are a bad person for saying racist/sexist/homophobic with the government silencing you.
Well they decline existing green cards. Here in Germany people are asking, when the US gets marked as to dangerous for German to visit or live there. There are already 4 Germans who are detained for crossing a boarder with either a green card or a work visa.
As I've aged, my ability to control what comes out of my mouth is all but useless. I'm Canadian, but if I were to step one foot into the US (which will never happen again) I'd be in trouble immediately. I've officially reached the "I don't give a shit anymore" stage. It's liberating.
Trump isn’t negotiating with Putin—he’s obeying him. From wanting Canada as the 51st state to eyeing Greenland and the Panama Canal, it’s all about justifying Putin’s Greater Russia dream. America, don’t be fooled!
Putin made it no secret he wants Alaska, a good chunk of Canada, Hawai'i, and the entire western coast ESPECIALLY California. Who wouldn't? 5 largest economy in the world and rich on resources.
And right now as we exchange thoughts here on Bluesky a few more Luigi Mangione‘s have been created by this mob in Washington. They honestly don’t know what they’re setting themselves up for. And they will never understand why.
Sure George! You were a die hard Hillary fan, which helped get us 🍊💩🤡 the first time, and we’re so against Bernie, and now you’re posting his good work… smh
Yet no one in the DOJ or those who did the arrest are stepping up to obeying the US Constitution. Can a State arrest a federal employee for such violations? Perhaps if states started to arrest and prosecute federal workers violating the US Constitution, a lot of BS would stop(???).
He'll just say it isn't speech, it's verbal terrorism, or that any speech against MAGA is against him and hence a threat to the Presidency. The Secret Service regularly makes "visits" although realistically they can't handle deporting a few million people so 150 million of us? No chance.
Well they have done it, they are doing it, they are ignoring the courts, we are in a constitutional crisis, enough with the tea throwing in the fuckin river!
We have a Constitution on fire right now! If he enacts the Alien & Sedition Acts! 👇
My son is 50% Mexican American. 3rd Generation American. If Mexico is the enemy the way it is written he could be deported or detained simply for being of Mexican Heratige if he decents!
my guess would be zero, zero steps.
Everyone else was told to shut up!
Wanna try spinning that lie on X where people buy that kind of crap?
I'm Mahmoud Khalil!
I'm Mahmoud Khalil!
The comparison seems off to me.
Know what I will
Sorry but you elected the first Dictator of the USA.
2. Incagement ... ... ...
I’ve been color stopped…
I’ve been identified…
I’ve been.
I’m tired.
I’m tired of identity.
I’m tired of being stopped.
I’m tired of being selected.
I’m literally just going to my house with Dr. Pepper and a box of donuts.
And yet my face is on cold concrete.
The words on paper exist. Is it really valid any more?
We have no rule of law folks. You just haven't figured it out yet.
I hate it here.
For the avoidance of doubt, this is what British humour looks like.
Trump actually believes he’s in Russia.
Soon…people he disagrees with will be falling off balconies
"Oh, but he's a socialist!" Shove that statement up your ass!
Bernie must be walking really slowly because it seems to me, we are all standing at the path's end, watching our democracy being dismantled and sold for parts.
2. I mean, they've been doing a pretty good job of destroying the infrastructure already.
He figures he can't be punished for it later, so why not.
Every President and elected official should be familiar with this prior to being sworn in.
Do you think I'm wrong in feeling that they have to work a tiny bit harder to stay this ignorant as "maple maga"?
How safe is Mahmoud Khalil who is being illegally detained?
Will he meet Nevalny’s fate in custody?
Last year.
The DNC only wants people their focus groups and think-tanks select to be protested, and only in the manner they choose, usually something ineffectual, vapid, and performative, like kneeling with a Kente-cloth drape while doing nothing to address the problems.
Question wasn't aimed at you. Anyone finding info can reply. We're in this together.
I feel like a lot of details are getting shoved into the margins or dark holes when people face enforcement right now (law or other), especially as new crap happens and we try to take that in too. These are people we're trying to track down!
And as democrats what do we do when Trump and his administration ignores the law and the constitution? Our leader Chuck Schumer just caves in and get praise from Trump…
We need to whip the opposition into shape-- fucking yesterday. Schumer has got to GO.
Or does it only apply to speech that you approve of?
Schumer's next.
Women during the fight over suffrage.
During all the ‘wars’.
And memorably during the push for civil and human rights. Where are the advocates for real law and order?
Out of the mouth of a Natsi!
Elon Musk Retweet: "Hitler Didn't Murder Millions of People... Public Sector Workers Did"
Now you know why trump and Putin love him!
The MSM has a mouth full of Hitler but still won’t say natsi!
People will only take so much.
Episode 64: Trump Loves Free Speech (Except for People He Hates)
Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Potify, the new platform for poker players.
#Trump #FreeSpeech #Kahlil
I hope your friends and family as well as history put you through the shame and consequences you deserve
And she is just a child, but this Administration has made it clear they do not care about children.
Children, to be more specific.
Are there not more decent people in #America ?
My son is 50% Mexican American. 3rd Generation American. If Mexico is the enemy the way it is written he could be deported or detained simply for being of Mexican Heratige if he decents!
Spread the word. Our Vets are tired. We are tired.