Think we have to give Chuck a chance; he's right about a govt shutdown would play right into the hands/plans DOGE wants, along with Trump. Keeping govt running and Dems fighting is a better plan
NO. It’s enabling, not helping anyone but Rs. Abusers use this tactic. They control victims this way. Victims think they’re doing what’s best to control the violent abuser, but its an illusion. Force them to be accountable for this by voting in opposition. That’s it. Otherwise they voted FOR it.
The Democrats that voted, yes, are voting against the will of the people. Their job is not to cozy up to fascists. Their job is not to sell their constituents down the river, their job is to protect their constituents, and not sell them out.
That's exactly what they are and we are not going to forget this cuz just wait until that b******* they just passed makes us all suffer and we're already pissed off and angry it's going to get worse for them. It would be better if they resigned before the end of the month and fade away
there will always, always, always be a handful of dem senators like this. when one leaves, another replaces them. it’s the corporate failsafe to prevent anything too lefty for their liking getting passed
I went from admiring to having no respect for him. I also loathe his player ways. He got my family and myself once. NEVER AGAIN!!
He needs to join the Republican Party. He’s certainly not a Democrat!
They gave away Dems only bargaining chip to ‘keep the country open’ as if that matters. Trump and Musk already ignore the law and do as they please. Trump posted a fawning thank you to Schumer. It’s not a good thing when Trump is happy with your decisions.
I think a shut down would have been even better for the Trump agenda. I almost never agree with Schumer, but I think he is correct there. I would have preferred the shut down myself. is a vote for fascists and MAGA and I’ll spend every dollar I can and volunteer every hour I can to get him out of office! Cowards and a liars, him and are fucking garbage humans and traitors to New York and their colleagues in the liberal party.
Every single one of these needs a primary challenger. It's time to start building campaigns & creating a PAC to fundraise for primary challengers to the Democrats who've forgotten what it means to be a Democrat -- or what it meant to take an oath to uphold & defend the Constitution.
It’s hard enough having to stomach everything coming from the right turning our country to shit, but now we have this backstabbing cowardly distraction to deal with in our own party. Durbin was my senator and I will give every penny of my future donations to his primary opponent.
"Vote them out" is where we start. That's the motivation to organize, find primary challengers, fund those challengers, get press going on those races and start to make the incumbents feel the heads man's block under their throats.
They don’t care about what voters think, they care about their own safety, and what their donors think. And those corporate donors make a lot more money when republicans let them loot everything
They will actually care when we behave like the French do when they’re angry at their politicians 🔥🔥🔥
There's a mistake in the understanding. They believe they are elected to serve the American people and their stability up on a silver platter for the wealthy. Hence the spineless attitude. Their only eye is on their pocketbook. Traitors, the lot of them.
Like....they couldn't even bluff the threat of a shutdown. Like I get the shutdown would be bad....but least try to keep that threat credible to force negotiations. Instead they just rolled over and showed everybody their ass.
I don’t agree that they caved, as voting either way was a lose-lose situation. Some real good people are in that list, and it’s totally unfair to say they “collaborated” with fascists.
This is great. We also need a master list of all the traitors, not just these 8 Dems from today’s vote, with photos so we can remember the faces and learn the names and never give them a moment’s peace for the rest of their lives.
Elon's going to keep throwing money to whatever politician he wants elected.
He bought the Presidency for Drumpf, he'll keep doing it. A limit needs to be set on political contributions, especially from the ultra rich.
Loopholes closed.. I'm all for that... but can't do that when Elon has effectively bought the entire system. Making changes would require civil unrest.
The Democratic Party is dead and it is time for a new party that is progressive and has the balls to street-fight fascist and fascism. The Dems are already out of power and there is zero to lose and everything to gain.
Let's start with AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Liz Warren, Bernie, Katie Porter, Chris Murphy, and Maxwell Frost. Feel free to add more.
My point was not that I may have said it earlier my point is multiples of people have been popping off on this exact subject since Schumer blew up the constitution
I have a Dick Durbin story. About 10 years ago he was running and came out to our Chgo 501c3 which focused in gun violence prevention in a specific neighborhood.
He breezed in, got his shot with a black woman founder, then slips her a $20 . 🙄I saw this happen or wouldn't have believed it.
George. I disagree with those ten senators. I don’t think it made strategic sense (not going to repeat a previous post). But that’s a bit much isn’t? I’m angry too. Anger is an emotion. Not a solution. On the list of horrible, the gleeful embrace of ignorance top. You aren’t that. But too much
I'd like to think there's a strategy behind this, but I'm pretty sure it's just a loss of scruples or loss of the will to stand up to the bullies. Maybe Chuck was tired of having his underwear pulled over his head in the Senate locker room.
The sad part is that Hakeem Jeffries is about as spineless.... like when he pushed to get people to vote for the last CR from the GOP which took away trans healthcare for people among other things... he said "we're waiting for our pitch....."
They are extremely beholden to the donor class. And, as they're currently constituted, they're not up for the real fights that are coming.
We've been headed in this direction for 30 years now. And the only strategy these guys know is 'triangulate'. They've triangulated the nation off a cliff.
I can’t believe Dems caved to trump AGAIN. First the dysfunctional criminal cabinet noms, then censure Al Green. Now when he’s already tanking our economy, raping our environment, destroying our democracy and foreign policy, give him free rein to spend. Way to light the whole country on fire
They need to run as Republicans for reelection because they are not Democrats. I know we like to make fun of the French in the US but if this was happening there, there would’ve been 10 French revolutions by now. We are all set sitting here twiddling our thumbs hoping that things will just work out.
"So do you like being a fascist so far? What impresses you the most? I think it's a bummer they won't give us snappy Nazi unis to wear. I mean, WTF? What's the point? Nazis with no crushed brim hats with skulls? Ridiculous!"
2. Cease all donations to the #SurrenderCaucus. Donate to their primary challenger (2026: Durbin, Peters, Shaheen; 2028: Cortez Masto, Fetterman, Hassan, Schatz, Schumer; 2030: Gillibrand). Support the Dem. nominee in Maine in 2030.
3. Donate to individual Democrats who did not cave to MAGA.
Thinking like this is complying in advance. Quit talking like it's guaranteed they will subvert the entire concept of elections. They are bound by laws, and they will remain bound by laws. You're figuring out how to get comfortable with fascism instead of meaningfully opposing it, like a coward.
I know myself and my entire family will! What spineless cowards they are. Shame on them!! I’m no politician but I think everyone wants to leave a good legacy when it’s our time to leave this earth. None of these traitors will be remembered fondly or known for having any courage.
Are they all boomers? We have to get the boomers out of politics. They and the silent generation are the only generations they voted for Trump. Every other generation voted for Harris.
Boomers split. If you look at who is on the street will see 60% or more are boomers. I know. I am one and I am at one protest every damn week.
How can you justify going against the people who gave you your job all week people have been screaming no and these fuckers vote yes. People are going to be directly harmed by these MAGA cuts,veterans, children and seniors how can you not care about your own voters.
Are these the same dems with the ping pong paddles at the joint speech to congress? Where are the heroes, the Al Greens? These times call for our dem leaders to LEAD
To make it look like they’re trying. When in reality they’re all in the same side.
Democrats could have stopped this before it started. But instead - we got to watch studio wresting, where they get ‘so close’ but then at the last minute, they lose.
They were afraid if they shut the Government down, Trump/Republicans would deliberately just never start it again, & blame them for it all while taking full control.
My guess is they thought the lesser evil was to just let the Republicans have rope enough to go hang themselves.
Yeah and how did that turn out for Germany and therefore Europe in the 1930’s?!!
These people have to realise how they’ll be portrayed in the history books.
We know Fetterman is a fucking republican and all of the others should be primaries and fear for their jobs. They just have a huge fucking slush fund to Trump and Musk and have screwed the American people over.
I called both offices today DC & Honolulu & expressed my disappointment in his Yes vote for cloture. I met him when he walked up to my door on Pensacola Street in 1998 & I have been a voter/supporter since then. I also contributed monthly to him for years. No more. Heart broken.
Trump is thoroughly enjoying the infighting. Division is what he does best. It’s the Republican senate letting Trump and Musk destroy our country. They have a duty to impeach him.
Despicable turncoats. Now we know ... not that it will make any difference in what is this circus we are being attacked with and the further emotional, mental and financial pain that lies ahead. We need more Rep. Greens, and so much less of these spineless buffoons. Smh
Oh now that we know means everything. Now we know who gets primaried. Now we know which offices to flood with calls and emails. Now we know whose lives need to be made miserable.
Vote every last one of them out! They thought they could claim that since they only voted for cloture, and not the bill, they would be forgiven. Not a chance. I will spend weeks of my time calling people in their states to do my part to see them lose their next election. Shameful and spineless.
A fascist collaborator, is a fascist.
Or so I've heard.
He needs to join the Republican Party. He’s certainly not a Democrat!
We need a Marcus Junius Brutus!
America, there's a LOT of work to do to try to overcome the set-back they just gave us.
They’re not afraid of voters. Perhaps #Dem voters need to understand that time for peaceful tolerance is fucking over and has been for 8 years?
No one gives up power because you organized & fundraised. Violence isn't the answer until it's all you have left.
They will actually care when we behave like the French do when they’re angry at their politicians 🔥🔥🔥
Call Politics& Prose to demand that they cancel this event!
If they run for reelection when their term expire, make sure your state primaries them.
There's NO ROOM for people like these individuals within the democratic party.
Any wolf or sheep can wear a suit.
#IAMCanadian #SlavaUkraini #OrangeJulius #PutinsPuppet
The plan was for the small group of yes votes to give cover to to allow the rest to cast symbolic but meaningless no votes.
Any no vote who didn't clearly oppose Schumer's plan is a collaborator.
They are all nothing but cowards ... Shame on them all!!
If yes, how do you propose they be dealt with?
Be honest. Do you approve of violent tactics being used against all your political enemies, or just some of them?
Every. Single. One.
On the flip side, 'truth in advertising' can be construed as a good thing.
He bought the Presidency for Drumpf, he'll keep doing it. A limit needs to be set on political contributions, especially from the ultra rich.
The Democratic Party is dead and it is time for a new party that is progressive and has the balls to street-fight fascist and fascism. The Dems are already out of power and there is zero to lose and everything to gain.
He breezed in, got his shot with a black woman founder, then slips her a $20 . 🙄I saw this happen or wouldn't have believed it.
I swear, the Dems need an overhaul.
We've been headed in this direction for 30 years now. And the only strategy these guys know is 'triangulate'. They've triangulated the nation off a cliff.
If we ever get to vote again
Izzie Zenning.
3. Donate to individual Democrats who did not cave to MAGA.
D. Durbin (D-Ill.)
G. Peters (D-Mich.)
J. Shaheen (D-N.H.)
C. Cortez Masto (D-Nev.)
J. Fetterman (D-Pa.)
M. Hassan (D-N.H.)
B. Schatz (D-Haw.)
C. Schumer (D-N.Y.)
K. Gillibrand (D-N.Y.)
A. King (I-Maine)
it makes no sense
Democrats could have stopped this before it started. But instead - we got to watch studio wresting, where they get ‘so close’ but then at the last minute, they lose.
My guess is they thought the lesser evil was to just let the Republicans have rope enough to go hang themselves.
These people have to realise how they’ll be portrayed in the history books.
One of our senators was voting for confirmations at first. About the time everyone started flooding the phones, she stopped. It works.