He's a republican criminal that's who he is and yeah I agree with you anyone decent in Wisconsin would never vote for a piece of s*** like that. That's why you do not vote for him
Because they live in a misinformation bubble that's impermeable to real world facts?
Remember the first rule of a cult: cut off outside information and create a distrust for media. The press is an "Enemy of the people" and "Liberal lies."
The people that I personally know who live in Wisconsin are good people who are for marriage equality and everything else good, but Wisconsin also produced Ron Johnson and Scott Walker, two of the douchiest douchbags ever to darken the state of Wisconsin and the planet in general.
Brad Schimel.
Born: February 18, 1965 (age 60), Wisconsin, United States
Party: Republican Party
Previous office: Attorney General of Wisconsin (2015–2019)
Children: Hailey Schimel, Mackenzie Schimel
Education: University of Wisconsin Law School (1990), …
Spouse: Sandi Schimel
He probably has one of those Trad wives. Poor woman's prisoner in her own home. Another mediocre white man that needs to put women down to make himself feel better. Please kindly go fuck yourself
Judges should be nominated by peers, and then only make it to the election portion. Additionally, citizens should be able to recall the wackos as needed.
IF you want to do something effective against this, before our mail system really crashes, do this now. Election begins in 2 days. https://postcardstovoters.org/
right quit voting to take other peoples rights that's what y'all did this time and look how that backfired he didn't just go after minorities he goin after everybody that ain't straight white christian fundamentalist twat so there's that.
"In 1977 a decision by one Judge Simonson of Madison, Wisconsin, relieved some young men of responsibility for a sex crime they committed on the basis of rather dubious reasoning...
"The story was quickly picked up by the national news. Malvina's song was written in response to his decision and contributed to a recall campaign that eventually removed Simonson from the bench."
It’s disillusioning how many people ARE attracted to this kind of rationale. As far as I’m concerned, ANY system that puts one person above another for non-merit reasons is flawed & doomed to fail. The people today have strength that they’ve never had before. Use that strength to terminate bigotry.
It's a good thing that Supreme Court Justices, like any other Judge, set their personal feelings aside and use only the letter of the Law in their professional Rulings.
Unbelievable, is this idiot really saying that women are inferior. These people to want to go back to the Old Testament. Incredible that in 2025 we have regressed that far that he thinks this is a positive attribute
He's a trump ass kisser who thinks he's god's gift to the world. I wonder if he realizes that Wisconsinites don't like gag gifts - especially in the form of fascists who want to be Supreme Court Justices.
Weird. I'm personally against all these old ass white dudes thinking they have any solutions to America's problems when old white dudes are the ones who have always been in charge and are therefore the ones actually responsible for all of America's problems.
Have you ever been to WI? There are a ton of people who are far below decent. There are counties full of them outside of Milwaukee. He will have no problem finding voters that are as mentally ill as he is.
We have a lot of d-bags surrounding the blue dots in WI. I’m not sure enough of them have buyer’s remorse yet to vote for Crawford. Right now, they are tied in the polls.
I had someone who was obviously paid on behalf of his campaign stop by with flyers for him. I requested that they take their flyers with Satan and his minions off my property. His flyers has the PGR’s (pussy grabbing Rapist or trump) photo on it.
3/3 Detective asked DA for a search warrant for her home to see if bullet would match one of her rifles. And maybe finally get her guns away. The DA - Brad Schimel - refused to give him a search warrant. I hate the man.
2/3 Detective we spoke with had dealt with her before. I believe he was hoping to use this as a way to get the guns out of her house. Sent bullet casing to state lab. Got results that indicated type of rifle. Casing could now be matched to the exact rifle that was used.
1/3 My dog was shot and killed by a neighbor years ago. He managed to get home. He died, but we had the bullet casing. Likely shooter was a woman who locals thought was crazy and dangerous. Had previously shot at neighbors and threatened to shoot people on her property.
I see he's saying "personally", so he can equivocate about whether he recognizes marriages in a court of law. Because he's going to claim he follows the law, when cornered...
Now, someone needs to ask Schimel if he "personally" recognizes Elon Musk's citizenship...
Wisconsin has many decent people who will vote against him. Sadly, though, Wisconsin also has plenty of hicks, rednecks, racists, sexists, morons and low-information voters.
I still do Not understand why the government needs to know who you merry? And why do they know who do you love? It’s all so out of time! It’s all about controlling the people because out of fear.
My dad asked an insightful question long ago, "What does the government have to do with marriage anyway?" I thought a bit and guessed inheritance laws.
What I meant was: why do they know if I want to marry a men or a woman? Here in Germany it’s mostly about taxes. If you married you pay less tax because they expect you to have kids, so you need more money.
I'm in a red county and have had to drive to Madison before major elections to be among Dems and see all the countless yard signs--just to improve my mental health
Sister-n-law says all she sees are Brad signs when driving around and a lot of local support… that’s how it was when 47 won the state. A lot of local business and law enforcement support for him too…
The constitution says "right to pursue happiness, so long as that happiness does not impede on another's rights" 2 men getting married has no affect on a man and a woman getting married, therefore it is unconstitutional to deny marriage equality of ANY kind.
In the candidate debate he went to great lengths to describe how, as a justice, he would adjudicate based on the law, but implied ‘those other justices’ are activists. Uh huh.
because people are stupid and musk is spending a lot of money lying to try and get him elected. Tammy Baldwin a democrat won her race for senate. Harris lost because she ran a stupid campaign.
I’m going to leave this Inconvenient Truth here:
Marriage is a Divine arrangement between a man and a woman. Anything else is just a union (two people living together, pretending to be married).
If it’s divine, why are there licenses? Why is there special tax treatment? People should just be able to jump the broom or smash the glass, whatever… and boom… married.
I put the blame squarely on the shoulders of mankind governments. Its government’s fault for the acquisition of a marriage license, paying fees to get married, and its especially government’s fault for the existence of “civil unions”.
Prove me wrong.
You’re not wrong. So if marriage is only divinely inspired, whose divine is it? What if you’re atheist? Who decides who has the right to marry? That’s the problem when religion and government mix. We’re trying to link two different things… a divinely inspired union, and a legal one.
Here’s the Truth.
Marriage was started by God when he brought Eve to Adam. The State (man-made government, the god of atheists) can support that Divine institution, and rightly should. Where government goes wrong is when they act like God in saying that two men, or two women can be married.
No it’s not. But these other “relationships” cannot be put on the same level as a marriage between a man and a woman.
Adultery is the only legal reason for a marriage to end in divorce with the prospect of getting married again.
Marriage is a partnership of two equals (a man and a woman) working together to create a lasting and meaningful relationship. The man and woman complement each other. Two men or two women cannot do that.
Musk has spent a whopping record-setting $12 M on the WI Supreme Court election! That’s how important it is!
Please consider volunteering to prevent Musk from buying ANOTHER election!
1. There has been loving, long-term, gay relationships as long as there have been people, and this has never caused society to fall apart.
2. I don't think there's any equality in his marriage either.
Wisconsin has been battling gerrymandered maps for a few years now. While the good people of Wisconsin have had some successes, they still have some bad actors in power such as:
I don't understand why anyone else's relationships are his business. If you're personally against gay marriage, don't marry a gay person and you'll be fine. It isn't compulsory.
He was are Wisconsin AG till 2019..a Gov Walker piece of shit leftover and not good for anyone. A true dinosaur as with the rest of our Republican elected. True Trumpers to the end and as far as I'm concerned not even human
That took a moment to make sense to me.
"WI" here in the UK means "The Women's Institute", a group that does good charitable works.
Then I realised this was posted from you.
But the question remains the same. I doubt if any of our lovely ladies from the WI would vote for him, if they could.
I don't care whether someone is "personally" for or against some other person's rights. It's when they think their personal opinions about someone else's rights matter. (I'd 'personally' ban cauliflower...)
You don't have to agree with marriage equity, but if elected, you need to keep your opinions to yourself and follow the law. What you believe has no place in law or the courts.
My vote goes to Susan Crawford for sure. I just hope many turn out for the 4/1 election and vote for Susan, who actually gives a shit about us. I am a little bit afraid that musk can hack the votes for this, like he did in November
It's not easy. The best is if you're plugged into the legal gossip network and can hear what lawyers say about candidates. If the bar association lets you see their raw data for rankings, good too.
spent like $13 million so far. i doubt he could even sell $13 million worth of Teslas in WI but he is a petty vengeful child.
His opponent, Susan Crawford, is a reasonable and fair justice who follows the law.
Remember the first rule of a cult: cut off outside information and create a distrust for media. The press is an "Enemy of the people" and "Liberal lies."
Like Trump, Musk has been the big $$ behind Schimel's campaign.
Born: February 18, 1965 (age 60), Wisconsin, United States
Party: Republican Party
Previous office: Attorney General of Wisconsin (2015–2019)
Children: Hailey Schimel, Mackenzie Schimel
Education: University of Wisconsin Law School (1990), …
Spouse: Sandi Schimel
Dbags who think one partner should be subservient should not be allowed to marry.
He thinks the law should force women to produce heirs for their rapists.
He blames children for being raped,
He defended gerrymandering that ensured his party got 2/3 of the legislature with just 50% of the vote.
Now he's a circuit court judge here in Waukesha county.
💙 💙 💙 💙💙👆👆💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙
Now, someone needs to ask Schimel if he "personally" recognizes Elon Musk's citizenship...
Also GOP: Why aren't people getting married anymore??
He doesn’t get to determine who other people marry.
They’re still being polite and not aggressive, and this guy’s campaign is being super aggressive, and making the other candidate look like a loser.
Democrats seriously need a new campaign strategy.
Prove me wrong 😔
Marriage is a Divine arrangement between a man and a woman. Anything else is just a union (two people living together, pretending to be married).
Prove me wrong.
Marriage was started by God when he brought Eve to Adam. The State (man-made government, the god of atheists) can support that Divine institution, and rightly should. Where government goes wrong is when they act like God in saying that two men, or two women can be married.
And HOW is it affected by other people’s relationships? - including those of adulterers
Adultery is the only legal reason for a marriage to end in divorce with the prospect of getting married again.
Is it because in biblical marriage a woman becomes the property of her husband whereas same sex marriage is clearly a union of equals?
And I still don’t see how any relationship between two people you have never met can make any difference to your relationship.
Vote 💙 for
Please consider volunteering to prevent Musk from buying ANOTHER election!
(BTW, phone banking is fun! It’s my favorite over texting, letter writing, etc)
2. I don't think there's any equality in his marriage either.
VOTE 4/1
That took a moment to make sense to me.
"WI" here in the UK means "The Women's Institute", a group that does good charitable works.
Then I realised this was posted from you.
But the question remains the same. I doubt if any of our lovely ladies from the WI would vote for him, if they could.
His entire demographic is indecent people.