Rewriting or re-whiteing history. See, this is exactly why the masses believe that Jesus “of Nazareth” who lived approx 2000 years ago was a white, blue-eyed, blondish-brown, straight haired man. Please stop. These ships have sailed.
Wind Talkers was the movie about it. I remember thinking "I'll watch that" but never got around to it 😔 Navajo speakers were important to military intelligence in World War II and should be recognised!
If you have not yet watched windtalkers, you need to get onto it. It's a great set piece action war movie. It is a fictional movie, but based, in part, on real-life events. But the way your government is going, it'll be the only thing left to remind us of the part they played in the war.
You do not have to be american to learn american history. In fact, americans know the least about american history. The whole of the rest of the world know more about american history than americans, and that's a fact!
Their current administration is erasing american history, rewriting it.
I did a unit of American history at an Australian university. I think Americans should do the same. It's embarrassing how much they don't know, especially about their constitution and government.
I live in NZ now, but I was schooled in England. I learned a lot about american history through choice. I had a fascination with the old west, and a huge collection of western pulp fiction novels. I wanted to learn facts, not just movie and novel fiction. So I studied. Americans should, also.
Is there no one at any of these agencies who can just go back in and add all these pieces of history back after those weasels delete them?? (I’m not even mentioning saying no in the first place) But I can’t imagine the MAGAts are ambitious enough to check the sites again.
Last night I had a complete meltdown because my white noise app crashed. I have a TBI. I later apologized to my guy and said I didn’t know why I’m so stressed. He said quietly, “I do.”
I bet all the Black, Indian and Hispanic US Servicemen who were killed fighting in Europe and the Pacific wished they’d got rid of DEI before they shipped off to fight for their country.
trump has a long history of hating Native Americans..... who remembers the casino board where trump says.... I've seen Indians, they don't look like Indians.
Crazy, their work was pivotal in the Pacific front - the secret communication codes based on the Navajo language were unable to be broken or deciphered by the Japanese.
Almost as crazy as removing Enola GAY... got to wonder what they're smoking up there in the Pentagon admin.
trump who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth complains about how badly he was treated while he proves he is a fascist, imperialist. Navajo, Comanche, Cherokee et al were actually treated badly and helped fight fascism and imperialism in Europe and the Pacific.
Looks like Americans
will have to reflect on the underlying issues that seem to threaten those who are so hell bent on removing all evidence of racial heroism displayed in all walks of life. I can’t wait for these Neanderthals to deny that Rosa Park ever rode that bus!
I guess this means that WWII was won COMPLETELY by White people. Could someone answer this question: Why does Pete Hogguts look like he has to appear before a judge for a DWI and is wearing a suit he last put on 20 years ago and it's the only suit he has?
Bit of history…the moron’s father marched with the KKK. Also,Friedrich Trump, Trump’s grandfather was deported from Germany in 1905 for failing to do his mandatory military service there. The only reason the Trumps are even in this country is because they got thrown out of another one for cowardice.
Actually, Navajo code talkers served in the Pacific theater of operations and helped defeat Imperial Japan, not Nazi Germany. You of all people should know this, Georgie boi.
These men were badass heroes, and it INFURIATES me that this trash administration is trying to erase them. They might be able to temporarily, but in the long run they will lose, and those of us who know and care about facts will remember what they tried to do.
Mr. Takei I so appreciate your posts to help educate people who don’t realize that you have actually lived through a nightmare like this 🙏🙏🙏thank you for all you do 💙❤️
Every day is more horrifying. This makes me want to go buy more books. I bought your book yesterday, along with one about Rosa Parks and MLK Jr. I’m a retired teacher. Books keep the past safely accessible. We all need to keep history on our book shelves.
Well hold on. The first group of Nazis during world war II sometimes got tricked into joining the military
The second group of Nazis watched America kick those people's asses piss on their ideology and then the new Nazis went yeah I should get involved, decades after being shown I was a loser
The Republicans party need to be referred to as "the Russian party" from now on. Literally any other administration would be accused of sedition if they did a fraction of what Trump is doing.
Not even that, it is history repeating itself, this same shit literally happened 90 years ago in Europe and it is sad the MAGA crowd don't see anything wrong with it...
Although minor note - I believe code talkers were mostly in the Pacific. Apparently, they were used in World War I, but not in the case of World War II.
But the Japanese Empire, at that time, was part of the Axis Power, so it is sort of correct.
correct. nazis operated in the European theater of operation. there’s no evidence they ever tried during the war to help the Japanese decipher the language
My great-grandfather fought alongside the US in the Battle of Borneo - the bloodiest battle resulting in the most loss of Australian lives in a campaign.
Turning over in his grave is not a powerful enough sentiment.
The silver lining is that they’re setting a lot of smart and capable people up as the other side. It may take time but when it happens they won’t stand a chance.
Every single non-white person in the US army should go on strike immediately! Your service is obviously not appreciated, and no matter what kind of heroic act you may perform, you will not get any credit for it
This horrible orange fart face and nazi hegseth do not know what the Code Talkers did for this country. Removing Black, Latino and women who were in the military is shameful!
depressing.. this will backlash on gop like a boomerang.. vets wont tolerate this abuse of power removing pivotal figures and events from our hard fought successes that cost many lives and sacrifices for what? Stealing public funds for 4.5t taxcuts so we can be offended enough to look the wrong way
What i do not understand. This is part of US military history. The great accomplixhments. How about honor and pride. How can the military keep silent? Or does she want to be silenced. They took an oath to prevent the constitution against enemies forein and DOMESTIC.
They claim that about all countries they allied with (when they eventually joined in having to be dragged kicking and screaming into the fold), Canada was on the ball with joining in only 7 days after us brits declared war, because Canada too loves freedom...
Civil & Voting Rights
Affordable Care Act
Clean Air & Water
Inflation Reduction Act
Women's Equality
Gun Safety Act
Social Security
Disability Rights
Social Safety Net
Chips and Science Act
Occupational Safety & Health
Pandemic American Rescue Plan
The most disconcerting aspect of this is that it accomplishes exactly nothing, except showing beyond any doubt the lows these people are capable of and bringing great shame on all of the US and primarily their armed forces. They can't remove them from all the websites, History books, videos etc.
And in the CR the Dem leadership did not stop also allows Trump to create his own Hitler Youth - there’s a segment giving him unilateral power and funding to create his own military units.
Do NOT get me started! My grandfather was Native American. My family has volunteered in every conflict. My grandmother was German. While her brothers and sons fought WWl & WWll they were putting her family in concentration camps. My Dad was 100% Italian and flew with the famed 422nd. Also camps.
Trump is too stupid to do any of this or even know any of this....question is, who has the auto pen now because someone else is coming up with this, not him, they are just feeding it to him.
Fuck DonOLD Trump!🖕🏽🤡 No fucking shame “those” people! Bunch of fucking idiots!! 🤪 There’ll be no one left! They act like white people are superior yet they’re really fuck all without abusing POC & theft of their land to enrich themselves, then thinking they’re better!! Karma can’t come soon enough!
Only straight white males shall be honored in any way regardless of others' worthiness of that honor.
Apparently that's a new rule.
This whole government is now a worthless sack of nazi crap.
Of course! The folks in charge of removing history don’t want the opposition to their favorite hero’s racism, bigotry and genocide known: much of the MAGAT cult depends upon propagating the lie that they are morally correct and in the majority, which is why they prefer ignorant supporters.
It's a racist, sexist policy that recognizes only the contributions of white men in preserving our freedom. Never mind that the President behind the policy is a convicted FELON and draft dodger. Sickening and offensive.
I am not Navajo, but I am German, Polish, and 1/8th Shawnee, and this is how it has been since our lands were stolen. I include my other ancestors because even though I am part European, I am also part of these lands and of the United States, and it is disgusting what they are doing.
The world is watching this fool & his MAGA/ NAZIs, and those he tries to delete are having heightened status to all of us, he will hide them from his loyalists but never from us.
Nazis could not break the code talkers in WWII and today's Nazis still can not break the code talkers. They do not want any type of communications that they can not hack and control.
So, he's saying that white men could have done this better if not for some form of DEI?
This has nothing to do with DEI. It is pure, criminally racist, white-male supremacy.
They explained it, in their effort to rid the military of its equitable woke-marxist ideology, they are going to make a few mistakes. They will correct those mistakes. Or not. But trust them, their intentions are good, for a given value of "good" as MAGA defines it.
Their current administration is erasing american history, rewriting it.
One of their first hate crimes was to burn the archives of the Institute of Sexual Science.
Almost as crazy as removing Enola GAY... got to wonder what they're smoking up there in the Pentagon admin.
will have to reflect on the underlying issues that seem to threaten those who are so hell bent on removing all evidence of racial heroism displayed in all walks of life. I can’t wait for these Neanderthals to deny that Rosa Park ever rode that bus!
DEI might save democracy, simply because evil refuses to perceive the talents of capable and diverse people.
It would suck if so many people went to protest Orange Turd in your turf
Or bring out signs that say "F*ck Trump"
That would just be soooo sad 🤷♀️🚨
Historical Archive
Will the contributions made by all non-US servicemen to defeat the Kaiser and Hitler be gradually erased?
Judging by recent statements, Trump and his mates actually seem to believe that the USA was solely responsible for winning both wars.
The Nazis were Japans allies though.
“We’ll actually …
Just like Nazi websites.
The second group of Nazis watched America kick those people's asses piss on their ideology and then the new Nazis went yeah I should get involved, decades after being shown I was a loser
But the Japanese Empire, at that time, was part of the Axis Power, so it is sort of correct.
Our diversity is a STRENGTH, not a weakness!
I need to look this up. Thanks.
Turning over in his grave is not a powerful enough sentiment.
1 - Project 2025 is being implemented by the letter.
2 - You won't have any more free elections.
3 - The vast majority of the Democratic Party leaders aren't leaders, aren't even democrats.
4 - Your country became:
The Divided Christian Nazi States of America.
Currently Dems ate in the minority. What do you imagine is in their power that they haven't done?
Affordable Care Act
Clean Air & Water
Inflation Reduction Act
Women's Equality
Gun Safety Act
Social Security
Disability Rights
Social Safety Net
Chips and Science Act
Occupational Safety & Health
Pandemic American Rescue Plan
Should NEVER have happened.
The government isn't a toy, and they're treating it like it's a circus.
Apparently that's a new rule.
This whole government is now a worthless sack of nazi crap.
This has nothing to do with DEI. It is pure, criminally racist, white-male supremacy.
Shame of
Thousands of brave American soldiers gave their blood and their lives to fight against fascism and Trump becomes Hitler 2.0
J. D. Vance
What will be left then? All the faults?
We will be putting these back in as soon as the white supremacists are removed.