Exclusive: NACC asked former Solicitor-General Justin Gleeson to review its Robodebt decision and then rescinded the offer over concerns that a former Coalition Minister (Person 6) would rain hell. https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/news/law-crime/2024/11/16/exclusive-nacc-dumped-gleeson-over-concerns-coalition-minister
Let's test what 'beyond reproach' means.
Morrison should never be allowed to represent Australia ever again.
Always illegal, always wrong.
All the best and hope you and the family is travelling well.
Australia demands Justice.
Resign, you useless bastards!
find it interesting to see what SMH lets us read without paying. I figure we can draw conclusions about the choices they make. Today - surprise, surprise - I can read Paul Brereton’s defensive response to calls for his resignation over the NACC Robodebt decision.
Great work Rick Morton.
Why should folks at the top have *less* accountability than a minion?
We've already seen that he is corrupt while in charge of an anti-corruption farce, so allowing him the option of staying on really should be unthinkable.
If someone offered a bribe to an official with his clearances, the security agencies would be as thick as the flies at the Engadine maccas!
That had a chance, it wasted millions of taxpayer dollars and failed.
They can’t be trusted.
Let the independents and minor parties create it.
The worrying thing is the question "Why doesn't Labor want a functioning NACC either"?
Skeletons in the closet?
How much corruption is actually in our Political System?
On this evidence?
it is most likely rampant.
This is unbelievable.
Partlett believes Brereton should resign …
“I think the reputation of the institution, of this newly created anti-corruption commission, rests heavily on the leadership. And in this case, he’s shown his leadership to be lacking,” he said.
Just posting for no reason.
He must resign or be sacked.
Also - he presented at a conference about public trust in government?
Farcical and an embarrassment to those that designed it this way.
Brereton is finished.
Thanks Rick