“Cats and humans have been partners for over ten thousand years. And what you realize when you've lived with a cat for a long time is that we may think we own them, but that's not the way it is. They simply allow us the pleasure of their company.”
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This is my Jenny. 3 years ago (aged 3), we found out she had heart disease and a suspected heart attack. We've managed to control it with meds until last week, when we were told that she's started to deteriorate 💔. She's the most loving cat.
Thank you. She is so loving and gentle. We have 5 ex rescue cats. Jenny was abandoned with her mum and siblings (boxed up and left to die in freezing weather).
The true measure of that is the cats who have their own little doors and come home every night by choice. Living their best lives with servants at their disposal.
O yeah, Missy. This is true. They allow us to dwell in their abodes, they are the royalty and we are their humble servants…
But we don’t mind cause they got the attitude of Lions while being so cute and fuzzy! Pic: Out for a stroll.
I like to think abt how humans used one of the 1st written languages to write extensively & lovingly abt Bast inside the Red Pyramid. The Divine Mother, She Who Was Before the Gods. Women would wear pendants w/kittens the same number as the children they wanted from Bast. ❤️
I don't know abt that. My two are so SO very clingy to the point that I occasionally really need time alone & I have a very difficult time. They're well fed, with a source of dry food in-between wet food,& cared for very well. But I literally can't make a move where they aren't begging for pets 24/7
And yes... I cuddle and pet pamper them all the time I'm in the house with them. They never ever meow, but they plop at my feet, my lap, my chest depending on where I am. I believe we have an equally adoring relationship that suits me just fine.
Truth. We just live in their world. Also, a handsome and delicious cat can never be a guilty cat. My Hero cat taught me that both things cannot be true at the same time. 🥰
Right now one of my partners is sleeping in the other room and the other is snoring in her bed above me so I guess it's time to join them in that endeavor. Have a pleasant day with Missy and her siblings. I'm going to my bed to see which one will grace me with their presence.
Buddy the Cat agrees. I’m not allowed to pick him up, hug him, or touch him without his consent. If I disobey Buddy the Cat's rules, there are consequences.
I woke up this morning and Buddy was sleeping and hugging me. Buddy the Cat is super sweet when he’s sleeping.
I've "had" cats for over 60 years. About 40 years ago I learned that - in ancient Egypt - cats were considered & treated as gods. genetically, they remember. I tell people that frequently, adding that they're not going to allow us to forget! lol
In ancient Egypt, killing a cat, even by accident, was punishable by death. This was one of the most serious laws in Egypt regarding cats. Cats were highly revered in ancient Egypt and were considered to have "divine energy".
We had a cat that absolutely adored my husband (aka the cat whisperer). Whenever our sweet pet deigned it time to sit on my lap, I felt "blessed by his presence."
That is the ABSOLUTE truth & they also choose, of ALL they allow to be in their company, which is the one they own 👍😽!! I love you SO VERY, VERY much precious Missy 🤗😽😽😽😽! 💕😻
Over time the relationship between cats and humans has evolved while not reaching the fully domesticated status of dogs. One of the understudied aspects of cat behaviour is the cat purr, the vibrations created by a purr can promote bone growth and bone repair. https://youtu.be/UyCMc9HtTsY
I have loved every single cat that has lived with me. Because even though I realize they are ones in control, I have always gone willingly. The benefits and reciprocal love has been amazing. 😻
Cats are furry psychopaths bent on world domination. As a matter of fact, if the furballs had opposable thumbs, they'd have done it already LOL They only allow us hoomans to survive because we can open cans or bags of food. BTW: in a household, the cat owns everything LMAO
Dogs have owners; cats have staff (hoomans). Once you bring a cat home, possession of everything reverts to the cat. And, yes, the kittehs own us hoomans.
Any pet that we have domesticated like horses like even alligators people buy them and then can't handle them in a bathtub and they throw them in the sewers or nice places like popcorn zoo take care of them any pet that we take into our home we need to treat like a king or a queen
I've never thought I own an animal. I think of myself as an adoptive parent or a caregiver. And don't anybody start with me: I have two grown human children whom I adore.
I like to think of it as a mutal exchange, a partnership, if you will. I provide all services required and they let me live in my house. Are they grateful? No. Do they reciprocate in any way? Also, no. But I could never live without the little assholes, and they know it.
And petting my aunt has a cat she overfed thats how she showed him love the blighter absconded to my house only because I petted him rubbed his back and belly etc 😩
I mean we own them too but I totally think we don't own them like we own a car. It's like not like we own our kids. They're ours. The reason they happily live with us is the result of hundreds of thousands if not millions of years of humans and cats bonding through mutual needs and I just love that.
Lily and Marie are purring for yoi 🐈🐈
Sending Jenny scritchies 🐈
She's a beautiful girl 💖
They don't need us. And they know it.
But we don’t mind cause they got the attitude of Lions while being so cute and fuzzy! Pic: Out for a stroll.
I always said I wanted to live a life of service
I serve them
Cats and dogs
Food, treats, snacks, open the doors, wash their beds, sweep the fur, brush them, clean their bowl, multiple walks per day
Lather rinse repeat 📆🐕🐈🐱🦮🐈⬛🐶🐕🦺🐈⬛🐈🐱🦝🐱
Cats have staff.
I woke up this morning and Buddy was sleeping and hugging me. Buddy the Cat is super sweet when he’s sleeping.
It's good thing cats are so cool.
She owes me nothing and I am grateful everyday that she chooses to spend time with me.
Cats have service staff.
The only good narcissist is a cat!
Cats have "staff".
A dog looks at you and says "Wow, you take care of me, feed me, and give me shelter. You must be a god!"
A cat looks at you and says "Wow, you take care of me, feed me, and give me shelter. I must be a god!"
Have a wonderful day.
Love you ♥️♥️♥️
I’ve never considered myself to be the owner of an animal.
I am their guardian and their companion.
Dogs have owners.
Cats have staff.
“You don’t own a cat,
The cat owns You!”
People do sometimes refer to him as my familiar, but it does seem like the opposite is more true hahah