Yes! I remember before his first term when an ex friend and MAGAt said that to me, and no longer after, it was. She’s still a MAGAt, and she had two abortions and her sister three. I never had one, but always advocated for the right. It’s so contradictory. Just like the lies of their cult leader
They may not cut it, but they'll "borrow" a huge chunk of the SS fund to prop up crypto, which is backed by nothing. They've been itching to do it with somebody else's money since day one when they took office.
And I'll have to do what I haven't wanted. Find a sponsor for arming myself. About $2,500-$3,000
I can teach anyone that DM's me.
Anyone have the cash they want to use?
It’s already happened. Trump-Musk fired large numbers of social security department workers, so now there are fewer people to process our SS benefit checks!
True, but one may want to chances trying to jump off that train and helping others too rather than ride it to it’s point of conclusion of a major crash and collapse
Germany didn’t become democratic again until it lost WW2 and the Marshall Plan rebuilt it. We need to hope that whoever defeats us and Russia in WW3 is interested in rebuilding us and installing a democratic government.
My sinking suspicion is that their primary targets are disability payments (SSI, SSDI). They can play the “it’s my money” retirement benefit recipients off against the disabled. And fascism is a eugenics project.
Jeez I really hope that doesn't happen, my mom is 86 but she still insist on living alone, although her Medicare pays for someone to come in few times a week and help. But she obviously can't go get a job, she's lucky she would have a place to go, but what about people who don't?
You’re about to see some very terrible things just so already rich people can become more wealthy. I’m sorry, 😞 I voted to reduce harm not charge headlong into our destruction
The REPs have wanted to cut Social Security since it was created, they *HATE* that there's this big bucket of money they can't touch that gets given to Poors™️ every month. Every so often they toss out the idea of gutting it and it's always been quickly shot down for being grossly unpopular.
But now it doesn't matter how unpopular it is. We live in a time where laws are worthless because of the worst possible form of selective enforcement. They don't care how loudly their actions are decried because *NOBODY IS DOING ANYTHING TO STOP THEM*.
Some in the MSM did report on P2025 and those that didn't were likely bought by some right-wing asshole. The people didn't 'cause they're in a bubble or dumber than fuckin' shit.
It if you want to know what’s going on in a week look at project 2025. That’s why I want a federal judge to rule on project 2025. Is an agenda or a plot to overthrow our government. It clearly ends us being a white Christian nation. If we get that ruling, then we can try them all for treason.
I have a coworker who swears, "they can't touch Social Security" She voted for the dumbshit. And now she's complaining because prices are going up. What did she think was gonna happen? Maybe. Just maybe if her checks stop, she'll believe. Doubt it.
Well, Trump explained it to your little friend last night! He said the reason "egg prices" are sky high is because BIDEN DID THAT.
Which naturally cancels Trump's obligation to do anything about it, like he swore he would do on "Day One" (or whatever). Right down your idiot coworker's memory hole!
trump raging about President Biden & blaming Biden for everything is getting old & makes trump sound like a moron. But I guess maga can't get enough of it & what they want is all that seems to matter at this point.
Trump, Musk and essentially, Putin no longer care what people think or know or feel about how they "sound". They're at the controls and they've now got the power to do any goddamned thing they want.
The rule of law? The courts? SCOTUS (as if)? Without U.S. Marshals to come in and bust 'em? HA.
MAGA’s threat to fire 50% of the SS Administration could mean that checks can’t be delivered even if they don’t cut our benefits. Wake up seniors. MAGA doesn’t give a fig about you.
Save your earnings record as a pdf in case the social security database is purged of the records with invalid date of birth.There may be accidents during the purge.
Trump is already threatening to fire 50% of the Social Security Administration’s personnel. If they follow through there won’t be sufficient personnel to send out checks. Think about that!
They're already massively understaffed. There's a good chance checks will slow down soon just based on them not being allowed to hire the additional personnel they were planning to hire this year, let alone any cuts.
Or grandchildren like in my case. If my grandmother doesn't have Social Security, no one can financially support her. I have two young children, and we don't make nearly enough money to support her and her needs. She doesn't have any living children. And my sibling lives in Europe.
It's eugenics. They want to take away the "drains on the system" which would be elderly people and sick kids basically. Anyone who's disabled. It's eugenics plain and simple.
Wait until they try the #2025 #WomenVote ONLY thru husbands. Not sure how they eliminate a single woman's vote. Women need to wake up and I'm thinking that kind of stupidity just might do it. It IS in 2025 directive.
Yes, between Elmo and Trump's mommy issues are making the entire US population suffer. BOTH moms allowed them to be abused by Daddy. Both just didn't breast feed enuff, apparently?
This is why it's getting more and more critical that we stop moaning about this stuff and pulling "i toldja so" posts on social media, but instead get out, organize local resistance groups, and start pulling the civil disobedience/disruption en masse. Shut these farkers down.
The hardcore magas will be the ones to watch when we do. They can't be trusted not to get violence.
And the monster will probably pardon them like he did the J6 felons.
Call your Senators & Representative every day! Especially if they're Republicans. It'll take you less than 10 minutes. Do it or don't complain that they're spineless!
You guys voted in a Nazi who said you will not be voting in anymore elections if he won, which he did. There is no voting in Trumpnazistan, unless its rigged. You should be more concerned about hiring a black person and thus being called racist and being imprisoned for a betrayal of the white race.
Do you think the people who are commenting here are “you guys” that voted for that asshole? We did not. I would venture to guess that many of us not only voted for Kamala Harris, but donated/worked for her.
I can't separate Russians from their country either, I mean you guys as the democratic members of former America, now, those who live where America once was, in Trumpnazistan, most don't realise they've lost their country and think they'll get to vote a Nazi out of power, it's kind of absurd.
Yup and as a SS receiver, I worry every day when will they do this. keeps saying the Democrats won't let this happen, but are they doing to prevent it?
It's not lies, being blind to how ineffectual the dems are is only going to empower republicans. We need to force change within the party to make them 1) Work for their constituents rather than their donors. 2) Battle the republicans on their level rather than acquiesce every time they're challenged
🙄 "hOw dArE yOu cRiTiCiZe yOr eLeCtEd oFfiCiALs!". The democrats don't worry about such criticisms either and I'll criticize them if I want, I'm an American voter.
"Empty platitudes". "Soft words". "Damning with faint praise" was not what I did. Get a grip, boomer and stop simping for politicians
Ha! It can't be prevented thanks to voters of trump, non voters and those who stuck up their nose and voted third party or write-in.
Our duty from this point on is to ostracize those people wherever possible. No phone. No emails, no neighborly chats to keep the peace.
No food, no money transfers.
Why would you believe that fucking guy? He lied over 30,000 times during his last term! He stole classified documents, he attempted a coup when he lost an election and conned assholes to storm the capital for him. And that's just off the top of my head.
exCUSE ME! you WROTE "Mrs. Doubtfire"? or were ONE of the writers? SILLIOUSLY? (Silly + serious) RUDY! We found a REAL ONE! a REAL JOKESTER, not just a WANNABE like most of us! Wow! This isn't CLICKBAIT, rt, Randi? (1 of my fave grrl's names, btw- Danni, Sammi, Tommi) tbc..
2/ RANDI! WE...(me & Rudy & Dana & Judith & Bunny -MAYbe not her REAL NAME? & others need NEW MATERIAL- BAD JOKES that make ppl LAFF. Got any SPARE TIME? LOVE "Mrs. Doubtfire", btw. TOO FUNNY. Miss Robin BIG TIME.
GOOD ONE...and IT's called WHATEVER STOOPID SHIT THE PRESIDENT SAYS NEXT...makes it go UP & DOWN...all based on REALITY to it. Why I got OUT...did OK...used to do "day trading".. Figured out it's a RICH MAN'S GAME. Some1 check on Doug, will ya? (O_O)
I mean, lots of countries have *elections*, and yet... of course, not just any citizen is allowed to run in the elections. (And sometimes the rules change during the elections.)
In the US they don't have to cheat quite as obviously to win. A big part of it is whether you even run enough polling stations. In Canada I have voted in every available election for decades and never waited more than 5 minutes.
Better start savings that extra 5 cents left over after paying bills, right? It's coming. Prepare for it. Republicans borrowed billions of it. They don't want to pay it back.
What some people don't seem to realize is that they're *always* trying to cut Social Security (or at least let it die without aid) and that *now* they may actually be able to finish the job.
I still remember the a**hole — a colleague in print media & a die-hard GOPer from Fla. — who spat on me years back & snarled: 'They'll never overturn Roe v. Wade!' then spat on me again for good measure.
Now you can see why I call him an a**hole, even after all this time.
Yeap. Which is why I found a job with a pension, and then sold the pension for a 401a. Only thing I missed out on ways retiree health insurance. But moving to France in 188 days so I am good. Very blessed. I pushed my kids to work for UPS and union members, like me. Hope that holds for them.
They will take the guns from Democrats, and they will start with Transgender people and work into other groups until all of the resistance is without a weapon.
We had an awful amount of time to Codify Roe as law, RGB encouraged doing so decades ago. The "We thought it was settled" argument has never had merit.
While nowhere near the same level as social security, my co-worker is a fellow veteran, he says the same thing when I tell him they will cut the commissary and post exchange (would be a significant blow for military families).
Seriously, the Dems could come up with bills that will give pay & severance to those who lost jobs, benefits, medical or whatever, like Congress did during C19. At least they will be seen in a better light than GOP who just want to slash/burn
Agreed, but they can at least run on the fact that they tried. Plus we need multiple solutions like massive, peaceful protests, signs everywhere, & so much more.
This is exactly what's going to break the gates of hell. I've lived in Alabama for one year (never again), but what I did learn is when they revolt, they aim to pew pew.
You want to stir up a bees nest.... I can't wait to see the roughly 940,000 Seniors in Florida rush off to Mar-A-Lago... we can go from adorable to horrible in seconds flat.
Look out ole Donny Boy... you cut Social Security and you won't know what hit you!
I was around to witness the civil rights marches, the Beatles landing in the U.S., in the 70’s when women couldn’t get a credit card, and I’m still here and able to march in protest!!!
All this pontificating, all this I-told-you smugness, but the truth is that ordinary hardworking seniors like me & my husband--both 74, and both with 50+ yrs of working and paying, would lose our home, our Medicare, our health, our dignity, our life savings. Anxiety is destroying my life.
I feel for what you and your husband are going through, Anne. I do.
What I am not going to do, though, is pretend 77M voters didn't elect this. These facts and policy positions were not obscured. Anyone with half a brain could find the information.
You are kind of tone-policing others for being smug about people who voted against their own interests, tasting the consequences. The fact is, they were 100% cool with it until they realized the not-so-small print included them, too.
I don’t think it’s futile - I think you have an incredible opportunity - they might listen to you, as an actual constituent!
So much more possibility there than me calling my blue reps. It’s the Republicans who we need to sway. Even just one or two, even just for one issue.
Yep. Had an argument with someone who told me I was overreacting about Roe; they also told me there was no way social security would be dismantled. Yeah, just like Roe.
All those no town halls allowed will end up going to every congressional office in full swing protests or bus the people directly to DC as if going to a gambling casino for fun entertainment
But for fun protest of good trouble
As long as Elmo is hacking govt databases, he should query SS recipients with how they voted. Vote for Trump, your check gets cut in half; vote for Biden, maybe a small increase.
1. 'They are only cutting waste from the SS system.'
2. 'Of course they should increase the age for SS benefits for others'
3. 'SS is a handout that keeps people out of the workforce'
4. 'We can't afford SS as a country'
5. 'We support cutting SS'
Dems are ineffective. Last night they should have followed Greens example and rioted. They sat there like corpses. What a tragic embarrassment. We deserve what we get- inaction is surrender.
That's right. And for too many people, the U.S. is becoming unlivable thanks to stagnant wages and ever increasing cost of living. So they desperately swing from one party to the next hoping someone will help them out, only for both parties to fuck them in different ways.
In some respects it may be beneficial for they system to be upended since both parties suffer from corruption with the insane republicons and the do-nothing dems. Someone needs to address the real issues affecting people's lives and no one is fucking doing it.
Well yeah, Dems put Kamala up for the POTUS race, un-nominated, even though she was incredibly unpopular in the 2020 nominations even in her own state. I still couldn't tell if that was some 4-D chess move by the oligarchy or if the DNC really is just that incompetent.
The 'supposed' things Dems do is actually what Hitler did to the Jews. Constant repeated lies & stereotypes & Trump vilifying Dems is pure propaganda. Truth is we all want peace, opportunity, fairness & a government that works for all Americans.
...the GOP fought SS's implementation tooth & nail, and has been fighting to end it ever since...
...they'll succeed eventually... terrorist group could ever DREAM of doing as much harm to the common American over the past century as has the GOP...
Dear 🇺🇸, incldg. Republican voters, pls realize #FelonTrump, GOP Trumpublican cult & BILLIONAIRE #Broligarchs — behind (F)elon Musk’s juvy #DOGEbagHackers — r laying out a #StartTheSteal LOOTING of ur PAID-FOR Social Security‼️
Don’t believe their MASS LIES about “FRAUD”👇 — they’re da FRAUD$‼️
Yep!!! My BIL last night shook his head ‘that’s never gonna happen’. Okay genius ! Ya’ll said the same shit about Roe v. Wade and look where we are. GTFOH!
My accountant told me that last year and I couldn't tell if he was outright delusional or just venally lying. Either way, I'm looking for a new accountant.
I've long felt like House and Senate seats should be limited to one longer term - say 8 years in the senate, 5 in the house. That way you take re-election and the dependency on appeasing the donor class that comes with it off the table as influencing factors.
And they’ve already got the VA pre-loaded for their third act. “He would never do that to veterans!” He is a draft dodger. He called them all losers. He absolutely will do that. I hope meal team six exercises those amendment rights they love so much when he does.
I will laugh my ass off if trump ends up being the one to "take their guns" .
That is the whole point of gun licences and registrations, so the local police can come knocking (or not) on your door.
If the government would keep their hands off our money, we would all be retiring as millionaires. The last time Trump was in office they owed us $700 million plus plus interest. It’s probably gone up by now. Republicans are not good Stewart’s of money. Especially when it’s not theirs
Never forget, Barbara Boxer in 2010, the last liberal democrat senator to serve in America, asked democrats to codify Roe into law.
Thanks to Obama, democrats held a huge majority in the House and Senate.
The collective response from democrats, "Roe is settled law"
Boxer called them fools
Damn straight but don't forget the democrats in congress who opposed everything we wanted Obama to accomplish.
Pelosi, Schumer and company saw to it, we paid the price for picking our own candidate.
Republicans' did not have the votes to overturn it regardless what Hatch would threaten.
Even today, there are republican senators that cannot stand against abortion rights. They have to answer to the entire state not a district.
That is why the national ban discussion died in January.
Hatch was a habitual liar. When senators lie about national security issues, nominees for national security and our courts, they should meet with a rope and a sturdy oak.
That information is incorrect
Obama enjoyed the biggest turnout of whites since 1976, he won by bigger electoral margins than all but one election in recent history.
Democrat's and the black community left Obama at the altar in January of 2009.
The Black leadership eviscerated Obama out of the gate
Boxer made a huge speech in the Senate, then called a meeting with House and Senate leaders, the DNC.
They all shot her down including that right wing freak we have for a democrat in my district.
Our country has been very naive-thinking that there would never come a time when a person like Trump would ever be elected POTUS. Even worse, we set up ZERO concrete, legal plans for what to do if it did happen. This feels almost like when covid first hit and no one knew what the hell to do.
The end result would be identical. SCOTUS overrules statutes it finds unconstitutional. Statutes are not protected from the whims of SCOTUS any more than precedent is. A statute codifying Roe has as much chance of being struck down as Roe did. See, e.g., US v. Windsor, Citizens United, etc.
We realize that freak fest of a court could still Strike down Roe but had Roe been codified by congress, the narrative would not have been abortion, it would have been women's rights to privacy which is where the democrats lost the narrative.
Roe was not argued or decided on a right to abortion.
I don't really understand your post. The Court in Dobbs held "the Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision." Are you talking about a constitutional right to privacy? The majority held there is no such right.
Because SCOTUS ruled there's no fundamental right re abortion, level of review is not strict scrutiny but intermediate scrutiny or rational basis. Intermediate scrutiny is used when the law serve an important government objective and is substantially related to achieving the objective. Doubtful.
The lowest level of review shifts the burden from the gov't to the challenger. Under rational basis, the person challenging the law must prove either (a) government has no legitimate interest in the law or policy; or there's no reasonable, rational link between that interest and the challenged law.
Because they'll only hurt people who don't look like me or who aren't the same sex as me, who don't have as much money as I do and who didn't support the orange guy.
Anybody who is saying that we are overreacting about Social Security need to remember this. They’re going to come after it. I believe them and everybody should believe them.
I've been overreacting since Reagan.
Because I actually listened to the GOP and conservatives. Anyone who ever listened to Grover Norquist, Paul Ryan, or some of the past GOP Senators who were honest, should be building guillotines right now.
People, by an large, don't pay attention. They think history is boring. The historical truth is Republicans have been been trying to gut social security since its implementation.
It's in the works to close Social Security headquarters in Baltimore so I would say it's a pretty good chance. He's also going to close CMS headquarters so it's quite likely Medicare and Medicaid are gone as well.
Meanwhile, they talk of means testing Social Security and Medicare. Make an AGI over $120,000 per year? No Social Security or Medicare (AGI over $120K can happen w/current Social Security + RMDs from 401(k) plans. Assets over $1 million? No Social or Medicare. $1 MM easy if owning own home.
I totally disagree. I’ve been paying Social Security since 1973. Give me my fucking money and keep your hands off of it. We would all be retiring as millionaires if they would’ve just left their hands out of it and given us a one percent.
I can teach anyone that DM's me.
Anyone have the cash they want to use?
Because I recall people saying that about Roe
If people were gonna wake up they would have already
they are going through it page by page crossing it off
we can just jump ahead to see the next 200 weeks
wondering which Friday news dump will end Marriage Equality
GOP hates Americans
Which naturally cancels Trump's obligation to do anything about it, like he swore he would do on "Day One" (or whatever). Right down your idiot coworker's memory hole!
The rule of law? The courts? SCOTUS (as if)? Without U.S. Marshals to come in and bust 'em? HA.
TheFelon's "theater", enumerating the long list of groups of long deceased Soc. Sec. recipients [all a lie, rebuked a couple of weeks ago], was a set-up for cutting Soc. Sec.
If you're cut off, good luck getting reinstated w no staff to help.
Excellent idea, though! Thank you!
95% care about their social security
Nursing homes are the largest recipient of Medicaid. They will close leaving hundreds of thousands on limbo
Such a terrible society
That man is going to kill billions
Started by everyone rolling over in the beginning which has turned into an avalanche.
Rs tried to kill it bc Govt participation in private sector is pinko shyt.
Neither achieved it bc their constituents reminded them that their labor depends of producing exports supported by govt de-risking.
Then they did.
Social Security and Medicare are going to be destroyed by these criminals.
And the monster will probably pardon them like he did the J6 felons.
How can wannabe dictator Donald push that onto Biden?
Magas are willfully ignorant but when Trump holds their money back watch them awake!
Source: am orphan
Lying about Democrats to empower Republicans is gross.
You words are empty platitudes about donors, soft words which undermine Democrats while emboldening Republicans who worry about no such criticisms.
Maybe criticize Republicans instead of damning Democrats with faint praise.
"Empty platitudes". "Soft words". "Damning with faint praise" was not what I did. Get a grip, boomer and stop simping for politicians
Our duty from this point on is to ostracize those people wherever possible. No phone. No emails, no neighborly chats to keep the peace.
No food, no money transfers.
Or are you trolling?
So...started out KNOCK KNOCK! rt?
Who's there?
SPELL...(your turn)
You might be a redneck if you think the stock market has a fence around it.😆😬
11 mil ppl voted yes to Saddam getting another 7 yr term. Zero nos.
Billionaires won’t be materially affected by any of this. They don’t give a shit if they lose 50% of their net worth.
Now you can see why I call him an a**hole, even after all this time.
None of the safety checks we have in place when the people in place to enact those checks are corrupt.
The only way to codify it in a way SCOTUS can't just overturn is to make an amendment, which is gonna be one hell of a fight.
Sorry about that.
Now's the time to start engaging in mutual aid.
Now's the time to start working with each other, helping each other, and with more than just money.
They need to change tactics.
They need to *physically* get in the way.
They need to scream and yell whenever someone tries to repeat a fascist talking point and be forcibly removed, one by one.
Protests are a fine way to meet like-minded people, but we need to be focused on real *action* right now.
Mutual aid, organized work stoppages/takeovers, sabotage, etc.
We need strong communities right now, and you don't build strong communities with purity tests.
Fascists and Nazis should be ostracized, but everyone else given a chance.
Or the Afghans
Or the Ukrainians
Look out ole Donny Boy... you cut Social Security and you won't know what hit you!
What I am not going to do, though, is pretend 77M voters didn't elect this. These facts and policy positions were not obscured. Anyone with half a brain could find the information.
Me, too—though it feels like an exercise in futility: my reps are Roy, Cruz & Cornyn. 😵💫
So much more possibility there than me calling my blue reps. It’s the Republicans who we need to sway. Even just one or two, even just for one issue.
But for fun protest of good trouble
ruin for this country!
2. 'Of course they should increase the age for SS benefits for others'
3. 'SS is a handout that keeps people out of the workforce'
4. 'We can't afford SS as a country'
5. 'We support cutting SS'
SS is way bigger
...they'll succeed eventually... terrorist group could ever DREAM of doing as much harm to the common American over the past century as has the GOP...
Don’t believe their MASS LIES about “FRAUD”👇 — they’re da FRAUD$‼️
Authoritarian governments do not like guns in the hands of citizens.
That is the whole point of gun licences and registrations, so the local police can come knocking (or not) on your door.
Even the militias won't stand for that...
Thanks to Obama, democrats held a huge majority in the House and Senate.
The collective response from democrats, "Roe is settled law"
Boxer called them fools
Pelosi, Schumer and company saw to it, we paid the price for picking our own candidate.
Even today, there are republican senators that cannot stand against abortion rights. They have to answer to the entire state not a district.
That is why the national ban discussion died in January.
Your using my Senator to lie about history and Democrats is despicable.
White people are getting what they voted for, overwhelmingly, in national elections for the past 60+ years.
Because they definitely are not voting for the Democratic party.
Obama enjoyed the biggest turnout of whites since 1976, he won by bigger electoral margins than all but one election in recent history.
Democrat's and the black community left Obama at the altar in January of 2009.
The Black leadership eviscerated Obama out of the gate
White USA voters have been refusing to vote for the Democratic party in national elections for over 60 years.
That's at least three generations of white voters making choices.
Obama did better than normal for democrats with the white voters.
They all shot her down including that right wing freak we have for a democrat in my district.
Congress cannot override Supreme Court rulings on Constitutional rights by passing laws - they'd need to ratify an Amendment.
The Supreme Court would have just overturned the law as not something Congress could do.
Roe was not argued or decided on a right to abortion.
I would like to have a chat with you if you’re up .
They will make it harder to collect; raise the age, cuts to the amounts disbursed, deplete all assets before being eligible to collect
Americans live to be about 79, many may die before they can collect…that’s the goal
AARP has created an easy way to contact your lawmakers and tell them Social Security must be protected. Join Our Fight to Protect Social Security:
Time. To. Find. Out.

Because I actually listened to the GOP and conservatives. Anyone who ever listened to Grover Norquist, Paul Ryan, or some of the past GOP Senators who were honest, should be building guillotines right now.
They are coming for everyone.