I love our cat, but I've discovered I am alergic. Only after I nearly choked to death on a cough drop did my husband abide by the no cat in the bed rule.
One of my cats have slept with her head on my shoulder, and spoons my side, lying between my arm and my ribs. She’s done it every night for well over a decade. If she gets accidentally locked out, she cries outside the door. A no bed rule would cause her to riot.
It is my firm conviction that cats do not learn that there are things they are not allowed to do. They learn, at best, there are things they shouldn't do while you are watching.
I caught our cat yesterday, whom my husband doesn't on the bed either, sprawled over our bed. He hid under the bed before I walked out of the room. An hour later I found him.
Yep. Okay, we can have a cat, but he can't come in the bedroom. Okay, the cat can come in the bedroom but he can't sleep on the bed. 6 cat can sleep on the bed, but he can't come under the covers. Okay.
my cats aren’t allowed on counters, the kitchen table that we don’t use, the coffee station and our desks.naturally they spend 30% of their day on those surfaces. they win
Whatever's in your shoe... don't blame me...!!"
Dogs and catss are allowed on the bed as long as they clean their paws off first.
People that try to tell their pets or kids they can't come on the "adult bed" are just trying to sweep the tide.
Boone has read all of the books on the bookcase while his humans were working.
Boone doesn’t dog ear pages (because Cat)
Boone is a reader
Be like Boone
Boone is very majestic! 😍😍😍
I encourage it, because it keeps him out of trouble elsewhere
Boones' expression reads "actions my friend are stronger than words, and whatcha gonna do about it?"
Today I'm a little bit Boone.
I'm allergic to cats, so the kitten must stay downstairs and off of the couch
My brother weeks later:
Snuggling cat on couch
Boone: that man is not allowed on our bed.
Right you are “