If estimates are correct this is actually a massive lost of critical manpower for the military that already struggles to recruit enough new members. This is another example of cutting off their noses to spite their faces. They think it won't hurt but they are deeply wrong.
Reposted from
Service members and recruits who are diagnosed with or treated for gender dysphoria are to be separated from the U.S. military in accordance with an executive order issued a month ago by President Trump.
Get real, people, this is not stupidity on the trumPutinesque regime's part.
This is Putin laying waste to your military (AND THEN SOME!!!) from inside your White House.
This is intentional weakening of our military.
They. Work. For. Putin.
It’s fully putins gop.. too many links to gop leadership to be coincidence
I know the military gets their special exemption for everything, but...
Putin won the election in the US and now is just implementing changes that will help to balance world power.
#Resist! 🇺🇸🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
See @shanley.com for more.
They continue to weaken our military unnecessarily
And this is all by design: not only because they are white Christian Nationalists and fascists looking for a minority group to blame for all of their followers’ problems, but to weaken US military capacity, in service of Putin.
The White House is occupied by domestic terrorists & russian agents.
They naturally don't care about helping the country & the US citizens;
they care about sabotaging USA & hurting & downright killing off the people.
& profit as much as they can while so doing.